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Konrad Roeder edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 8 revisions


Why APRS using LoRa?

In short, because we can. Experimentation is the primary justification of Amateur Radio. As radio amateurs, within the confines of our international, national and sometimes local regulations, we can improve technology. APRS works well. But it can be drastically improved. LoRa APRS represents the next step forward in evolving APRS.

Amateur radio is also an almost ideal solution to the problem of back up emergency communications. Depending on the type of equipment you choose, Amateur Radio radio can be portable, it can provide both short range and long range communication, and it can continue to work even when local infrastructure goes down. LoRa APRS can provide location, weather information and texting over a longer distance than conventional APRS.

Low-cost, consumer off the shelf (COTS) hardware

The LoRa Trackers and iGates can be built from readily available consumer off the shelf hardware.


LoRa is a chirp spread spectrum technology. As a result of this novel modulation having process gain LoRa can receive signals far below the noise floor. Conventional APRS is limited by having to signals above the noise floor.

Battery power

LoRa APRS trackers require little power and can run for hours on a Li-ion battery

LoRa trackers, digipeaters and iGates

Where are LoRa APRS iGates located near me?

Here's a map LoRa APRS iGates all over the world

#Where is the data displayed? APRS.FI

Applications of a LoRa APRS Tracker




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