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File metadata and controls

1132 lines (870 loc) · 40.6 KB


This is a essentially a rough ticketing-system-in-a-file. The goal is to document, describe and links various TODO items. "@foo" is a ~tag/reference associated to a TODO item.

The first few paragraphs are for me to remember where I've left things.

The size (tiny/small/medium/long) is an rough indication of the expected implementation complexity.

A small amount of old/unsorted items are located at the end of the file.

small/medium @external-use

An advantage of not having a backend was that the frontend was
quite standalone. In particular this allowed external use of
zhongmu as lib on random websites.

This is now broken, because the JS code always assumes the existence
of a backend.

We shouldn't have issues with access to $dict.csv.gz & cie because
the code still relies on a bare GET to get them. However, Data.init()
calles Data.getmetas(), which systematically attempts to POST to

Let's see if we can find a way to create a standalone "package"
either from a set of parameters, or simply exporting all public

Current goals:

  • @setup-scripts
  • @external-use
  • @flexible-view
  • bug in bin/check-data.js (script broken)
  • Kept around from previous run:
    • login failure when Data.File doesn't exist
      • all those should be fixed as we add tests
    • tests from JS
    • verification url, submission & auto-login

Major user features (~expected order):

Major bugs:

  • @decomp-loop
  • Default display must reference used dictionaries: if default display does not contain a working tab, things break

Minor bugs

  • +來說 来说 [lai2 shuo1] /concerning, about/ no italics

Major internal reworks:

  • @better-cut
  • @better-grid-cache


Working, extensible interface. Primitive support for non-Chinese. A few identified bugs. SQL database scheme prototype.

small @deverge @french @sanzijing

Add original text from
(IIRC, the previous step is now done)

Work out the pieces, add things to the database/about, etc.

small @tests-module-names

There is to my knowledge no way to know the module
name from a function pointer. So tests currently simply output
the function name, making tests output difficult to follow.

A simple workaround would be to add to Test a new field 'm'
containing the module name.

Module name could be automatically added via,
or we could use some tweak around import.meta. First solution
is a bit meh (using shell as a macro langugae over JS); second
solution is more verbose/longer to implement.

NOTE: see also @better-modules

small @real-logs

We started modules/log.js for debugging purposes; we'd want
loglevel to be conditionally enabled.

Perhaps to be done after @backend: from the few identified
use cases, we'll want to keep those logs somewhere for later

small @yellowbridge

Add links to

small @grammar-points

Add (external) links to
for all concerned characters (there's a TSV/CSV and a JSON) for automatic

small @current-tab

Current tab indication; see @mka-replace

small @no-cache-books

Requests for books shouldn't be cached (?)

small @mka-replace

Replace mka() with properly stylized buttons.
Try to see if we can remove the underscores because it
gets confusing on some characters (e.g. 亼 (ren2 over yi1))

small @big5.readline-tests and #minor

Missing tests.

small @cedict.mktpatched-tests

Missing tests

small @surnames

Delete surname entries? they are mostly noise for our purposes.
This could be a preference user option, specific to cedict.

small @keyboard-only

Keyboard only mode : hides navigation buttons. Add in URL's hash.
Can be set in preferences.

small @pinyin-broken-format

- 覀: [ya4/xià]🔊 xia4] is broken regarding pinyin replacement,
likely because we used a / between the [].

- 女 [nǔ:]🔊 also breaks audio because of the ":".

- pinyin in pict.csv's entry for 宙 aren't transformed

- [xī]🔊 dusk / evening / Taiwan pr. [xi4] -> xi4 not transformed.

small @listenforpiece-triggered-bug

Clicking on src-dec-tr triggers a listenforpiece() on ptr/psrc.
Issue still there after src-dec-tr removal.

small @invalid-pieces

Code isn't really solid against broken backup/bad pieces data.

small @bug-sanity-check

NOTE: this is likely to be cknife bugs. Not sure what this was about:
Bug on 王羲之 (cf. too)

small @sound-shortcut

Keyboard shortcut to play sound of currently displayed text

small @web-archived

For all external links, add additional links to's latests
snapshot. We could also automatically send requests to archive such links.

small @using-offset-in-url

Using a word counter in URL breaks URLs once the dictionary changes.
We could use a character offset instead

small @mkpatched-mktpatched-xcutandrtokdef-tests bugfix

Typechecking doesn't raise a warning when using mkpatched instead
of mktpatched to create the test dict, while the type clearly
are distinct. Try to see if we can reproduce with a smaller example.

small @returns{void} or @returns{undefined} #minor

We could explicitely distinguish functions returning no value

small @piyins-tests #minor

We could perform stricter checks in
	- 'modules/utils.js:/^function addaccent\('
	- 'modules/utils.js:/^function pinyinn2a\('
	- 'modules/utils.js:/^function pinyinsn2a\('

small @assert-checks-move

We defined a few assertions in Moveable.update, but
we have no tests to ensure that they do work as expected.

Also, see @non-empty-array-typecheck

small/medium @non-empty-array-typecheck

Non-empty array check is performed manually on user input,
and eventually double-checked by assertions. We could
use `type NonEmptyArray<T> = [T, ...T[]];` instead.

small/medium @shortcuts

Per user shortcuts => stored in preferences.
Default documented.

Add as shortcut to toggle ToC. More generally, all buttons should
be available via a shortcut.

small/medium @toc-search

^f when toc is displayed should search on toc in priority
	- when toc is displayed, highjack ^F event?
	- alternatively, we could/should have a search field in toc
	to filter entries matching search expr?

small @nine-chapters-math

Import for study:

Multiple translations are listed on the wp page.

small @decomp-unicity

Many times, different sources will have the same decomposition:
just display it once.

It's the only reason why the default setting only display the
first decomposition.

small @html-body-scrolling

We have some CSS to be applied on html & body, essentially
depending on the class of the div with id="main". For now
this is clumsily managed, but we should be able to get something
cleaner via:

small @automated-sitemap

It's currently generated by hand; to be implemented once
we have @data-organisation I guess.

small @data-file-upload

Allow file upload in addition to the <textarea>.

small @backend-tests @backend-tests-cleanup

We're missing tests for:
	- GETData()
	- GetMyData()
We also would want to work from a stripped database to
make the tests less verbose.

small @fields-renaming

We have a few inconsistancies in various field names and
other things we should be able to clarify/shorten
(e.g. UrlLicense vs. LicenseId, Data.UrlInfo -> URL, etc.)

This may require some update in ../auth, and for sure in the

small @js-rpc-typing

Some of the typing is missing around the RPC call. Perhaps
to be handled around with clean @backend-tests-cleanup

small @content-parsing

We could automatically try to parse the content when editing/adding
it, at least to check it's correctly formatted.

small/medium @js-error-display

All errors are shown, but it's done poorly, and some
of the error handling could be refined as well.

medium @data-edition

update(2024-08-12): data edition is ~working. Keeping this
opened because of the remarks reganding the preferences.

We can roughly add data; we'll want to be able to edit it.
Mind the fact that we still reference data by their names
in the user preferences (see @prefs-edition, which will be
done alongside the management of translated book in
@data-organisation, and which require some UI thought as
we'll rework the book viewing accordingly)

medium @nuke-mkdbjs

In their current forms, lib/db.js (and thus ./bin/
are useless for core code.

They remained used only for
	- bin/check-data.js
	- bin/mklicense.js (for ../zm-data/

We'd now need to query the backend.

medium @prefs-edition


We need a from to edit the user preferences.

Note also that currently, because the corresponding JSON blob
is edited by hand, the data records are identified by their
names instead of by their (immutable) ids: we'd want to fix that.
This implies tweaking lib/data.js:/getmetas and the corresponding
route to eats integers instead of string.

medium @remove-pako

Browsers should (recent Chrome is) be able to automatically gunzip
files if they receive the proper header:
	if strings.HasSuffix(fpath, ".gz") {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
We'd have to see if we can leverage that to remove our (last?)
JS dep, pako.

medium @cache-loaded-dicts

It takes a few second to load the (correctly cached) data files
in lib/data.js. We should be able to grossly cache our loaded
objects via indexeddb to speed things up.

medium @setup-scripts

Most of it will probably be sugar-related; essentially,
we want some form of auto-restart, automatic emails,
regular ping, etc..

medium @pages-state @better-history

Following the SPA implementation, we've left a few brittle
bits around history navigation. For example, when history
navigation is about going back and forth within the same
book, we're reloading the whole page, while we could be smarter,
or perhaps implement history navigation a bit differently.

We may also be interested in keep pages states, so that when
we move away from index and back to it, we restore the page
where we left of. It could be as simple as keeping the bookmark
hash somewhere.

medium @inline-about

In order to increase visibility for a ressources, we could add
a small popup-on-click containing a table of our ressources.

medium @merge-trbook-book

Have book be a special case of trbook, where the pieces CSS
classes do not alter colors in any way.

If we could have a single way to render current chunk,
even for index/navdict, etc. this would also help solidify
our move-on-click feature, which for now is incredibly clumsily
implemented given its practical usefulness.

See also:
	- @flexible-view
	- @commented-books

medium @dict-sentence

There are sentences in e.g. CC-CEDICT, but for now we can't
use them correctly.

More specifically, the issue occurs with punctuation within
entries, e.g. 達·芬奇

There are some subtle behaviors around tokenize/rtokenize;
we have a prototype for a new tokenizer that could avoid us
such issues, but not yet satifsactory.

We also could relate this to @multilang.

medium @decomp-loop

This will start to be a problem with user-provided decomposition
tables and @multidec.

There are two main ways to proceed:
	1. Either we ensure that there's no possible loops between
	all the potential decomposition tables that we have at our
	disposal, as we'll need to prevent it for various combination.
	2. We have xcut() not being recursive, but only being recursive
	on call
	3. We only allow xcut to be recursive up to a 100 levels.

The first solution is obviously the cleanest, but requires to do
some graph analysis, and we'll need to check input validity at every

The second one would work, but would require to tweak grid.js to
launch the calculus.

The third is simple to implement and should avoid most issues.

NOTE: @better-cut is a solution; UI code already doesn't recurse,
so we just have to avoid recursing in cut to prevent the issue.
It'll still be a problem if we want, e.g. LaTeX output.

medium @flexible-view

Have some shortcut/button to hide #tr, to maximize #dec, to
go back to default view, adjusting the empty space accordingly, etc.

We also could find a way to avoid word restacking on horizontaly
wide decompositon (e.g. 無窮無盡, 機會), that is mostly a workaround
for now.

This shouldn't actually be too hard; some people can even do it
with pure CSS:

See also:

medium @user-doc

Properly maintain user documentation

medium @tech-doc

Properly maintain tech documentation. We can
for instance try to automatically extract jsdoc and
see what it gives.

We could also try to render,
	-> WIP thanks to github I guess.

medium @finer-dict-def-tokenizing

Currently, we're not managing overlapping when we tokenize
(english) dict's definition, looking for Chinese characters
to be inspected/pushed on stack.

If there's no overlap, keep current solution; if there's
overlap, display small popup on display allowing to stack
available words being overlapped.

medium @documentation

E.g.  - dev documentation,  @tech-doc - user documentation, @user-doc

medium @filter-sentences

Feature that could be useful to researchers: have the ability to
to look for uses of a word/expression in context.

medium @dict-parsing-error @parsing-error @patching-error

We now properly returns errors from parsers/patchers as we're
about to let users actually manage their own files.

Still, we could/should:
	- find a way to properly display the errors (...)
	- by default, ignore small punctual errors and keep parsing.
		- this is reasonable, but users need to be notified
		in a subtle way.
	- double check our line numbering works

See also @multiple-dictionaries and related.

medium @previous-pinyin-usages @previous-usage @same-defs

When reading a book, it helps to be able to link the
pronunciation of a character with what we've already
saw. E.g. 再/在 (zai4), but also 極 (ji2)/計 (ji4).

Similarly, we may want to dig previous usage of characters
e.g. in components. For instance recalling 智 when we later
find 知.

Similarly, highlight in a chunk all characters containing
a selected character (e.g. highlight 道, 類, when selecting 首).

Similarly again, different words may have overlapping definitions,
e.g. to arrive: 來, 至, 到, 去.

medium @cut-latex-cli-display @cut-latex-web-display

We want the ability to generate a LaTeX table for the
recursive decomposition of a word on CLI, so we can
embed those in .pdf to get properly printable data.

We could also have a button to export LaTeX from the web,
display in a <textarea> popup.

medium @books-metadata @database

We'll want to know e.g. which printed edition is this digital Chinese
version from, or who wrote that translation, etc.

We can/could use a SQLite database to store all of it, and use some text
blobs to store the actual books. The relationship between book and
their translation could furthermore be engrained into database scheme.

To be correlated with @backend.

medium @add-licenses

Currently users can only choose from a hardcoded list
of licenses. We *may* want to allow user-submitted licenses.

medium @translations-management

To be correlated with @flexible-view.

medium @character-recognition-input

Add the ability to handwrite characters, using an external module; see
		-> used by handedict (relies on google)

medium @strokes-order-v2

There seems to be a lot of projects adding the ability to compute
strokes order from SVG/raw data, perhaps worth taking a look?

medium @character-same-decomposition-type

E.g., get all characters containing 𦥯 as an upper component.
Not sure how to integrate it nicely with the rest.

medium @chise-images

Some characters are missing from font, we could at least add
them in a tab, e.g.

Same as for strokes, we could cache either the images or the ones
that are present/missing.

There also are some tricks to check whether a character is missing
from a font, but that's a bit subtle.

medium @dict-sources @decomp-sources

When patching a dict, or when sharing a personnal dict, it would
be pleasant to be able to specify sources, and to be able to consult
those sources on the web UI.

Same goes for decomposition tables.

We could try the following format:
	# source: ...
	+a a [...] /abcd/
	+a a [...] /efgh/
	# source: ...
	+a a [...] /ijkl/mnop/

We don't parse yet those special lines, but the data structures
have been prepared to carry them (lib.d.ts:/^interface WithSources)

medium @better-overlap

When two words are overlapping, e.g. 'ab' and 'bc', we read either of
them, but neither 'a' 'bc' and 'ab', 'c'.

That always breaks the reading flow, and requires the user to break
down either word to properly get it.

Not sure how to solve it yet. We could
	- move through a, ab, bc, c, with special highlighting, perhaps by
	  adding a mode to cut, or adding a layer on top of cut to generate
	  such entries.
	- automatically breaks down overlapping word at least by one level
	- automatically stack e.g. c when viewing ab and a when viewing bc

medium @bookmarks

NOTE: this is less useful than it used to be, but still can prove useful
in narrow setting (e.g. research).

push a position, go somewhere else, pop a position.
useful to go back to some characters seen a few sentences before.

Start with one, only with a keyboard shortcut, but prepare
for an array of bookmark.

loadbookmark() now allows to be feed with getbookmark()'s return values.
Some adjustments to be made, create the stack & button/shortcut, take
into consideration that soon the bookmark will contain more data.

medium @memory-optimisation

Besides index.js, for books, we could mark the dictionary entries
we use and only keep those instead of loading everything.

We would have to benchmark and see if this is interesting. This
may become more useful for @non-chinese, as we'll need to somehow
register all the declination of a word.

medium @chise-cdp-support @dict-cdp-support @chise-non-utf8

CHISE project decomposition table can reference CDP encoded characters,
that is, characters not covered by utf8.

It would be interesting to see if we can integrate them:
	- .zhongmu-word could look for images as we do for seal scripts with
	- perhaps we could also try to find a way to have them stored in
	a typical CC-CEDICT-formatted dictionary, where we to be able
	to find some semantic information.
	- they may be variants, so see if we could manage this around @variants.

There are others non-utf8 code points (e.g. &GT-K00264) that we may want
to manage similarly.

medium @chise-decompositon-type

CHISE decomposition type is a bit different from what we're used
to. There are also some things we don't properly understand, e.g.
why is there a:
	U+4EA8	亨	⿱⿱亠口了
instead of:
	U+4EA8	亨	⿳亠口了

Also, there will be overlaps with some extensions used by WikiMedia's,
e.g. ⿱⿰ for 咒 (CnWmAboveTwiceToBelow)

For now, as we're not using this data anyway, we've marked them
all as unknown.

medium @event-handler-debugging

We could/should separate event registration from event
code: everytime we need to tweak a handler, we have to reload
the page instead of updating the handler.

Update: this is only to ease debugging in the web console.
Not sure how it works around modules.

The following is broken: (f is a pointer to function):
	function h(){};
	function addevent(x, t, f) {
		x.addEventListener(t, function(e) { f(e) });

The following works:
	function h(){}
	function listenforh() { x.addEventListener("click", function(x) { h(e) }); }

medium @tree-control

Perhaps a way to control a whole tree, e.g. recursively display
all, move to imgs tab for all displayed, etc.

medium @broken-behavior

There's a bit of a weird behavior when a word is spread on
two pieces.

No JS error, but current words highlight is broken. Not sure
it's critical; because of word overlapping, this causes an
issue if we were to want to create a piece breaking an overlapping

At least we should document this?

medium @multiple-pinyins

Allow to rotate between pinyins representation. Keep track
of it in URL's hash #, p=

And/or we could have a user preference entry., we should easily
be able to extract a conversion table/function from that.

medium @mobile-view

Vertical view / mobile view.

medium @multidict-search

Subfeature of @multidict, about the ability to make
search in multiple dictionaries from index.js/index.html.

This is already implemented to a great extent; we'll
just need to display pinyins and dictionary names to have it
fully usable.

medium @trad-chinese-dict

Special test case for @multidict. The Shuowen was our
main testbed,  achieved. We could still push further
and add more dictionaries:
	The Yupian 玉篇 (Jade Leaves) of 543, by Gu Yewang 顧野王 (519-581),
		22,561 characters under 542 classifiers
	The Leipian 類篇 (Classified Leaves) of 1066, by Sima Guang 司馬光 (1019-1086) and others
		31,319 characters under 544 classifiers
	The Zihui 字彙 (Word Compilation) of 1615, by Mei Yingzuo 梅膺作 (fl. 1570-1615)
		?? characters under 214 classifiers.

	Text version of the Kangxi, one entry per line (source of previous)
	Browsable (partial)
	Epub (1.63Go, likely a scan)
	Perhaps looking for it in Chinese 康熙字典 ?

JSON Shuo Wen Jie Zi with annotations:

medium @heavenly-stems

Perhaps we could complete dictionary with more data for those,
as they often arises in compounds:

How to present them properly is yet to determine.

See what the Shuowen has to say about those.

IIRC, they were used e.g. to order entries in the Kangxi.

medium @simplified-chinese

NOTE: we're slowly introducing in @data-organisation the ability
to create ad-hock dictionaries from a series of patch. This can
allow user dict/decomp edition & al. Users willing to use simplified
characters would also have the opportunity. We can provide automatically
generated patches for common needs.

Some characters, valid as traditional, only exists as simplified

We solved the issue by introducing dict3.csv, which seems good
enough for now.

We may want to tweak the dictionary again and re-introduce modern
characters thought:

		'尚' : {
			'shang4' : [
				/* trad   */ [tweaked?, [...]]
				/* modern */ [tweaked?, [...]]


An argument in favor of that would be that some characters from
decomposition table are actually ~purely simplified forms, e.g.

Other issue with current status:
	亇 亇 [ge4] /variant of 個|个[ge4]/
	亇 亇 [ge4] /variant of 個[ge4]/
	ie. we loose the link to 个

Note that @multidict should naturally solve the issue, by
allowing simplified/traditional dict.

medium @variants

Can we automatically augment the dictionary with references?
E.g. 巛 is an archaic variant of 川, but 川 doesn't reference it back.

We could add it to dict3.csv / dict4.csv.

NOTE: "also written 裏[lǐ]" is a variant of "variant of" etc.

More generally, a problem with CC-CEDICT is that it is not
a fully computer-friendly dictionary. Perhaps we would be better
with a more rigid data framework, e.g.

	- variants dictionaries
	- "real" dictionaries & conversion scripts
	- decompositions tables

medium/long @zhongmu-trs

NOTE: the feature has been quickly implemented; this needs
to be reworked with @multiple-dictionaries in mind, and extended
so as to provide something more user friendly than bare regexp

Main zhongmu field, instead of only holding Chinese, should
also be able to hold English word and provides translations
that we can analyze.

E.g. "music" : display all characters whose defition matches
music, and allow to stack them. For now, we expect input
to be a regexp (e.g. \bmusic\b); we'll want something easier
on users, and the ability to look for AND/OR words:
	OR:  \b(foo|bar|baz)\b,
	AND: ^(?=.*\bfoo\b)(?=.*\bbar\b)(...).*$

medium @derivate-links

Once we have @multiple-dictionaries, we would have pict.csv
as a special dict containing entries for pictographic explanation,
and likely extended to contain typical symbolic uses for some symbols.

Aside from that, we could also automatically generate a dictionary
where each entries would contain a list of characters/words containing
the character being defined.

The UI would naturally allow to navigate through such a list, thus
keeping such entries rather light.

medium @character-lookup-in-ancient-text

產, according to wm, is decomposed to 产+生; 产 seems to be a purely new, simplified

Typically, we'd want to check in ancient texts if that character actually exists.
We may want to write some scripts to do all that.

Note that this may be a consequence of decomposition format restriction?

medium @same-pronunciation-links

In the same manner as for @derivate-links, once we have @multiple-dictionaries,
we could automatically generate a dictionary containing, for each character,
a list of all the characters that have the same pinyin.

This could be an activate tab, that would be computed on-demand, rather
than pre-emptively.

medium @dict-decomp-web-edition

NOTE: below is ancient documentation. Patching existing
dictionary is pleasant, but requires to maintain such
patches, which can be a burden to the user.

To be done once we have proper users; add a small
edit button.

Upon edition, retrieve all lines from user patch for
this dict/decomp. If none, retrieve lines from original

Display such lines in a textarea, in a modal, perhaps using

On submit, push changes to user patch file, rebuild zmdata
for this user, reload it.

Perhaps we'd want a function to dump a dict to original cc-cedict

medium @index-search-tests

We could add some tests for;

See also @index-search-jump-on-dict.

medium @index-search-jump-on-dict

On index.html, when searching some words and trying to stack
them, automatically display the (first) tab containing the dict
using that definition.

See also @index-search-tests.

medium @ancient-decomp

There *are* some decomposition table for ancient characters, e.g., were there's also a map from seal scripts
to modern versions.

We can also try to build one from the Shuowen; which seems to have
already been done to some degree:

Can we have a pict.csv for ancient forms?

medium @links-database

External links / links to images are for now hardcoded.
We should find ways to make those user-editable. See
	- 'lib/links.js:/^var links/' (there are a few bits for
	that in schema2.sql already)
	- Also 'lib/links.js:/^var imgs/' and 'lib/links.js:/^var audios/'

medium/long @commented-books

We'll need to grow this alongside @backend, @database, @data-organisation,

@qian-zi-wen-notes could be an interesting testing example.

The goal would be to have an optionally displayed buffer behind/instead
of #tr. Such buffer would contains notes that are related to currently
selected character.

A note would, like a translation piece correspond to a slice
of #src. Notes could contains Chinese text and should be tokenized
as a dictionary's definition.

We'll also want the ability to add/edit/remove/share notes, perhaps
to have some TeX export.

Traditionally, books were commented, e.g.,
which exposes comments of the Shuowen by various historical authors.

Such notes would be in Chinese, and we may want to recurse to a
src/dec/tr (/notes) view for thoses too.

medium/long @qian-zi-wen-notes @qian-zi-wen-translation

Retrieved from

See also:

See also @commented-books.

medium/long @non-chinese @multilang

Quick first prototype works decently. We'll need:

- per language links support in modules/links.js-
- per language tokenisation: we don't need a TreeDicts, and
current situation about sentences in dictionaries would be
troublesome e.g. for "aujourd'hui".
- autodecomp bug on "Касатского"
- More dictionaries:
- decomposition tables:
	@multilang-decomp (
- (greek language etymology)
- Arabic, with etymological definitions?
			-> only contains words (no definitions)
			-> Word 2 Word mapping (1:1, no "real" definitions;
			still better)
		not a english-arabic dict, but could be useful to decompose
		Various dictionaries, likely arabic-arabic
		More stuff to inspect (*) (*)
		There are historical Arabic dictionaries, which may have been

small @tolstoi-father-serge-full-import ?
	Отец Сергий

long @multilang-decomp

For curiosity's sake, pretends to mine
wiktionary data; we may be able to create interesting content from

long @pieces-import

Import pieces mechanism from zf. More generally, the goal
here would be for zhongmu to be able to allow registered users
to submit chinese text, a translation, the ability to edit
the translation, and to link both with pieces.

This needs to be broken in smaller tasks, and we need to
define some scope:
	- this should be time consuming, do we have ressources for this?
	- do we allow user to also edit dictionaries? how so? etc.

long @extension

Extension has been backed up in ./ext/ and haven't been maintained
for a while. There were numerous problems with it.

It is likely that having something similar to Google's translate
extension does would be good enough for most of our purposes.

Two first thing to implement:
	- an additional right click menu entry, with the ability to
		1. either display a movable popup with a decomposition
		of what has been selected;
		2. navigating to with the selected text in
		URL parameter

We'll then have to think about how we could re-implement navigating
in content in a page.

Especially, the difficult part would be to think about how to handle
multiple languages, as the old code was really Chinese-dependant.

We could for instance allow sets of configurations that the user
can automatically select from the right click menu (e.g. start
zhongmu with the configuration "only-work-on-Chinese-characters",
which will select appropriate dictionaries / decomposition tables).

OTOH, we could also have automatic, per-websites, configuration

long @better-cut

Entry needs to be clarified (used to be intertwined with other

See also @decomp-loop.

There are a few clumsy things with current cut mechanism.

First, cut() always tokenize, while often we already have the
tokens, as we're calling cut() on a the .v of a token identified
through parseandtok().

	The problem here is that, as-is, our views organisation prevents
	us from accessing the tokens from withstackgrid.js.

Second, we systematically compute all the decompositions, which,
while it could make sense for a LaTeX based rendering, is useless
from a Web UI perspective; let alone considering @decomp-loop.

cut() in itself is an antique conceptualisation that arised from
early prototypes, that we may want to let die now.

We could keep tokenize(), and instead of cut(), have a mdecompose()
recursively calling decompose on an array of tokens(), with a mean
(continuation?) to interupt/resume the decomposition.

It's likely too that this method would help having a cleaner, fuller
dump/restore mechanism, which for now is clumsy.

Also, such a mechanism could help, were need be, to shift heavy
work back to the server.

no direct solution yet @better-zhongwen-urls

Some characters aren't big5 accessible yet still exists
in zhongwen, e.g.
	糹 :
	攵 :
Not sure how to compute that URL; not even hexadecimal

Also, see the header of data/big5/big5.csv, there are some
weird ranges that aren't properly mapped.

no direct solution yet @zidian-odict-urls

links to
	-> not sure how to compute the URL.
	Not basic utf8, big5.
	GB2312-80 ? -> nope : 攵 is EBB6 (60342) according
	yet, ?

To be sorted

Also perhaps a idioms.html displaying a few famous idioms: 微言大義

Old TODO item from modules/data.js, perhaps there are still some interesting bits: (to be sorted): /* - An interesting solution would be to set things up in tab preferences, and allow on-the-fly patching:

	=> This would clearly separate dict reading from dict patching

	=> We need to adjust our dict format to keep track of whether
	we're adding or removing data.

	=> This allows users to furthermore customise their interface

	=> No need for a special preference; all of this is configured
	via tabsprefs.

	=> We could have a mostly silent error management, and allow
	inline-patch edition; thus removing the need for versionning
	and maintaining old version of data: having a similar definition
	~twice isn't much of an issue.

	=> We need to start thinking about the dict edition process/patch

	=> Patching can also be used for users to re-order entries.

- How do we handle removal of clumsy (slang, [A-Za-z], etc.) entries?
	- This could be a flag in preferences, either global/local for a dict
	- Imperfect for patches chains, or we could allow it to be a string.

- How do we handle simplified Chinese?



feat: if enabling shuowen/pict, we may want to display wm-seal
in word if not already.

- data/book*s*/ vs data/dict/*
- data/books/* are actually a bunch of files. We can/should either
have a single blob, or a directory.
- have the Formatter actually use the FmtParams to prepare clean and
regular files from the raw files.

- option to only display text if no images are available in zhongmu-word
	- word would still be available through the <sup>, so still selectable
- allow to display multiple wm-seal in zhongmu-word (for multiple characters words)
	- we'll need a place holder when an image is lacking.

- preformat dict correctly in mkshuowen.js, thus avoiding us the swmarkdown
dict format.