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90 lines (85 loc) · 2.51 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (85 loc) · 2.51 KB

Python All in One


  1. Hello World -> Very First Program.
  2. Variables -> Integers, Floats, Strings.
  3. List -> Used to store multiple items in a single variable.
  4. Dictionary -> A changeable, unordered collection of unique key:value pairs.
  5. Tuple -> Collection which is ordered and unchangeable used to group together related data.
  6. Set -> A Set in Python programming is an unordered, un-indexed collection data type that is iterable, mutable and has no duplicate elements.
  7. Input -> Taking input from user.
  8. Output -> Showing result/Print output.
  9. Section (if, elif, else) -> A block of code that will execute if it's condition is true.
  10. Function -> A block of code which is executed only when it is called.
  11. Loops (for, while) -> A statement will execute its block of code.
  12. Controls -> Change a loops execution from its normal sequence.
  13. Modules -> A module can contain executable statements as well as function definitions.
  14. Type Casting -> Convert the data type of value to another data.
  15. String Slicing -> Create a substring by extracting elements from another string.
  16. Logical Operators (and, or, not) -> "and, or" used to check if two or more conditional statements.
  17. Index Operators [] -> Gives access to a sequence's element (str, list, tuples)
  18. Return statement -> Functions send Python values/objects back to the caller.
  19. String format -> Optional method that gives users more control when displaying output.
  20. Exception -> Events detected during execution that interrupt the flow of program.


  1. GUI windows
  2. Labels
  3. Buttons
  4. Entry box
  5. Checkbox
  6. Radio buttons
  7. Sliding scale
  8. Listbox
  9. Messagebox
  10. Colorchooser
  11. Text area
  12. Open a file
  13. Save a file
  14. Menubar
  15. Frames
  16. New window
  17. Window tabs
  18. Grid
  19. Progress bar
  20. Canvas
  21. Keyboard events
  22. Mouse events
  23. Drag and drop
  24. Move image
  25. Move image on canvas
  26. Animation
  27. Multi animation
  28. Simple clock


  1. OOP basics
  2. Inheritance
  3. Method overriding
  4. Method chaining
  5. Super
  6. Abstract classes
  7. Objects as arguments
  8. Duck typing


  1. Walrus operator
  2. Functions to variable
  3. Higher order function
  4. Lambda function
  5. Sort
  6. Map
  7. Filter
  8. Reduce
  9. List comprehension
  10. Dictionary comprehension
  11. Zip
  12. Threading
  13. Daemon threads
  14. Multiprocessing
  15. Send an email

Fun code

  1. Count down
  2. Pseudo random
  3. Rock paper scissor
  4. Quiz game
  5. Basic calculator
  6. Basic text editor
  7. Tic Tac Toe game
  8. Simple Snake game