This plugin allows you ban your players when they die for a configurable time. It is usefull if you want to increase the difficulty of your server.
Example of configuracion: #if is true the plugin will be actived and working as usually, if is set to false Replace all options and the plugin will be disabled activateBanWhenDied: true
#S = seconds, M = minutes, H = hours, D = days bantime: 1M
#if true the ban goes through ip user, else it will not go through ip bannedByIp: true
#if true the ban goes through nickname user, else it will not go through nickname bannedByNickname: true
#Only yml allow so far databaseType: yml
#main lang in server side lang: 'en_US'
#this may be usefull if you want your players does not lost their items during ban time #however you can also increase despawn time in your server configuration adding it (bantime) preventItemDespawn: false
#Not yet implement #TODO: activateWhiteList and whiteList (with name of player that won't be affect by this plugin')