Upon creating a release or a pre-release on GitHub, the package is build and published to test.pypi.org.
Install from test PyPi with python -m pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple medpy==x.y.z.
. This ensures that the dependencies are installed from the proper PyPI.
After making sure that the package published there is installable and passes all tests, the final publish to pypi.org can be triggered manually from the GitHub UI.
Note that publishing only works for releases created directly from the master
branch. Releasees published from other branches should always be pre-releases and never published to pypi.org, but only test.pypi.org.
Makes sure that all PRs and all releases adhere to the pre-commit rules.
Makes sure that all PRs and all releases pass the tests.