32 bit :
32-28 | 27-24 | 23-12 | 11-0 |
OPcode | Condition code(4 bits) or srctype(27), dsttype(26) | source or count(for shift) | destination |
*srctype 0 = reg (mem) 1 = imm *dsttype 0 = reg (mem)
Name | Short | Opcode | Format(inst dst, src) | Description |
NOP | NOP | 0 | NOP | No operation |
Branch | BRA | 1 | BRA mem, cc | Branch to destination memory location if the condition code is set(cc) |
Load | LD | 2 | LD reg, mem(imm) | Load value from memory and store in specified register |
Store | STR | 3 | STR mem_label(mem location), reg | Store value from register to specified memory locaiton, when dsttype = 1, store the value to the address stored in DST |
Add | ADD | 4 | ADD reg, src | Add value from src and add to destination register |
Multiply | MUL | 5 | MUL reg, src | Multiply value from src with destination register |
Complement | CMP | 6 | CMP reg, src | Complement value from source and store in destination register |
Arithmetic right shift | SHRA | 7 | SHRA reg, cnt | Shift value right arithmetically in reg cnt times |
Left shift | SHL | 8 | SHL reg, cnt | Shift value left in reg cnt times |
Logical Right shift | SHR | 9 | SHR reg, cnt | Shift value right logically in reg cnt times |
And | AND | 10 | AND reg, src | And value from src with destination register |
Or | OR | 11 | OR reg, src | Or value from src with destination register |
Exclusive or | XOR | 12 | XOR reg, src | XOR value from src with destination register |
Halt | HLT | 13 | HLT | Halt the machine |
Sub | SUB | 14 | SUB reg, src | Sub src from destination and store in destination |
*cnt must be less than 32 *Identifiers(Labels) must be all upper cases *Hex value are all lower cases
Condition | Short | Machine code |
Always | ALW | 0000 |
Carry | CCC | 0001 |
Even | CCE | 0010 |
Parity | CCP | 0011 |
Zero | CCZ | 0100 |
Negative | CCN | 0101 |
Labels: Upper Case letters and numbers, starting with a letter Hex Value: lower case letters Label must be followed by an instruction or else the assembler will invoke an error.