- House-Wide:
- Set ACs to away or present depending on users presence
- Turn all lights off when all users are away
- Set alarm to away when all users are away
- Set alarm to home when at least one user is present
- Calculate and set the appropriate volume of speakers when they start playback
- Notify my phone and broadcast an alert when a package is delivered
- Completely stop speakers after 10 minutes of paused state -
- Calculate and set the appropriate volume of TVs when they start playback
- Set speakers volume to 20% after they are stopped
- Calculate and set the appropriate brightness of lights when motion is detected
- Turn lights off in empty rooms
- Turn all lights off when the house is empty
- Mute the speakers in a room if the TV is started
- Unmute the speakers in a room when the TV is stopped
- Close the blinds in a room when the TV is playing a movie
- Turn the lights to purple in a room when the TV is playing a movie
- Turn the lights to brighter purple in a room when the TV has a paused movie
- Return the lights in a room to white when a movie is stopped on the TV
- Close the blinds when all are asleep
- Add artists playing on TVs to Lidarr for automatic acquisition
- Turn on "party mode" when 5 friends are over
- Play soft visuals on all screens when "party mode" is turned on
- Change light groups to semi-saturated random colors when "party mode" is turned on
- Start music on each speaker group when "party mode" is turned on
- Reload tablets when hass is rebooted
- Turn on "Waiting Uber" when an uber email is detected
- Trigger-Based:
- Start visuals on all inactive TVs
- Generate and set "Fake white" on each active light group
- Generate and set warm saturated colors on each active light
- Generate and set warm pale colors on each active light
- Generate and set a random saturated color on each active light
- Generate and set a random pastel color on each active light
- Generate and set random saturated colors when "acid time" is turned on
- Play trippy visuals on all inactive TVs when "acid time" is turned on
- Start music across the house-group when "acid time" is turned on
- Close all blinds when either "acid time" or "kink party" is turned on
- Generate and set warm colors on each light group when "kink party" is turned on
- Generate an improved color loop when "trippy lights effect" is turned on
- Return lights to white when "trippy lights effect" is turned off-
- Security/Conditions:
- Notifify my phone upon breach in my bedroom
- Automatically set the following boolean inputs to off after a set amount of time
- Waiting Uber
- Party mode
- Acid time
- Aerating Appartment
- Sleeper in Hotbox
- Sleeper in Livingroom
- Sleeper in Patio
- Sleeper in Closet
- Waiting someone
- Automatically set the the following boolean inputs to off after a condition is met
- Acid time
- Trigger the alarm system upon motion and notify and broadcast an alarm
- Carla:
- Tells Carla to move her car at 8:45 and 9:15 if she is present
- Fay:
- Create a calendar event when Fay text me a pending task
- Back Door:
- Automatically lock the door when it is closed
- Announce if someone is using the door to enter or exit
- Turn back door lights on when someone is detected
- Front Door:
- Automatically turn the porch light on and off depending on the sun position
- Brighten the porch light when someone is passing in front of the front door camera
- Lock the door when the front door is closed
- Lock the door after 10 minutes of being unlocked
- Detect when the front door is left open and broadcast and alert every 5 minutes until it is closed
- Let people with "conditional" pins in if I am present and announce them
- Detect who is entering and announce them while disabling the alarm system
- Turn all lights to green when someone exits
- Bathroom:
- Start muzak in the bathroom when someone enters
- Stop the bathroom speaker when appropriate
- Automatically turns the light off when appropriate
- Automatically adjust the bathroom speaker volume
- Mute the main speaker when the shower speaker is started and stops it when not needed anymore
- Automatically start the bathroom fan when humidity goes over 65%
- Raise the speaker volume when the bathroom fan goes on
- Bedroom:
- Turn on the "Sleeper in bedroom" boolean input when the "Sleeper in bedroom" sensors goes to on
- Turn off the "Sleeper in bedroom" boolean input when the bedroom lights are turned on
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Turn on thunderstorm sounds on the speaker when I go to sleep
- Philip ecogreen tap control flow
- Office:
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Add artists playing on speaker to Lidarr for automatic acquisition
- Control blinds through the blind button
- Slightly open the blinds when the AC turns on
- Close the blinds when the AC turns off
- Adjust volume when the AC turns on and off
- Set "Wallpaper Engine" background color to the same color as the lights
- Chilling Room:
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Set a random effect on the tree when it turns on
- Closet:
- Mute the hallway speaker if someone is sleeping in the closet
- Automatically adjust the control tablet's brightness to follow the lights.
- Automatically turns on the light depending on certain conditions
- Turn off the lights when someone is sleeping
- Turn off the tablet's screen when someone is sleeping
- Turn on the Sleeper more when someone press the dial
- Control the unique dial contorls of the closet
- Kitchen:
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Announce house-wide when the pasta water is boiling
- Harrass me when the fridge door is left open
- Alert us when there is a water leak behind the washer
- Broadcast an alert when the ktichen timer is finished until someone enters the kitchen
- Set "Kitchen timer" to match the kitchen's speaker timer and alarm
- Hotbox Down:
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Automatically recast the Lovelace interface to the nest hub when needed
- Toggle the sleeping mode when someone double pressed the sleep button
- Toggle the lights depending on sleeping state
- Mute and turn off hotbox down media players
- Toggle the Hotbox Down Television depending on sleeping state
- Turn off the Xbox
- Unmute hotbox down media players once the guests are awake and exit the room
- Toggle "Do not disturb" on the nest hub depending on sleeping state
- Hotbox Top:
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Adjust lights when Netflix, Plex, or Xbox is used on the TV's roku
- Turn on Xbox one if the Xbox input is selected
- Open the TV on the Chromecast upon entering Hotbox top
- Adjust the hotbox top volume media when someone goes to sleep
- Automatically recast the Lovelace interface to the nest hub when needed
- Living Room:
- Adjust volume when the AC turns on and off
- Slightly open the blinds when the AC turns on
- Close the blinds when the AC turns off
- Control blinds through the blind button
- Toggle speaker's mute depending on sleeping state
- Toggle the lights depending on sleeping state
- Toggle the TV depending on sleeping state
- Toggle hallway speaker volume depending on sleeping state
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Connect the second dial to the dial subflow
- PTZ Camera:
- Return the PTZ camera to its original position after 10 minutes if no package is awated
- Phone:
- Tell me that a phone call is incoming on a nearby speaker
- Tablets:
- Control S7 FE batterly level with a smart plug
- Control A7 lite batterly level with a smart plug
- Vacuum:
- Broadcast an alert if the vacuum is stuck until it is unstuck
- Automatically vacuum the entrance once 4 guests have entered
- Hallway:
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Server:
- Connect the dial to the dial subflow
- Detect when the server door is left open and broadcast regular alerts based on current temperature
- Patio:
- Turn off the lights when someone goes to sleep
- Alert me when people are too noisy on the patio during a party
- Face Reco:
- Receive and process the "Enter Text" actionnable notification
- Receive and process the "Who is this" actionnable notification
- Reset all the associated booleans when the door locks
- Tries to detect who is at the door and let them in if they are recognized and a few conditions are met
- Neighbors:
- Automatically mute the wiim receivers between 2AM and Noon