Releases: lidofinance/ethereum-staking-widget
Releases · lidofinance/ethereum-staking-widget
Bug Fixes
- correct a api/oneinch-rate/ url in ETH widget IPFS mode (d2e3176)
- correct a api/oneinch-rate/ url in ETH widget IPFS mode (8ff13b2)
- correct a api/short-lido-stats/ url in ETH widget IPFS mode (85feaae)
- correct a reward api url in ETH widget IPFS mode (31596d6)
- hide dex option if no rate fetched (f343e99)
- add CSPViolationBox (1fbb7c9)
Bug Fixes
- cond for useGetRpcUrlByChainId for Mainnet (24ac595)
- dex-options placeholder amount (ea16436)
- disable getInitialProps in infra mode (7bec544)
- fix lido stats data (dee4844)
- fix tests (3ed64a3)
- gap (96605cc)
- import (b49f9a4)
- LidoStats component: multiple children (d46d5a7)
- links hover style in switch-item in ledger live (1272673)
- navigation: is active link (a694f3e)
- next.js HMR for IPFS dev (03c5854)
- props order when execute getOneInchRateApiUrl (2abca0c)
- providers: move envConfig parsing to contextValue memorized (c02e453)
- remove a page refresh when come to Withdrawals (004e781)
- remove resolutions duplicate (3d42809)
- rpc checker in ETH Widget IPFS in any chain (4ef6eb9)
- settings page: component name (e8db129)
- staging stand type (6953e2f)
- stand type (e60b45d)
- SwitchItem: click area (d1ed358)
- update args (142de00)
- update IPFS build envs (68740a1)
- utilsApi -> 1inch: remove DEPRECATED label (d8c5eae)
- z-index for IPFSInfoBoxWrap (bde407a)
- add hooks for static RPC provider, refactor some utils functions (0d8fee8)
- add IPFS workflows (2b38a88)
- add l2 low fee banner to stake/wrap modals (ae8608b)
- add l2 swap banner to stake page (17caf96)
- add link-arrow component (a83dfb4)
- add throttleLimit to checkRpcUrl (75ed15b)
- api rewards: cors (a7879fb)
- AppWrapper: remove getInitialProps (68a8d9c)
- build id generation (ebb61d2)
- cors for api/oneinch-rate (2a9e52e)
- cors, httpMethodGuard wrapper for api/short-lido-stats (c3054d4)
- get 1inch rate via hook on client side (2389ffa)
- ipfs-info-box: use link-arrow component (1866a6e)
- l2 wsteth banner (ebb3068)
- make RPC settings page for infra version (fbb0fb9)
- mobile banner (433af4f)
- rebased (hash routing, settings page, ClientConfigProvider, RPC health check, stats, CSP) (af44d31)
- remove AppWrapperProps, remove passing envConfig to Providers (db115ee)
- retern 1inch withdrawals integration (3593cfb)
- set a CORS and HttpMethodGuard and /api/oneinch-rate and /api/short-lido-stats (99911a7)
- settings: clear errors after click to reset button (3b827d6)
- split env PREFILL_UNSAFE_EL_RPC_URLS to 1, 5, 17000 chains (c09a29e)
- stats block: hide by line, if all of them NA - hide the stats block (b67ce04)
- support href + query string in link IPFS (727dd62)