434e545250525459 = CNTRPRTY prefix (hex to text)
0000000a = Transaction ID = 10 (hex to dec)
00098b174a7d3945 = Asset to Sell = 2686206940625221 = TATIANACOIN (hex to dec)
00000022ecb25c00 = Amount to Sell = 150000000000 (hex to dec)
0000000000000001 = Asset to Buy = 1 = XCP (hex to dec)
0000000035a4e900 = Amount to Buy = 900000000 (hex to dec)
03e8 = Expiration = 1000 blocks (hex to dec)
0000000000000000 = Fee Required = 0 satoshis (hex to dec)
434e545250525459 = CNTRPRTY prefix (hex to text)
0000000a = Transaction ID = 10 (hex to dec)
0000000000000001 = Asset to Sell = 1 = XCP (hex to dec)
000000000e5c9d61 = Amount to Sell = 240950625 (hex to dec)
00000000d806c1d5 = Asset to Buy = 3624321493 = LTBCOIN (hex to dec)
0000046203873a20 = Amount to Buy = 4819012500000 (hex to dec)
03e8 = Expiration = 1000 blocks (hex to dec)
0000000000000000 = Fee Required = 0 satoshis (hex to dec)
434e545250525459 = CNTRPRTY prefix (hex to text)
0000000a = Transaction ID = 10 (hex to dec)
00000000001c125a = Asset to Sell = 1839706 = EARLY (hex to dec)
0000000000000001 = Amount to Sell = 1 (hex to dec)
00000021ce5ce3ba = Asset to Buy = 145196114874 = SCAMMIES (hex to dec)
000000b512884100 = Amount to Buy = 777700000000 (hex to dec)
03e8 = Expiration = 1000 blocks (hex to dec)
0000000000000000 = Fee Required = 0 satoshis (hex to dec)
434e545250525459 = CNTRPRTY prefix (hex to text)
00000046 = Transaction ID = 10 (hex to dec)
3c0381a7cc44af01da2aee188f8896729bfcaa7fe255f68671912fd528c59f1d = Cancel Order with this Transaction ID
BTC Pay for Buy OAZT/Sell BTC order (Txid 36c485), Block 350068, Sent by 15ztnk
Outputs / Receivers
0 17FKi2nNYtq6VGjayArSNJ9MPQqZJC3j9U 0.01350000 = Send BTC buy amount to BTC Buyer
Outputs / Multisig Data (2)
18b355d2e87d14c8a33b12c3e576c8e450 (434e545250525459) 13beedf70b1c7253c70dffa640aebb
434e545250525459 = CNTRPRTY prefix (hex to text)
0000000b = Transaction ID = 11 (hex to dec)
36c4857c11ac5c6620bf51f763c9858c0cc7f090b731ad8fb2aa7253bf4a65ee = Tx ID of Order (Buy OAZT/Sell BTC, Block 350063, XCP TX #11620755, Sent by 15ztnk)
434e545250525459 = CNTRPRTY prefix (hex to text)
0000000a = Transaction ID = 10 (hex to dec)
0000000000000000 = Asset to Sell = BTC
000000000016e360 = Amount to Sell = 1500000 satoshis
000000000003c3cd = Asset to Buy = 246733 = OAZT
000000003b9aca00 = Amount to Buy = 1000000000
03e8 = Expiration = 1000 blocks (hex to dec)
0000000000000000 = Fee Required = 0 satoshis (hex to dec)
434e545250525459 = CNTRPRTY prefix (hex to text)
18b355d2e87d14c8a33b12c3e576c8e45013beedf70b1c7253c70dffa640aebb = Tx ID of BTC Buy Order (Buy BTC/Sell OAZT, Block 350063, XCP TX #11620756, Sent by 17FKi2)
434e545250525459 = CNTRPRTY prefix (hex to text)
0000000a = Transaction ID = 10 (hex to dec)
000000000003c3cd = Asset to Sell = 246733 = OAZT
000000003b9aca00 = Amount to Sell = 1000000000
0000000000000000 = Asset to Buy = BTC
000000000016e360 = Amount to Buy = 1500000 satoshis
03e8 = Expiration = 1000 blocks (hex to dec)
0000000000000000 = Fee Required = 0 satoshis (hex to dec)