issues Search Results · repo:mercere99/MABE2 language:C++
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inmercere99/MABE2 (press backspace or delete to remove)The exploit diagnostic in /source/evaluate/static/EvalDiagnostic.hpp should just be copying the genetically encoded
values over to the score trait. However, this score trait is not being set.
Looks like ...
- Opened on Apr 16, 2024
- #19
The mut_size parameter goes unused; all mutations use a standard normal distribution. Simple fix, just needs brought
into master.
good first issue
- 1
- Opened on Aug 1, 2023
- #16
Rather than have Eval modules evaluate populations directly, they should produce (or append to) eval sets, where
evaluations can be requested on at a time. This technique will allow for a fixed interface ...
Topic: MABEScript
Topic: Module Development
- Opened on Jul 6, 2022
- #15
In order to unambiguously identify organisms (especially post-run), it would be helpful for each organism to have an
extra size_t as an ID.
good first issue
Topic: Organism class
- Opened on Jul 5, 2022
- #14
Often organisms are tracked by their position, but sometimes we may just have the organism pointer and need to affect
the rest of its population. Whenever an organism is born or shifts position, we would ...
Analysis Needed
Topic: Organism class
- Opened on Jul 5, 2022
- #13
When an offspring organism is created from a parent, all the offspring s traits will be copies of the parent s traits.
This occurs even when the trait was given a default value to use.
Details ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 29, 2021
- #11
Right now, .mabe files don t seem to be able to read negative numbers unless they re in quotation marks, which is a
confusing convention. it also means the .gen file sometimes generates a random seed that ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 8, 2021
- #10
Right now the type system in Config does not track the associated with C++ types beyond Value (double) and String. If we
create these links then calling a function on one side can automatically link correct ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 27, 2021
- #6

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