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Randomizable signatures by David Pointcheval and Olivier Sanders.

From the CT-RSA 2016 paper Short Randomizable signatures which uses interactive assumptions

Signature and proof of knowledge of signature

Implements 2 variations as described in the paper in sections 4.2 and 6.1 respectively. Scheme in 6.1 was presented to make blind signatures efficient however there are ways to do blind signatures with 4.2 but they are relatively inefficient. One way to do so is described in Coconut.

The signature scheme from section 4.2 does not allow blind signatures straightaway and the paper does not describe any technique to do so. But less efficient techniques from Coconut or others can be used. The scheme is implemented as described in the paper.

The code for this lives in, and For generating keys use keys::keygen

The signature scheme from section 6.1 of the paper allows for signing blinded messages as well. Demonstrated by test test_signature_blinded_messages.
Implementing proof of knowledge of a signature from section 6.2 of paper. Demonstrated by test test_PoK_sig.
In addition to proof of knowledge, the user can also reveal some of the messages under the signature without revealing all messages or signature. Demonstrated in test test_PoK_sig_reveal_messages.
A more comprehensive test where a user gets signature over a mix of messages where some of them are known while others are committed to and then a proof of knowledge is done for signature with selectively revealing some messages. Demonstrated in the test test_scenario_1. 2 variation of scheme in section 6.1 are implemented, one of the variations follows the paper as it is.
But another variations implemented with some modifications. The public key is split into 2 parts, the tilde elements (X_tilde and Y_tilde) and non-tilde elements (X, Y). Now the verifier only needs the former (tilde elements) and thus verifier's storage requirements go down. Keygen and signing are modified as:

  • Keygen: Rather than only keeping X as the secret key, signer keeps x, y_1, y_2, ..y_r as secret key. The public key is unchanged, i.e. (g, Y_1, Y_2,..., Y_tilde_1, Y_tilde_2, ...)
  • Sign: Lets say the signer wants to sign a multi-message of 10 messages where only 1 message is blinded. If we go by the paper where signer does not have y_1, y_2, .. y_10, signer will pick a random u and compute signature as (g^u, (XC)^u.Y_2^{m_2u}.Y_3^{m_3u}...Y_10^{m_10u}), Y_1 is omitted as the first message was blinded. Of course the term (XC)^u.Y_2^{m_2u}.Y_3^{m_3u}...Y_10^{m_10u} can be computed using efficient multi-exponentiation techniques but it would be more efficient if the signer could instead compute (g^u, C^u.g^{(x+y_2.m_2+y_3.m_3+...y_10.m_10).u}). The resulting signature will have the same form and can be unblinded in the same way as described in the paper.
    This will make signer's secret key storage a bit more but will make the signing more efficient, especially in cases where the signature has only a few blinded messages but most messages are known to the signer which is usually the case with anonymous credentials where the user's secret key is blinded (its not known to signer) in the signature. This variation makes signing considerably faster unless the no of unblinded messages is very small compared to no of blinded messages. Run test timing_comparison_for_both_blind_signature_schemes to see the difference


Multiple PS signatures can be aggregated using the same principle BLS signatures since the secrets are in the exponents like BLS signatures. Signatures are aggregated by multiplying them together like BLS signatures and verification keys can be aggregated by multiplying the corresponding parts together. The signers should however use the same Params and while signing create deterministic signatures using Signature::new_deterministic which hashes the messages to create a group generator. Look at the test test_multi_signature_all_known_messages.

From the CT-RSA 2018 paper Reassessing Security of Randomizable Signatures which uses non-interactive assumptions

The code for this lives in and For generating keys use keys::keygen_2018. For multi-signatures, use methods MultiSignatureFast::from_sigs_2018 and MultiSignatureFast::verify_2018. Since majority of the protocol of signing (known) and proof of knowledge of signature is same as the CT-RSA 2016 paper, there is a lot of code reuse. Currently there is no implementation of blind signature using this new scheme but it can be done by using the ideas from Coconut where the committed attributes are individually committed using Elgamal encryption.

Implementation details

The groups for public key (*_tilde) and signatures can be swapped by compiling with feature SignatureG2 or SignatureG1. These features are mutually exclusive. The default feature is SignatureG2 meaning signatures are in group G2 which makes signing slower but proof of knowledge of signature faster.

To run tests with signature in group G1. The proof of knowledge of signatures will involve a multi-exponentiation in group G2.

cargo test --release --no-default-features --features SignatureG1

To run tests with signature in group G2. The proof of knowledge of signatures will involve a multi-exponentiation in group G1.

cargo test --release --no-default-features --features SignatureG2

To benchmark, run tests prefixed with timing and the time taken for various actions will be printed.

cargo test --release --no-default-features --features SignatureG2 timing -- --nocapture


cargo test --release --no-default-features --features SignatureG1 timing -- --nocapture