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833 lines (542 loc) · 16.9 KB

File metadata and controls

833 lines (542 loc) · 16.9 KB

KubeLinter templates

KubeLinter supports the following templates:

Access to Resources

Key: access-to-resources

Description: Flag cluster role bindings and role bindings that grant access to the specified resource kinds and verbs

Supported Objects: Role,ClusterRole,ClusterRoleBinding,RoleBinding


- description: Set to true to flag the roles that are referenced in bindings but not
    found in the context
  name: flagRolesNotFound
  required: false
  type: boolean
- arrayElemType: string
  description: An array of regular expressions specifying resources. e.g. ^secrets$
    for secrets and ^*$ for any resources
  name: resources
  negationAllowed: false
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: array
- arrayElemType: string
  description: An array of regular expressions specifying verbs. e.g. ^create$ for
    create and ^*$ for any k8s verbs
  name: verbs
  negationAllowed: false
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: array

Anti affinity not specified

Key: anti-affinity

Description: Flag objects with multiple replicas but inter-pod anti affinity not specified in the pod template spec

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: The minimum number of replicas a deployment must have before anti-affinity
    is enforced on it
  name: minReplicas
  required: false
  type: integer
- description: The topology key that the anti-affinity term should use. If not specified,
    it defaults to "".
  name: topologyKey
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

cluster-admin Role Binding

Key: cluster-admin-role-binding

Description: Flag bindings of cluster-admin role to service accounts, users, or groups

Supported Objects: ClusterRoleBinding

CPU Requirements

Key: cpu-requirements

Description: Flag containers with CPU requirements in the given range

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: The type of requirement. Use any to apply to both requests and limits.
  name: requirementsType
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: true
  type: string
- description: The lower bound of the requirement (inclusive), specified as a number
    of milli-cores. If not specified, it is treated as a lower bound of zero.
  name: lowerBoundMillis
  required: false
  type: integer
- description: The upper bound of the requirement (inclusive), specified as a number
    of milli-cores. If not specified, it is treated as "no upper bound".
  name: upperBoundMillis
  required: false
  type: integer

Dangling HorizontalPodAutoscalers

Key: dangling-horizontalpodautoscaler

Description: Flag HorizontalPodAutoscalers that target a resource that does not exist

Supported Objects: HorizontalPodAutoscaler

Dangling Ingress

Key: dangling-ingress

Description: Flag ingress which do not match any service and port

Supported Objects: Ingress

Dangling NetworkPolicies

Key: dangling-networkpolicy

Description: Flag NetworkPolicies which do not match any application

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Dangling NetworkPolicyPeer PodSelector

Key: dangling-networkpolicypeer-podselector

Description: Flag NetworkPolicyPeer in Ingress/Egress rules which their podselector do not match any application. Applied to peers consisting with podSelectors only.

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Dangling Services

Key: dangling-service

Description: Flag services which do not match any application

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- arrayElemType: string
  description: A list of labels that will not cause the check to fail. For example,
    a label that is known to be populated at runtime by Kubernetes.
  name: ignoredLabels
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: array

Deprecated Service Account Field

Key: deprecated-service-account-field

Description: Flag uses of the deprecated serviceAccount field, which should be migrated to serviceAccountName

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Disallowed API Objects

Key: disallowed-api-obj

Description: Flag disallowed API object kinds

Supported Objects: Any


- description: The disallowed object group.
  - apps
  name: group
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string
- description: The disallowed object API version.
  - v1
  - v1beta1
  name: version
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string
- description: The disallowed kind.
  - Deployment
  - DaemonSet
  name: kind
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

DnsConfig Options

Key: dnsconfig-options

Description: Flag objects that don't have specified DNSConfig Options

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: Key of the dnsConfig option.
  name: key
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string
- description: Value of the dnsConfig option.
  name: value
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

Duplicate Environment Variables

Key: duplicate-env-var

Description: Flag Duplicate Env Variables names

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Environment Variables

Key: env-var

Description: Flag environment variables that match the provided patterns

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: The name of the environment variable.
  name: name
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: true
  type: string
- description: The value of the environment variable.
  name: value
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

Forbidden Annotation

Key: forbidden-annotation

Description: Flag objects carrying at least one annotation matching the provided patterns

Supported Objects: Any


- description: Key of the forbidden annotation.
  name: key
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: true
  type: string
- description: Value of the forbidden annotation.
  name: value
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

Forbidden Service Types

Key: forbidden-service-types

Description: Flag forbidden services

Supported Objects: Service


- arrayElemType: string
  description: An array of service types that should not be used
  name: forbiddenServiceTypes
  negationAllowed: false
  regexAllowed: false
  required: false
  type: array

Host IPC

Key: host-ipc

Description: Flag Pod sharing host's IPC namespace

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Host Mounts

Key: host-mounts

Description: Flag volume mounts of sensitive system directories

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- arrayElemType: string
  description: An array of regular expressions specifying system directories to be
    mounted on containers. e.g. ^/usr$ for /usr
  name: dirs
  negationAllowed: false
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: array

Host Network

Key: host-network

Description: Flag Pod sharing host's network namespace

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Host PID

Key: host-pid

Description: Flag Pod sharing host's process namespace

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

HorizontalPodAutoscaler Minimum replicas

Key: hpa-minimum-replicas

Description: Flag applications running fewer than the specified number of replicas

Supported Objects: HorizontalPodAutoscaler


- description: The minimum number of replicas a HorizontalPodAutoscaler should have
  name: minReplicas
  required: false
  type: integer

Image Pull Policy

Key: image-pull-policy

Description: Flag containers with forbidden image pull policy

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- arrayElemType: string
  description: list of forbidden image pull policy
  name: forbiddenPolicies
  negationAllowed: false
  regexAllowed: false
  required: false
  type: array

Latest Tag

Key: latest-tag

Description: Flag applications running container images that do not satisfies "allowList" & "blockList" parameters criteria.

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- arrayElemType: string
  description: list of regular expressions specifying pattern(s) for container images
    that will be blocked. */
  name: blockList
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: array
- arrayElemType: string
  description: list of regular expressions specifying pattern(s) for container images
    that will be allowed.
  name: allowList
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: array

Liveness Probe Not Specified

Key: liveness-probe

Description: Flag containers that don't specify a liveness probe

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Memory Requirements

Key: memory-requirements

Description: Flag containers with memory requirements in the given range

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: The type of requirement. Use any to apply to both requests and limits.
  name: requirementsType
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: true
  type: string
- description: The lower bound of the requirement (inclusive), specified as a number
    of MB.
  name: lowerBoundMB
  required: false
  type: integer
- description: The upper bound of the requirement (inclusive), specified as a number
    of MB. If not specified, it is treated as "no upper bound".
  name: upperBoundMB
  required: false
  type: integer

Minimum replicas

Key: minimum-replicas

Description: Flag applications running fewer than the specified number of replicas

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: The minimum number of replicas a deployment should have
  name: minReplicas
  required: false
  type: integer

Mismatching Selector

Key: mismatching-selector

Description: Flag deployments where the selector doesn't match the labels in the pod template spec

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Node Affinity

Key: no-node-affinity

Description: Flag objects that don't have node affinity rules set

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Non-Existent Service Account

Key: non-existent-service-account

Description: Flag cases where a pod references a non-existent service account

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Non Isolated Pods

Key: non-isolated-pod

Description: Flag Pod that is not selected by any networkPolicy

Supported Objects: NetworkPolicy


Key: ports

Description: Flag containers exposing ports under protocols that match the supplied parameters

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: The port
  name: port
  required: false
  type: integer
- description: The protocol
  name: protocol
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

Privilege Escalation on Containers

Key: privilege-escalation-container

Description: Flag containers of allowing privilege escalation

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Privileged Containers

Key: privileged

Description: Flag privileged containers

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Privileged Ports

Key: privileged-ports

Description: Flag privileged ports

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Read-only Root Filesystems

Key: read-only-root-fs

Description: Flag containers without read-only root file systems

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Read Secret From Environment Variables

Key: read-secret-from-env-var

Description: Flag environment variables that use SecretKeyRef

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Readiness Probe Not Specified

Key: readiness-probe

Description: Flag containers that don't specify a readiness probe

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Required Annotation

Key: required-annotation

Description: Flag objects not carrying at least one annotation matching the provided patterns

Supported Objects: Any


- description: Key of the required label.
  name: key
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: true
  type: string
- description: Value of the required label.
  name: value
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

Required Label

Key: required-label

Description: Flag objects not carrying at least one label matching the provided patterns

Supported Objects: Any


- description: Key of the required label.
  name: key
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: true
  type: string
- description: Value of the required label.
  name: value
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

Run as non-root user

Key: run-as-non-root

Description: Flag containers set to run as a root user

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Service Account

Key: service-account

Description: Flag containers which use a matching service account

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: A regex specifying the required service account to match.
  name: serviceAccount
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: true
  type: string

Target Port

Key: target-port

Description: Flag containers and services using not allowed port names or numbers

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike,Service

Unsafe Proc Mount

Key: unsafe-proc-mount

Description: Flag containers of unsafe proc mount

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike

Unsafe Sysctls

Key: unsafe-sysctls

Description: Flag unsafe sysctls

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- arrayElemType: string
  description: An array of unsafe system controls
  name: unsafeSysCtls
  negationAllowed: false
  regexAllowed: false
  required: false
  type: array

Update configuration

Key: update-configuration

Description: Flag configurations that do not meet the specified update configuration

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- description: A regular expression the defines the type of update strategy allowed.
  name: strategyTypeRegex
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: true
  type: string
- description: The maximum value that be set in a RollingUpdate configuration for
    the MaxUnavailable.  This can be an integer or a percent.
  name: maxPodsUnavailable
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string
- description: The minimum value that be set in a RollingUpdate configuration for
    the MaxUnavailable.  This can be an integer or a percent.
  name: minPodsUnavailable
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string
- description: The maximum value that be set in a RollingUpdate configuration for
    the MaxSurge.  This can be an integer or a percent.
  name: maxSurge
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string
- description: The minimum value that be set in a RollingUpdate configuration for
    the MaxSurge.  This can be an integer or a percent.
  name: minSurge
  negationAllowed: true
  regexAllowed: true
  required: false
  type: string

Use Namespaces for Administrative Boundaries between Resources

Key: use-namespace

Description: Flag resources with no namespace specified or using default namespace

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike,Service

Verify container capabilities

Key: verify-container-capabilities

Description: Flag containers that do not match capabilities requirements

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike


- arrayElemType: string
  description: List of capabilities that needs to be removed from containers.
  name: forbiddenCapabilities
  negationAllowed: false
  regexAllowed: false
  required: false
  type: array
- arrayElemType: string
  description: List of capabilities that are exceptions to the above list. This should
    only be filled when the above contains "all", and is used to forgive capabilities
    in ADD list.
  name: exceptions
  negationAllowed: false
  regexAllowed: false
  required: false
  type: array

Wildcard Use in Role and ClusterRole Rules

Key: wildcard-in-rules

Description: Flag Roles and ClusterRoles that use wildcard * in rules

Supported Objects: Role,ClusterRole

Writable Host Mounts

Key: writable-host-mount

Description: Flag containers that have mounted a directory on the host as writable

Supported Objects: DeploymentLike