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NISRA trademap

Static HMRC Data API

Data sources

HMRC Build your own tables

The NISRA trademap depends on HMRC data which is provided in txt files with fixed length values and no delimiters. Data is provided in separate .txt files by quarter. Each record represents the trade value (in GBP) and mass (in Kg) between a reporter (NUTS1) and a partner (country or area) within an SITC1 and SITC2 classification for that quarter.

Each row is formatted as follows:

3Q2017EEAAA  #1001     2025     1805

The data can be extracted from each row as indicated in the following table:

Field name Chars Values
Quarter 1-2 (2) The quarter: 1-4 followed by the letter Q
Year 3-6 (4) The year 2013-2017
Flow 7 (1) The flow direction I (Import) or E (Export)
Reporter (NUTS1) 8-9 (2) Identifier of the NUTS1 reporter (12 possible, see separate table)
Partner (Labarea) 10 (1) Identifier of partner world region (values A to J, see separate table)
Partner (codeseq) 11-13 (3) Identifier of partner country (numerical)
Partner (codealpha) 14-15 (2) Identifier of partner country (alpha), see dictionary below
SITC1 16 (1) Identifier of trade category in SITC1, see dictionary below
SITC2 1-18 (2) Identifier of trade category in SITC2, see dictionary below
Value 19-27 (9) Value of trade in GBP (thousands)
Mass 28-36 (9) Mass of trade in Kg (thousands)

NOTE: Chars column expressed as startIndex-endIndex (length)

This is a regular expression which allows extracting values from a row:

/^([1-4])Q(\d{4})([IE])([A-Z]{2})([A-J])([A-Z0-9 ]{3})([A-Z0-9#]{2})(\d)(\d{2})([ 0-9]{9})([ 0-9]{9})/

Data processing and aggregation

Praparing data for consumption by the data visualisation requires the following steps:

  • Values should be aggregated from quarterly to yearly data.
  • Aggregated totals should be computed as shown in the table below.
  • Bilateral trade (imports + exports) and trade balance (exports - imports) are computed for each record (including aggregated totals).
  • % of total exports/imports should be computed for each partner-reporter at both labarea/codalpha level and sitc1/sitc2 level.
  • Ranking should be computed for partners for import, export, bilateral and balance (including aggregated totals).

The aggregated totals should map to the following aggregation levels which respond to the following queries:

Partner Comm Description Used in
codalpha SITC2 Trade in Y between rep and part of SITC2 map, infobox, yearChart, topPart., topComm.
codalpha SITC1 Trade in Y between rep and part of SITC1 map, infobox, yearChart, topPart., topComm.
codalpha all Trade in Y between rep and part map, infobox, yearChart, topPart.
labarea SITC2 Trade in Y between rep and part of SITC2 map, infobox, yearChart, topPart., topComm.
labarea SITC1 Trade in Y between rep and part of SITC1 map, infobox, yearChart, topPart., topComm.
labarea all Trade in Y between rep and part map, infobox, yearChart, topPart.
all SITC2 Trade in Y between rep and world of SITC2 yearChart, topComm.
all SITC1 Trade in Y between rep and world of SITC1 yearChart, topComm.
all all Trade in Y between rep and world yearChart

NOTE: In the visualization controls year and reporter (nuts1) are always set; partner (codalpha or labarea) and commodity (sitc1 or sitc2) are optional.

Static API interface

To make the data usable by the web-based visualization it needs to to be split into manageable chunks that can be loaded on demand via a simple API.

The scripts/nisra/api-processor.js script will read the source files from src/nisra/api and ouput them to dist/nisra/api. It currently takes a few minutes to run.

NOTE: HMRC files are not included in this repository for licencing reasons.

The static file api has the following structure:


Generating the static API

The src/nisra/api/utilities/api-preprocessor.js script will read the HMRC txt files and generate the CSV files. It can be run from command line from the root of the project with:

npm run preprocess:nisra

Data dictionaries

Data dictionaries for reporters, partners, years, commodities are stored in the data sub-folder.

Reporters (nuts1)

See/edit reporters.json.

There are 12 reporters:

nuts1 name
EA East
EM East Midlands
LO London
NE North East
NI Northern Ireland
NW North West
SC Scotland
SE South East
SW South West
WA Wales
WM West Midlands
YH Yorkshire and the Humber
ZA Unallocated-Known
ZB Unallocated-Unknown

Partners (codalpha or labarea: 119 values)

There are 119 partners which can be identified by:

  • codalpha a two letter code identifying the indivudual country (codes starting with # as well as QS and QR are aggregates and are therefore excluded)
  • labarea a single letter code (A-J) identifying a geographic or political region.

The json object will contain for each country the labarea that it belongs to and the numerical ISO id that identifies the country in the choropleth.

See/edit partners.json.

Years (5 values)

See/edit years.json.

There is curently data for 5 years (from 2013 to 2017). Edit if other data is added.

Commodities (77 values)

See/edit commodities.json.

There are 10 classifications in SITC1 (0-9) and 67 classifications in SITC2 (00-98) for a total of 77 values.

Filters and behaviours

The following table represents the behaviours of the charts in response to specific filters. X markes a filter for which a selection is present while - markes an unselected filter. Reporter and year are always selected.

Rep Part Comm Year Choropleth / InfoBox Year linechart Markets rowCharts Commodities rowCharts
X - - X rep to world for all sitc rep to world for all sitc shown shown
X X - X rep to world for all sitc rep to part for all sitc hidden shown
X - X X rep to world for sitc rep to world for sitc shown hidden
X X X X rep to world for sitc rep to part for sitc hidden hidden