(open in the app instead for a better view, browser code preview doesn't render certain unicode characters in monospace correctly)
[new][open][save][save as] * ╔══════════════════════════════╗
[export to "potato.txt"][quit] * ║ ║ ╔IMPORTANT#########################╗
-------------------------------* ███████████████████ ╚>#to explore the canvas, click the #
[(v)select][(p)an][(b)ox] * █THIS IS TINYTOOLS█═╗ #[(p)an] button or press p #
[(l)ine][(t)extbox][pai(n)t] * ███████████████████ ║ # #
-------------------------------* v #then click and drag in the canvas #
⇊ea 𐃛 starter #* <═══╗ ╔══════════════════════╗ #area to move your view #
ea ⧈ info: more features #* ║ ║the menu on the left ║ # #
ea ⤡ <line> #* ╚═══║has a lot of important║═══╗ # #
ea ⤡ <line> #* ║operations ║ ║ ╚##################################╝
ea ⤡ <line> #* ╚══════════════════════╝ ║ ^
ea ⧈ info: pan #* ║ ║ ║
ea ⤡ <line> #* v ║ ║
ea ⧈ info: box parameters #* ╔═══════════════════════════╗ ║ ║
ea ⤡ <line> #* ║to draw a box, click the ║ ║ ║
ea ⤡ <line> #* ║[(b)ox] button or press b ║ ║ ╚════════════════════╗
ea ⧈ info: canvas #* ║ ║ ║ ║
ea ⧈ info: box #* ║then click and drag in the ║ ║ ║
ea ⧈ info: menu #* ║canvas area ║ ║ *------------------* ║
ea ⤡ <line> #* ╚═══════════════════════════╝ ║ |this area (to the | ║
ea ⤡ <line> #* ║ ╚═══════════════════════>|right) is called |═╝
ea ⧈ title #* ║ |the canvas |
#* v | |
#* ╔═════════════════════════════════╗ | |
#* ║after creating a box, it will be ║ | |
#* ║selected, you can use the options║ *------------------*
#* ║in the bottom right to change its║
#* ╔═════║style. you can also convert your ║
#* <═══╝ ║box into a text box or remove its║ ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
#* ║border ║ ║of course there are many more ║
#* ║ ║ ║features, play around! ║
#* ║ ║ ║ ║
#* ╚═════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║
#* ║ ║
#* ║ ║
#* ║ ║
#* ║ ║
#* ║ ║
#* ║ ║
#* ║ ║
#* ║ ║
[new folder] * ║ ║
-------------------------------* ╚═══════════════════════════════╝
canvas: *
width: 500 *
height: 200 *