From 818627e6899a120b3ce178b2337499306b8cf1ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pdlla <> Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 11:43:02 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] add upper bounds --- tinytools.cabal | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/tinytools.cabal b/tinytools.cabal index 3a4c3008..90ac80f9 100644 --- a/tinytools.cabal +++ b/tinytools.cabal @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12 name: tinytools version: -description: tinytools is a mono-space unicode diagram editor +description: tinytools is a mono-space unicode diagram editor library, tinytools is only the model and controller. See tinytools-vty for a terminal based view frontend. homepage: bug-reports: author: minimaple @@ -116,39 +116,39 @@ library NoImplicitPrelude ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints -fno-ignore-asserts build-depends: - aeson - , aeson-pretty - , base >=4.7 && <5 - , bimap - , binary - , bytestring - , constraints-extras - , containers - , data-default - , data-ordlist - , deepseq - , dependent-map - , dependent-sum - , dependent-sum-template - , extra - , ilist - , lens - , linear - , mtl - , pretty-simple - , ref-tf + base >=4.7 && <5 + , relude >= 1.2.1 && < 1.3 , reflex >= 0.9.2 && < 1 - , reflex-potatoes >=0.1 - , reflex-test-host >= - , relude - , semialign - , text - , text-icu - , these - , vector - , vty - , filepath - --, uuid + , reflex-potatoes >= 0.1.0 && < 0.2 + , reflex-test-host >= && < 0.2 + , aeson >= 2.1.2 && < 2.2 + , deepseq >= 1.4.8 && < 1.5 + , containers >= 0.6.7 && < 0.7 + , bytestring >= 0.11.4 && < 0.12 + , mtl >= 2.3.1 && < 2.4 + , binary >= 0.8.9 && < 0.9 + , filepath >= 1.4.100 && < 1.5 + , text >= 2.0.2 && < 2.1 + , semialign >= 1.3 && < 1.4 + , vector >= 0.13.1 && < 0.14 + , these >= 1.2 && < 1.3 + , aeson-pretty >= 0.8.10 && < 0.9 + , bimap >= 0.5.0 && < 0.6 + , constraints-extras >= 0.4.0 && < 0.5 + , data-default >= 0.7.1 && < 0.8 + , data-ordlist >= 0.4.7 && < 0.5 + , dependent-map >= 0.4.0 && < 0.5 + , dependent-sum >= 0.7.2 && < 0.8 + , dependent-sum-template >= 0.2.0 && < 0.3 + , extra >= 1.7.14 && < 1.8 + , ilist >= 0.4.0 && < 0.5 + , lens >= 5.2.3 && < 5.3 + , linear >= 1.22 && < 1.23 + , pretty-simple >= 4.1.2 && < 4.2 + , ref-tf >= 0.5.0 && < 0.6 + , text-icu >= 0.8.0 && < 0.9 + , vty >= 6.1 && < 6.2 + default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite tinytools-test @@ -226,39 +226,20 @@ test-suite tinytools-test NoImplicitPrelude ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -fno-ignore-asserts build-depends: - HUnit - , aeson - , base >=4.7 && <5 - , bimap - , binary - , bytestring - , constraints-extras - , containers - , data-default - , data-ordlist - , deepseq - , dependent-map - , dependent-sum - , dependent-sum-template - , extra + base >=4.7 && <5 + , HUnit , hspec , hspec-contrib - , ilist - , lens - , linear - , mtl - , pretty-simple - , ref-tf + , relude >= 1.2.1 && < 1.3 , reflex >= 0.9.2 && < 1 - , reflex-potatoes >=0.1 - , reflex-test-host >= - , relude - , semialign - , text - , text-icu - , these + , reflex-test-host >= && < 0.2 , tinytools - , vector - , vty + , extra >= 1.7.14 && < 1.8 + , data-default >= 0.7.1 && < 0.8 + , containers >= 0.6.7 && < 0.7 + , these >= 1.2 && < 1.3 + , dependent-sum >= 0.7.2 && < 0.8 + , vector >= 0.13.1 && < 0.14 + , data-ordlist >= 0.4.7 && < 0.5 build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover default-language: Haskell2010