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OpenFaaS Cloud installation guide


For the legacy instructions see ./


  • Kubernetes or Docker Swarm (Docker cannot be running with XFS as a backing file-system due to buildkit restrictions)
  • Registry account - Docker Hub account or private registry with TLS
  • OpenFaaS deployed with authentication enabled
  • Extended timeouts for the queue-worker, gateway and the backend provider

For the queue-worker, set the ack_wait field to 15m to allow for a Docker build of up to 15 minutes total.

Moving parts

You will create/deploy:

  • A GitHub App
  • A number of secrets
  • A stack of OpenFaaS functions via stack.yml
  • Customise limits for Swarm or K8s
  • Setup a container image builder
  • (K8s only) Network Policies for openfaas and openfaas-fn namespaces

Before you begin

  • You must enable basic auth to prevent user-functions from accessing the admin API of the gateway
  • A list of valid users is defined in the CUSTOMERS file in this GitHub repo, this acts as an ACL, but you can define your own
  • Swarm offers no isolation between functions (they can call each other)
  • For Kubernetes isolation can be applied through NetworkPolicy


Create your GitHub App

Create a GitHub app from your GitHub profile page.

Select these OAuth permissions:

  • "Repository contents" read-only
  • "Commit statuses" read and write
  • Now select only the "push" event.

  • Where can this GitHub App be installed?

Any account

  • Save the new app.

  • Now download the private key for your GitHub App which we will use later in the guide for allowing OpenFaaS Cloud to write to commit statuses when a build passes or fails.

The GitHub app will deliver webhooks to your OpenFaaS Cloud instance every time code is pushed in a user's function repository. Make sure you provide the public URL for your OpenFaaS gateway to the GitHub app. Like:

Create an internal trust secret

This secret will be used by each OpenFaaS Cloud function to validate requests and to sign calls it needs to make to other functions.

PAYLOAD_SECRET=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum| cut -d' ' -f1)


kubectl create secret generic -n openfaas-fn payload-secret --from-literal payload-secret="$PAYLOAD_SECRET"


echo -n "$PAYLOAD_SECRET" | docker secret create payload-secret -

Set your GitHub App config

Set the App ID

  • Edit github.yml and populate with your GitHub App ID:
    github_app_id: "<app_id>"
  • Create a secret for the HMAC / webhook value:



kubectl create secret generic -n openfaas-fn github-webhook-secret --from-literal github-webhook-secret="$WEBHOOK_SECRET"


echo -n "$WEBHOOK_SECRET" | docker secret create github-webhook-secret -

Create a secret for your GitHub App's private key

Download the .pem file from the GitHub App page, then save it as a file named private-key with no extension.

  • Kubernetes
kubectl create secret generic private-key \
 --from-file=private-key -n openfaas-fn
  • Docker Swarm
docker secret create private-key private-key

Note: The default private key secret name is private-key. If needed different name can be specified by setting private_key_filename value in github.yml

private_key_filename: my-private-key

Setup your customer access control list (ACL)

Edit customers_url in gateway_config.yml.

Enter a list of GitHub usernames for your customers, these are case-sensitive.

Customize for Kubernetes or Swarm

By default all settings are prepared for Kubernetes, so if you're using Swarm do the following:

Edit hostnames

In gateway_config.yml and ./dashboard/stack.yml remove the suffix .openfaas where you see it.

Set limits

You will need to edit stack.yml and make sure buildshiprun_limits_swarm.yml is listed instead of buildshiprun_limits_k8s.yml.

Deploy your container builder

You need to generate the ~/.docker/config.json using the docker login command.

If you are not on Linux, i.e. you are on Mac or Windows, docker stores credentials in credentials store by default and your docker config.json file will look like this:

  "credSstore" : "osxkeychain",
  "auths" : {
    "" : {

  "HttpHeaders" : {
    "User-Agent" : "Docker-Client/18.06.0-ce (darwin)"

Run docker login to generate the config.json (if you haven't already) and edit it by removing the "credSstore" property:

  "auths" : {
    "" : {

  "HttpHeaders" : {
    "User-Agent" : "Docker-Client/18.06.0-ce (darwin)"

Log into your registry or the Docker hub

docker login

Expect to see WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /Users/kvuchkov/.docker/config.json in the output.

This populates ~/.docker/config.json which is used in the builder:

	"auths": {
		"": {
			"auth": "asdf12djs37ASfs732sFa3fdsw=="
	"HttpHeaders": {
		"User-Agent": "Docker-Client/18.06.0-ce (darwin)"

Note: the auth string above is using an example value and is not a real authentication string.

For Kubernetes

Create the secret for your registry

kubectl create secret generic \
  --namespace openfaas \
  registry-secret --from-file=$HOME/.docker/config.json 

Create of-builder, of-buildkit:

kubectl apply -f ./yaml/core

(Optional) Deploy NetworkPolicy

kubectl apply -f ./yaml/network-policy

(Optional) Add a role of "openfaas-system" using a label to the namespace where you deployed Ingress Controller. For example if Ingress Controller is deployed in the namespace ingress-nginx:

kubectl label namespace ingress-nginx role=openfaas-system

If you don't have Ingress Controller installed in cluster. Read this

For Swarm

Create the secret for your registry

cat $HOME/.docker/config.json | docker secret create registry-secret -

Create of-builder and of-buildkit:


Configure push repository and gateway URL

In gateway.yml

  gateway_url: http://gateway.openfaas:8080/
  audit_url: http://gateway.openfaas:8080/function/audit-event

Replace "ofcommunity" with your Docker Hub account i.e. alexellis2/cloud/ or replace the whole string with the address of your private registry

Now set your gateway's public URL in the gateway_public_url field.

Configure pull secret

This is only needed if your registry uses authentication to pull images. The Docker Hub allows image to be pulled without a pull secret.


  • Uncomment the swarm-pull-secret secret in stack.yml

  • Create the swarm-pull-secret pull secret:

Use the username and password from docker login

echo -n username:password | base64 | docker secret create swarm-pull-secret -


Configure your service account with a pull secret as per OpenFaaS docs. Pick the openfaas-fn namespace.

Create basic-auth secrets for the functions

The functions will need to use basic authentication to access the gateway's administrative endpoints.

Use the credentials you got when you set up OpenFaaS.


echo "admin" > basic-auth-user
echo "admin" > basic-auth-password
docker secret create basic-auth-user basic-auth-user
docker secret create basic-auth-password basic-auth-password


Create secrets in the openfaas-fn namespace:

echo "username" > basic-auth-user
echo "password" > basic-auth-password
kubectl create secret generic basic-auth-user \
 --from-file=basic-auth-user=./basic-auth-user -n openfaas-fn
kubectl create secret generic basic-auth-password \
 --from-file=basic-auth-password=./basic-auth-password -n openfaas-fn

Log storage with Minio/S3

Logs from the container builder are stored in S3. This can be Minio which is S3-compatible, or AWS S3.

You can disable Log storage by commenting out the pipeline-log function from stack.yml.

  • Generate secrets for Minio
SECRET_KEY=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum| cut -d' ' -f1)
ACCESS_KEY=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum| cut -d' ' -f1)
  • If you'd prefer to use an S3 Bucket hosted on AWS

Generate an access key by using the security credentials page. Expand the Access Keys section, and then Create New Root Key.

Generate an secret key by opening the IAM console. Choose Users in the Details pane, pick the IAM user which will use the keys, and then Create Access Key on the Security Credentials tab.



Store the secrets in Kubernetes

kubectl create secret generic -n openfaas-fn \
 s3-secret-key --from-literal s3-secret-key="$SECRET_KEY"
kubectl create secret generic -n openfaas-fn \
 s3-access-key --from-literal s3-access-key="$ACCESS_KEY"

Install Minio with helm

helm install --name cloud --namespace openfaas \
   --set accessKey=$ACCESS_KEY,secretKey=$SECRET_KEY,replicas=1,persistence.enabled=false,service.port=9000,service.type=NodePort \

The name value should be cloud-minio.openfaas.svc.cluster.local

Enter the value of the DNS above into s3_url in gateway_config.yml adding the port at the end:cloud-minio-svc.openfaas.svc.cluster.local:9000


Store the secrets

echo -n "$SECRET_KEY" | docker secret create s3-secret-key -
echo -n "$ACCESS_KEY" | docker secret create s3-access-key -

Deploy Minio

docker service rm minio

docker service create --constraint="node.role==manager" \
 --name minio \
 --detach=true --network func_functions \
 --secret s3-access-key \
 --secret s3-secret-key \
 --env MINIO_SECRET_KEY_FILE=s3-secret-key \
 --env MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_FILE=s3-access-key \
minio/minio:latest server /export


  • Enter the value of the DNS above into s3_url in gateway_config.yml adding the port at the end:minio:9000

Note: For debugging and testing. You can expose the port of Minio with docker service update minio --publish-add 9000:9000, but this is not recommended on the public internet.


  • Enter the value of the DNS into s3_url in gateway_config.yml

  • In the same file set s3_tls: true and s3_bucket to the bucket you created in S3 like s3_bucket: example-bucket

  • Update the s3_region value such as : s3_region: us-east-1


Deploy the OpenFaaS Cloud Functions

Optionally set the gateway URL:


Now deploy:

faas-cli deploy

Test it out

Now find the public URL of your GitHub App and navigate to it. Click "Install" and pick a GitHub repo you want to use.

Now create a new function, rename the YAML file for the functions to stack.yml and then commit it. When you put it up you'll see the logs in the github-push function.

Troubleshoot Kubernetes

Find out whether the pull/checkout/tar and build and deploy operation passed for each function.

kubectl logs -f deploy/github-push -n openfaas-fn
kubectl logs -f deploy/git-tar -n openfaas-fn

Find out if the build and deployment passed:

kubectl logs -f deploy/buildshiprun -n openfaas-fn

Find all events on the functions namespace

kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp -n openfaas-fn
Troubleshoot Network Policies

The NetworkPolicy configuration is designed to work with a Kubernetes IngressController. If you are using a NodePort or LoadBalancer you have to deploy NetworkPolicy below.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: gateway
  namespace: openfaas
    - Ingress
      app: gateway
    - from: []
        - port: 8080

Troubleshoot Swarm

docker service logs github-push --tail 50
docker service logs git-tar --tail 50
docker service logs buildshiprun --tail 50



The Dashboard is optional and can be installed to visualise your functions.

A pretty URL means that users get their own sub-domain per function. You will need to setup a wildcard DNS entry for this, but it's not essential, using the gateway address will also work.

Pretty vs non-pretty:

  • On Docker Swarm you must remove the suffix .openfaas from the gateway address.


The Dashboard is a SPA(Single Page App) made with React and will require the following:

  • Node.js
  • Yarn

Build and Bundle the Assets

If you have satisfied the prerequisites, the following command should create the assets for the Dashboard.


Edit stack.yml if needed.

Set query_pretty_url to true when using a sub-domain for each user. If set, also define pretty_url with the pattern for the URL.

Example with domain

pretty_url: ""

Set public_url to be the URL for the IP / DNS of the OpenFaaS Cloud.


Don't forget to pull the node8-express-template

$ cd dashboard

$ faas-cli template pull
$ faas-cli up

SealedSecret support

The support for SealedSecrets is optional.

  • Add the CRD entry for SealedSecret:
release=$(curl --silent "" | sed -n 's/.*"tag_name": *"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p')
kubectl create -f$release/sealedsecret-crd.yaml
  • Install the CRD controller to manage SealedSecrets:
kubectl apply -f$release/controller.yaml
  • Install kubeseal CLI

You can perform the following two commands on the client or the server providing that you have a .kube/config file available and have switched to that context with kubectl config set-context.

release=$(curl --silent "" | sed -n 's/.*"tag_name": *"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p')
GOOS=$(go env GOOS)
sudo install -m 755 kubeseal-$GOOS-$GOARCH /usr/local/bin/kubeseal
  • Export your public key

Now export the public key from Kubernetes cluster

kubeseal --fetch-cert > pub-cert.pem

You will need to distribute or share pub-cert.pem so that people can use this with the OpenFaaS CLI faas-cli cloud seal command to seal secrets.

Wildcard domains with of-router

Coming soon