iMsgQuickReply is a Pebble app that will allow you to send quick replies to your iMessage contacts. You will need an OS X computer, preferably running as a server.
- Please install iMsgBridge on your OS X computer,
- Instructions available here:
- Install iMsgQuickReply on your Pebble,
- PBW available here:
- Configure iMsgQuickReply on the Pebble Time app.
- Fill the form with your server URL (ex: and password (ex: changeme).
- Restart the app on your watch and you're ready to go.
This is not for everyone and is available just for experimental purposes. Also, please note that the data communication between the app and your server will not be encrypted by default. I am not storing anything and every component of iMsgQuickReply is open source. The source code of the configuration page is available on the branch, gh-pages.