Full project with Conv1D, tutorials and README
Full project with Conv1D, tutorials and README
Force push
partially complete work on model wrapper/runner
partially complete work on model wrapper/runner
ancestors_within_distance for max_distance param to get_parents()
ancestors_within_distance for max_distance param to get_parents()
filtering to ensure children and parents are candidate terms, not act…
filtering to ensure children and parents are candidate terms, not act…
automatically load from uniprot with separate static methods for load…
automatically load from uniprot with separate static methods for load…
refactor protein/structure into 1:N relationship where protein method…
refactor protein/structure into 1:N relationship where protein method…
adds go_terms_children() and build_graph() to collect candidate terms…
adds go_terms_children() and build_graph() to collect candidate terms…
support multiple xml entries for proteins
support multiple xml entries for proteins
Force push
one hot sequence method for proteins
one hot sequence method for proteins
one hot sequence method for proteins
one hot sequence method for proteins
Force push
adds contact_map() and get_chain_ids() to structure class
adds contact_map() and get_chain_ids() to structure class
adds contact_map() and get_chain_ids() to structure class
adds contact_map() and get_chain_ids() to structure class
Force push
structure class with fetch_url factored out into a separate file
structure class with fetch_url factored out into a separate file
structure class with fetch_url factored out into a separate file
structure class with fetch_url factored out into a separate file
structure class to load from ftp, http, or a file
structure class to load from ftp, http, or a file
Force push
factor out fetch_url into separate file and accept .pdb files the sam…
factor out fetch_url into separate file and accept .pdb files the sam…
adds contact_map() and get_chain_ids() to structure class
adds contact_map() and get_chain_ids() to structure class
Force push
adds contact_map() and get_chain_ids() to structure class
adds contact_map() and get_chain_ids() to structure class
support multiple xml entries for proteins
support multiple xml entries for proteins