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Knowledge Representation and

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Knowledge Representation is organizing information in a way that computer can use to solve complex tasks.
Reasoning is algebraically manipulating previously acquired knowledge in order to answer a new question.

How knowledge can be represented? How knowledge can be used? How knowledge can be acquired?


"The fathers of AI believed that formal logic provided insight into how human reasoning must work. For implications to travel from one sentence to the next, there had to be rules of inference containing variables that got bound to symbols in the first sentence and carried the implications to the second sentence. I shall demonstrate that this belief is as incorrect as the belief that a lightwave can only travel through space by causing disturbances in the luminiferous aether. In both cases, scientists were misled by compelling but incorrect analogies to the only systems they knew that had the required properties. Arguments have little impact on such strongly held beliefs. What is needed is a demonstration that it is possible to propagate implications in some quite different way that does not involve rules of inference and has no resemblance to formal logic. Recent results in machine translation using recurrent neural networks show that the meaning of a sentence can be captured by a "thought vector" which is simply the hidden state vector of a recurrent net that has read the sentence one word at a time. In future, it will be possible to predict thought vectors from the sequence of previous thought vectors and this will capture natural human reasoning. With sufficient effort, it may even be possible to train such a system to ignore nearly all of the contents of its thoughts and to make predictions based purely on those features of the thoughts that capture the logical form of the sentences used to express them."

"If we can convert a sentence into a vector that captures the meaning of the sentence, then google can do much better searches, they can search based on what is being said in a document. Also, if you can convert each sentence in a document into a vector, you can then take that sequence of vectors and try and model why you get this vector after you get these vectors, that's called reasoning, that's natural reasoning, and that was kind of the core of good old fashioned AI and something they could never do because natural reasoning is a complicated business, and logic isn't a very good model of it, here we can say, well, look, if we can read every english document on the web, and turn each sentence into a thought vector, we've got plenty of data for training a system that can reason like people do. Now, you might not want to reason like people do on the web, but at least we can see what they would think."

"Most people fall for the traditional AI fallacy that thought in the brain must somehow resemble lisp expressions. You can tell someone what thought you are having by producing a string of words that would normally give rise to that thought but this doesn't mean the thought is a string of symbols in some unambiguous internal language. The new recurrent network translation models make it clear that you can get a very long way by treating a thought as a big state vector. Traditional AI researchers will be horrified by the view that thoughts are merely the hidden states of a recurrent net and even more horrified by the idea that reasoning is just sequences of such state vectors. That's why I think its currently very important to get our critics to state, in a clearly decideable way, what it is they think these nets won't be able to learn to do. Otherwise each advance of neural networks will be met by a new reason for why that advance does not really count. So far, I have got both Garry Marcus and Hector Levesque to agree that they will be impressed if neural nets can correctly answer questions about "Winograd" sentences such as "The city councilmen refused to give the demonstrators a licence because they feared violence." Who feared the violence?"

"There are no symbols inside the encoder and decoder neural nets for machine translation. The only symbols are at the input and output. Processing pixel arrays is not done by manipulating internal pixels. Maybe processing symbol strings is not done by manipulating internal symbol strings. It was obvious to physicists that light waves must have an aether to propagate from one place to the next. They thought there was no other possibility. It was obvious to AI researchers that people must use formal rules of inference to propagate implications from one proposition to the next. They thought there was no other possibility. What is inside the black box is not necessarily what goes in or what comes out. The physical symbol system hypothesis is probably false."

"Most of our reasoning is by analogy; it's not logical reasoning. The early AI guys thought we had to use logic as a model and so they couldn't cope with reasoning by analogy. The honest ones, like Allen Newell, realized that reasoning by analogy was a huge problem for them, but they weren't willing to say that reasoning by analogy is the core kind of reasoning we do, and logic is just a sort of superficial thing on top of it that happens much later."

(Geoff Hinton)

"Where do the symbols and self-symbols underlying consciousness and sentience come from? I think they come from data compression during problem solving. While a problem solver is interacting with the world, it should store the entire raw history of actions and sensory observations including reward signals. The data is ‘holy’ as it is the only basis of all that can be known about the world. If you can store the data, do not throw it away! Brains may have enough storage capacity to store 100 years of lifetime at reasonable resolution. As we interact with the world to achieve goals, we are constructing internal models of the world, predicting and thus partially compressing the data history we are observing. If the predictor/compressor is a biological or artificial recurrent neural network (RNN), it will automatically create feature hierarchies, lower level neurons corresponding to simple feature detectors similar to those found in human brains, higher layer neurons typically corresponding to more abstract features, but fine-grained where necessary. Like any good compressor, the RNN will learn to identify shared regularities among different already existing internal data structures, and generate prototype encodings (across neuron populations) or symbols for frequently occurring observation sub-sequences, to shrink the storage space needed for the whole (we see this in our artificial RNNs all the time). Self-symbols may be viewed as a by-product of this, since there is one thing that is involved in all actions and sensory inputs of the agent, namely, the agent itself. To efficiently encode the entire data history through predictive coding, it will profit from creating some sort of internal prototype symbol or code (e.g. a neural activity pattern) representing itself. Whenever this representation becomes activated above a certain threshold, say, by activating the corresponding neurons through new incoming sensory inputs or an internal ‘search light’ or otherwise, the agent could be called self-aware. No need to see this as a mysterious process - it is just a natural by-product of partially compressing the observation history by efficiently encoding frequent observations."

(Juergen Schmidhuber)

"A plausible definition of "reasoning" could be "algebraically manipulating previously acquired knowledge in order to answer a new question". This definition covers first-order logical inference or probabilistic inference. It also includes much simpler manipulations commonly used to build large learning systems. For instance, we can build an optical character recognition system by first training a character segmenter, an isolated character recognizer, and a language model, using appropriate labelled training sets. Adequately concatenating these modules and fine tuning the resulting system can be viewed as an algebraic operation in a space of models. The resulting model answers a new question, that is, converting the image of a text page into a computer readable text. This observation suggests a conceptual continuity between algebraically rich inference systems, such as logical or probabilistic inference, and simple manipulations, such as the mere concatenation of trainable learning systems. Therefore, instead of trying to bridge the gap between machine learning systems and sophisticated "all-purpose" inference mechanisms, we can instead algebraically enrich the set of manipulations applicable to training systems, and build reasoning capabilities from the ground up."

(Leon Bottou)

"Knowledge is essential for natural language understanding. The interesting question is what knowledge should we bother to put in versus what can we learn. Foundational science behind used to be knowledge representation, and then it went away and now it is machine learning. But the truth is you need both. The question is what of which should you combine. Learning is a "knowledge lever". Deductive inference is a "knowledge lever". Better then memorization where there is no lever. But deduction is not a sufficiently powerful lever for things like NLP, because there are things like open world and long tails - deduction is not enough. Induction is an amazing lever - you got a ton of leverage out of very litte knowledge, but you need some knowledge. You can have the greatest lever but without things to push on one side the other one doesn't go up. So if you think about knowledge as a lever the question becomes what knowledge do you want to use. We want to encode high-leverage knowledge. You don't want to waste efforts encoding knowlege you can get by annotating things or just by going to the web and reading documents - that's truly a waste of time. What is high-leverage knowledge - it's one with one or both following characterists. It's hard to learn - some things you have a tons of data for, some things you don't. Some things you can learn with a greedy learner and weight optimization, some things you can't. It's the letter you really want to put in because if you don't you really miss something. And the other side of this coin is you want to put knowledge that is helpful for learning - it's not a question of knowledge or learning. You know there is free-lunch theorem which says there is no such thing as learning without knowledge. So the question is which knowledge helps learning - that's what I want to put in. You want to put a narrower effort that adds job a thousand when I add that to learning. Next thing is knowledge should be stated declaratively. Philosophically it's probably not, but from engineering point of you it's more comprehensible than knowledge that's encoded procedurally or in deep neural network (as much as we like idea of training everything together). You want something you can get a handle to get lever - you don't want something opaque, you can't work with that. Knowledge stated declaratively is also more portable (take it from one task to another), is more extensible (compose pieces of knowledge got in different ways). And the most important, it supports refinement loop in learning. Learning is not a one-shot thing - you put in some knowledge that's very weak (from SVM or decision tree) and then you run it on the data, and then you look what happens - if you don't understand what learner is giving, you can't do refinement loop. If you understand knowledge that's going in and going out, you can figure out what to change. And doing this change and relearn, and figure out what went wrong - putting the knowledge that explains what went wrong. If this is in comprehensible language the end result would be much better than if you have something opaque. What language should be used to store knowledge. Obviously, it should be natural language - there is no better language, although it is hard to deal with."

(Pedro Domingos)

"AI started with small data and rich semantic theories. The goal was to build systems that could reason over logical models of how the world worked; systems that could answer questions and provide intuitive, cognitively accessible explanations for their results. There was a tremendous focus on domain theory construction, formal deductive logics and efficient theorem proving. We had expert systems, rule-bases, forward chaining, backward chaining, modal logics, naïve physics, lisp, prolog, macro theories, micro theories, etc. The problem, of course, was the knowledge acquisition bottleneck; it was too difficult, slow and costly to render all common sense knowledge into an integrated, formal representation that automated reasoning engines could digest. In the meantime, huge volumes of unstructured data became available, compute power became ever cheaper and statistical methods flourished. AI evolved from being predominantly theory-driven to predominantly data-driven. Automated systems generated output using inductive techniques. Training over massive data produced flexible and capable control systems, powerful predictive engines in domains ranging from language translation to pattern recognition, from medicine to economics. Coming from a background in formal knowledge representation and automated reasoning, the writing was on the wall - big data and statistical machine learning was changing the face of AI and quickly."

"From the very inception of IBM Watson, I put a stake in the ground; we will not even attempt to build rich semantic models of the domain. I imagined it would take 3 years just to come to consensus on the common ontology to cover such a broad domain. Rather, we will use a diversity of shallow text analytics, leverage loose and fuzzy interpretations of unstructured information. We would allow many researchers to build largely independent NLP components and rely on machine learning techniques to balance and combine these loosely federated algorithms to evaluate answers in the context of passages. The approach, with a heck of a lot of good engineering, worked. Watson was arguably the best factoid question-answering system in the world, and Watson Paths, could connect questions to answers over multiple steps, offering passage-based "inference chains" from question to answer without a single "if-then rule". But could it explain why an answer is right or wrong? Could it reason over a logical understanding of the domain? Could it automatically learn from language and build the logical or cognitive structures that enable and precede language itself? Could it understand and learn the way we do? No. No. No. No. To advance AI to where we all know it must go, we need to discover how to efficiently combine human cognition, massive data and logical theory formation. We need to boot strap a fluent collaboration between human and machine that engages logic, language and learning to enable machines to learn how to learn."

(David Ferucci)

"Knowledge organizes our understanding of the world, determining what we expect given what we have already seen. Our predictive representations have two key properties: they are productive, and they are graded. Productive generalization is possible because our knowledge decomposes into concepts - elements of knowledge that are combined and recombined to describe particular situations. Gradedness is the observable effect of accounting for uncertainty - our knowledge encodes degrees of belief that lead to graded probabilistic predictions. To put this a different way, concepts form a combinatorial system that enables description of many different situations; each such situation specifies a distribution over what we expect to see in the world, given what we have seen. We may think of this system as a probabilistic language of thought in which representations are built from language-like composition of concepts and the content of those representations is a probability distribution on world states. Probabilistic language of thought hypothesis (informal version): Concepts have a language-like compositionality and encode probabilistic knowledge. These features allow them to be extended productively to new situations and support flexible reasoning and learning by probabilistic inference."

"How do humans come to know so much about the world from so little data? Even young children can infer the meanings of words, the hidden properties of objects, or the existence of causal relations from just one or a few relevant observations far outstripping the capabilities of conventional learning machines. How do they do it and how can we bring machines closer to these human-like learning abilities? I argue that people's everyday inductive leaps can be understood in terms of (approximations to) probabilistic inference over generative models of the world. These models can have rich latent structure based on abstract knowledge representations, what cognitive psychologists have sometimes called "intuitive theories", "mental models", or "schemas". They also typically have a hierarchical structure supporting inference at multiple levels, or "learning to learn", where abstract knowledge may itself be learned from experience at the same time as it guides more specific generalizations from sparse data. I focus on models of learning and "learning to learn" about categories, word meanings and causal relations. I can show in each of these settings how human learners can balance the need for strongly constraining inductive biases necessary for rapid generalization with the flexibility to adapt to the structure of new environments, learning new inductive biases for which our minds could not have been pre-programmed."

"How can we build machines that learn the meanings of words more like the way that human children do? Children can learn words from minimal data, often just one or a few positive examples (one-shot learning). Children learn to learn: they acquire powerful inductive biases for new word meanings in the course of learning their first words. Children can learn words for abstract concepts or types of concepts that have little or no direct perceptual correlate. Children's language can be highly context-sensitive, with parameters of word meaning that must be computed anew for each context rather than simply stored. Children learn function words: words whose meanings are expressed purely in how they compose with the meanings of other words. Children learn whole systems of words together, in mutually constraining ways, such as color terms, number words, or spatial prepositions. Children learn word meanings that not only describe the world but can be used for reasoning, including causal and counterfactual reasoning. Bayesian learning defined over appropriately structured representations - hierarchical probabilistic models, generative process models, and compositional probabilistic languages - provides a basis for beginning to address these challenges."

"If our goal is to build knowledge representations sufficient for human-level AI, it is natural to draw inspiration from the content and form of knowledge representations in human minds. Cognitive science has made significant relevant progress in the last several decades, and I can talk about several lessons AI researchers might take from it. First, rather than beginning by trying to extract commonsense knowledge from language, we should begin (as humans do) by capturing in computational terms the core of common sense that exists in prelinguistic infants, roughly 12 months and younger. This is knowledge about physical objects, intentional agents, and their causal interactions -- an intuitive physics with concepts analogous to force, mass and the dynamics of motion, and an intuitive psychology with concepts analogous to beliefs, desires and intentions, or probabilistic expectations, utilities and plans -- which is grounded in perception but has at its heart powerful abstractions that can extend far beyond our direct perceptual experience. Second, we should explore approaches for linguistic meaning, language understanding and language-based common-sense reasoning that build naturally on top of this common-sense core. Both of these considerations strongly favor an approach to knowledge representation based on probabilistic programs, a framework that combines the assets of traditional probabilistic and symbolic approaches."

(Josh Tenenbaum)

knowledge representation

knowledge representation - natural language

"AI requires a lot of knowledge. Reading is the easiest way to acquire it. Text is rich but messy."

"A machine comprehends a passage of text if, for any question regarding that text that can be answered correctly by a majority of native speakers, that machine can provide a string which those speakers would agree both answers that question, and does not contain information irrelevant to that question."

(Ludwig Wittgenstein) "The language is meant to serve for communication between a builder A and an assistant B. A is building with building-stones: there are blocks, pillars, slabs and beams. B has to pass the stones, and that in the order in which A needs them. For this purpose they use a language consisting of the words “block”, “pillar”, “slab”, “beam”. A calls them out - B brings the stone which he has learnt to bring at such-and-such a call. Conceive this as a complete primitive language."

(Jon Gauthier) "This game is not just a game of words but a game of words causing things and of other things causing words. We can’t fully define the meaning of a word like “slab” without referring to the physical actions of A and B. In this way, linguistic meaning has to bottom out at some point in nonlinguistic facts."

(Joseph Weizenbaum, creator of ELIZA chat bot) "No general solution to the problem of computer understanding of natural language is possible, i.e. language is understood only in contextual frameworks, that even these can be shared by people to only a limited extent, and that consequently even people are not embodiments of any such general solution."

"A Paradigm for Situated and Goal-Driven Language Learning" by Jon Gauthier and Igor Mordatch

"We outlined a paradigm for grounded and goal-driven language learning in artificial agents. The paradigm is centered around a utilitarian definition of language understanding, which equates language understanding with the ability to cooperate with other language users in real-world environments. This position demotes language from its position as a separate task to be solved to one of several communicative tools agents might use to accomplish their real-world goals."

"Solving Language" by Jon Gauthier
"Situated Language Learning" by Jon Gauthier

"Natural Language Understanding: Foundations and State-of-the-Art" by Percy Liang (summary)

"A Survey of the Current State of Reading Comprehension" by Matt Gardner

Natural Language Processing

knowledge graph

Resource Description Framework
Web Ontology Language

"OWL: The Web Ontology Language" by Pavel Klinov
"Ontologies and Knowledge Representation" course by Boris Konev (in russian)

" Evolution of Structured Data on the Web" by Guha, Brickley, Macbeth

"We report some key adoption metrics from a sample of 10 billion pages from a combination of the Google index and Web Data Commons. In this sample, 31.3% of pages have markup, up from 22% one year ago. Structured data markup is now a core part of the modern web."

RDF on the web with types as the largest existing structured knowledge base - overview by Ramanathan Guha

"I don't think we even have the begginings of theory [filtering, entity resolution, graph reconciliation]"

problems of RDF on the web:

  • strong assumptions (nothing is ever wrong, no contradictions)
  • outdated, incorrect or incomplete data
  • mistakes made by tools (noisy information extraction, entity linking/reconciliation)
  • limited or no reuse of identifiers
  • metadata not always representative of content

interesting papers

Relational Machine Learning

traditional ML: data = matrix
relational ML:

  • multiple data sources, different tuples of variables
  • share representations of same types across data sources
  • shared learned representations help propagate information among data sources


  • link prediction/mining: predicting whether or not two or more objects are related [graph completion]
  • link-based clustering: grouping of similar objects, where similarity is determined according to the links of an object, and the related task of collaborative filtering, i.e. the filtering for information that is relevant to an entity (where a piece of information is considered relevant to an entity if it is known to be relevant to a similar entity) [entity reconciliation, taxonomy learning]
  • object classification: (simultaneous) prediction of the class of several objects given objects' attributes and their relations [defining type, schema matching]
  • object identification: identification of equivalent entries in two or more separate databases/datasets [entity linking, ontology mapping]

Concerned with models of domains that exhibit both uncertainty (which can be dealt with using statistical methods) and complex, relational structure.
Combines machine learning with relational data models and first-order logic and enables machine learning in knowledge bases.
Knowledge representation formalisms use (a subset of) first-order logic to describe relational properties of a domain in a general manner (universal quantification) and draw upon probabilistic graphical models (such as Bayesian networks or Markov networks) to model the uncertainty.
Not strictly limited to learning aspects - equally concerned with reasoning (specifically probabilistic inference) and knowledge representation.

"Statistical Relational Learning" tutorial by Tresp
"Constructing and Mining Web-Scale Knowledge Graphs" tutorial by Gabrilovich and Bordes

"Relational Models" by Tresp and Nickel
"A Review of Relational Machine Learning for Knowledge Graphs: From Multi-Relational Link Prediction to Automated Knowledge Graph Construction" by Nickel, Murphy, Tresp, Gabrilovich

"Multi-relational learning can be categorized into three categories:

  • statistical relational learning which directly encodes multi-relational graphs using probabilistic models such as Markov Logic Networks
  • path ranking method which explicitly explores the large relational feature space of relations with random walk
  • embedding-based models which embed multi-relational knowledge into low-dimensional representations of entities and relations via tensor/matrix factorization, Bayesian clustering framework or neural networks."

history of approaches:

  • tensor factorization (Harshman'94)
  • probabilistic relational learning (Friedman'99)
  • relational Markov networks (Taskar'02)
  • Markov logic networks (Kok'07)
  • spectral clustering (undirected graphs) (Dong'12)
  • ranking of random walks (Lao'11)
  • collective matrix factorization (Nickel'11)
  • matrix factorization & universal schema (Riedel'13)
  • embedding models (Bordes'11)

random walk inference

Path Ranking Algorithm (used in Google Knowledge Vault and NELL)

subgraph feature extraction as improvement over PRA by Matt Gardner (video) (used in NELL)
"Reading and Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs" thesis by Matt Gardner

PRA with distributed representations and Recurrent Neural Network (video, slides) (used in Epistemological database)

PRA over proof space for first-order logic (video, slides) (used in ProPPR)

continuous embeddings

"An Overview of Embedding Models of Entities and Relationships for Knowledge Base Completion"

applications in Google Knowledge Vault:

distributed representations
"[continuous space representations]" section of Natural Language Processing

latent factor models

with latent features one gets collective learning - information can globally propagate in the network of random variables

overview by Gabrilovich (part 2, 1:00:12)

matrix factorization of knowledge graph

Epistemological Database with Universal Schema

overview by Andrew McCallum:

  • unifying traditional canonical relations, such as those of the Freebase schema, with OpenIE surface form patterns in a universal schema
  • completing a knowledge base of such a schema using matrix factorization

advantage: for canonical relations it effectively performs distant supervision and hence requires no textual annotations
advantage: in the spirit of OpenIE, a universal schema can use textual patterns as novel relations and hence increases the coverage of traditional schemas
advantage: matrix factorization learns better embeddings for entity-pairs for which only surface form patterns are observed, and these can also lead to better extractions of canonical relations

logic embedding (combining with knowledge represented as first-order logic)

tensor factorization of knowledge graph

"Machine Learning with Knowledge Graphs" by Volker Tresp (slides)

"Machine Learning on Linked Data: Tensors and Their Applications In Graph-Structured Domains"
"Tensor Factorization for Relational Learning"

Mixture models

advantage: no need for good prior knowledge about relational dependencies as in bayes nets and markov nets
advantage: great simplicity of the model - no need to think about rules, conditional independencies, loops or global partition functions

Bayesian network

works well if there is a prior knowledge about possible candidates for relational dependencies

disadvantage: it is difficult to avoid loops in the ground Bayes net with symmetric relations such as friendOf
disadvantage: as always in bayes nets, one needs to define a complete system, i.e. conditional probabilities for each node in the ground bayes net (which can be demanding)

both disadvantages can be eliminated with Markov Logic Network

Markov network

typically better suited for modeling symmetric interactions (e.g. friendOf) - no concern about directed loops

advantage: do not need to be complete - Just model what you know about, the rest is filled in with maximum entropy
disadvantage: maximum likelihood learning with complete data is already non-trivial
disadvantage: no causal interpretation

Markov Logic Network

  • MLN does not require local normalization, i.e. an interpretation of the terms as local conditional probabilities - it requires global normalization
  • in MLN one can use any FOL formula, not just the ones derived from bayes nets
  • MLN does not require a specific number of formulae
  • in MLN no problem if a formula is sometimes false, formula weight corresponds to degree that formula is supported in the training data
  • formulae can be derived using ILP techniques

advantage: no need to worry about directed loops or parameter constraints
advantage: no need to worry about completeness, there can be any number of formulae (from none to more than there are ground atoms) - with no formulae each configuration of node states has the same probability (maximum entropy principle)
disadvantage: no interpretation of local conditional distribution (no causal interpretation)
disadvantage: difficult parameter learning (unlike in bayes nets with complete data) due to global normalization constant (sum over all states) - typical approach: closed-world assumption and optimization of a pseudo-likelihood

Markov Logic Network

knowledge representation - probabilistic database

"A probabilistic database is a relational database in which the tuples stored have associated uncertainties. That is, each tuple t has an associated indicator random variable Xt which takes a value 1 if the tuple is present in the database and 0 if the tuple is absent. Each instantiation of values to all of the random variables is called a world. The probabilistic database is the joint probability distribution over the random variables, which implicitly specifies a distribution over all the possible worlds. The answer to a query Q on a probabilistic database is the set of tuples T that are possible answers to Q, along with a probability P(t) for every t∈ T denoting the probability that t belongs the answer for query Q. A probabilistic database together with a query can be encoded as a probabilistic program, and the answer to query evaluation can be phrased as probabilistic inference. Work in probabilistic databases has identified a class of queries (called safe queries) for which query evaluation can be performed efficiently, by pushing the probabilistic inference inside particular query plans (called safe plans)."

Suciu, Olteanu, Re, Koch - "Probabilistic Databases"

"Probabilistic databases are databases where the value of some attributes or the presence of some records are uncertain and known only with some probability. Applications in many areas such as information extraction, RFID and scientific data management, data cleaning, data integration, and financial risk assessment produce large volumes of uncertain data, which are best modeled and processed by a probabilistic database. This book presents the state of the art in representation formalisms and query processing techniques for probabilistic data. It starts by discussing the basic principles for representing large probabilistic databases, by decomposing them into tuple-independent tables, block-independent-disjoint tables, or U-databases. Then it discusses two classes of techniques for query evaluation on probabilistic databases. In extensional query evaluation, the entire probabilistic inference can be pushed into the database engine and, therefore, processed as effectively as the evaluation of standard SQL queries. The relational queries that can be evaluated this way are called safe queries. In intensional query evaluation, the probabilistic inference is performed over a propositional formula called lineage expression: every relational query can be evaluated this way, but the data complexity dramatically depends on the query being evaluated, and can be #P-hard. The book also discusses some advanced topics in probabilistic data management such as top-k query processing, sequential probabilistic databases, indexing and materialized views, and Monte Carlo databases."

"The aim of a probabilistic logic is to combine the capacity of probability theory to handle uncertainty with the capacity of deductive logic to exploit structure. The result is a richer and more expressive formalism with a broad range of possible application areas."

"10 Years of Probabilistic Querying - What Next?"

probabilistic database - Epistemological Database

Andrew McCallum -
"Universal Schema for Representation and Reasoning from Natural Language"
"Construction of Probabilistic Databases for Large-scale Knowledge Bases"
"Representation and Reasoning with Universal Schema Embeddings"
"Knowledge Base Construction with Epistemological Databases"
"FACTORIE: A Scala Library for Machine Learning & NLP"

"Universal Schema for Knowledge Representation from Text and Structured Data" by Limin Yao

"Scalable Probabilistic Databases with Factor Graphs and MCMC" by Wick, McCallum, Miklau


  • information extraction with joint inference
  • probabilistic databases to manage uncertainty at scale
  • robust reasoning about human edits
  • tight integration of probabilistic inference and parallel distributed processing
  • probabilistic programming languages for easy specification of complex factor graphs


  • how to represent & inject uncertainty from IE into DB?
  • want to use DB contents to aid IE
  • IE isn't one-shot: add new data later - redo inference
  • want DB infrastructure to manage IE


  • postpone decision making until all data is available
  • inject knowledge into machine reading
  • derive true facts from raw evidence data

epistemological KB:

  • "truth is inferred, not observed"
  • entities/relations never input, only "mentions"
  • ability to change our mind about previously made (wrong) decisions

human edits as evidence:

  • traditional: change db record of truth
  • mini-document "Nov 15: Scott said this was true"
  • sometimes humans are wrong, disagree, out-of-date -> jointly reason about truth & editors' reliability/reputation

never ending inference (constantly bubbling in background):

  • traditional: KB entries locked in
  • KB entries always reconsidered with more evidence, time

entity resolution:

  • foundational, not just for coreference of entity-mentions
  • align values, ontologies, schemas, relations, events
  • joint entity linking (identifying group of mentions in document) and entity discovery (identifying cluster of mentions across documents)

styles of relation extraction:

  • supervised
  • distantly supervised
  • unsupervised (no schema, OpenIE)
  • unsupervised (schema discovery)
  • universal schema

probabilistic db with universal schema:

  • schema = union of all inputs: natural langauge & databases
    • embrace diversity and ambiguity of original inputs
    • don't try to force semantics into pre-defined boxes
    • note: combining "structured" & "natural" schema
  • learn implicature among entity-relations
    • "fill in" unobserved relations
    • implicit alignment of "structured" & "natural"

probabilistic database - Markov Logic Network

superset of first-order logic and undirected graphical models

(Josh Tenenbaum) "There was something really right about logic. It wasn't deductive inference which is too weak and brittle but abstraction. And if we combine abstraction of predicate logic with power of statistical learning and inference, we can do some pretty cool things."

Pedro Domingos:
"Unifying Logical and Statistical AI"
"Combining Logic and Probability: Languages, Algorithms and Applications"
"Incorporating Prior Knowledge into NLP with Markov Logic"
"Machine Learning for the Web: A Unified View"
"Statistical Modeling of Relational Data"

overview by Volker Tresp (part 2)

"What’s Missing in AI: The Interface Layer" by Pedro Domingos

"Markov Logic: An Interface Layer for Artificial Intelligence" by Pedro Domingos, Daniel Lowd

"Most subfields of computer science have an interface layer via which applications communicate with the infrastructure, and this is key to their success (e.g., the Internet in networking, the relational model in databases, etc.). So far this interface layer has been missing in AI. First-order logic and probabilistic graphical models each have some of the necessary features, but a viable interface layer requires combining both. Markov logic is a powerful new language that accomplishes this by attaching weights to first-order formulas and treating them as templates for features of Markov random fields. Most statistical models in wide use are special cases of Markov logic, and first-order logic is its infinite-weight limit. Inference algorithms for Markov logic combine ideas from satisfiability, Markov chain Monte Carlo, belief propagation, and resolution. Learning algorithms make use of conditional likelihood, convex optimization, and inductive logic programming."

"Probabilistic Inference and Factor Graphs"

"Markov Logic" by Domingos, Kok, Lowd, Poon, Richardson, Singla

"Markov Logic Networks use weighted first order logic formulas to construct probabilistic models, and specify distributions over possible worlds. Markov Logic Networks can also be encoded as probabilistic programs."
"Most learning algorithms only look at a single relation - a single table of data - and this is very limiting. Real databases have many relations, and we want to mine straight from them. This requires a pretty substantial rethink of how to do statistical learning, because samples are no longer independent and identically distributed, due to joins, etc. The solution in Markov logic networks is to use first-order logic to express patterns among multiple relations - which it can easily do - but treat logical formulas as features in a Markov network or log-linear model, which sets up a probability distribution over relational databases that we can then use to answer questions. The goal is to provide for machine learning and data mining something akin to what the relational model and SQL provide for databases."
"Logical AI has focused mainly on complexity of the real world while statistical AI on uncertainty. Markov logic combines the two by attaching weights to first-order formulas and viewing them as templates for features of Markov networks. Inference algorithms for Markov logic draw on ideas from satisfiability, Markov chain Monte Carlo and knowledge-based model construction. Learning algorithms are based on the voted perceptron, pseudo-likelihood and inductive logic programming."

"Markov Logic Networks represent uncertainty in terms of weights on the logical rules as in the example:

∀x. Smoke(x) ⇒ Cancer(x) | 1.5  
∀x.y Friend(x, y) ⇒ (Smoke(x) ⇔ Smoke(y)) | 1.1  

The example states that if someone smokes, there is a chance that they get cancer, and the smoking behaviour of friends is usually similar. Markov logic uses such weighted rules to derive a probability distribution over possible worlds through an undirected graphical model. This probability distribution over possible worlds is then used to draw inferences. Weighting the rules is a way of softening them compared to hard logical constraints and thereby allowing situations in which not all clauses are satisfied.
With the weighted rules, a set of constants need to be specified. We can add constants representing two persons, Anna (A) and Bob (B). Probabilistic logic uses the constants to “ground” atoms with variables, so we get “ground atoms” like Smoke(A), Smoke(B), Cancer(A), Cancer(B), Friend(A, A), Friend(A, B), Friend(B, A), Friend(B, B). Rules are also grounded by replacing each atom with variables by all its possible ground atoms.
MLNs take as input a set of weighted first-order formulas F = F1, ..., Fn. They then compute a set of ground literals by grounding all predicates occurring in F with all possible constants in the system. Next, they define a probability distribution over possible worlds, where a world is a truth assignment to the set of all ground literals. The probability of a world depends on the weights of the input formulas F as follows: The probability of a world increases exponentially with the total weight of the ground clauses that it satisfies. The probability of a given world x is defined as:

P(X = x) = 1/Z * exp(Sum over i(wi * ni(x)))  

where Z is the partition function, i ranges over all formulas Fi in F, wi is the weight of Fi, and ni(x) is the number of groundings of Fi that are true in the world x.
This probability distribution P(X = x) over possible worlds is computed using a Markov network, an undirected graphical model (hence the name Markov Logic Networks). In this Markov network, the nodes are the ground literals, and two nodes are connected by an edge if they co-occur in a ground clause, such that the cliques in the network correspond to ground clauses. A joint assignment of values to all nodes in the graph is a possible world, a truth assignment to the ground literals.
In addition to the set R of weighted formulas, an MLN takes an evidence set E asserting some truth values about some of the random variables, e.g. Cancer(A) means that Anna has cancer. Marginal inference for MLNs calculates the probability P(Q|E, R) for a query formula Q."

"MLNs make the Domain Closure Assumption: The only models considered for a set F of formulas are those for which the following three conditions hold. (a) Different constants refer to different objects in the domain, (b) the only objects in the domain are those that can be represented using the constant and function symbols in F, and (c) for each function f appearing in F, the value of f applied to every possible tuple of arguments is known, and is a constant appearing in F. Together, these three conditions entail that there is a one-to-one relation between objects in the domain and the named constants of F. When the set of all constants is known, it can be used to ground predicates to generate the set of all ground literals, which then become the nodes in the graphical model. Different constant sets result in different graphical models. If no constants are explicitly introduced, the graphical model is empty (no random variables)."

"In Markov Logic, possible worlds or interpretations (i.e., truth value assignments to ground atoms) become less likely as they violate more groundings of soft constraints, and have probability zero if they violate some grounding of a hard constraint. It is well known that the transitive closure of a binary relation cannot be represented in first order logic, but requires second order constructs. Thus, the hard constraints in a Markov Logic network, which form a first order logic theory, cannot enforce probability zero for all worlds that do not respect the transitive closure of a binary relation. On the other hand, the least Herbrand semantics of definite clause logic (i.e., pure Prolog) naturally represents such transitive closures. For instance, under the least Herbrand semantics, path(A, C) :− edge(A, C). path(A, C) :− edge(A, B), path(B, C). inductively defines path as the transitive closure of the relation edge, that is, a ground atom path(a, c) is true if and only if there is a sequence of true edge atoms connecting a and c. Note that an MLN that maps the definition above to the hard constraints edge(A, C) → path(A, C). edge(A, B) ∧ path(B, C) → path(A, C) enforces the transitivity property, as these rules are violated if there is a sequence of edges connecting two nodes, but the corresponding path atom is false. Still, these hard constraints do not correspond to the transitive closure, as they can for instance be satisfied by setting all ground path atoms to true, independently of the truth values of edge atoms."

  • set of weighted clauses in FOPL
  • larger weight indicates stronger belief that the clause should hold
  • learning weights for an existing set of clauses with undefined weights
  • learning logical clauses (aka structure learning)
  • MLNs are templates for constructing Markov networks for a given set of constants
  • possible world becomes exponentially less likely as the total weight of all the grounded clauses it violates increases
  • infer probability of a particular query given a set of evidence facts


  • fully subsumes FOPL (just give infinite weight to all clauses)
  • fully subsumes probabilistic graphical models (can represent any joint distribution over an arbitrary set of discrete random variables)
  • can utilize prior knowledge in both symbolic and probabilistic forms
  • inherits computational intractability of general methods for both logical and probabilistic inference and learning: inference in FOPC is semi-decidable, inference in general graphical models is P-space complete

Tractable Markov Logic

(Pedro Domingos) "I'm working on Markov logic networks, with an emphasis on scaling them up to big data. Our approach is to use tractable subsets of Markov logic, in the same way that SQL is a tractable subset of first-order logic. One of our current projects is to build something akin to Google's knowledge graph, but much richer, based on data from Freebase, DBpedia, etc. We call it a Tractable Probabilistic Knowledge Base - and it can answer questions about the entities and relations in Wikipedia, etc. We're planning to make a demo version available on the Web, and then we can learn from users' interactions with it."

overview by Pedro Domingos

"Tractable Probabilistic Knowledge Base: Wikipedia and Beyond"
"Learning and Inference in Tractable Probabilistic Knowledge Bases"

application to question answering by AI2 - + (slides 30-37)
application to information extraction, integration and curation by DeepDive -


probabilistic database - Probabilistic Soft Logic

probability distribution over possible worlds

"PSL uses first order logic rules as a template language for graphical models over random variables with soft truth values from the interval [0, 1]. This allows one to directly incorporate similarity functions, both on the level of individuals and on the level of sets. For instance, when modeling opinions in social networks, PSL allows one to not only model different types of relations between users, such as friendship or family relations, but also multiple notions of similarity, for instance based on hobbies, beliefs, or opinions on specific topics. Technically, PSL represents the domain of interest as logical atoms. It uses first order logic rules to capture the dependency structure of the domain, based on which it builds a joint probabilistic model over all atoms. Each rule has an associated non-negative weight that captures the rule’s relative importance. Due to the use of soft truth values, inference (most probable explanation and marginal inference) in PSL is a continuous optimization problem, which can be solved efficiently." "Also, in PSL the formula syntax is restricted to rules with conjunctive bodies."

  • input: set of weighted FOPL rules and a set of evidence (just as in MLN)
  • MAP/MPE inference is a linear optimization problem that can efficiently draw probabilistic conclusions (in MLN combinatorial counting problem)
  • atoms have continuous truth values in [0, 1] (in MLN atoms have boolean values {0, 1})
  • inference finds truth value of all atoms that best satisfy the rules and evidence (in MLN inference finds probability of atoms given the rules and evidence)
  • MPE inference: Most Probable Explaination (in MLN calculates conditional probability of a query atom given evidence)

overview by Lise Getoor
overview by Jay Pujara
overview by Raymond Mooney


probabilistic database - ProPPR

graph-algorithm inference over local groundings of first-order logic programs, strict generalization of PRA

introduction by William Cohen

"ProPPR: Efficient First-Order Probabilistic Logic Programming for Structure Discovery, Parameter Learning, and Scalable Inference" by Wang, Mazaitis, Cohen

"First-order probabilistic language which allows approximate “local groundings” for answering query to be constructed in time independent of database size. Extension to Stochastic Logic Programs that is biased towards short derivations; it is also closely related to an earlier relational learning algorithm called the Path Ranking Algorithm. Problem of constructing proofs for this logic is related to computation of Personalized PageRank on a linearized version of the proof space. It has proveably-correct approximate grounding scheme, based on the PageRank-Nibble algorithm, and fast and easily-parallelized weight-learning algorithm. Learning for ProPPR is orders magnitude faster than learning for Markov Logic Networks. Allows mutual recursion (joint learning) in KB inference. Can learn weights for a mutually recursive program with hundreds of clauses, which define scores of interrelated predicates, over a KB containing one million entities."

  • efficient first-order probabilistic logic, tractable and faster alternative to MLN
  • Program + DB + Query define a proof graph, where nodes are conjunctions of goals and edges are labeled with sets of features
  • queries are "locally grounded", i.e. converted to a small O(1/alpha epsilon) subset of the full KB
  • ProPPR ~ first-order version and strict generalization of Path Ranking Algorithm (Random Walks with Reset over proof trees)
  • inference is a random-walk process on a graph (with edges labeled with feature-vectors derived from KB/queries)
  • transition probabilities, Pr(child|parent), plus Personalized PageRank (aka Random Walk with Reset) define a distribution over nodes
  • transition probabilities, Pr(child|parent), are defined by weighted sum of edge features, followed by normalization
  • consequence: inference is fast, even for large KBs, and parameter learning can be parallelized
  • parameter learning improves from hours to seconds, and scales KBs from thousands of entities to millions of entities

comparison to Markov Logic Network:

  • formalization (MLN: easy)
  • first-order program + (plugged) database of facts (MLN: clausal 1st-order logic, very expressive) (ProPPR: function)
  • "compilation" (MLN: expensive, grows with DB size) (ProPPR: fast, sublinear in DB size)
  • "compiled" representation (MLN: undirected graphical model) (ProPPR: graph with feature-vector labeled edges)
  • inference (MLN: approximate, intractable) (ProPPR: Personalized PageRank aka Random Walk with Reset, linear)
  • learning (MLN: approximate, intractable) (ProPPR: pSGD, fast but non-convex, can parallelize)

scales to 10^5-10^6 facts and requires 10^3 training queries

knowledge representation - probabilistic program

Probabilistic Programming

overview by Vikash Mansinghka

(Nando de Freitas) "For me there are two types of generalisation, which I will refer to as Symbolic and Connectionist generalisation. If we teach a machine to sort sequences of numbers of up to length 10 or 100, we should expect them to sort sequences of length 1000 say. Obviously symbolic approaches have no problem with this form of generalisation, but neural nets do poorly. On the other hand, neural nets are very good at generalising from data (such as images), but symbolic approaches do poorly here. One of the holy grails is to build machines that are capable of both symbolic and connectionist generalisation. Neural Programmer Interpreters is a very early step toward this. NPI can do symbolic operations such as sorting and addition, but it can also plan by taking images as input and it's able to generalise the plans to different images (e.g. in the NPI car example, the cars are test set cars not seen before)."

(Pedro Domingos) "Probabilistic graphical models provide a formal lingua franca for modeling and a common target for efficient inference algorithms. However, many of the most innovative and useful probabilistic models published by the AI, machine learning, and statistics community far outstrip the representational capacity of graphical models and associated inference techniques. Models are communicated using a mix of natural language, pseudo code, and mathematical formulae and solved using special purpose, one-off inference methods. Rather than precise specifications suitable for automatic inference, graphical models typically serve as coarse, high-level descriptions, eliding critical aspects such as fine-grained independence, abstraction and recursion. Probabilistic programming languages aim to close this representational gap, unifying general purpose programming with probabilistic modeling; literally, users specify a probabilistic model in its entirety (e.g., by writing code that generates a sample from the joint distribution) and inference follows automatically given the specification. These languages provide the full power of modern programming languages for describing complex distributions, and can enable reuse of libraries of models, support interactive modeling and formal verification, and provide a much-needed abstraction barrier to foster generic, efficient inference in universal model classes."

(Andreas Stuhlmueller) "Probabilistic programs express generative models, i.e., formal descriptions of processes that generate data. To the extent that we can mirror mechanisms “out there in the world” in a formal language, we can pose queries within this language and expect the answer to line up with what happens in the real world. For example, if we can accurately describe how genes give rise to proteins, this helps us in predicting which genetic changes lead to desirable results and which lead to harm. Traditionally, Bayesian networks have been used to formalize and reason about such processes. While extremely useful, this formalism is limited in its expressive power compared to programming languages in general. Probabilistic programming languages like Church provide a substrate for computational modeling that brings together Bayesian statistics and Turing-complete programming languages. What is the structure of thought? The language of thought hypothesis proposes that thoughts are expressions in a mental language, and that thinking consists of syntactic manipulation of these expressions. The probabilistic language of thought hypothesis suggests that these representations have probabilistic meaning. If we treat concepts as stochastic programs and thinking as approximate Bayesian inference, can we predict human behavior in experimental settings better than using other approaches, e.g., prototype theory? If we learn more about the primitives and composition mechanisms used in the brain to represent abstract concepts, can this inform how we construct tools for reasoning?"

"What are probabilistic models of cognition?" by Jessica Hamrick

"Concepts in a Probabilistic Language of Thought" by Goodman, Tenenbaum, Gerstenberg

"Knowledge organizes our understanding of the world, determining what we expect given what we have already seen. Our predictive representations have two key properties: they are productive, and they are graded. Productive generalization is possible because our knowledge decomposes into concepts - elements of knowledge that are combined and recombined to describe particular situations. Gradedness is the observable effect of accounting for uncertainty - our knowledge encodes degrees of belief that lead to graded probabilistic predictions. To put this a different way, concepts form a combinatorial system that enables description of many different situations; each such situation specifies a distribution over what we expect to see in the world, given what we have seen. We may think of this system as a probabilistic language of thought in which representations are built from language-like composition of concepts and the content of those representations is a probability distribution on world states."

"Probabilistic language of thought hypothesis (informal version): Concepts have a language-like compositionality and encode probabilistic knowledge. These features allow them to be extended productively to new situations and support flexible reasoning and learning by probabilistic inference."

Josh Tenenbaum:
"Cognitive Foundations for Common-sense Knowledge Representation and Reasoning"
"Building Machines That Learn Like Humans"
"Towards More Human-like Machine Learning of Word Meanings"
"How to Grow a Mind: Statistics, Structure, and Abstraction"
"The Origins of Common Sense: Modeling human intelligence with Probabilistic Programs and Program Induction"
"Development of Intelligence: Bayesian Inference"
"Machine vs Human Learning"

"Probabilistic Programs: A New Language for AI" by Noah Goodman

"How Does the Brain Do Plausible Reasoning" by E.T. Jaynes
"Probabilistic Models of Cognition" by Noah Goodman and Josh Tenenbaum
"Modeling Cognition with Probabilistic Programs: Representations and Algorithms" by Andreas Stuhlmueller
"Towards more human-like concept learning in machines: compositionality, causality, and learning-to-learn" by Brenden Lake

knowledge representation - distributed representations

distributed representations
"[continuous space representations]" section of Natural Language Processing


neural architectures

"One of the main benefits in using neural networks is that they can be trained to handle very subtle kinds of logic that humans use in casual language that defy axiomatization. Propositional logic, first-order logic, higher-order logic, modal logic, nonmonotonic logic, probabilistic logic, fuzzy logic - none of them seem to quite be adequate; but if you use the right kind of recursive net, you don't even have to specify the logic to get it to make useful deductions, if you have enough training data."

distributed representations
architectures - compute and memory

open problems:

  • How to decide what to write and what not to write in the memory?
  • How to represent knowledge to be stored in memories?
  • Types of memory (arrays, stacks, or stored within weights of model), when they should be used, and how can they be learnt?
  • How to do fast retrieval of relevant knowledge from memories when the scale is huge?
  • How to build hierarchical memories, e.g. employing multiscale notions of attention?
  • How to build hierarchical reasoning, e.g. via composition of functions?
  • How to incorporate forgetting/compression of information which is not important?
  • How to properly evaluate reasoning models? Are artificial tasks a good way? Where do they break down and real tasks are needed?
  • Can we draw inspiration from how animal or human memories are stored and used?

"Many machine reading approaches, from shallow information extraction to deep semantic parsing, map natural language to symbolic representations of meaning. Representations such as first-order logic capture the richness of natural language and support complex reasoning, but often fail in practice due to their reliance on logical background knowledge and the difficulty of scaling up inference. In contrast, low-dimensional embeddings (i.e. distributional representations) are efficient and enable generalization, but it is unclear how reasoning with embeddings could support the full power of symbolic representations such as first-order logic."

"Reading and Reasoning with Vector Representations" by Sebastian Riedel

"Low-Dimensional Embeddings of Logic" by Tim Rocktaschel

"What Can Deep Learning Learn from Symbolic Inference?" by Tim Rocktaschel

  • Deep Learning and symbolic rules can be combined efficiently
    • map logical formulae to differentiable expressions
    • generalization via learned vector representations
    • can incorporate explanations via rules leading to more data efficient training
  • entire reasoning architecture can be end-to-end differentiable
    • supports multi-hop inference
    • learns how to prove
    • induces a latent logic program
    • trivial to incorporate prior knowledge in form of rules

natural logic

textual entailment: "Recognizing when the meaning of a text snippet is contained in the meaning of a second piece of text. This simple abstraction of an exceedingly complex problem has broad appeal partly because it can be conceived also as a component in other NLP applications. It also avoids commitment to any specific meaning representation and reasoning framework, broadening its appeal within the research community."

  • idea of doing inference over unstructured text
  • weak proof theory over surface linguistic forms
  • can nevertheless model many of the commonsense inferences

computationally fast during inference:

  • "semantic" parse is just a syntactic parse
  • logical inference is lexical mutation/insertion/deletion

computationally fast to pre-process:

  • everything is plain text

captures many common inferences:

  • we make these types of inferences regularly and instantly
  • we expect readers to make these inferences instantly

introduction by Chris Manning
"Open Domain Inference with Natural Logic" by Angeli

"Natural Logic: logical inference over text" by Manning
"Learning Distributed Word Representations for Natural Logic Reasoning" by Bowman, Potts, Manning

formal logic

description logic (knowledge graphs)

"Simply Logical - Intelligent Reasoning by Example" by Peter Flach

(Josef Urban) "Quite reachable is deep automated semantic understanding of most of LaTeX-written mathematical textbooks. This has been blocked by three factors: (i) lack of annotated formal/informal corpora to train such semantic parsing on, (ii) lack of sufficiently large repository of background mathematical knowledge needed for “obvious-knowledge gap-filling”, and (iii) lack of sufficiently strong large-theory ATP that could fill the reasoning gaps using the large repository of background knowledge. One way to try to get them automatically is again through basic computer understanding of LaTeX-written mathematical texts, and learning what high-level concepts like “by analogy” and “using diagonalization” exactly semantically mean in various contexts. This is also related to the ability to reformulate problems and map them to a setting (for current ATPs, the best is purely equational) where the theorem proving becomes more easy. And another related work that needs to be done is “explaining back” the long ATP proofs using an understandable mathematical presentation." []

bayesian inference

bayesian inference and learning

probabilistic programs as bayesian models of cognition

Solomonoff Induction and AIXI as bayesian optimal prediction and decision making

commonsense reasoning

"Humans have the capacity to draw commonsense inferences: things that are likely but not certain to hold based on established discourse and are rarely stated explicitly."
"A program has common sense if it automatically deduces for itself a sufficiently wide class of immediate consequences of anything it is told and what it already knows."

"Requirement of common-sense knowledge in language understanding has been long-cited. This knowledge is viewed as a key component in filling in the gaps between the telegraphic style of natural language statements: we are able to convey considerable information in a relatively sparse channel, presumably owing to a partially shared model at the start of any discourse. Common-sense inference - inferences based on common-sense knowledge - is possibilistic: things everyone more or less would expect to hold in a given context, but without always the strength of logical entailment."

"Owing to human reporting bias, deriving the knowledge needed to perform these inferences exclusively from corpora has led to results most accurately considered models of language, rather than of the world. Facts such that a person walking into a room is very likely to be regularly blinking and breathing are not often explicitly stated, so their real-world likelihoods do not align to language model probabilities. We would like a system capable of reading a sentence describing some situation, such as found in a newspaper, and be able to infer how likely other statements hold of that situation, in the real world. This as compared to, e.g., knowing the likelihood of the next observed sentence in that newspaper article."

"To achieve human-level performance in domains such as natural language processing, vision, and robotics, basic knowledge of the commonsense world - time, space, physical interactions, people, and so on - will be necessary."

"A well-known example from Terry Winograd is the pair of sentences "The city council refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence," vs "... because they advocated violence." To determine that "they" in the first sentence refers to the council if the verb is "feared," but refers to the demonstrators if the verb is "advocated" demands knowledge about the characteristic relations of city councils and demonstrators to violence; no purely linguistic clue suffices."

"Cognitive Machine Learning" by Shakir Mohamed:

notes by Jessica Hamrick

"Commonsense Reasoning and Commonsense Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence" by Davis and Marcus

"Simulation as an Engine of Physical Scene Understanding" by Battaglia, Hamrick, Tenenbaum

"Computational Rationality: A Converging Paradigm for Intelligence in Brains, Minds and Machines" by Gershman, Horvitz, Tenenbaum

"Computational Cognitive Science: Generative Models, Probabilistic Programs and Common Sense" by Tenenbaum

machine reading benchmarks

machine reading projects

Google Knowledge Vault

"A Web-Scale Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge Fusion" by Kevin Murphy

overview (novel facts, trustworthy facts, multimodal knowledge) by Kevin Murphy

"Constructing and Mining Web-Scale Knowledge Graphs" by Evgeniy Gabrilovich

"Knowledge Vault and Knowledge-Based Trust" by Xin Luna Dong

"From Data Fusion to Knowledge Fusion" by Xin Luna Dong

"Crowdsourcing Knowledge, One Billion Facts at a Time" by Evgeniy Gabrilovich

"A Review of Relational Machine Learning for Knowledge Graphs: From Multi-Relational Link Prediction to Automated Knowledge Graph Construction" by Nickel, Murphy, Tresp, Gabrilovich


"Snorkel is a system for rapidly creating, modeling, and managing training data, currently focused on accelerating the development of structured or "dark" data extraction applications for domains in which large labeled training sets are not available or easy to obtain.

Today's state-of-the-art machine learning models require massive labeled training sets--which usually do not exist for real-world applications. Instead, Snorkel is based around the new data programming paradigm, in which the developer focuses on writing a set of labeling functions, which are just scripts that programmatically label data. The resulting labels are noisy, but Snorkel automatically models this process - learning, essentially, which labeling functions are more accurate than others - and then uses this to train an end model (for example, a deep neural network in TensorFlow).

Surprisingly, by modeling a noisy training set creation process in this way, we can take potentially low-quality labeling functions from the user, and use these to train high-quality end models. We see Snorkel as providing a general framework for many weak supervision techniques, and as defining a new programming model for weakly-supervised machine learning systems."

"The Fonduer programming model allows users to iteratively improve the quality of their labeling functions through error analysis, without executing the full pipeline as in previous techniques like incremental knowledge base construction."

"Data Programming: ML with Weak Supervision" (blog)
"Socratic Learning: Debugging ML Models" (blog)
"SLiMFast: Assessing the Reliability of Data" (blog)
"Data Programming + TensorFlow Tutorial" (blog)
"Fonduer: Knowledge Base Construction from Richly Formatted Data" (blog)
"Babble Labble: Learning from Natural Language Explanations" (blog)
"Structure Learning: Are Your Sources Only Telling You What You Want to Hear?" (blog)
"HoloClean: Weakly Supervised Data Repairing" (blog)

"Data Programming: Creating Large Training Sets, Quickly" (arXiv, video)
"Socratic Learning: Empowering the Generative Model" (arXiv, video)
"Data Programming with DDLite: Putting Humans in a Different Part of the Loop" (HILDA @ SIGMOD 2016)
"Snorkel: A System for Lightweight Extraction" (CIDR 2017)
"Learning the Structure of Generative Models without Labeled Data" (arXiv)
"Fonduer: Knowledge Base Construction from Richly Formatted Data" (arXiv, blog)


overview by Chris Re:


winner of TAC-KBP 2014 English Slot Filling challenge:

"DeepDive: Design Principles" by Chris Re

"Incremental Knowledge Base Construction Using DeepDive"

"Probabilistic Inference and Factor Graphs"
"Writing Inference Rules"
"Knowledge Base Construction"

"A variety of data-driven problems facing industry, government, and science are macroscopic, in that answering a question requires that one assemble a massive number of disparate signals that are scattered in the natural language text, tables, and even figures of a number of data sources. However, traditional data processing systems are unsuited to these tasks, as they require painful one-off extract-transform-load procedures. DeepDive is a new type of system to extract value from dark data. Like dark matter, dark data is the great mass of data buried in text, tables, figures, and images, which lacks structure and so is essentially unprocessable by existing data systems. DeepDive's most popular use case is to transform the dark data of web pages, pdfs, and other databases into rich SQL-style databases. In turn, these databases can be used to support both SQL-style and predictive analytics. Recently, some DeepDive-based applications have exceeded the quality of human volunteer annotators in both precision and recall for complex scientific articles. The technical core of DeepDive is an engine that combines extraction, integration, and prediction into a single engine with probabilistic inference as its core operation."

"DeepDive takes a radical view for a data processing system: it views every piece of data as an imperfect observation - which may or may not be correct. It uses these observations and domain knowledge expressed by the user to build a statistical model. One output of this massive model is the most likely database. As aggressive as this approach may sound, it allows for a dramatically simpler user interaction with the system than many of today’s machine learning or extraction systems."

"Contrary to many traditional machine learning algorithms, which often assume that prior knowledge is exact and make predictions in isolation, DeepDive (Markov Logic Network) performs joint inference: it determines the values of all events at the same time. This allows events to influence each other if they are (directly or indirectly) connected through inference rules. Thus, the uncertainty of one event (John smoking) may influence the uncertainty of another event (John having cancer). As the relationships among events become more complex this model becomes very powerful. For example, one could imagine the event "John smokes" being influenced by whether or not John has friends who smoke. This is particularly useful when dealing with inherently noisy signals, such as human language."

"Algorithms provide a powerful way to understand an application: if a result looks suspicious, one can trace through the algorithm step-by-step to understand this result. A major challenge is to enable users to understand the results - without explaining how they were computed. DeepDive uses probabilistic inference, which provides a semantically meaningful output independently of how that value is computed. In particular, every fact produced by DeepDive produces an accurate probability value. If DeepDive reports a fact with probability 0.95, then 95% of the facts with that score are correct. In contrast to extraction pipelines that force users to over build individual components in the hope of improving downstream quality, these probabilities take into account all information - allowing the user to focus on quality bottlenecks."

"One way to improve a KBP system is to integrate domain knowledge. DeepDive supports this operation by allowing the user to integrate constraints and domain knowledge as correlations among random variables. Imagine that the user wants to integrate a simple rule that says “one person is likely to be the spouse of only one person.” For example, given a single entity “Barack Obama,” this rule gives positive preference to the case where only one of (Barack Obama, Michelle Obama) and (Barack Obama, Michelle Williams) is true."

Never-Ending Language Learning (NELL)

  • simultaneously learning 500-600 concepts and relations
  • starting point: containment/disjointness relations between concepts, types for relations, and O(10) examples per concept/relation
  • uses 500M web page corpus + live queries

semi-supervised learning is harder for one concept than for many related concepts together: hard (underconstrained) - much easier (more constrained)

  • suggesting candidate beliefs (using multiple strategies)
  • promoting a set of beliefs consistent with the ontology and each other
  • distantly training the candidate generators from the promoted beliefs + (Mitchell) (Mitchell) (Mitchell) (Mitchell) (Talukdar) (Cohen)

AI2 Aristo


overview by Peter Clark

"Unlike entity-centric factoid QA tasks, science questions typically involve general concepts, and answering them requires identifying implicit relationships in the question."

"Elementary grade science tests are challenging as they test a wide variety of commonsense knowledge that human beings largely take for granted, yet are very difficult for machines. For example, consider a question from a NY Regents 4th Grade science test. Question 1: “When a baby shakes a rattle, it makes a noise. Which form of energy was changed to sound energy?” [Answer: mechanical energy] Science questions are typically quite different from the entity-centric factoid questions extensively studied in the question answering community, e.g., “In which year was Bill Clinton born?” While factoid questions are usually answerable from text search or fact databases, science questions typically require deeper analysis. A full understanding of the above question involves not just parsing and semantic interpretation; it involves adding implicit information to create an overall picture of the “scene” that the text is intended to convey, including facts such as: noise is a kind of sound, the baby is holding the rattle, shaking involves movement, the rattle is making the noise, movement involves mechanical energy, etc. This mental ability to create a scene from partial information is at the heart of natural language understanding, which is essential for answering these kinds of question. It is also very difficult for a machine because it requires substantial world knowledge, and there are often many ways a scene can be elaborated."

"A first step towards a machine that contains large amounts of knowledge in machine-computable form that can answer questions, explain those answers, and discuss those answers with users. Central to the project is machine reading - semi-automated acquisition of knowledge from natural language texts. We are also integrating semi-formal methods for reasoning with knowledge, such as textual entailment and evidential reasoning, and a robust hybrid architecture that has multiple reasoning modules operating in tandem."

IBM Watson

"The Science Behind an Answer"
"Building Watson - A Brief Overview of the DeepQA Project" by David Ferrucci
"Inside the Mind of Watson" by Chris Welty
"Building Watson - A Brief Overview of DeepQA" by Karthik Visweswariah

"Building Watson: An Overview of the DeepQA Project" by Ferrucci et al.

graduate student in Deep Learning vs IBM Watson team

Jeopardy questions


Automated Knowledge Base Construction workshop

StarAI (Statistical and Relational AI) workshop

"Neural Abstract Machines & Program Induction" workshop at NIPS 2016 (videos)

"Reasoning, Attention, Memory" workshop at NIPS 2015
"Cognitive Computation: Integrating Neural and Symbolic Approaches" workshop at NIPS 2015

"Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Integrating Symbolic and Neural Approaches" workshop

"Learning Semantics" workshop

books and monographies

Brachman, Levesque - "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning"
van Harmelen, Lifschitz, Porter - "Handbook of Knowledge Representation"
Getoor, Taskar - "Introduction to Statistical Relational Learning"

Brenden Lake - "Towards More Human-Like Concept Learning in Machines: Compositionality, Causality and Learning-to-learn"
Samuel Bowman - "Modeling Natural Language Semantics in Learned Representations"
Michael Wick - "Epistemological Databases for Probabilistic Knowledge Base Construction"
Christopher Re - "Managing Large-scale Probabilistic Databases"
Matt Gardner - "Reading and Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs"
Benjamin Roth - "Effective Distant Supervision for End-To-End Knowledge Base Population Systems"
Maximilian Nickel - "Tensor Factorization for Relational Learning"
Anthony Fader - "Open Question Answering"
Xuchen Yao - "Feature-Driven Question Answering with Natural Language Alignment"

interesting papers

interesting recent papers

interesting papers:

interesting papers (see below):

interesting papers - knowledge bases

Dong, Gabrilovich, Heitz, Horn, Lao, Murphy, Strohmann, Sun, Zhang - "Knowledge Vault: A Web-Scale Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge Fusion" # Google Knowledge Vault

"Recent years have witnessed a proliferation of large-scale knowledge bases, including Wikipedia, Freebase, YAGO, Microsoft's Satori, and Google's Knowledge Graph. To increase the scale even further, we need to explore automatic methods for constructing knowledge bases. Previous approaches have primarily focused on text-based extraction, which can be very noisy. Here we introduce Knowledge Vault, a Web-scale probabilistic knowledge base that combines extractions from Web content (obtained via analysis of text, tabular data, page structure, and human annotations) with prior knowledge derived from existing knowledge repositories. We employ supervised machine learning methods for fusing these distinct information sources. The Knowledge Vault is substantially bigger than any previously published structured knowledge repository, and features a probabilistic inference system that computes calibrated probabilities of fact correctness. We report the results of multiple studies that explore the relative utility of the relative utility of the different information sources and extraction methods."

Wu, Hsiao, Cheng, Hancock, Rekatsinas, Levis, Re - "Fonduer: Knowledge Base Construction from Richly Formatted Data" # Snorkel

"We introduce Fonduer, a knowledge base construction framework for richly formatted information extraction, where entity relations and attributes are conveyed via structural, tabular, visual, and textual expressions. Fonduer introduces a new programming model for KBC built around a unified data representation that accounts for three challenging characteristics of richly formatted data: (1) prevalent document-level relations, (2) multimodality, and (3) data variety. Fonduer is the first KBC system for richly formatted data and uses a human-in-the-loop paradigm for training machine learning systems, referred to as data programming. Data programming softens the burden of traditional supervision by only asking users to provide lightweight functions that programmatically assign (potentially noisy) labels to the input data. Fonduer’s unified data model, together with data programming, allows users to use domain expertise as weak signals of supervision that help guide the KBC process over richly formatted data. We evaluate Fonduer on four real-world applications over different domains and achieve an average improvement of 42 F1 points over the upper bound of state-of-the-art approaches. In some domains, our users have produced up to 1.87× the number of correct entires compared to expert-curated public knowledge bases. Fonduer scales gracefully to millions of documents and is used in both academia and industry to create knowledge bases for real-world problems in many domains."

Re, Sadeghian, Shan, Shin, Wang, Wu, Zhang - "Feature Engineering for Knowledge Base Construction" # DeepDive

"Knowledge base construction is the process of populating a knowledge base, i.e., a relational database together with inference rules, with information extracted from documents and structured sources. KBC blurs the distinction between two traditional database problems, information extraction and information integration. For the last several years, our group has been building knowledge bases with scientific collaborators. Using our approach, we have built knowledge bases that have comparable and sometimes better quality than those constructed by human volunteers. In contrast to these knowledge bases, which took experts a decade or more human years to construct, many of our projects are constructed by a single graduate student. Our approach to KBC is based on joint probabilistic inference and learning, but we do not see inference as either a panacea or a magic bullet: inference is a tool that allows us to be systematic in how we construct, debug, and improve the quality of such systems. In addition, inference allows us to construct these systems in a more loosely coupled way than traditional approaches. To support this idea, we have built the DeepDive system, which has the design goal of letting the user "think about features---not algorithms." We think of DeepDive as declarative in that one specifies what they want but not how to get it. We describe our approach with a focus on feature engineering, which we argue is an understudied problem relative to its importance to end-to-end quality."

"Populating a database with unstructured information is a long-standing problem in industry and research that encompasses problems of extraction, cleaning, and integration. A recent name used to characterize this problem is Knowledge Base Construction. In this work, we describe DeepDive, a system that combines database and machine learning ideas to help develop KBC systems, and we present techniques to make the KBC process more efficient. We observe that the KBC process is iterative, and we develop techniques to incrementally produce inference results for KBC systems. We propose two methods for incremental inference, based respectively on sampling and variational techniques. We also study the tradeoff space of these methods and develop a simple rule-based optimizer. DeepDive includes all of these contributions, and we evaluate DeepDive on five KBC systems, showing that it can speed up KBC inference tasks by up to two orders of magnitude with negligible impact on quality."

Mitchell, Cohen, Hruschka, Talukdar, Betteridge, Carlson, Dalvi, Gardner, Kisiel, Krishnamurthy, Lao, Mazaitis, Mohamed, Nakashole, Platanios, Ritter, Samadi, Settles, Wang, Wijaya, Gupta, Chen, Saparov, Greaves, Welling - "Never-Ending Learning" # NELL knowledge base

"Whereas people learn many different types of knowledge from diverse experiences over many years, most current machine learning systems acquire just a single function or data model from just a single data set. We propose a never-ending learning paradigm for machine learning, to better reflect the more ambitious and encompassing type of learning performed by humans. As a case study, we describe the Never-Ending Language Learner, which achieves some of the desired properties of a never-ending learner, and we discuss lessons learned. NELL has been learning to read the web 24 hours/day since January 2010, and so far has acquired a knowledge base with over 80 million confidence-weighted beliefs (e.g., servedWith(tea, biscuits)), while learning continually to improve its reading competence over time. NELL has also learned to reason over its knowledge base to infer new beliefs from old ones, and is now beginning to extend its ontology by synthesizing new relational predicates."

Mahdisoltani, Biega, Suchanek - "YAGO3: A Knowledge Base from Multilingual Wikipedias" # Yago knowledge base

"We present YAGO3, an extension of the YAGO knowledge base that combines the information from the Wikipedias in multiple languages. Our technique fuses the multilingual information with the English WordNet to build one coherent knowledge base. We make use of the categories, the infoboxes, and Wikidata, and learn the meaning of infobox attributes across languages. We run our method on 10 different languages, and achieve a precision of 95%-100% in the attribute mapping. Our technique enlarges YAGO by 1m new entities and 7m new facts."

Clark, Balasubramanian, Bhakthavatsalam, Humphreys, Kinkead, Sabharwal, Tafjord - "Automatic Construction of Inference-Supporting Knowledge Bases" # AI2 knowledge base

"While there has been tremendous progress in automatic database population in recent years, most of human knowledge does not naturally fit into a database form. For example, knowledge that "metal objects can conduct electricity" or "animals grow fur to help them stay warm" requires a substantially different approach to both acquisition and representation. This kind of knowledge is important because it can support inference e.g., (with some associated confidence) if an object is made of metal then it can conduct electricity; if an animal grows fur then it will stay warm. If we want our AI systems to understand and reason about the world, then acquisition of this kind of inferential knowledge is essential. In this paper, we describe our work on automatically constructing an inferential knowledge base, and applying it to a question-answering task. Rather than trying to induce rules from examples, or enter them by hand, our goal is to acquire much of this knowledge directly from text. Our premise is that much inferential knowledge is written down explicitly, in particular in textbooks, and can be extracted with reasonable reliability. We describe several challenges that this approach poses, and innovative, partial solutions that we have developed."

interesting papers - knowledge bases with discrete representations

"Relational machine learning studies methods for the statistical analysis of relational, or graph-structured, data. In this paper, we provide a review of how such statistical models can be "trained" on large knowledge graphs, and then used to predict new facts about the world (which is equivalent to predicting new edges in the graph). In particular, we discuss two different kinds of statistical relational models, both of which can scale to massive datasets. The first is based on tensor factorization methods and related latent variable models. The second is based on mining observable patterns in the graph. We also show how to combine these latent and observable models to get improved modeling power at decreased computational cost. Finally, we discuss how such statistical models of graphs can be combined with text-based information extraction methods for automatically constructing knowledge graphs from the Web. In particular, we discuss Google's Knowledge Vault project."

Lao, Mitchell, Cohen - "Random Walk Inference and Learning in A Large Scale Knowledge Base" (PRA inference method) # Google Knowledge Vault and NELL knowledge base

"We consider the problem of performing learning and inference in a large scale knowledge base containing imperfect knowledge with incomplete coverage. We show that a soft inference procedure based on a combination of constrained, weighted, random walks through the knowledge base graph can be used to reliably infer new beliefs for the knowledge base. More specifically, we show that the system can learn to infer different target relations by tuning the weights associated with random walks that follow different paths through the graph, using a version of the Path Ranking Algorithm. We apply this approach to a knowledge base of approximately 500,000 beliefs extracted imperfectly from the web by NELL, a never-ending language learner. This new system improves significantly over NELL’s earlier Horn-clause learning and inference method: it obtains nearly double the precision at rank 100, and the new learning method is also applicable to many more inference tasks."

Lao, Subramanya, Pereira, Cohen - "Reading The Web with Learned Syntactic-Semantic Inference Rules" (PRA inference method) # NELL knowledge base

"We study how to extend a large knowledge base (Freebase) by reading relational information from a large Web text corpus. Previous studies on extracting relational knowledge from text show the potential of syntactic patterns for extraction, but they do not exploit background knowledge of other relations in the knowledge base. We describe a distributed, Web-scale implementation of a path-constrained random walk model that learns syntactic-semantic inference rules for binary relations from a graph representation of the parsed text and the knowledge base. Experiments show significant accuracy improvements in binary relation prediction over methods that consider only text, or only the existing knowledge base."

Gardner, Talukdar, Kisiel, Mitchell - "Improving Learning and Inference in a Large Knowledge Base Using Latent Syntactic Cues" (PRA inference method) # NELL knowledge base

"Automatically constructed Knowledge Bases are often incomplete and there is a genuine need to improve their coverage. Path Ranking Algorithm is a recently proposed method which aims to improve KB coverage by performing inference directly over the KB graph. For the first time, we demonstrate that addition of edges labeled with latent features mined from a large dependency parsed corpus of 500 million Web documents can significantly outperform previous PRA based approaches on the KB inference task. We present extensive experimental results validating this finding. The resources presented in this paper are publicly available."

Gardner, Mitchell - "Efficient and Expressive Knowledge Base Completion Using Subgraph Feature Extraction" (PRA inference method) # NELL knowledge base

"We explore some of the practicalities of using random walk inference methods, such as the Path Ranking Algorithm, for the task of knowledge base completion. We show that the random walk probabilities computed (at great expense) by PRA provide no discernible benefit to performance on this task, and so they can safely be dropped. This result allows us to define a simpler algorithm for generating feature matrices from graphs, which we call subgraph feature extraction. In addition to being conceptually simpler than PRA, SFE is much more efficient, reducing computation by an order of magnitude, and more expressive, allowing for much richer features than just paths between two nodes in a graph. We show experimentally that this technique gives substantially better performance than PRA and its variants, improving mean average precision from .432 to .528 on a knowledge base completion task using the NELL knowledge base."

"We have explored several practical issues that arise when using the path ranking algorithm for knowledge base completion. An analysis of several of these issues led us to propose a simpler algorithm, which we called subgraph feature extraction, which characterizes the subgraph around node pairs and extracts features from that subgraph. SFE is both significantly faster and performs better than PRA on this task. We showed experimentally that we can reduce running time by an order of magnitude, while at the same time improving mean average precision from .432 to .528 and mean reciprocal rank from .850 to .933. This thus constitutes the best published results for knowledge base completion on NELL data."

"As a final point of future work, we note that we have taken PRA, an elegant model that has strong ties to logical inference, and reduced it with SFE to feature extraction over graphs. It seems clear experimentally that this is a significant improvement, but somehow doing feature engineering over graphs is not incredibly satisfying. We introduced a few kinds of features with SFE that we thought might work well, but there are many, many more kinds of features we could have experimented with (e.g., counts of paths found, path unigrams, path trigrams, conjunctions of simple paths, etc.). How should we wade our way through this mess of feature engineering? This is not a task we eagerly anticipate. One possible way around this is to turn to deep learning, whose promise has always been to push the task of feature engineering to the neural network. Some initial work on creating embeddings of graphs has been done (Bruna et al., 2013), but that work dealt with unlabeled graphs and would need significant modification to work in this setting. The recursive neural network of Neelakantan et al. (2015) is also a step in the right direction, though the spectral networks of Bruna et al. seem closer to the necessary network structure here."

Gardner, Talukdar, Krishnamurthy, Mitchell - "Incorporating Vector Space Similarity in Random Walk Inference over Knowledge Bases" (PRA inference method) # NELL knowledge base

"Much work in recent years has gone into the construction of large knowledge bases, such as Freebase, DBPedia, NELL, and YAGO. While these KBs are very large, they are still very incomplete, necessitating the use of inference to fill in gaps. Prior work has shown how to make use of a large text corpus to augment random walk inference over KBs. We present two improvements to the use of such large corpora to augment KB inference. First, we present a new technique for combining KB relations and surface text into a single graph representation that is much more compact than graphs used in prior work. Second, we describe how to incorporate vector space similarity into random walk inference over KBs, reducing the feature sparsity inherent in using surface text. This allows us to combine distributional similarity with symbolic logical inference in novel and effective ways. With experiments on many relations from two separate KBs, we show that our methods significantly outperform prior work on KB inference, both in the size of problem our methods can handle and in the quality of predictions made."

Niu, Re, Doan, Shavlik - "Tuffy: Scaling up Statistical Inference in Markov Logic Networks using an RDBMS" (MLN probabilistic database)

"Over the past few years, Markov Logic Networks have emerged as a powerful AI framework that combines statistical and logical reasoning. It has been applied to a wide range of data management problems, such as information extraction, ontology matching, and text mining, and has become a core technology underlying several major AI projects. Because of its growing popularity, MLNs are part of several research programs around the world. None of these implementations, however, scale to large MLN data sets. This lack of scalability is now a key bottleneck that prevents the widespread application of MLNs to real-world data management problems. In this paper we consider how to leverage RDBMSes to develop a solution to this problem. We consider Alchemy, the state-of-the-art MLN implementation currently in wide use. We first develop bTuffy, a system that implements Alchemy in an RDBMS. We show that bTuffy already scales to much larger datasets than Alchemy, but suffers from a sequential processing problem (inherent in Alchemy). We then propose cTuffy that makes better use of the RDBMS’s set-at-a-time processing ability. We show that this produces dramatic benefits: on all four benchmarks cTuffy dominates both Alchemy and bTuffy. Moreover, on the complex entity resolution benchmark cTuffy finds a solution in minutes, while Alchemy spends hours unsuccessfully. We summarize the lessons we learnt, on how we can design AI algorithms to take advantage of RDBMSes, and extend RDBMSes to work better for AI algorithms."

"Motivated by a staggeringly large set of applications, we propose Tuffy that pushes MLN inference inside an RDBMS. We find that MLN inference uses many “relational-like” operations and that these operations are a substantial bottleneck in MLN inference. To alleviate this bottleneck, we propose cTuffy, which in addition to using an RDBMS modified the state-of-the-art search algorithms to be set-ata-time. We believe that we are the first to push search algorithms inside an RDBMS, and that our prototype cTuffy demonstrates that this is a promising new direction for database research to support increasingly sophisticated statistical models. As future work, we plan to study whether main memory databases can be used in conjunction with RDBMSes to provide more efficient implementation of search procedures."

Niepert, Domingos - "Tractable Probabilistic Knowledge Bases: Wikipedia and Beyond" (MLN probabilistic database)

"Building large-scale knowledge bases from a variety of data sources is a longstanding goal of AI research. However, existing approaches either ignore the uncertainty inherent to knowledge extracted from text, the web, and other sources, or lack a consistent probabilistic semantics with tractable inference. To address this problem, we present a framework for tractable probabilistic knowledge bases. TPKBs consist of a hierarchy of classes of objects and a hierarchy of classes of object pairs such that attributes and relations are independent conditioned on those classes. These characteristics facilitate both tractable probabilistic reasoning and tractable maximum-likelihood parameter learning. TPKBs feature a rich query language that allows one to express and infer complex relationships between classes, relations, objects, and their attributes. The queries are translated to sequences of operations in a relational database facilitating query execution times in the sub-second range. We demonstrate the power of TPKBs by leveraging large data sets extracted from Wikipedia to learn their structure and parameters. The resulting TPKB models a distribution over millions of objects and billions of parameters. We apply the TPKB to entity resolution and object linking problems and show that the TPKB can accurately align large knowledge bases and integrate triples from open IE projects."

Niepert, Domingos - "Learning and Inference in Tractable Probabilistic Knowledge Bases" (MLN probabilistic database)

"Building efficient large-scale knowledge bases is a longstanding goal of AI. KBs need to be first-order to be sufficiently expressive, and probabilistic to handle uncertainty, but these lead to intractable inference. Recently, tractable Markov logic was proposed as a nontrivial tractable first-order probabilistic representation. This paper describes the first inference and learning algorithms for TML, and its application to real-world problems. Inference takes time per query sublinear in the size of the KB, and supports very large KBs via parallelization and a disk-based implementation using a relational database engine. Query answering is fast enough for interactive and real-time use. We show that, despite the data being non-i.i.d. in general, maximum likelihood parameters for TML knowledge bases can be computed in closed form. We use our algorithms to build a very large tractable probabilistic KB from numerous heterogeneous data sets. The KB includes millions of objects and billions of parameters. Our experiments show that the learned KB outperforms existing specialized approaches on challenging tasks in information extraction and integration."

"We presented a novel inference algorithm for TPKBs that is disk-based, parallel, and sublinear. We also derived closed-form maximum likelihood estimates for TPKB parameters. We used these results to learn a large TPKB from multiple data sources and applied it to information extraction and integration problems. The TPKB outperformed existing algorithms in accuracy and efficiency. Future work will be concerned with more sophisticated smoothing approaches, the comparison of different learning strategies, and the problem of structure learning. We also plan to apply TPKBs to a wide range of problems that benefit from tractable probabilistic knowledge representations."

Pujara, Miao, Getoor, Cohen - "Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL" (PSL probabilistic database) # NELL knowledge base

"Knowledge graphs present a Big Data problem: reasoning collectively about millions of interrelated facts. We formulate the problem of knowledge graph identification, jointly inferring a knowledge graph from the noisy output of an information extraction system through a combined process of determining co-referent entities, predicting relational links, collectively classifying entity labels, and enforcing ontological constraints. Using PSL, we illustrate the scalability benefits of our approach on a large-scale dataset from NELL, while producing high-precision results. Our method provides a substantial increase in F1 score while also improving AUC and scales linearly with the number of ground rules. In practice, we show that on a NELL dataset our method can infer a full knowledge graph in just two hours or make predictions on a known query set in a matter of seconds."

"Large-scale information processing systems are able to extract massive collections of interrelated facts, but unfortunately transforming these candidate facts into useful knowledge is a formidable challenge. In this paper, we show how uncertain extractions about entities and their relations can be transformed into a knowledge graph. The extractions form an extraction graph and we refer to the task of removing noise, inferring missing information, and determining which candidate facts should be included into a knowledge graph as knowledge graph identification. In order to perform this task, we must reason jointly about candidate facts and their associated extraction confidences, identify coreferent entities, and incorporate ontological constraints. Our proposed approach uses Probabilistic Soft Logic, a recently introduced probabilistic modeling framework which easily scales to millions of facts. We demonstrate the power of our method on a synthetic Linked Data corpus derived from the MusicBrainz music community and a real-world set of extractions from the NELL project containing over 1M extractions and 70K ontological relations. We show that compared to existing methods, our approach is able to achieve improved AUC and F1 with significantly lower running time."

"One important challenge for probabilistic logics is reasoning with very large knowledge bases of imperfect information, such as those produced by modern web-scale information extraction systems. One scalability problem shared by many probabilistic logics is that answering queries involves “grounding” the query - i.e., mapping it to a propositional representation - and the size of a “grounding” grows with database size. To address this bottleneck, we present a first-order probabilistic language called ProPPR in which that approximate “local groundings” can be constructed in time independent of database size. Technically, ProPPR is an extension to Stochastic Logic Programs that is biased towards short derivations; it is also closely related to an earlier relational learning algorithm called the Path Ranking Algorithm. We show that the problem of constructing proofs for this logic is related to computation of Personalized PageRank on a linearized version of the proof space, and using on this connection, we develop a proveably-correct approximate grounding scheme, based on the PageRank-Nibble algorithm. Building on this, we develop a fast and easily-parallelized weight-learning algorithm for ProPPR. In experiments, we show that learning for ProPPR is orders magnitude faster than learning for Markov Logic Networks; that allowing mutual recursion (joint learning) in KB inference leads to improvements in performance; and that ProPPR can learn weights for a mutually recursive program with hundreds of clauses, which define scores of interrelated predicates, over a KB containing one million entities."

"ProPPR is a strict generalization of PRA."

Wang, Mazaitis, Cohen - "Structure Learning via Parameter Learning" (ProPPR probabilistic database)

"A key challenge in information and knowledge management is to automatically discover the underlying structures and patterns from large collections of extracted information. This paper presents a novel structure-learning method for a new, scalable probabilistic logic called ProPPR. Our approach builds on the recent success of meta-interpretive learning methods in Inductive Logic Programming, and we further extends it to a framework that enables robust and efficient structure learning of logic programs on graphs: using an abductive second-order probabilistic logic, we show how first-order theories can be automatically generated via parameter learning. To learn better theories, we then propose an iterated structural gradient approach that incrementally refines the hypothesized space of learned first-order structures. In experiments, we show that the proposed method further improves the results, outperforming competitive baselines such as Markov Logic Networks and FOIL on multiple datasets with various settings; and that the proposed approach can learn structures in a large knowledge base in a tractable fashion."

interesting papers - knowledge bases with continuous representations

"Knowledge bases of real-world facts about entities and their relationships are useful resources for a variety of natural language processing tasks. However, because knowledge bases are typically incomplete, it is useful to be able to perform knowledge base completion, i.e., predict whether a relationship not in the knowledge base is likely to be true. This article presents an overview of embedding models of entities and relationships for knowledge base completion, with up-to-date experimental results on two standard evaluation tasks of link prediction (i.e. entity prediction) and triple classification."

Riedel, Yao, McCallum, Marlin - "Relation Extraction with Matrix Factorization and Universal Schemas" (Universal Schema)

"Traditional relation extraction predicts relations within some fixed and finite target schema. Machine learning approaches to this task require either manual annotation or, in the case of distant supervision, existing structured sources of the same schema. The need for existing datasets can be avoided by using a universal schema: the union of all involved schemas (surface form predicates as in OpenIE, and relations in the schemas of preexisting databases). This schema has an almost unlimited set of relations (due to surface forms), and supports integration with existing structured data (through the relation types of existing databases). To populate a database of such schema we present matrix factorization models that learn latent feature vectors for entity tuples and relations. We show that such latent models achieve substantially higher accuracy than a traditional classification approach. More importantly, by operating simultaneously on relations observed in text and in pre-existing structured DBs such as Freebase, we are able to reason about unstructured and structured data in mutually-supporting ways."

"Universal schema predicts the types of entities and relations in a knowledge base by jointly embedding the union of all available schema types---not only types from multiple structured databases (such as Freebase or Wikipedia infoboxes), but also types expressed as textual patterns from raw text. This prediction is typically modeled as a matrix completion problem, with one type per column, and either one or two entities per row (in the case of entity types or binary relation types, respectively). Factorizing this sparsely observed matrix yields a learned vector embedding for each row and each column. In this paper we explore the problem of making predictions for entities or entity-pairs unseen at training time (and hence without a pre-learned row embedding). We propose an approach having no per-row parameters at all; rather we produce a row vector on the fly using a learned aggregation function of the vectors of the observed columns for that row. We experiment with various aggregation functions, including neural network attention models. Our approach can be understood as a natural language database, in that questions about KB entities are answered by attending to textual or database evidence. In experiments predicting both relations and entity types, we demonstrate that despite having an order of magnitude fewer parameters than traditional universal schema, we can match the accuracy of the traditional model, and more importantly, we can now make predictions about unseen rows with nearly the same accuracy as rows available at training time."

"In this paper we explore a row-less extension of universal schema that forgoes explicit row representations for an aggregation function over its observed columns. This extension allows prediction between all rows in new textual mentions - whether seen at train time or not - and also provides a natural connection to the provenance supporting the prediction. Our models also have a smaller memory footprint. In this work we show that an aggregation function based on query-specific attention over relation types outperforms query independent aggregations. We show that aggregation models are able to predict on par with models with explicit row representations on seen row entries."

Neelakantan, Roth, McCallum - "Knowledge Base Completion using Compositional Vector Space Models" (Universal Schema) # Google Knowledge Vault

"Traditional approaches to knowledge base completion have been based on symbolic representations. Low-dimensional vector embedding models proposed recently for this task are attractive since they generalize to possibly unlimited sets of relations. A significant drawback of previous embedding models for KB completion is that they merely support reasoning on individual relations (e.g., bornIn(X, Y) -> nationality(X, Y)). In this work, we develop models for KB completion that support chains of reasoning on paths of any length using compositional vector space models. We construct compositional vector representations for the paths in the KB graph from the semantic vector representations of the binary relations in that path and perform inference directly in the vector space. Unlike previous methods, our approach can generalize to paths that are unseen in training and, in a zero-shot setting, predict target relations without supervised training data for that relation."

Our goal is to combine the rich multistep inference of symbolic logical reasoning with the generalization capabilities of neural networks. We are particularly interested in complex reasoning about entities and relations in text and large-scale knowledge bases (KBs). Neelakantan et al. (2015) use RNNs to compose the distributed semantics of multi-hop paths in KBs; however for multiple reasons, the approach lacks accuracy and practicality. This paper proposes three significant modeling advances: (1) we learn to jointly reason about relations, entities, and entity-types; (2) we use neural attention modeling to incorporate multiple paths; (3) we learn to share strength in a single RNN that represents logical composition across all relations. On a largescale Freebase+ClueWeb prediction task, we achieve 25% error reduction, and a 53% error reduction on sparse relations due to shared strength. On chains of reasoning in WordNet we reduce error in mean quantile by 84% versus previous state-of-the-art."

"Tensor factorization has emerged as a promising approach for solving relational learning tasks. Here we review recent results on a particular tensor factorization approach, i.e. Rescal, which has demonstrated state-of-the-art relational learning results, while scaling to knowledge bases with millions of entities and billions of known facts."

"Exploiting the information contained in the relationships between entities has been essential for solving a number of important machine learning tasks. For instance, social network analysis, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence all make extensive use of relational information, as do large knowledge bases such as Google’s Knowledge Graph or the Semantic Web. It is well-known that, in these and similar domains, statistical relational learning can improve learning results significantly over non-relational methods. However, despite the success of SRL in specific applications, wider adoption has been hindered by multiple factors: without extensive prior knowledge about a domain, existing SRL methods often have to resort to structure learning for their functioning; a process that is both time consuming and error prone. Moreover, inference is often based on methods such as MCMC and variational inference which introduce additional scalability issues. Recently, tensor factorization has been explored as an approach that overcomes some of these problems and that leads to highly scalable solutions. Tensor factorizations realize multi-linear latent factor models and contain commonly used matrix factorizations as the special case of bilinear models. We will discuss tensor factorization for relational learning by the means of Rescal, which is based on the factorization of a third-order tensor. Rescal is highly scalable such that large knowledge bases can be factorized."

"RESCAL models each entity with a vector, and each relation with a matrix, and computes the probability of an entity pair belonging to a relation by multiplying the relation matrix on either side with the entity vectors."

"RESCAL has cubic computational and quadratic memory complexity with regard to the number of latent components and thus can be applied to problems that require a moderate to large number of latent components."

"The rank of an adjacency tensor is lower bounded by the maximum number of strongly connected components of a single relation and upper bounded by the sum of diclique partition numbers of all relations."

Krompass, Nickel, Tresp - "Large-Scale Factorization of Type-Constrained Multi-Relational Data" (type-constrained RESCAL model)

"The statistical modeling of large multi-relational datasets has increasingly gained attention in recent years. Typical applications involve large knowledge bases like DBpedia, Freebase, YAGO and the recently introduced Google Knowledge Graph that contain millions of entities, hundreds and thousands of relations, and billions of relational tuples. Collective factorization methods have been shown to scale up to these large multi-relational datasets, in particular in form of tensor approaches that can exploit the highly scalable alternating least squares algorithms for calculating the factors. In this paper we extend the recently proposed state-of-the-art RESCAL tensor factorization to consider relational type-constraints. Relational type-constraints explicitly define the logic of relations by excluding entities from the subject or object role. In addition we will show that in absence of prior knowledge about type-constraints, local closed-world assumptions can be approximated for each relation by ignoring unobserved subject or object entities in a relation. In our experiments on representative large datasets (Cora, DBpedia), that contain up to millions of entities and hundreds of type-constrained relations, we show that the proposed approach is scalable. It further significantly outperforms RESCAL without type-constraints in both, runtime and prediction quality." "We have proposed a general collective factorization approach for large type-constrained multi-relational data that is able to exploit relational type-constraints during factorization. Our experiments showed that in addition to faster convergence we obtained better prediction accuracy and the approach uses less memory, if compared to RESCAL. More precisely, we demonstrated on all datasets that the link prediction quality of the proposed model increased significantly faster with the rank of the factorization than with RESCAL, which generally needed a significantly higher rank to achieve similar AUPRC scores for the link prediction tasks. In case of the very large DBpedia datasets with millions of entities and hundreds of relations, our method was able to make meaningful predictions on a very low-rank of 50, a rank where RESCAL failed. In addition, we showed through our experiments that useful type-constraints can be approximated by defining them based on actual observed subject and object entities in each relation in absence of prior knowledge."

"For large multi-relational datasets with a multitude of relations, tensor-based methods have recently been proposed where binary relations are represented as square adjacency matrices that are stacked as frontal slices in a three-way adjacency tensor. Learning is then based on the factorization of this adjacency tensor where highly efficient alternating least squares algorithms can be exploited, which partially utilize closed-form solutions. In most relational learning settings a closed-world assumption is appropriate and missing triples are treated as negative evidence, and here ALS, which is applicable with complete data, is highly efficient. In contrast, when a closed-world assumption is not appropriate, for example when the goal is to predict movie ratings, other approaches such as stochastic gradient descent can be more efficient, where all unobserved ratings are treated as missing. We argue that by exploiting type-constraints, the amount of “trivial” negative evidence (under a closed-world assumption) can be significantly reduced, what makes ALS-based methods very attractive again for large type-constrained data. To the best of our knowledge, there is no ALS algorithm for factorization that exploits closed-form solutions and considers type-constraints during factorization. In addition, in contrast to factorizations that consider every unobserved triple as missing, type-constraints add prior knowledge about relations to the factorization, such that triples that disagree with the type constraints are excluded during factorization. Type-constraints are present in most datasets of interest and imply that for a given relation, only subject entities that belong to a certain domain class and object entities that belong to a certain range class can be related. For instance, the relation marriedTo is restricted to human beings."

"By neglecting type-constraints when using ALS under closed-world assumptions, it is very likely that the factorization will need more degrees of freedom (controlled by the rank of the factorization), since the latent vector representations for the entities and their interactions have to account for a huge amount of meaningless unobserved relations between entities. We argue that, especially for larger datasets, the required increase of model complexity will lead to an avoidable high runtime and memory consumption. By focusing only on relevant tuples, high quality latent vector representations can be constructed with a significant reduction in the required degrees of freedom. In this paper we propose a general collective factorization approach for binary relations that exploits relational type-constraints in large multi-relational data by using ALS. In difference to other factorization methods that have also been applied to large scale datasets, it also utilizes closed-form solutions during optimization. The proposed method is capable of factorizing hundreds of adjacency matrices of arbitrary shapes, that represent local closed-world assumptions, into both a shared low-rank latent representation for entities and a representation for the relation-specific interactions of those latent entities."

Rocktaschel, Bosnjak, Singh, Riedel - "Low-Dimensional Embeddings of Logic" (embedding of logic)

"Many machine reading approaches, from shallow information extraction to deep semantic parsing, map natural language to symbolic representations of meaning. Representations such as first-order logic capture the richness of natural language and support complex reasoning, but often fail in practice due to their reliance on logical background knowledge and the difficulty of scaling up inference. In contrast, low-dimensional embeddings (i.e. distributional representations) are efficient and enable generalization, but it is unclear how reasoning with embeddings could support the full power of symbolic representations such as first-order logic. In this proof-of-concept paper we address this by learning embeddings that simulate the behavior of first-order logic."

Bouchard, Singh, Trouillon - "On Approximate Reasoning Capabilities of Low-Rank Vector Spaces" (embedding of logic)

"In relational databases, relations between objects, represented by binary matrices or tensors, may be arbitrarily complex. In practice however, there are recurring relational patterns such as transitive, permutation, and sequential relationships, that have a regular structure which is not captured by the classical notion of matrix rank or tensor rank. In this paper, we show that factorizing the relational tensor using a logistic or hinge loss instead of the more standard squared loss is more appropriate because it can accurately model many common relations with a fixed-size embedding (depends sub-linearly on the number of entities in the knowledge base). We illustrate this fact empirically by being able to efficiently predict missing links in several synthetic and real-world experiments. Further, we provide theoretical justification for logistic loss by studying its connection to a complexity measure from the field of information complexity called sign rank. Sign rank is a more appropriate complexity measure as it is low for transitive, permutation, or sequential relationships, while being suitably large, with a high probability, for uniformly sampled binary matrices/tensors."

"For a long time, practitioners have been reluctant to use embedding models because many common relationships, including the sameAs relation modeled as an identity matrix, were not trivially seen as low-rank. In this paper we showed that when sign-rank based binary loss is minimized, many common relations such as permutation matrices, sequential relationships, and transitivity can be represented by surprisingly small embeddings."

"Matrix factorization approaches to relation extraction provide several attractive features: they support distant supervision, handle open schemas, and leverage unlabeled data. Unfortunately, these methods share a shortcoming with all other distantly supervised approaches: they cannot learn to extract target relations without existing data in the knowledge base, and likewise, these models are inaccurate for relations with sparse data. Rule-based extractors, on the other hand, can be easily extended to novel relations and improved for existing but inaccurate relations, through first-order formulae that capture auxiliary domain knowledge. However, usually a large set of such formulae is necessary to achieve generalization. In this paper, we introduce a paradigm for learning low-dimensional embeddings of entity-pairs and relations that combine the advantages of matrix factorization with first-order logic domain knowledge. We introduce simple approaches for estimating such embeddings, as well as a novel training algorithm to jointly optimize over factual and first-order logic information. Our results show that this method is able to learn accurate extractors with little or no distant supervision alignments, while at the same time generalizing to textual patterns that do not appear in the formulae."

"Inspired by the benefits of logical background knowledge that can lead to precise extractors, and of distant supervision based matrix factorization that can utilize dependencies between textual patterns to generalize, in this paper we introduced a novel training paradigm for learning embeddings that combine matrix factorization with logic formulae. Along with a deterministic approach to enforce the formulae a priori, we propose a joint objective that rewards predictions that satisfy given logical knowledge, thus learning embeddings that do not require logical inference at test time. Experiments show that the proposed approaches are able to learn extractors for relations with little to no observed textual alignments, while at the same time benefiting more common relations. This research has thrown up many questions in need of further investigation. As opposed to our approach that modifies both relation and entity-pair embeddings, further work needs to explore training methods that only modify relation embeddings in order to encode logical dependencies explicitly, and thus avoid memorization. Although we obtain significant gains by using implications, our approach facilitates the use of arbitrary formulae. Furthermore, we are interested in combining relation extraction with models that learn entity type representations (e.g. tensor factorization or neural models) to allow for expressive logical statements such as ∀x, y: nationality(x, y) ⇒ country(y). Since such common sense formulae are often not directly observed in distant supervision, they can go a long way in fixing common extraction errors. Finally, we will investigate methods to automatically mine commonsense knowledge for injection into embeddings from additional resources such as Probase or directly from text using a semantic parser."

"We propose to inject formulae into the embeddings of relations and entity-pairs, i.e., estimate the embeddings such that predictions based on them conform to given logic formulae. We refer to such embeddings as low-rank logic embeddings. Akin to matrix factorization, inference of a fact at test time still amounts to an efficient dot product of the corresponding relation and entity-pair embeddings, and logical inference is not needed. We present two techniques for injecting logical background knowledge, pre-factorization inference and joint optimization, and demonstrate in subsequent sections that they generalize better than direct logical inference, even if such inference is performed on the predictions of the matrix factorization model."

"The intuition is that the additional training data generated by the formulae provide evidence of the logical dependencies between relations to the matrix factorization model, while at the same time allowing the factorization to generalize to unobserved facts and to deal with ambiguity and noise in the data. No further logical inference is performed during or after training of the factorization model as we expect that the learned embeddings encode the given formulae. One drawback of pre-factorization inference is that the formulae are enforced only on observed atoms, i.e., first-order dependencies on predicted facts are ignored. Instead we would like to include a loss term for the logical formulae directly in the matrix factorization objective, thus jointly optimizing embeddings to reconstruct factual training data as well as obeying to first-order logical background knowledge."

"Even if the embeddings could enable perfect logical reasoning, how do we provide provenance or proofs of answers? Moreover, in practice a machine reader (e.g. a semantic parser) incrementally gathers logical statements from text - how could we incrementally inject this knowledge into embeddings without retraining the whole model? Finally, what are the theoretical limits of embedding logic in vector spaces?"

"Matrix factorization for relation extraction generalizes well - Hard to fix mistakes - Fails for new or sparse relations Formalize background knowledge as logical formluae - Easy to modify and improve - Brittle, no generalization (Markov Logic Networks generalize well but offer possibly intractable inference) Formulae can be injected into embeddings - Make logical background knowledge differentiable - Jointly optimize over factual and first-order knowledge - Learns relations with no or little prior information in databases - Generalizes beyond textual patterns mentioned in formulae - Joint optimization >(better) Pre-factorization inference > Post-factorization inference > Logical inference"

Demeester, Rocktaschel, Riedel - "Lifted Rule Injection for Relation Embeddings" (embedding of logic)

"Methods based on representation learning currently hold the state-of-the-art in many natural language processing and knowledge base inference tasks. Yet, a major challenge is how to efficiently incorporate commonsense knowledge into such models. A recent approach regularizes relation and entity representations by propositionalization of first-order logic rules. However, propositionalization does not scale beyond domains with only few entities and rules. In this paper we present a highly efficient method for incorporating implication rules into distributed representations for automated knowledge base construction. We map entity-tuple embeddings into an approximately Boolean space and encourage a partial ordering over relation embeddings based on implication rules mined from WordNet. Surprisingly, we find that the strong restriction of the entity-tuple embedding space does not hurt the expressiveness of the model and even acts as a regularizer that improves generalization. By incorporating few commonsense rules, we achieve an increase of 2 percentage points mean average precision over a matrix factorization baseline, while observing a negligible increase in runtime."

"We presented a novel, fast approach for incorporating first-order implication rules into distributed representations of relations. We termed our approach ‘lifted rule injection’, as it avoids the costly grounding of first-order implication rules and is thus independent of the size of the domain of entities. By construction, these rules are satisfied for any observed or unobserved fact. The presented approach requires a restriction on the entity-tuple embedding space. However, experiments on a real-world dataset show that this does not impair the expressiveness of the learned representations. On the contrary, it appears to have a beneficial regularization effect. By incorporating rules generated from WordNet hypernyms, our model improved over a matrix factorization baseline for knowledge base completion. Especially for domains where annotation is costly and only small amounts of training facts are available, our approach provides a way to leverage external knowledge sources for inferring facts. In future work, we want to extend the proposed ideas beyond implications towards general firstorder logic rules. We believe that supporting conjunctions, disjunctions and negations would enable to debug and improve representation learning based knowledge base completion. Furthermore, we want to integrate these ideas into neural methods beyond matrix factorization approaches."

"Finally, we explicitly discuss the main differences with respect to the strongly related work from Rocktaschel et al. (2015). Their method is more general, as they cover a wide range of first-order logic rules, whereas we only discuss implications. Lifted rule injection beyond implications will be studied in future research contributions. However, albeit less general, our model has a number of clear advantages: Scalability - Our proposed model of lifted rule injection scales according to the number of implication rules, instead of the number of rules times the number of observed facts for every relation present in a rule. Generalizability - Injected implications will hold even for facts not seen during training, because their validity only depends on the order relation imposed on the relation representations. This is not guaranteed when training on rules grounded in training facts by Rocktaschel et al. (2015). Training Flexibility - Our method can be trained with various loss functions, including the rank-based loss as used in Riedel et al. (2013). This was not possible for the model of Rocktaschel et al. (2015) and already leads to an improved accuracy. Independence Assumption - In Rocktaschel et al. (2015) an implication of the form ap ⇒ aq for two ground atoms ap and aq is modeled by the logical equivalence ¬(ap ∧ ¬aq), and its probability is approximated in terms of the elementary probabilities π(ap) and π(aq) as 1 − π(ap)(1 − π(aq)). This assumes the independence of the two atoms ap and aq, which may not hold in practice. Our approach does not rely on that assumption and also works for cases of statistical dependence. For example, the independence assumption does not hold in the trivial case where the relations rp and rq in the two atoms are equivalent, whereas in our model, the constraints rp ≤ rq and rp ≥ rq would simply reduce to rp = rq."

Hu, Ma, Liu, Hovy, Xing - "Harnessing Deep Neural Networks with Logic Rules" (embedding of logic)

"Combining deep neural networks with structured logic rules is desirable to harness flexibility and reduce unpredictability of the neural models. We propose a general framework capable of enhancing various types of neural networks (e.g., CNNs and RNNs) with declarative first-order logic rules. Specifically, we develop an iterative distillation method that transfers the structured information of logic rules into the weights of neural networks. We deploy the framework on a CNN for sentiment analysis, and an RNN for named entity recognition. With a few highly intuitive rules, we obtain substantial improvements and achieve state-of-the-art or comparable results to previous best-performing systems."

"We have developed a framework which combines deep neural networks with first-order logic rules to allow integrating human knowledge and intentions into the neural models. In particular, we proposed an iterative distillation procedure that transfers the structured information of logic rules into the weights of neural networks. The transferring is done via a teacher network constructed using the posterior regularization principle. Our framework is general and applicable to various types of neural architectures. With a few intuitive rules, our framework significantly improves base networks on sentiment analysis and named entity recognition, demonstrating the practical significance of our approach. The encouraging results indicate a strong potential of our approach on improving other NLP tasks and application domains. We plan to explore more applications and incorporate more structured knowledge in neural networks. We also would like to improve our framework to automatically learn the importance of different rules, and derive new rules from data."

"Despite the impressive advances, the widely-used DNN methods still have limitations. The high predictive accuracy has heavily relied on large amounts of labeled data; and the purely data-driven learning can lead to uninterpretable and sometimes counter-intuitive results. It is also difficult to encode human intention to guide the models to capture desired patterns, without expensive direct supervision or ad-hoc initialization. On the other hand, the cognitive process of human beings have indicated that people learn not only from concrete examples (as DNNs do) but also from different forms of general knowledge and rich experiences. Logic rules provide a flexible declarative language for communicating high-level cognition and expressing structured knowledge. It is therefore desirable to integrate logic rules into DNNs, to transfer human intention and domain knowledge to neural models, and regulate the learning process."

"We present a framework capable of enhancing general types of neural networks, such as convolutional networks and recurrent networks, on various tasks, with logic rule knowledge. Our framework enables a neural network to learn simultaneously from labeled instances as well as logic rules, through an iterative rule knowledge distillation procedure that transfers the structured information encoded in the logic rules into the network parameters. Since the general logic rules are complementary to the specific data labels, a natural “side-product” of the integration is the support for semi-supervised learning where unlabeled data can be used to better absorb the logical knowledge. Methodologically, our approach can be seen as a combination of the knowledge distillation and the posterior regularization method. In particular, at each iteration we adapt the posterior constraint principle from PR to construct a rule-regularized teacher, and train the student network of interest to imitate the predictions of the teacher network. We leverage soft logic to support flexible rule encoding."

"We apply the proposed framework on both CNN and RNN, and deploy on the task of sentiment analysis and named entity recognition, respectively. With only a few (one or two) very intuitive rules, the enhanced networks strongly improve over their basic forms (without rules), and achieve better or comparable performance to state-of-the-art models which typically have more parameters and complicated architectures. By incorporating the bi-gram transition rules, we obtain 1.56 improvement in F1 score that outperforms all previous neural based methods on named entity recognition task, including the BLSTM-CRF model which applies a conditional random field on top of a BLSTM model in order to capture the transition patterns and encourage valid sequences. In contrast, our method implements the desired constraints in a more straightforward way by using the declarative logic rule language, and at the same time does not introduce extra model parameters to learn. Further integration of the list rule provides a second boost in performance, achieving an F1 score very close to the best-performing system Joint-NER-EL which is a probabilistic graphical model based method optimizing NER and entity linking jointly and using large amount of external resources."

interesting papers - question answering over knowledge bases

recent interesting papers

Bordes, Chopra, Weston - "Question Answering with Subgraph Embeddings" (entity embedding)

"This paper presents a system which learns to answer questions on a broad range of topics from a knowledge base using few hand-crafted features. Our model learns low-dimensional embeddings of words and knowledge base constituents; these representations are used to score natural language questions against candidate answers. Training our system using pairs of questions and structured representations of their answers, and pairs of question paraphrases, yields competitive results on a recent benchmark of the literature."

"It did as well as the best previous methods on the WebQuestions dataset, yet doesn't use parsers (semantic and/or syntactic) or logic reasoning engines. All it does is some arithmetic over vectors formed from words and relations from both a knowledge base and the question; it finds an optimal "embedding matrix" W and it does some matrix multiplication to score question-answer pairs. One limitation is that it doesn't care about word order in the question -- it's basically a "bag of words" setup. Another is that it limits the complexity of the reasoning quite a lot. Another, still, is that it can only spit out entities and paths to get to the answer -- it can't return whole paragraphs, for instance."

"First-order factoid question answering assumes that the question can be answered by a single fact in a knowledge base. While this does not seem like a challenging task, many recent attempts that apply either complex linguistic reasoning or deep neural networks achieve 35%–65% accuracy on benchmark sets. Our approach formulates the task as two machine learning problems: detecting the entities in the question, and classifying the question as one of the relation types in the KB. Based on this assumption of the structure, our simple yet effective approach trains two recurrent neural networks to outperform state of the art by significant margins - relative improvement reaches 16% for WebQuestions, and surpasses 38% for SimpleQuestions."

Andreas, Rohrbach, Darrell, Klein - "Deep Compositional Question Answering with Neural Module Networks" (query semantic parsing + entity embedding, Neural Module Networks)

"Visual question answering is fundamentally compositional in nature - a question like 'where is the dog?' shares substructure with questions like 'what color is the dog?' and 'where is the cat?'. This paper seeks to simultaneously exploit the representational capacity of deep networks and the compositional linguistic structure of questions. We describe a procedure for constructing and learning neural module networks, which compose collections of jointly-trained neural “modules” into deep networks for question answering. Our approach decomposes questions into their linguistic substructures, and uses these structures to dynamically instantiate modular networks (with reusable components for recognizing dogs, classifying colors, etc.). The resulting compound networks are jointly trained. We evaluate our approach on two challenging datasets for visual question answering, achieving state-of-the-art results on both the VQA natural image dataset and a new dataset of complex questions about abstract shapes."

"So far we have maintained a strict separation between predicting network structures and learning network parameters. It is easy to imagine that these two problems might be solved jointly, with uncertainty maintained over network structures throughout training and decoding. This might be accomplished either with a monolithic network, by using some higher-level mechanism to “attend” to relevant portions of the computation, or else by integrating with existing tools for learning semantic parsers. The fact that our neural module networks can be trained to produce predictable outputs - even when freely composed - points toward a more general paradigm of “programs” built from neural networks. In this paradigm, network designers (human or automated) have access to a standard kit of neural parts from which to construct models for performing complex reasoning tasks. While visual question answering provides a natural testbed for this approach, its usefulness is potentially much broader, extending to queries about documents and structured knowledge bases or more general signal processing and function approximation."

Andreas, Rohrbach, Darrell, Klein - "Learning to Compose Neural Networks for Question Answering" (query semantic parsing + entity embedding, Dynamic Neural Model Network)

"We describe a question answering model that applies to both images and structured knowledge bases. The model uses natural language strings to automatically assemble neural networks from a collection of composable modules. Parameters for these modules are learned jointly with network-assembly parameters via reinforcement learning, with only (world, question, answer) triples as supervision. Our approach, which we term a dynamic neural model network, achieves state-of-the-art results on benchmark datasets in both visual and structured domains."

Hu, Andreas, Rohrbach, Darrell, Saenko - "Learning to Reason: End-to-End Module Networks for Visual Question Answering" (query semantic parsing + entity embedding)

"Natural language questions are inherently compositional, and many are most easily answered by reasoning about their decomposition into modular sub-problems. For example, to answer "is there an equal number of balls and boxes?" we can look for balls, look for boxes, count them, and compare the results. The recently proposed Neural Module Network (NMN) architecture implements this approach to question answering by parsing questions into linguistic substructures and assembling question-specific deep networks from smaller modules that each solve one subtask. However, existing NMN implementations rely on brittle off-the-shelf parsers, and are restricted to the module configurations proposed by these parsers rather than learning them from data. In this paper, we propose End-to-End Module Networks (N2NMNs), which learn to reason by directly predicting instance-specific network layouts without the aid of a parser. Our model learns to generate network structures (by imitating expert demonstrations) while simultaneously learning network parameters (using the downstream task loss). Experimental results on the new CLEVR dataset targeted at compositional question answering show that N2NMNs achieve an error reduction of nearly 50% relative to state-of-the-art attentional approaches, while discovering interpretable network architectures specialized for each question."

"Existing question answering methods infer answers either from a knowledge base or from raw text. While knowledge base (KB) methods are good at answering compositional questions, their performance is often affected by the incompleteness of the KB. Au contraire, web text contains millions of facts that are absent in the KB, however in an unstructured form. Universal schema can support reasoning on the union of both structured KBs and unstructured text by aligning them in a common embedded space. In this paper we extend universal schema to natural language question answering, employing memory networks to attend to the large body of facts in the combination of text and KB. Our models can be trained in an end-to-end fashion on question-answer pairs. Evaluation results on SPADES fill-in-the-blank question answering dataset show that exploiting universal schema for question answering is better than using either a KB or text alone. This model also outperforms the current state-of-the-art by 8.5 F1 points."

"In this work, we showed universal schema is a promising knowledge source for QA than using KB or text alone. Our results conclude though KB is preferred over text when the KB contains the fact of interest, a large portion of queries still attend to text indicating the amalgam of both text and KB is superior than KB alone."

Guu, Miller, Liang - "Traversing Knowledge Graphs in Vector Space" (entity embedding)

"Path queries on a knowledge graph can be used to answer compositional questions such as “What languages are spoken by people living in Lisbon?”. However, knowledge graphs often have missing facts (edges) which disrupts path queries. Recent models for knowledge base completion impute missing facts by embedding knowledge graphs in vector spaces. We show that these models can be recursively applied to answer path queries, but that they suffer from cascading errors. This motivates a new “compositional” training objective, which dramatically improves all models’ ability to answer path queries, in some cases more than doubling accuracy. On a standard knowledge base completion task, we also demonstrate that compositional training acts as a novel form of structural regularization, reliably improving performance across all base models (reducing errors by up to 43%) and achieving new state-of-the-art results."

"We introduced the task of answering path queries on an incomplete knowledge base, and presented a general technique for compositionalizing a broad class of vector space models. Our experiments show that compositional training leads to state-of-the-art performance on both path query answering and knowledge base completion. There are several key ideas from this paper: regularization by augmenting the dataset with paths, representing sets as low-dimensional vectors in a context-sensitive way, and performing function composition using vectors. We believe these three could all have greater applicability in the development of vector space models for knowledge representation and inference."

"In this paper, we present a scheme to answer path queries on knowledge bases by “compositionalizing” a broad class of vector space models that have been used for knowledge base completion. At a high level, we interpret the base vector space model as implementing a soft edge traversal operator. This operator can then be recursively applied to predict paths. Our interpretation suggests a new compositional training objective that encourages better modeling of paths. Our technique is applicable to a broad class of composable models that includes the bilinear model (Nickel et al., 2011) and TransE (Bordes et al., 2013)."

"We have two key empirical findings: First, we show that compositional training enables us to answer path queries up to at least length 5 by substantially reducing cascading errors present in the base vector space model. Second, we find that somewhat surprisingly, compositional training also improves upon state-of-the-art performance for knowledge base completion, which is a special case of answering unit length path queries. Therefore, compositional training can also be seen as a new form of structural regularization for existing models."

Berant, Liang - "Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing" (query semantic parsing + query execution)

"A central challenge in semantic parsing is handling the myriad ways in which knowledge base predicates can be expressed. Traditionally, semantic parsers are trained primarily from text paired with knowledge base information. Our goal is to exploit the much larger amounts of raw text not tied to any knowledge base. In this paper, we turn semantic parsing on its head. Given an input utterance, we first use a simple method to deterministically generate a set of candidate logical forms with a canonical realization in natural language for each. Then, we use a paraphrase model to choose the realization that best paraphrases the input, and output the corresponding logical form. We present two simple paraphrase models, an association model and a vector space model, and train them jointly from question-answer pairs. Our system PARASEMPRE improves state-of-the-art accuracies on two recently released question-answering datasets."

"In this work, we approach the problem of semantic parsing from a paraphrasing viewpoint. A fundamental motivation and long standing goal of the paraphrasing and RTE communities has been to cast various semantic applications as paraphrasing/textual entailment."

"In this work, an intermediate representation is employed to handle the mismatch, but instead of logical representation, we opt for a text-based one. Our choice allows us to benefit from the parallel monolingual corpus PARALEX and from word vectors trained on Wikipedia. We believe that our approach is particularly suitable for scenarios such as factoid question answering, where the space of logical forms is somewhat constrained and a few generation rules suffice to reduce the problem to paraphrasing."

"Since we train from question-answer pairs, we collect answers by executing the gold logical forms against Freebase. We execute λ-DCS queries by converting them into SPARQL and executing them against a copy of Freebase using the Virtuoso database engine."

Liang - "Learning Latent Programs for Question Answering" (query semantic parsing + query execution)

"A natural language utterance can be thought of as encoding a program, whose execution yields its meaning. For example, "the tallest mountain" denotes a database query whose execution on a database produces "Mt. Everest." We present a framework for learning semantic parsers that maps utterances to programs, but without requiring any annotated programs. We first demonstrate this paradigm on a question answering task on Freebase. We then show how that the same framework can be extended to the more ambitious problem of querying semi-structured Wikipedia tables. We believe that our work provides a both a practical way to build natural language interfaces and an interesting perspective on language learning that links language with desired behavior."

Reddy, Lapata, Steedman - "Large-scale Semantic Parsing without Question-Answer Pairs" (query semantic parsing + graph matching)

"In this paper we introduce a novel semantic parsing approach to query Freebase in natural language without requiring manual annotations or question-answer pairs. Our key insight is to represent natural language via semantic graphs whose topology shares many commonalities with Freebase. Given this representation, we conceptualize semantic parsing as a graph matching problem. Our model converts sentences to semantic graphs using CCG and subsequently grounds them to Freebase guided by denotations as a form of weak supervision. Evaluation experiments on a subset of the FREE917 and WebQuestions benchmark datasets show our semantic parser improves over the state of the art."

"In this paper, we introduce a new semantic parsing approach for Freebase. A key idea in our work is to exploit the structural and conceptual similarities between natural language and Freebase through a common graph-based representation. We formalize semantic parsing as a graph matching problem and learn a semantic parser without using annotated question-answer pairs. We have shown how to obtain graph representations from the output of a CCG parser and subsequently learn their correspondence to Freebase using a rich feature set and their denotations as a form of weak supervision. Our parser yields state-of-the art performance on three large Freebase domains and is not limited to question answering. We can create semantic parses for any type of NL sentences. Our work brings together several strands of research. Graph-based representations of sentential meaning have recently gained some attention in the literature (Banarescu'2013), and attempts to map sentences to semantic graphs have met with good inter-annotator agreement. Our work is also closely related to Kwiatkowski'2013, Berant and Liang'2014 who present open-domain semantic parsers based on Freebase and trained on QA pairs. Despite differences in formulation and model structure, both approaches have explicit mechanisms for handling the mismatch between natural language and the KB (e.g., using logical-type equivalent operators or paraphrases). The mismatch is handled implicitly in our case via our graphical representation which allows for the incorporation of all manner of powerful features. More generally, our method is based on the assumption that linguistic structure has a correspondence to Freebase structure which does not always hold (e.g., in Who is the grandmother of Prince William?, grandmother is not directly expressed as a relation in Freebase). Additionally, our model fails when questions are too short without any lexical clues (e.g., What did Charles Darwin do?). Supervision from annotated data or paraphrasing could improve performance in such cases. In the future, we plan to explore cluster-based semantics (Lewis and Steedman'2013) to increase the robustness on unseen NL predicates. Our work joins others in exploiting the connections between natural language and open-domain knowledge bases. Recent approaches in relation extraction use distant supervision from a knowledge base to predict grounded relations between two target entities. During learning, they aggregate sentences containing the target entities, ignoring richer contextual information. In contrast, we learn from each individual sentence taking into account all entities present, their relations, and how they interact. Krishnamurthy and Mitchell'2012 formalize semantic parsing as a distantly supervised relation extraction problem combined with a manually specified grammar to guide semantic parse composition. Finally, our approach learns a model of semantics guided by denotations as a form of weak supervision."

Yih, Chang, He, Gao - "Semantic Parsing via Staged Query Graph Generation: Question Answering with Knowledge Base" (query semantic parsing + graph matching)

"We propose a novel semantic parsing framework for question answering using a knowledge base. We define a query graph that resembles subgraphs of the knowledge base and can be directly mapped to a logical form. Semantic parsing is reduced to query graph generation, formulated as a staged search problem. Unlike traditional approaches, our method leverages the knowledge base in an early stage to prune the search space and thus simplifies the semantic matching problem. By applying an advanced entity linking system and a deep convolutional neural network model that matches questions and predicate sequences, our system outperforms previous methods substantially, and achieves an F1 measure of 52.5% on the WebQuestions dataset."

"Query graph that represents the question:

  • Identify possible entities in the question (e.g., Meg, Family Guy)
  • Only search relations around these entities in the KB
  • Narrow down the search space significantly Matching (multi-hop) relations: concatenate multiple relations to a long relation on-the-fly, the DSSM takes care the issues of aggregating semantics from individual relations. DSSM measures the semantic matching between Pattern and Relation."

Nogueira, Cho - "End-to-End Goal-Driven Web Navigation" (crawling the web)

"We propose a goal-driven web navigation as a benchmark task for evaluating an agent with abilities to understand natural language and plan on partially observed environments. In this challenging task, an agent navigates through a website, which is represented as a graph consisting of web pages as nodes and hyperlinks as directed edges, to find a web page in which a query appears. The agent is required to have sophisticated high-level reasoning based on natural languages and efficient sequential decision-making capability to succeed. We release a software tool, called WebNav, that automatically transforms a website into this goal-driven web navigation task, and as an example, we make WikiNav, a dataset constructed from the English Wikipedia. We extensively evaluate different variants of neural net based artificial agents on WikiNav and observe that the proposed goal-driven web navigation well reflects the advances in models, making it a suitable benchmark for evaluating future progress. Furthermore, we extend the WikiNav with questionanswer pairs from Jeopardy! and test the proposed agent based on recurrent neural networks against strong inverted index based search engines. The artificial agents trained on WikiNav outperforms the engined based approaches, demonstrating the capability of the proposed goal-driven navigation as a good proxy for measuring the progress in real-world tasks such as focused crawling and question-answering."

"In this work, we describe a large-scale goal-driven web navigation task and argue that it serves as a useful test bed for evaluating the capabilities of artificial agents on natural language understanding and planning. We release a software tool, called WebNav, that compiles a given website into a goal-driven web navigation task. As an example, we construct WikiNav from Wikipedia using WebNav. We extend WikiNav with Jeopardy! questions, thus creating WikiNav-Jeopardy. We evaluate various neural net based agents on WikiNav and WikiNav-Jeopardy. Our results show that more sophisticated agents have better performance, thus supporting our claim that this task is well suited to evaluate future progress in natural language understanding and planning. Furthermore, we show that our agent pretrained on WikiNav outperforms two strong inverted-index based search engines on the WikiNav-Jeopardy. These empirical results support our claim on the usefulness of the proposed task and agents in challenging applications such as focused crawling and question-answering."

Tamar, Wu, Thomas, Levine, Abbeel - "Value Iteration Networks" (crawling the web)

"We introduce the value iteration network (VIN): a fully differentiable neural network with a ‘planning module’ embedded within. VINs can learn to plan, and are suitable for predicting outcomes that involve planning-based reasoning, such as policies for reinforcement learning. Key to our approach is a novel differentiable approximation of the value-iteration algorithm, which can be represented as a convolutional neural network, and trained end-to-end using standard backpropagation. We evaluate VIN based policies on discrete and continuous path-planning domains, and on a natural-language based search task. We show that by learning an explicit planning computation, VIN policies generalize better to new, unseen domains."

"The introduction of powerful and scalable RL methods has opened up a range of new problems for deep learning. However, few recent works investigate policy architectures that are specifically tailored for planning under uncertainty, and current RL theory and benchmarks rarely investigate the generalization properties of a trained policy. This work takes a step in this direction, by exploring better generalizing policy representations. Our VIN policies learn an approximate planning computation relevant for solving the task, and we have shown that such a computation leads to better generalization in a diverse set of tasks, ranging from simple gridworlds that are amenable to value iteration, to continuous control, and even to navigation of Wikipedia links. In future work we intend to learn different planning computations, based on simulation, or optimal linear control, and combine them with reactive policies, to potentially develop RL solutions for task and motion planning"

"In our experiment in continuous control we used hierarchical policy: high-level policy solved low-resolution map and low-level policy executed it. This is very different from options/skills framework. There is one smooth policy that implements everything. We don't need to learn initiation sets or termination sets. But more importantly, the motivation for using hierarchy here was different. The motivation wasn't to increase learning rate or exploration - the motivation was to generalize. We understood that low-resolution map is sufficient for doing planning which promotes generalization, but low-level policy uses the fact that dynamics is similar across different tasks."

"Its contribution is to offer a new way to think about value iteration in the context of deep networks. It shows how the CNN architecture can be hijacked to implement the Bellman optimality operator, and how the backprop signal can be used to learn a deterministic model of the underlying MDP."

"Value iteration is similar enough to a sequence of convolutions and max-pooling layers that you can emulate an (unrolled) planning computation with a deep network. This allows neural nets to do planning, e.g. moving from start to goal in grid-world, or navigating a website to find query."

interesting papers - question answering over texts

recent interesting papers

"[continuous space representations]" section of Natural Language Processing
machine reading methods and datasets by Matt Gardner

"A distinguishing property of human intelligence is the ability to flexibly use language in order to communicate complex ideas with other humans in a variety of contexts. Research in natural language dialogue should focus on designing communicative agents which can integrate themselves into these contexts and productively collaborate with humans. In this abstract, we propose a general situated language learning paradigm which is designed to bring about robust language agents able to cooperate productively with humans. This dialogue paradigm is built on a utilitarian definition of language understanding. Language is one of multiple tools which an agent may use to accomplish goals in its environment. We say an agent “understands” language only when it is able to use language productively to accomplish these goals. Under this definition, an agent’s communication success reduces to its success on tasks within its environment. This setup contrasts with many conventional natural language tasks, which maximize linguistic objectives derived from static datasets. Such applications often make the mistake of reifying language as an end in itself. The tasks prioritize an isolated measure of linguistic intelligence (often one of linguistic competence, in the sense of Chomsky), rather than measuring a model’s effectiveness in real-world scenarios. Our utilitarian definition is motivated by recent successes in reinforcement learning methods. In a reinforcement learning setting, agents maximize success metrics on real-world tasks, without requiring direct supervision of linguistic behavior."

"We outlined a paradigm for grounded and goal-driven language learning in artificial agents. The paradigm is centered around a utilitarian definition of language understanding, which equates language understanding with the ability to cooperate with other language users in real-world environments. This position demotes language from its position as a separate task to be solved to one of several communicative tools agents might use to accomplish their real-world goals. While this paradigm does already capture a small amount of recent work in dialogue, on the whole it has not received the focus it deserves in the research communities of natural language processing and machine learning. We hope this paper brings focus to the task of situated language learning as a way forward for research in natural language dialogue."

Iyyer, Boyd-Graber, Claudino, Socher, Daume - "A Neural Network for Factoid Question Answering over Paragraphs"

"We introduce a recursive neural network model that is able to correctly answer paragraph-length factoid questions from a trivia competition called quiz bowl. Text classification methods for tasks like factoid question answering typically use manually defined string matching rules or bag of words representations. Our model is able to succeed where traditional approaches fail, particularly when questions contain very few words (e.g., named entities) indicative of the answer. We introduce a recursive neural network model that can reason over such input by modeling textual compositionality. Unlike previous RNN models, our model QANTA learns word and phrase-level representations that combine across sentences to reason about entities. The model outperforms multiple baselines and, when combined with information retrieval methods, rivals the best human players."

"We use a specially designed dataset that challenges humans: a trivia game called Quiz bowl. These questions are written so that they can be interrupted by someone who knows more about the answer; that is, harder clues are at the start of the question and easier clues are at the end of the question. The content model produces guesses of what the answer could be and the policy must decide when to accept the guess. Quiz bowl is a fun game with excellent opportunities for outreach, but it is also related to core challenges in natural language processing: classification (sorting inputs and making predictions), discourse (using pragmatic clues to guess what will come next), and coreference resolution (knowing which entities are discussed from oblique mentions)."

"Why not traditional QA? Information Retrieval systems work by querying some large knowledge base for terms similar to those in the query. But what if the query lacks informative terms? In such cases, we have to model the compositionality of the query. A dependency-tree recursive neural network model, QANTA, that computes distributed question representations to predict answers. QANTA outperforms multiple strong baselines and defeats human quiz bowl players when combined with IR methods."

Weston, Chopra, Bordes - "Memory Networks"

Sukhbaatar, Szlam, Weston, Fergus - "End-To-End Memory Networks"

Miller, Fisch, Dodge, Karimi, Bordes, Weston - "Key-Value Memory Networks for Directly Reading Documents"

"Directly reading documents and being able to answer questions from them is a key problem. To avoid its inherent difficulty, question answering has been directed towards using Knowledge Bases instead, which has proven effective. Unfortunately KBs suffer from often being too restrictive, as the schema cannot support certain types of answers, and too sparse, e.g. Wikipedia contains much more information than Freebase. In this work we introduce a new method, Key-Value Memory Networks, that makes reading documents more viable by utilizing different encodings in the addressing and output stages of the memory read operation. To compare using KBs, information extraction or Wikipedia documents directly in a single framework we construct an analysis tool, MOVIEQA, a QA dataset in the domain of movies. Our method closes the gap between all three settings. It also achieves state-of-the-art results on the existing WIKIQA benchmark."

"We studied the problem of directly reading documents in order to answer questions, concentrating our analysis on the gap between such direct methods and using human-annotated or automatically constructed KBs. We presented a new model, Key-Value Memory Networks, which helps bridge this gap, outperforming several other methods across two datasets, MOVIEQA and WIKIQA. However, some gap in performance still remains. MOVIEQA serves as an analysis tool to shed some light on the causes. Future work should try to close this gap further. Key-Value Memory Networks are a versatile tool for reading documents or KBs and answering questions about them - allowing to encode prior knowledge about the task at hand in the key and value memories. These models could be applied to storing and reading memories for other tasks as well, and future work should try them in other domains, such as in a full dialog setting."

Hermann, Kocisky, Grefenstette, Espeholt, Kay, Suleyman, Blunsom - "Teaching Machines to Read and Comprehend"

"Teaching machines to read natural language documents remains an elusive challenge. Machine reading systems can be tested on their ability to answer questions posed on the contents of documents that they have seen, but until now large scale training and test datasets have been missing for this type of evaluation. In this work we define a new methodology that resolves this bottleneck and provides large scale supervised reading comprehension data. This allows us to develop a class of attention based deep neural networks that learn to read real documents and answer complex questions with minimal prior knowledge of language structure."

"Progress on the path from shallow bag-of-words information retrieval algorithms to machines capable of reading and understanding documents has been slow. Traditional approaches to machine reading and comprehension have been based on either hand engineered grammars, or information extraction methods of detecting predicate argument triples that can later be queried as a relational database. Supervised machine learning approaches have largely been absent from this space due to both the lack of large scale training datasets, and the difficulty in structuring statistical models flexible enough to learn to exploit document structure. While obtaining supervised natural language reading comprehension data has proved difficult, some researchers have explored generating synthetic narratives and queries. Such approaches allow the generation of almost unlimited amounts of supervised data and enable researchers to isolate the performance of their algorithms on individual simulated phenomena. Work on such data has shown that neural network based models hold promise for modelling reading comprehension, something that we will build upon here. Historically, however, many similar approaches in Computational Linguistics have failed to manage the transition from synthetic data to real environments, as such closed worlds inevitably fail to capture the complexity, richness, and noise of natural language. In this work we seek to directly address the lack of real natural language training data by introducing a novel approach to building a supervised reading comprehension data set. We observe that summary and paraphrase sentences, with their associated documents, can be readily converted to context-query-answer triples using simple entity detection and anonymisation algorithms. Using this approach we have collected two new corpora of roughly a million news stories with associated queries from the CNN and Daily Mail websites. We demonstrate the efficacy of our new corpora by building novel deep learning models for reading comprehension. These models draw on recent developments for incorporating attention mechanisms into recurrent neural network architectures. This allows a model to focus on the aspects of a document that it believes will help it answer a question, and also allows us to visualises its inference process. We compare these neural models to a range of baselines and heuristic benchmarks based upon a traditional frame semantic analysis provided by a state-of-the-art natural language processing."

"The supervised paradigm for training machine reading and comprehension models provides a promising avenue for making progress on the path to building full natural language understanding systems. We have demonstrated a methodology for obtaining a large number of document-query-answer triples and shown that recurrent and attention based neural networks provide an effective modelling framework for this task. Our analysis indicates that the Attentive and Impatient Readers are able to propagate and integrate semantic information over long distances. In particular we believe that the incorporation of an attention mechanism is the key contributor to these results. The attention mechanism that we have employed is just one instantiation of a very general idea which can be further exploited. However, the incorporation of world knowledge and multi-document queries will also require the development of attention and embedding mechanisms whose complexity to query does not scale linearly with the data set size. There are still many queries requiring complex inference and long range reference resolution that our models are not yet able to answer. As such our data provides a scalable challenge that should support NLP research into the future. Further, significantly bigger training data sets can be acquired using the techniques we have described, undoubtedly allowing us to train more expressive and accurate models."


  • Supervised machine reading is a viable research direction with the available data
  • LSTM based recurrent networks constantly surprise with their ability to encode dependencies in sequences
  • Attention is a very effective and flexible modelling technique"

"Future directions:

  • More and better data, corpus querying, and cross document queries
  • Recurrent networks incorporating long term and working memory are well suited to NLU task"

"The model has to be able to detect symbol in the input (answer placeholder in the question) and substitute it with another symbol (word from document)."

"Two strategies for transducing with replacement of answer placeholder symbol with entity symbol: document||query (putting all the information about document into thought vector before knowing the query) or query||document (putting all the information about query before thinking about the answer). The second approach (filtering document after digesting query) works better."

"We do not tell the model anything about the structure. We don't tell it there are query and document (they are just symbols). We don't tell it there is symbol it has to substitute (it just has to learn them). So there is really long range between variable in query and answer in document (thousands of words). And the problem is more difficult than other transduction problems because of that."

Kadlec, Schmid, Bajgar, Kleindienst - "Text Understanding with the Attention Sum Reader Network" (Attention Sum Reader model)

"Several large cloze-style context-question-answer datasets have been introduced recently: the CNN and Daily Mail news data and the Children’s Book Test. Thanks to the size of these datasets, the associated text comprehension task is well suited for deep-learning techniques that currently seem to outperform all alternative approaches. We present a new, simple model that uses attention to directly pick the answer from the context as opposed to computing the answer using a blended representation of words in the document as is usual in similar models. This makes the model particularly suitable for question-answering problems where the answer is a single word from the document. Our model outperforms models previously proposed for these tasks by a large margin."

"The words from the document and the question are first converted into vector embeddings using a look-up matrix V. The document is then read by a bidirectional GRU network. A concatenation of the hidden states of the forward and backward GRUs at each word is then used as a contextual embedding of this word, intuitively representing the context in which the word is appearing. We can also understand it as representing the set of questions to which this word may be an answer. Similarly the question is read by a bidirectional GRU but in this case only the final hidden states are concatenated to form the question embedding. The attention over each word in the context is then calculated as the dot product of its contextual embedding with the question embedding. This attention is then normalized by the softmax function. While most previous models used this attention as weights to calculate a blended representation of the answer word, we simply sum the attention across all occurrences of each unique words and then simply select the word with the highest sum as the final answer. While simple, this trick seems both to improve accuracy and to speed-up training."

Bajgar, Kadlec, Kleindienst - "Embracing data abundance: BookTest Dataset for Reading Comprehension" (Attention Sum Reader model)

"There is a practically unlimited amount of natural language data available. Still, recent work in text comprehension has focused on datasets which are small relative to current computing possibilities. This article is making a case for the community to move to larger data and as a step in that direction it is proposing the BookTest, a new dataset similar to the popular Children’s Book Test (CBT), however more than 60 times larger. We show that training on the new data improves the accuracy of our Attention-Sum Reader model on the original CBT test data by a much larger margin than many recent attempts to improve the model architecture. On one version of the dataset our ensemble even exceeds the human baseline provided by Facebook. We then show in our own human study that there is still space for further improvement."

"We have shown that simply infusing a model with more data can yield performance improvements of up to 14.8% where several attempts to improve the model architecture on the same training data have given gains of at most 2.1% compared to our best ensemble result."

"Since the amount of data is practically unlimited – we could even generate them on the fly resulting in continuous learning similar to the Never-Ending Language Learning by Carnegie Mellon University - it is now the speed of training that determines how much data the model is able to see."

"If we move model training from joint CBT NE+CN training data to a subset of the BookTest of the same size (230k examples), we see a drop in accuracy of around 10% on the CBT test datasets. Hence even though the Children’s Book Test and BookTest datasets are almost as close as two disjoint datasets can get, the transfer is still very imperfect. This also suggests that the increase in accuracy when using more data that are strictly in the same domain as the original training data results in a performance increase even larger that the one we are reporting on CBT. However the scenario of having to look for additional data elsewhere is more realistic."

Choi, Hewlett, Lacoste, Polosukhin, Uszkoreit, Berant - "Coarse-to-Fine Question Answering for Long Documents"

"We present a framework for question answering that can efficiently scale to longer documents while maintaining or even improving performance of state-of-the-art models. While most successful approaches for reading comprehension rely on recurrent neural networks, running them over long documents is prohibitively slow because it is difficult to parallelize over sequences. Inspired by how people first skim the document, identify relevant parts, and carefully read these parts to produce an answer, we combine a coarse, fast model for selecting relevant sentences and a more expensive RNN for producing the answer from those sentences. We treat sentence selection as a latent variable trained jointly from the answer only using reinforcement learning. Experiments demonstrate the state of the art performance on a challenging subset of the WIKIREADING dataset and on a new dataset, while speeding up the model by 3.5x-6.7x."

Watanabe, Dhingra, Salakhutdinov - "Question Answering from Unstructured Text by Retrieval and Comprehension" (extended Attention Sum Reader model)

"Open domain Question Answering systems must interact with external knowledge sources, such as web pages, to find relevant information. Information sources like Wikipedia, however, are not well structured and difficult to utilize in comparison with Knowledge Bases. In this work we present a two-step approach to question answering from unstructured text, consisting of a retrieval step and a comprehension step. For comprehension, we present an RNN based attention model with a novel mixture mechanism for selecting answers from either retrieved articles or a fixed vocabulary. For retrieval we introduce a hand-crafted model and a neural model for ranking relevant articles. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on WIKIMOVIES dataset, reducing the error by 40%. Our experimental results further demonstrate the importance of each of the introduced components."

Berant, Srikumar, Chen, Huang, Manning, Linden, Harding, Clark - "Modeling Biological Processes for Reading Comprehension"

"Machine reading calls for programs that read and understand text, but most current work only attempts to extract facts from redundant web-scale corpora. In this paper, we focus on a new reading comprehension task that requires complex reasoning over a single document. The input is a paragraph describing a biological process, and the goal is to answer questions that require an understanding of the relations between entities and events in the process. To answer the questions, we first predict a rich structure representing the process in the paragraph. Then, we map the question to a formal query, which is executed against the predicted structure. We demonstrate that answering questions via predicted structures substantially improves accuracy over baselines that use shallower representations."

interesting papers - reasoning

recent interesting papers

Neelakantan, Le, Sutskever - "Neural Programmer: Inducing Latent Programs with Gradient Descent" (neural reasoning over knowledge base)

"Deep neural networks have achieved impressive supervised classification performance in many tasks including image recognition, speech recognition, and sequence to sequence learning. However, this success has not been translated to applications like question answering that may involve complex arithmetic and logic reasoning. A major limitation of these models is in their inability to learn even simple arithmetic and logic operations. For example, it has been shown that neural networks fail to learn to add two binary numbers reliably. In this work, we propose Neural Programmer, an end-to-end differentiable neural network augmented with a small set of basic arithmetic and logic operations. Neural Programmer can call these augmented operations over several steps, thereby inducing compositional programs that are more complex than the built-in operations. The model learns from a weak supervision signal which is the result of execution of the correct program, hence it does not require expensive annotation of the correct program itself. The decisions of what operations to call, and what data segments to apply to are inferred by Neural Programmer. Such decisions, during training, are done in a differentiable fashion so that the entire network can be trained jointly by gradient descent. We find that training the model is difficult, but it can be greatly improved by adding random noise to the gradient. On a fairly complex synthetic table-comprehension dataset, traditional recurrent networks and attentional models perform poorly while Neural Programmer typically obtains nearly perfect accuracy."

"We develop Neural Programmer, a neural network model augmented with a small set of arithmetic and logic operations to perform complex arithmetic and logic reasoning. The model is fully differentiable and it can be trained in an end-to-end fashion to induce programs using much lesser sophisticated human supervision than prior work. It is a general model for program induction broadly applicable across different domains, data sources and languages. Our experiments indicate that the model is capable of learning with delayed supervision and exhibits powerful compositionality."

"While DNN models are capable of learning the fuzzy underlying patterns in the data, they have not had an impact in applications that involve crisp reasoning. A major limitation of these models is in their inability to learn even simple arithmetic and logic operations. For example, Joulin & Mikolov (2015) show that recurrent neural networks fail at the task of adding two binary numbers even when the result has less than 10 bits. This makes existing DNN models unsuitable for downstream applications that require complex reasoning, e.g., natural language question answering. For example, to answer the question “how many states border Texas?”, the algorithm has to perform an act of counting in a table which is something that a neural network is not yet good at. A fairly common method for solving these problems is program induction where the goal is to find a program (in SQL or some high-level languages) that can correctly solve the task. An application of these models is in semantic parsing where the task is to build a natural language interface to a structured database. This problem is often formulated as mapping a natural language question to an executable query. A drawback of existing methods in semantic parsing is that they are difficult to train and require a great deal of human supervision. As the space over programs is non-smooth, it is difficult to apply simple gradient descent; most often, gradient descent is augmented with a complex search procedure, such as sampling. To further simplify training, the algorithmic designers have to manually add more supervision signals to the models in the form of annotation of the complete program for every question or a domain-specific grammar. For example, designing grammars that contain rules to associate lexical items to the correct operations, e.g., the word “largest” to the operation “argmax”, or to produce syntactically valid programs, e.g., disallow the program >= dog. The role of hand-crafted grammars is crucial in semantic parsing yet also limits its general applicability to many different domains."

"The goal of this work is to develop a model that does not require substantial human supervision and is broadly applicable across different domains, data sources and natural languages. We propose Neural Programmer, an end-to-end differentiable neural network augmented with a small set of basic arithmetic and logic operations. In our formulation, the neural network can run several steps using a recurrent neural network. At each step, it can select a segment in the data source and a particular operation to apply to that segment. The neural network propagates these outputs forward at every step to form the final, more complicated output. Using the target output, we can adjust the network to select the right data segments and operations, thereby inducing the correct program. Key to our approach is that the selection process (for the data source and operations) is done in a differentiable fashion (i.e., soft selection or attention), so that the whole neural network can be trained jointly by gradient descent. At test time, we replace soft selection with hard selection. By combining neural network with mathematical operations, we can utilize both the fuzzy pattern matching capabilities of deep networks and the crisp algorithmic power of traditional programmable computers."

"Neural Programmer has two attractive properties. First, it learns from a weak supervision signal which is the result of execution of the correct program. It does not require the expensive annotation of the correct program for the training examples. The human supervision effort is in the form of question, data source and answer triples. Second, Neural Programmer does not require additional rules to guide the program search, making it a general framework. With Neural Programmer, the algorithmic designer only defines a list of basic operations which requires lesser human effort than in previous program induction techniques."

"We experiment with a synthetic table-comprehension dataset, consisting of questions with a wide range of difficulty levels. Examples of natural language translated queries include “print elements in column H whose field in column C is greater than 50 and field in column E is less than 20?” or “what is the difference between sum of elements in column A and number of rows in the table?”. We find that LSTM recurrent networks and LSTM models with attention do not work well. Neural Programmer, however, can completely solve this task or achieve greater than 99% accuracy on most cases by inducing the required latent program."

"Current neural networks cannot handle complex data structures."

"Current neural networks cannot handle numbers well: treat numbers as tokens, which lead to many unknown words."

"Current neural networks cannot make use of rules well: cannot use addition, subtraction, summation, average operations."

"Authors propose a neural programmer by defining a set of symbolic operations (e.g., argmax, greater than); at each step, all possible execution results are fused by a softmax layer, which predicts the probability of each operator at the current step. The step-by-step fusion is accomplished by weighted sum and the model is trained with mean square error. Hence, such approaches work with numeric tables, but may not be suited for other operations like string matching; it also suffers from the problem of “exponential numbers of combinatorial states.”"

Rocktaschel, Riedel - "End-to-end Differentiable Proving" (Rocktaschel) (neural reasoning over knowledge base)

"We introduce neural networks for end-to-end differentiable theorem proving that operate on dense vector representations of symbols. These neural networks are constructed recursively by taking inspiration from the backward chaining algorithm as used in Prolog. Specifically, we replace symbolic unification with a differentiable computation on vector representations of symbols using a radial basis function kernel, thereby combining symbolic reasoning with learning subsymbolic vector representations. By using gradient descent, the resulting neural network can be trained to infer facts from a given incomplete knowledge base. It learns to (i) place representations of similar symbols in close proximity in a vector space, (ii) make use of such similarities to prove facts, (iii) induce logical rules, and (iv) use provided and induced logical rules for complex multi-hop reasoning. We demonstrate that this architecture outperforms ComplEx, a state-of-the-art neural link prediction model, on four benchmark knowledge bases while at the same time inducing interpretable function-free first-order logic rules."

"We proposed an end-to-end differentiable prover for automated KB completion that operates on subsymbolic representations. To this end, we used Prolog’s backward chaining algorithm as a recipe for recursively constructing neural networks that can be used to prove facts in a KB. Specifically, we introduced a differentiable unification operation between vector representations of symbols. The constructed neural network allowed us to compute the gradient of proof successes with respect to vector representations of symbols, and thus enabled us to train subsymbolic representations end-to-end from facts in a KB. Furthermore, given templates for unknown rules of predefined structure, we were able to induce first-order logic rules using gradient descent. On benchmark KBs, our model outperformed ComplEx, a state-of-the-art neural link prediction model, while at the same time inducing interpretable rules."

"To overcome computational limitations of end-to-end differentiable proving, we want to investigate the use of hierarchical attention and recent reinforcement learning methods such as Monte Carlo tree search that have been used for learning to play Go and chemical synthesis planning. Orthogonal to that, more flexible individual components of end-to-end differentiable provers are conceivable. For instance, unification, rule selection, and rule application could be modeled as parameterized functions, and thus could potentially learn a more optimal behavior from data in a KB. In addition, we plan to support function terms in the future. Lastly, we are interested in applying NTPs to automated proving of mathematical theorems, either in logical or natural language form."

Rocktaschel, Grefenstette, Hermann, Kocisky, Blunsom - "Reasoning about Entailment with Neural Attention" (neural reasoning over text)

"Automatically recognizing entailment relations between pairs of natural language sentences has so far been the dominion of classifiers employing hand engineered features derived from natural language processing pipelines. End-to-end differentiable neural architectures have failed to approach state-of-the-art performance until very recently. In this paper, we propose a neural model that reads two sentences to determine entailment using long short-term memory units. We extend this model with a word-by-word neural attention mechanism that encourages reasoning over entailments of pairs of words and phrases. Furthermore, we present a qualitative analysis of attention weights produced by this model, demonstrating such reasoning capabilities. On a large entailment dataset this model outperforms the previous best neural model and a classifier with engineered features by a substantial margin. It is the first generic end-to-end differentiable system that achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on a textual entailment dataset."

"In this paper, we show how the state-of-the-art in recognizing textual entailment on a large, human-curated and annotated corpus, can be improved with general end-to-end differentiable models. Our results demonstrate that LSTM recurrent neural networks that read pairs of sequences to produce a final representation from which a simple classifier predicts entailment, outperform both a neural baseline as well as a classifier with hand-engineered features. Furthermore, extending these models with attention over the premise provides further improvements to the predictive abilities of the system, resulting in a new state-of-the-art accuracy for recognizing entailment on the Stanford Natural Language Inference corpus. The models presented here are general sequence models, requiring no appeal to natural language specific processing beyond tokenization, and are therefore a suitable target for transfer learning through pre-training the recurrent systems on other corpora, and conversely, applying the models trained on this corpus to other entailment tasks. Future work will focus on such transfer learning tasks, as well as scaling the methods presented here to larger units of text (e.g. paragraphs and entire documents) using hierarchical attention mechanisms. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the application of these generic models to non-natural language sequential entailment problems."

Beltagy, Roller, Cheng, Erk, Mooney - "Representing Meaning with a Combination of Logical Form and Vectors" (MLN reasoning over text and knowledge base)

"NLP tasks differ in the semantic information they require, and at this time no single semantic representation fulfills all requirements. Logic-based representations characterize sentence structure, but do not capture the graded aspect of meaning. Distributional models give graded similarity ratings for words and phrases, but do not adequately capture overall sentence structure. So it has been argued that the two are complementary. In this paper, we adopt a hybrid approach that combines logic-based and distributional semantics through probabilistic logic inference in Markov Logic Networks. We focus on textual entailment, a task that can utilize the strengths of both representations. Our system is three components, 1) parsing and task representation, where input RTE problems are represented in probabilistic logic. This is quite different from representing them in standard first-order logic. 2) knowledge base construction in the form of weighted inference rules from different sources like WordNet, paraphrase collections, and lexical and phrasal distributional rules generated on the fly. We use a variant of Robinson resolution to determine the necessary inference rules. More sources can easily be added by mapping them to logical rules; our system learns a resource-specific weight that counteract scaling differences between resources. 3) inference, where we show how to solve the inference problems efficiently. In this paper we focus on the SICK dataset, and we achieve a state-of-the-art result. Our system handles overall sentence structure and phenomena like negation in the logic, then uses our Robinson resolution variant to query distributional systems about words and short phrases. Therefore, we use our system to evaluate distributional lexical entailment approaches. We also publish the set of rules queried from the SICK dataset, which can be a good resource to evaluate them."

"Our approach has three main components:

  1. Parsing and Task Representation, where input natural sentences are mapped into logic then used to represent the RTE task as a probabilistic inference problem.
  2. Knowledge Base Construction, where the background knowledge is collected from different sources, encoded as first-order logic rules and weighted. This is where the distributional information is integrated into our system.
  3. Inference, which solves the generated probabilistic logic problem using Markov Logic Networks." "In the Inference step, automated reasoning for MLNs is used to perform the RTE task. We implement an MLN inference algorithm that directly supports querying complex logical formula, which is not supported in the available MLN tools. We exploit the closed-world assumption to help reduce the size of the inference problem in order to make it tractable."

"One powerful advantage of relying on a general-purpose probabilistic logic as a semantic representation is that it allows for a highly modular system. This means the most recent advancements in any of the system components, in parsing, in knowledge base resources and distributional semantics, and in inference algorithms, can be easily incorporated into the system."

"Being able to effectively represent natural languages semantics is important and has many important applications. We have introduced an approach that uses probabilistic logic to combine the expressivity and automated inference provided by logical representations, with the ability to capture graded aspects of natural language captured by distributional semantics. We evaluated this semantic representation on the RTE task which requires deep semantic understanding. Our system maps natural-language sentences to logical formulas, uses them to build probabilistic logic inference problems, builds a knowledge base from precompiled resources and on-the-fly distributional resources, then performs inference using Markov Logic. Experiments demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on the recently introduced SICK RTE task."

"Contextualization. The evaluation of the entailment rule classifier showed that some of the entailments are context-specific, like put/pour (which are entailing only for liquids) or push/knock (which is entailing in the context of “pushing a toddler into a puddle”). Cosine-based distributional features were able to identify some of these cases when all other features did not. We would like to explore whether contextualized distributional word representations, which take the sentence context into account, can identify such context-specific lexical entailments more reliably. Distributional entailment. It is well-known that cosine similarity gives particularly high ratings to co-hyponyms, and our evaluation confirmed that this is a problem for lexical entailment judgments, as co-hyponyms are usually not entailing. However, co-hyponymy judgments can be used to position unknown terms in the WordNet hierarchy. This could be a new way of using distributional information in lexical entailment: using cosine similarity to position a term in an existing hierarchy, and then using the relations in the hierarchy for lexical entailment. While distributional similarity is usually used only on individual word pairs as if nothing else was known about the language, this technique would us distributional similarity to learn the meaning of unknown terms given that many other terms are already known. Question Answering. Our semantic representation is a deep flexible semantic representation that can be used to perform various types of tasks. We are interested in applying our semantic representation to the question answering task. Question answering is the task of finding an answer of a WH question from large text corpus. This task is interesting because it may offer a wider variety of tasks to the distributional subsystem, including context-specific matches and the need to learn domain-specific distributional knowledge. In our framework, all the text would be translated to logic, and the question would be translated to a logical expression with an existentially quantified variable representing the questioned part. Then the probabilistic logic inference tool would aim to find the best entities in the text that fill in that existential quantifier in the question. Existing logic-based systems are usually applied to limited domains, such as querying a specific database, but with our system, we have the potential to query a large corpus because we are using Boxer for wide-coverage semantic analysis. The interesting bottleneck is the inference. It would be very challenging to scale probabilistic logic inference to such large inference problems. Generalized Quantifiers. One important extension to this work is to support generalized quantifiers in probabilistic logic. Some determiners, such as “few” and “most”, cannot be represented in standard first-order logic, and are usually addressed using higher-order logics. But it could be possible to represent them using the probabilistic aspect of probabilistic logic, sidestepping the need for higher-order logic."

Khot, Balasubramanian, Gribkoff, Sabharwal, Clark, Etzioni - "Markov Logic Networks for Natural Language Question Answering" (MLN reasoning over text)

"Our goal is to answer elementary-level science questions using knowledge extracted automatically from science textbooks, expressed in a subset of first-order logic. Given the incomplete and noisy nature of these automatically extracted rules, Markov Logic Networks seem a natural model to use, but the exact way of leveraging MLNs is by no means obvious. We investigate three ways of applying MLNs to our task. In the first, we simply use the extracted science rules directly as MLN clauses. Unlike typical MLN applications, our domain has long and complex rules, leading to an unmanageable number of groundings. We exploit the structure present in hard constraints to improve tractability, but the formulation remains ineffective. In the second approach, we instead interpret science rules as describing prototypical entities, thus mapping rules directly to grounded MLN assertions, whose constants are then clustered using existing entity resolution methods. This drastically simplifies the network, but still suffers from brittleness. Finally, our third approach, called Praline, uses MLNs to align the lexical elements as well as define and control how inference should be performed in this task. Our experiments, demonstrating a 15% accuracy boost and a 10x reduction in runtime, suggest that the flexibility and different inference semantics of Praline are a better fit for the natural language question answering task". "Our investigation of the potential of MLNs for QA resulted in multiple formulations, the third of which is a flexible model that outperformed other, more natural approaches. We hope our question sets and MLNs will guide further research on improved modeling of the QA task and design of more efficient inference mechanisms for such models. While SRL methods seem a perfect fit for textual reasoning tasks such as RTE and QA, their performance on these tasks is still not up to par with simple textual feature-based approaches (Beltagy and Mooney 2014). On our datasets too, simple word-overlap based approaches perform quite well, scoring around 55%. We conjecture that the increased flexibility of complex relational models comes at the cost of increased susceptibility to noise in the input. Automatically learning weights of these models may allow leveraging this flexibility in order to handle noise better. Weight learning in these models, however, is challenging as we only observe the correct answer for a question and not intermediate feedback such as ideal alignments and desirable inference chains. Modeling the QA task with MLNs, an undirected model, gives the flexibility to define a joint model that allows alignment to influence inference and vice versa. At the same time, inference chains themselves need to be acyclic, suggesting that models such as Problog and SLP would be a better fit for this sub-task. Exploring hybrid formulation and designing more efficient and accurate MLNs or other SRL models for the QA task remains an exciting avenue of future research."

"What capabilities are required for an AI system to pass standard 4th Grade Science Tests? Previous work has examined the use of Markov Logic Networks to represent the requisite background knowledge and interpret test questions, but did not improve upon an information retrieval baseline. In this paper, we describe an alternative approach that operates at three levels of representation and reasoning: information retrieval, corpus statistics, and simple inference over a semi-automatically constructed knowledge base, to achieve substantially improved results. We evaluate the methods on six years of unseen, unedited exam questions from the NY Regents Science Exam (using only non-diagram, multiple choice questions), and show that our overall system’s score is 71.3%, an improvement of 23.8% (absolute) over the MLN-based method described in previous work. We conclude with a detailed analysis, illustrating the complementary strengths of each method in the ensemble. Our datasets are being released to enable further research."

Khashabi, Khot, Sabharwal, Clark, Etzioni, Roth - "Question Answering via Integer Programming over Semi-Structured Knowledge"

"Answering science questions posed in natural language is an important AI challenge. Answering such questions often requires non-trivial inference and knowledge that goes beyond factoid retrieval. Yet, most systems for this task are based on relatively shallow Information Retrieval (IR) and statistical correlation techniques operating on large unstructured corpora. We propose a structured inference system for this task, formulated as an Integer Linear Program (ILP), that answers natural language questions using a semi-structured knowledge base derived from text, including questions requiring multi-step inference and a combination of multiple facts. On a dataset of real, unseen science questions, our system significantly outperforms (+14%) the best previous attempt at structured reasoning for this task, which used Markov Logic Networks (MLNs). It also improves upon a previous ILP formulation by 17.7%. When combined with unstructured inference methods, the ILP system significantly boosts overall performance (+10%). Finally, we show our approach is substantially more robust to a simple answer perturbation compared to statistical correlation methods."

"In contrast to a state-of-the-art structured inference method [Khot et al., 2015] for this task, which used Markov Logic Networks, TableILP achieves a significantly (+14% absolute) higher test score. This suggests that a combination of a rich and fine-grained constraint language, namely ILP, even with a publicly available solver is more effective in practice than various MLN formulations of the task. Further, while the scalability of the MLN formulations was limited to very few (typically one or two) selected science rules at a time, our approach easily scales to hundreds of relevant scientific facts. It also complements the kind of questions amenable to IR and PMI techniques, as is evidenced by the fact that a combination (trained using simple Logistic Regression of TableILP with IR and PMI results in a significant (+10% absolute) boost in the score compared to IR alone."

"Our ablation study suggests that combining facts from multiple tables or multiple rows within a table plays an important role in TableILP’s performance. We also show that TableILP benefits from the table structure, by comparing it with an IR system using the same knowledge (the table rows) but expressed as simple sentences; TableILP scores significantly (+10%) higher."

"Clark et al. [2016] proposed an ensemble approach for the science QA task, demonstrating the effectiveness of a combination of information retrieval, statistical association, rule-based reasoning, and an ILP solver operating on semi-structured knowledge. Our ILP system extends their model with additional constraints and preferences (e.g., semantic relation matching), substantially improving QA performance."

"The task of Recognizing Textual Entailment is also closely related, as QA can be cast as entailment (Does corpus entail question+answer?). However, RTE has primarily focused on the task of linguistic equivalence, and has not addressed questions where some form of scientific reasoning is required. Recent work on Natural Logic has extended RTE to account for the logical structure within language. Our work can be seen as going one step further, to add a layer of structured reasoning on top of this; in fact, we use an RTE engine as a basic subroutine for comparing individual table cells in our ILP formulation."

"We treat question answering as the task of pairing the question with an answer such that this pair has the best support in the knowledge base, measured in terms of the strength of a “support graph”. Informally, an edge denotes (soft) equality between a question or answer node and a table node, or between two table nodes. To account for lexical variability (e.g., that tool and instrument are essentially equivalent) and generalization (e.g., that a dog is an animal), we replace string equality with a phrase-level entailment or similarity function. A support graph thus connects the question constituents to a unique answer option through table cells and (optionally) table headers corresponding to the aligned cells. A given question and tables give rise to a large number of possible support graphs, and the role of the inference process will be to choose the “best” one under a notion of desirable support graphs developed next. We do this through a number of additional structural and semantic properties; the more properties the support graph satisfies, the more desirable it is."

interesting papers - information extraction and integration

selected papers
papers on entity discovery and linking

Dong, Gabrilovich, Heitz, Horn, Murphy, Sun, Zhang - "From Data Fusion to Knowledge Fusion" (knowledge base population) # Google Knowledge Vault

"The task of data fusion is to identify the true values of data items (e.g., the true date of birth for Tom Cruise) among multiple observed values drawn from different sources (e.g., Web sites) of varying (and unknown) reliability. A recent survey has provided a detailed comparison of various fusion methods on Deep Web data. In this paper, we study the applicability and limitations of different fusion techniques on a more challenging problem: knowledge fusion. Knowledge fusion identifies true subject-predicate-object triples extracted by multiple information extractors from multiple information sources. These extractors perform the tasks of entity linkage and schema alignment, thus introducing an additional source of noise that is quite different from that traditionally considered in the data fusion literature, which only focuses on factual errors in the original sources. We adapt state-of-the-art data fusion techniques and apply them to a knowledge base with 1.6B unique knowledge triples extracted by 12 extractors from over 1B Web pages, which is three orders of magnitude larger than the data sets used in previous data fusion papers. We show great promise of the data fusion approaches in solving the knowledge fusion problem, and suggest interesting research directions through a detailed error analysis of the methods."

West, Gabrilovich, Murphy, Sun, Gupta, Lin - "Knowledge Base Completion via Search-Based Question Answering" (knowledge base population) # Google Knowledge Vault

"Over the past few years, massive amounts of world knowledge have been accumulated in publicly available knowledge bases, such as Freebase, NELL, and YAGO. Yet despite their seemingly huge size, these knowledge bases are greatly incomplete. For example, over 70% of people included in Freebase have no known place of birth, and 99% have no known ethnicity. In this paper, we propose a way to leverage existing Web-search–based question-answering technology to fill in the gaps in knowledge bases in a targeted way. In particular, for each entity attribute, we learn the best set of queries to ask, such that the answer snippets returned by the search engine are most likely to contain the correct value for that attribute. For example, if we want to find Frank Zappa’s mother, we could ask the query who is the mother of Frank Zappa. However, this is likely to return ‘The Mothers of Invention’, which was the name of his band. Our system learns that it should (in this case) add disambiguating terms, such as Zappa’s place of birth, in order to make it more likely that the search results contain snippets mentioning his mother. Our system also learns how many different queries to ask for each attribute, since in some cases, asking too many can hurt accuracy (by introducing false positives). We discuss how to aggregate candidate answers across multiple queries, ultimately returning probabilistic predictions for possible values for each attribute. Finally, we evaluate our system and show that it is able to extract a large number of facts with high confidence."

Angeli, Gupta, Jose, Manning, Re, Tibshirani, Wu, Zhang - "Stanford’s 2014 Slot Filling Systems" (knowledge base population) # DeepDive

"We describe Stanford’s entry in the TACKBP 2014 Slot Filling challenge. We submitted two broad approaches to Slot Filling: one based on the DeepDive framework (Niu et al., 2012), and another based on the multi-instance multi-label relation extractor of Surdeanu et al. (2012). In addition, we evaluate the impact of learned and hard-coded patterns on performance for slot filling, and the impact of the partial annotations described in Angeli et al. (2014)."

"We describe Stanford’s two systems in the 2014 KBP Slot Filling competition. The first, and best performing system, is built on top of the DeepDive framework. The central lesson we would like to emphasize from this system is that leveraging large computers allows for completely removing the information retrieval component of a traditional KBP system, and allows for quick turnaround times while processing the entire source corpus as a single unit. DeepDive offers a convenient framework for developing systems on these large computers, including defining the pre-processing pipelines (feature engineering, entity linking, mention detection, etc.) and then defining and training a relation extraction model. The second system Stanford submitted is based around the MIML-RE relation extractor, following closely from the 2013 submission, but with the addition of learned patterns, and with MIML-RE trained fixing carefully selected manually annotated sentences. The central lesson we would like to emphasize from this system is that a relatively small annotation effort (10k sentences) over carefully selected examples can yield a surprisingly large gain in end-to-end performance on the Slot Filling task."

"In DeepDive, calibration plots are used to summarize the overall quality of the results. Because DeepDive uses a joint probability model, each random variable is assigned a marginal probability. Ideally, if one takes all the facts to which DeepDive assigns a probability score of 0.95, then 95% of these facts are correct. We believe that probabilities remove a key element: the developer reasons about features, not the algorithms underneath. This is a type of algorithm independence that we believe is critical."

Levy, Seo, Choi, Zettlemoyer - "Zero-Shot Relation Extraction via Reading Comprehension" (knowledge base population)

"We show that relation extraction can be reduced to answering simple reading comprehension questions, by associating one or more natural-language questions with each relation slot. This reduction has several advantages: we can (1) learn relation extraction models by extending recent neural reading-comprehension techniques, (2) build very large training sets for those models by combining relation-specific crowd-sourced questions with distant supervision, and even (3) do zero-shot learning by extracting new relation types that are only specified at test-time, for which we have no labeled training examples. Experiments on a Wikipedia slot-filling task demonstrate that the approach can generalize to new questions for known relation types with high accuracy, and that zero-shot generalization to unseen relation types is possible, at lower accuracy levels, setting the bar for future work on this task."

Gupta, Halevy, Wang, Whang, Wu - "Biperpedia: An Ontology for Search Applications" (ontology construction) # Google Knowledge Vault

"Search engines make significant efforts to recognize queries that can be answered by structured data and invest heavily in creating and maintaining high-precision databases. While these databases have a relatively wide coverage of entities, the number of attributes they model (e.g., GDP, CAPITAL, ANTHEM) is relatively small. Extending the number of attributes known to the search engine can enable it to more precisely answer queries from the long and heavy tail, extract a broader range of facts from the Web, and recover the semantics of tables on the Web. We describe Biperpedia, an ontology with 1.6M (class, attribute) pairs and 67K distinct attribute names. Biperpedia extracts attributes from the query stream, and then uses the best extractions to seed attribute extraction from text. For every attribute Biperpedia saves a set of synonyms and text patterns in which it appears, thereby enabling it to recognize the attribute in more contexts. In addition to a detailed analysis of the quality of Biperpedia, we show that it can increase the number of Web tables whose semantics we can recover by more than a factor of 4 compared with Freebase."

Dalvi, Cohen, Callan - "Classifying Entities into an Incomplete Ontology" (ontology construction) # NELL knowledge base

"Exponential growth of unlabeled web-scale datasets, and class hierarchies to represent them, has given rise to new challenges for hierarchical classification. It is costly and time consuming to create a complete ontology of classes to represent entities on the Web. Hence, there is a need for techniques that can do hierarchical classification of entities into incomplete ontologies. In this paper we present Hierarchical Exploratory EM algorithm (an extension of the Exploratory EM algorithm) that takes a seed class hierarchy and seed class instances as input. Our method classifies relevant entities into some of the classes from the seed hierarchy and on its way adds newly discovered classes into the hierarchy. Experiments with subsets of the NELL ontology and text datasets derived from the ClueWeb09 corpus show that our Hierarchical Exploratory EM approach improves seed class F1 by up to 21% when compared to its semi-supervised counterpart."

Wijaya, Talukdar, Mitchell - "PIDGIN: Ontology Alignment using Web Text as Interlingua" (ontology alignment) # NELL knowledge base

"The problem of aligning ontologies and database schemas across different knowledge bases and databases is fundamental to knowledge management problems, including the problem of integrating the disparate knowledge sources that form the semantic web’s Linked Data. We present a novel approach to this ontology alignment problem that employs a very large natural language text corpus as an interlingua to relate different knowledge bases. The result is a scalable and robust method that aligns relations and categories across different KBs by analyzing both (1) shared relation instances across these KBs, and (2) the verb phrases in the text instantiations of these relation instances. Experiments with PIDGIN demonstrate its superior performance when aligning ontologies across large existing KBs including NELL, Yago and Freebase. Furthermore, we show that in addition to aligning ontologies, PIDGIN can automatically learn from text, the verb phrases to identify relations, and can also type the arguments of relations of different KBs."

"In this paper we introduce PIDGIN, a novel, flexible, and scalable approach to automatic alignment of real-world KB ontologies, demonstrating its superior performance at aligning large real-world KB ontologies including those of NELL, Yago and Freebase. The key idea in PIDGIN is to align KB ontologies by integrating two types of information: relation instances that are shared by the two KBs, and mentions of the KB relation instances across a large text corpus. PIDGIN uses a natural language web text corpus of 500 million dependency-parsed documents as interlingua and a graph-based self-supervised learning to infer alignments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first successful demonstration of using such a large text resource for ontology alignment. PIDGIN is self-supervised, and does not require human labeled data. Moreover, PIDGIN can be implemented in MapReduce, making it suitable for aligning ontologies from large KBs. We have provided extensive experimental results on multiple real world datasets, demonstrating that PIDGIN significantly outperforms PARIS, the current state-of-the-art approach to ontology alignment. We observe in particular that PIDGIN is typically able to improve recall over that of PARIS, without degradation in precision. This is presumably due to PIDGIN’s ability to use text-based interlingua to establish alignments when there are few or no relation instances shared by the two KBs. Additionally, PIDGIN automatically learns which verbs are associated with which ontology relations. These verbs can be used in the future to extract new instances to populate the KB or identify relations between entities in documents. PIDGIN can also assign relations in one KB with argument types of another KB. This can help type relations that do not yet have argument types, like that of KBP. Argument typing can improve the accuracy of extraction of new relation instances by constraining the instances to have the correct types. In the future, we plan to extend PIDGIN’s capabilities to provide explanations for its inferred alignments. We also plan to experiment with aligning ontologies from more than two KBs simultaneously."

Platanios, Blum, Mitchell - "Estimating Accuracy from Unlabeled Data" (accuracy estimation) # NELL

"We consider the question of how unlabeled data can be used to estimate the true accuracy of learned classifiers. This is an important question for any autonomous learning system that must estimate its accuracy without supervision, and also when classifiers trained from one data distribution must be applied to a new distribution (e.g., document classifiers trained on one text corpus are to be applied to a second corpus). We first show how to estimate error rates exactly from unlabeled data when given a collection of competing classifiers that make independent errors, based on the agreement rates between subsets of these classifiers. We further show that even when the competing classifiers do not make independent errors, both their accuracies and error dependencies can be estimated by making certain relaxed assumptions. Experiments on two real-world data sets produce estimates within a few percent of the true accuracy, using solely unlabeled data. These results are of practical significance in situations where labeled data is scarce and shed light on the more general question of how the consistency among multiple functions is related to their true accuracies."

"We consider a “multiple approximations” problem setting in which we have several different approximations, to some target boolean classification function, and we wish to know the true accuracies of each of these different approximations, using only unlabeled data. The multiple functions can be from any source - learned or manually constructed. One example of this setting that we consider here is taken from NELL. NELL learns classifiers that map noun phrases to boolean categories such as fruit, food and vehicle. For each such boolean classification function, NELL learns several different approximations based on different views of the NP. One approximation is based on the orthographic features of the NP (e.g., if the NP ends with the letter string “burgh”, it may be a city), whereas another uses phrases surrounding the NP (e.g., if the NP follows the word sequence “mayor of”, it may be a city). Our aim in this paper is to find a way to estimate the error rates of each of the competing approximations, using only unlabeled data (e.g., many unlabeled NPs in the case of NELL)."

Dong, Berti-Equille, Srivastava - "Data Fusion: Resolving Conflicts from Multiple Sources" (truth finding)

"Many data management applications, such as setting up Web portals, managing enterprise data, managing community data, and sharing scientific data, require integrating data from multiple sources. Each of these sources provides a set of values and different sources can often provide conflicting values. To present quality data to users, it is critical to resolve conflicts and discover values that reflect the real world; this task is called data fusion. This paper describes a novel approach that finds true values from conflicting information when there are a large number of sources, among which some may copy from others. We present a case study on real-world data showing that the described algorithm can significantly improve accuracy of truth discovery and is scalable when there are a large number of data sources."

Dong, Gabrilovich, Murphy, Dang, Horn, Lugaresi, Sun, Zhang - "Knowledge-Based Trust: Estimating the Trustworthiness of Web Sources" (truth finding) # Google Knowledge Vault

"The quality of web sources has been traditionally evaluated using exogenous signals such as the hyperlink structure of the graph. We propose a new approach that relies on endogenous signals, namely, the correctness of factual information provided by the source. A source that has few false facts is considered to be trustworthy. The facts are automatically extracted from each source by information extraction methods commonly used to construct knowledge bases. We propose a way to distinguish errors made in the extraction process from factual errors in the web source per se, by using joint inference in a novel multi-layer probabilistic model. We call the trustworthiness score we computed Knowledge-Based Trust. On synthetic data, we show that our method can reliably compute the true trustworthiness levels of the sources. We then apply it to a database of 2.8B facts extracted from the web, and thereby estimate the trustworthiness of 119M webpages. Manual evaluation of a subset of the results confirms the effectiveness of the method."


  • how to detect if triple is indeed claimed by the source instead of an extraction error?
  • how to compute well-calibrated triple probability?
  • how to handle too large sources or too small sources?"
  1. Graphical model - predict at the same time:
  • extraction correctness
  • triple correctness
  • source accuracy
  • extractor precision/recall
  1. un(semi-)supervised learning (Bayesian)
  • leverage source/extractor agreements
  • trust a source/extractor with high quality
  1. source/extractor hierarchy
  • break down "large" sources
  • group "small" sources"
    "Fact is more likely to be correct if extracted by high-precision sources; more likely to be wrong if not extracted by high-recall sources."


  • compute P(web source provides triple | extractor quality) by Bayesian analysis (E-step)
  • compute P(T | web source quality) by Bayesian analysis (E-step)
  • compute source accuracy (M-step)
  • compute extractor precision and recall (M-step)"
    "This paper proposes a new metric for evaluating web-source quality - knowledge-based trust. We proposed a sophisticated probabilistic model that jointly estimates the correctness of extractions and source data, and the trustworthiness of sources. In addition, we presented an algorithm that dynamically decides the level of granularity for each source. Experimental results have shown both promise in evaluating web source quality and improvement over existing techniques for knowledge fusion."

Nakashole, Mitchell - "Language-Aware Truth Assessment of Fact Candidates" (truth finding) # NELL

"This paper introduces FactChecker, language-aware approach to truth-finding. FactChecker differs from prior approaches in that it does not rely on iterative peer voting, instead it leverages language to infer believability of fact candidates. In particular, FactChecker makes use of linguistic features to detect if a given source objectively states facts or is speculative and opinionated. To ensure that fact candidates mentioned in similar sources have similar believability, FactChecker augments objectivity with a co-mention score to compute the overall believability score of a fact candidate. Our experiments on various datasets show that FactChecker yields higher accuracy than existing approaches."

"Prior truth-finding methods are mostly based on iterative voting, where votes are propagated from sources to fact candidates and then back to sources. At the core of iterative voting is the assumption that candidates mentioned by many sources are more likely to be true. However, additional aspects of a source influence its trustworthiness, besides external votes. Our goal is to accurately assess truthfulness of fact candidates by taking into account the language of sources that mention them. A Mechanical Turk study we carried out revealed that there is a significant correlation between objectivity of language and trustworthiness of sources. Objectivity of language refers to the use of neutral, impartial language, which is not personal, judgmental, or emotional. Trustworthiness refers to a source of information being reliable and truthful. We use linguistics features to detect if a given source objectively states facts or is speculative and opinionated. Additionally, in order to ensure that fact candidates mentioned in similar sources have similar believability scores, our believability computation model incorporates influence of comentions. However, we must avoid falsely boosting co-mentioned fact candidates. Our model addresses potential false boosts in two ways: first, by ensuring that co-mention influence is only propagated to related fact candidates; second, by ensuring that the degree of co-mention influence is determined by the trustworthiness of the sources in which co-mentions occur."

"More precisely, we make the following contributions: (1) Alternative Fact Candidates: Truth-finders rank a given fact candidate with respect to its alternatives. For example, alternative places where Barack Obama could have been born. Virtually all existing truth-finders assume that the alternatives are provided. In contrast, we developed a method for generating alternative fact candidates. (2) Objectivity-Trustworthiness Correlation: We hypothesize that objectivity of language and trustworthiness of sources are positively correlated. To test this hypothesis, we designed a Mechanical Turk study. The study showed that this correlation does in fact hold. (3) Objectivity Classifier: Using labeled data from the Mechanical Turk study, we developed and trained an objectivity classifier which performed better than prior proposed lexicons from literature. (4) Believability Computation: We developed FactChecker, a truth-finding method that linearly combines objectivity and co-mention influence. Our experiments showed that FactChecker outperforms prior methods."

"From these results we make the following observations: i) Majority vote is a competitive baseline; ii) Iterative voting-based methods provide slight improvements on majority vote. This is due to the fact that at the core of iterative voting is still the assumption that fact candidates mentioned in many sources are more likely to be true. Therefore, for both majority vote and iterative voting, when mention frequencies of various alternatives are the same, accuracy suffers. Based on these observations, it is clear that truthfinding solutions need to incorporate fine-grained content-aware features outside of external votes. FactChecker takes a step in this direction by incorporating the document-level feature of objectivity."

"There is a fairly small body of work on truthfinding. The method underlying most truth-finding algorithms is iterative transitive voting. Fact candidates are initialized with a score. Trustworthiness of sources is then computed from the believability of the fact candidates they mention. In return, believability of candidates is recomputed based on the trustworthiness of their sources. This process is repeated over several iterations until convergence. (Yin et al., 2007) was the first to implement this idea, subsequent work improved upon iterative voting in several directions. (Dong et al., 2009) incorporates copying-detection; giving high trust to sources that are independently authored. (Galland et al., 2010) approximates error rates of sources and fact candidates. (Pasternack and Roth, 2010) introduces prior knowledge in the form of linear programming constraints in order to ensure that the truth discovered is consistent with what is already known. (Yin and Tan, 2011) introduces supervision by using ground truth facts so that sources that disagree with the ground truth are penalized. (Li et al., 2011) uses search engine APIs to gather additional evidence for believability of fact candidates. WikiTrust (Adler and Alfaro, 2007) is a content-aware but domain-specific method. It computes trustworthiness of wiki authors based on the revision history of the articles they have authored. Motivated by interpretability of probabilistic scores, two recent papers addressed the truth-finding problem as a probabilistic inference problem over the sources and the fact candidates (Zhao et al., 2012; Pasternack and Roth, 2013). Truth-finders based on textual entailment such as TruthTeller (Lotan et al., 2013) determine if a sentence states something or not. The focus is on understanding natural language, including the use of negation. This is similar to the goal of fact extraction."

"The World Wide Web has become a rapidly growing platform consisting of numerous sources which provide supporting or contradictory information about claims (e.g., “Chicken meat is healthy”). In order to decide whether a claim is true or false, one needs to analyze content of different sources of information on the Web, measure credibility of information sources, and aggregate all these information. This is a tedious process and the Web search engines address only part of the overall problem, viz., producing only a list of relevant sources. In this paper, we present ClaimEval, a novel and integrated approach which given a set of claims to validate, extracts a set of pro and con arguments from the Web information sources, and jointly estimates credibility of sources and correctness of claims. ClaimEval uses Probabilistic Soft Logic, resulting in a flexible and principled framework which makes it easy to state and incorporate different forms of prior-knowledge. Through extensive experiments on realworld datasets, we demonstrate ClaimEval’s capability in determining validity of a set of claims, resulting in improved accuracy compared to state-of-the-art baselines."

<brylevkirill (at)>