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Scaffolding for terraform deployment in AWS

This repository includes some utils to speed up the deployment of a Terraform stack in AWS. It supports:

  • Deployments in different environments.
  • Managing of docker images, including building and pushing to an ECR repo


  • Makefile: file with some frequent utils to help you with Docker build/push and Terraform deployments. More about this in the section Makefile commands.
  • .env: the variables in this .env will be available in Makefile. For instance, if you need to use an AWS profile by default you can define it here AWS_PROFILE=.... More info about what variables can in Makefile commands.
  • deployments: contains the terraform code to deploy a stack. Typically:
└── <stack>
  • environments: in this folder, you place the configuration for a given app and a given environment. This configuration is typically a backend.conf file, which must contain the bucket and dynamo db references to be used to store the state and the lock.
└── <env>
    └── <stack>
        ├── backend.conf: S3 bucket/Dynamodb table backend configuration
        └── terraform.tfvars: variables

For security reasons, you don't commit this values to your repository.

  • modules: contains custom modules that you can use in your deployments. If you use the Makefile to deploy your stacks, you can access to this modules from your deployment code as "./modules/my-module".
  • docker: place here folders with the repo name. Inside, follow the structure:
└── <image-name>:
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── requirements.txt: contains python dependencies
    ├── src: contains the actual code to run in the lambda
    │   └──
    └── test_events: contains test events in case that you want to debug/test locally your function.
        └── example.json


In this example we:

  1. Set up an environment
  2. Create and deploy a setup stack with ECR repositories
  3. Build and push a docker image for lambda
  4. Create and deploy an app stack with ECR repositories

Set up an environment

  1. Create a .env file, even if it's not needed. The Makefile needs it.
mv template.env .env

Create and deploy a setup stack with ECR repositories

  1. Create the files backend.conf and terraform.tfvars for the right app and environment. In environments/sandbox/app you have templates for those.

An example for sandbox/app:

cp environments/sandbox/app/template.backend.conf environments/sandbox/setup/backend.conf
cp environments/sandbox/app/template.terraform.tfvars environments/sandbox/setup/terraform.tfvars

Add the missing values in the files.

make tf/init TARGET=setup ENV=sandbox 
make tf/apply TARGET=setup ENV=sandbox 

Build and push a docker image for lambda

make docker/build TARGET=setup && make docker/push TARGET=setup

Create and deploy an app stack with ECR repositories

make tf/init TARGET=app ENV=sandbox 
make tf/apply TARGET=app ENV=sandbox 

Makefile utils

You can configure in .env the AWS_PROFILE that you want to use by default.


Utils to login in AWS

    • cmd: aws/login
    • descr: login in AWS using SSO


Utils to login and create repositories in AWS ECR

    • cmd: aws/ecr/login
    • descr: login in ECR
    • input:
      • AWS_ACCOUNT_ID [opt]: : AWS Account ID for the ECR repo. If not provided, looks for the default according to the profile configured.
      • AWS_REGION [opt]: AWS region for the ECR repo. If not provided, looks for the default according to the profile configured.
    • cmd: aws/ecr/create
    • descr: create a private repository from the command line
    • input:
      • TARGET: name of the repository, it is recommended that is matches with folder name used to store your Dockerfile.
    • eg: make aws/ecr/create TARGET=lambda-placeholder


Helper commands to build and push a docker image to a ECR repository

    • cmd: docker/build
    • descr: Build the container
    • input:
      • TARGET: container name. It must match the name of the folder where the Dockerfile is stored.
    • Eg: make docker/build TARGET=lambda-placeholder
    • cmd: docker/build/nocache
    • descr: similar to docker/build but adding the arg --no-cache
    • input:
      • TARGET: container name. It must match the name of the folder where the Dockerfile is stored.
    • cmd: docker/clean
    • descr: Remove dangling images
    • cmd: docker/push
    • descr: Tag and push the docker image previously built
      • TARGET: name of the docker image/docker folder/ECR repo
    • eg: make docker/push TARGET=lambda-placeholder
    • cmd: docker/push/rebuild
    • descr: combines sequentially docker/build+docker/push
    • input:
      • TARGET: name of the docker image/docker folder/ECR repo


Utils to deploy locally lambda containerized functions and send events to them. If you use this helpers make sure that there exists an env file to be used with the lambda's container. By default, lambda.env is used (in linux: touch lambda.env).

    • cmd: lambda/test/run/local
    • descr: Runs locally a lambda function using the locally builded image.
    • input:
      • TARGET: docker image name.
      • TAG[opt]: docker image tag. If not provided uses the default one, latest.
      • LAMBDA_ENV[opt]: .env for the lambda environemnt in case. If not given, defaults to lambda.env
    • cmd: lambda/test/run/ecr
    • descr: Runs locally a lambda function using the image pulling from ECR.
    • input:
      • TARGET: docker image name.
      • TAG[opt]: docker image tag. If not provided uses the default one, latest.
      • LAMBDA_ENV[opt]: .env for the lambda environemnt in case. If not given, defaults to lambda.env
    • cmd: lambda/test/event
    • descr:
    • input:
      • TARGET: docker image name.
      • EVENT_FILE[opt]: name of the event file, eg: for test_event.json.
      • DOCKER_DIR[opt]: docker folder. If not provided uses the default one, docker.
      • LAMBDA_ENV[opt]: .env for the lambda environemnt in case. If not given, defaults to lambda.env
    • eg: make lambda/test/event TARGET=lambda-placeholder EVENT_FILE=test_event.json


Helper to deploy using terraform

    • cmd: tf/init
    • descr: Terraform init for a given stack and env
    • input:
      • TARGET [opt]: name of the target stack, if none given, defaults to app
      • ENV [opt]: target environment, if none given, defaults to sandbox
    • cmd: tf/apply
    • descr: Terraform apply for a given stack and env
    • input:
      • TARGET [opt]: name of the target stack, if none given, defaults to app
      • ENV [opt]: target environment, if none given, defaults to sandbox
    • cmd: tf/apply/module
    • descr: Terraform apply for a given stack's module and env
    • input:
      • TARGET [opt]: name of the target stack, if none given, defaults to app
      • ENV [opt]: target environment, if none given, defaults to sandbox
    • cmd: tf/apply/y
    • descr: Terraform apply for a given stack and env with auto approve
    • input:
      • TARGET [opt]: name of the target stack, if none given, defaults to app
      • ENV [opt]: target environment, if none given, defaults to sandbox
    • cmd: tf/destroy
    • descr: Terraform destroy for a given stack and env
    • input:
      • TARGET [opt]: name of the target stack, if none given, defaults to app
      • ENV [opt]: target environment, if none given, defaults to sandbox
    • cmd: tf/destroy/module
    • descr: Terraform destroy for a given stack's module and env
    • input:
      • TARGET [opt]: name of the target stack, if none given, defaults to app
      • ENV [opt]: target environment, if none given, defaults to sandbox
    • cmd: tf/destroy/y
    • descr: Terraform apply for a given stack and env with auto approve
    • input:
      • TARGET [opt]: name of the target stack, if none given, defaults to app
      • ENV [opt]: target environment, if none given, defaults to sandbox
    • cmd: tf/plan
    • descr: Terraform plan for a given stack and env
    • input:
      • TARGET [opt]: name of the target stack, if none given, defaults to app
      • ENV [opt]: target environment, if none given, defaults to sandbox


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