This file contains notes on publishing resources that are referenced to in published guides. The intended audience is a maintainer of Chirper with write access to Lightbend's Bintray Docker Registry.
The provided configuration for DC/OS and Marathon uses publicly available Chirper images. Use the commands
below to publish new versions. You'll need to ensure that you have authenticated to the registry using
docker login
Be sure to update the VERSION
if necessary, plus make any adjustments to deploy/resources/chirper.json
export VERSION=1.2.1
sbt "-DbuildVersion=$VERSION" -DbuildTarget=marathon clean docker:publishLocal
docker tag "chirper-marathon/friend-impl:$VERSION" "$REGISTRY/friend-impl:$VERSION"
docker tag "chirper-marathon/activity-stream-impl:$VERSION" "$REGISTRY/activity-stream-impl:$VERSION"
docker tag "chirper-marathon/front-end:$VERSION" "$REGISTRY/front-end:$VERSION"
docker tag "chirper-marathon/chirp-impl:$VERSION" "$REGISTRY/chirp-impl:$VERSION"
docker push "$REGISTRY/friend-impl:$VERSION"
docker push "$REGISTRY/activity-stream-impl:$VERSION"
docker push "$REGISTRY/front-end:$VERSION"
docker push "$REGISTRY/chirp-impl:$VERSION"