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AWS NeuVector Quickstart

This will create a single node RKE2 cluster running on an EC2 instance with SLES 15 and install NeuVector into the cluster. The instance will have wide-open security groups and will be accessible over SSH using the SSH keys id_rsa and keys generated by terraform.

Optionally, you can also deploy the Rancher Management Server into the same cluster to test the Rancher and NeuVector integration.

Refer to Requirements/Using Cloud Quickstarts to get started.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
aws 4.17.0
helm 2.5.1
kubernetes 2.11.0
local 2.2.3
rancher2 1.24.0
ssh 1.2.0
tls 3.4.0


Name Version
aws 4.17.0
helm 2.5.1
local 2.2.3
rancher2.bootstrap 1.24.0
ssh 1.2.0
tls 3.4.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_instance.neuvector_server resource
aws_internet_gateway.neuvector_gateway resource
aws_key_pair.quickstart_key_pair resource
aws_route_table.neuvector_route_table resource
aws_route_table_association.neuvector_route_table_association resource
aws_security_group.neuvector_sg_allowall resource
aws_subnet.neuvector_subnet resource
aws_vpc.neuvector_vpc resource
helm_release.cert_manager resource
helm_release.cluster_issuer resource
helm_release.neuvector resource
helm_release.rancher_server resource
local_file.kube_config_server_yaml resource
local_file.ssh_public_key_openssh resource
local_sensitive_file.ssh_private_key_pem resource
rancher2_bootstrap.admin resource
ssh_resource.install_rke2 resource
ssh_resource.retrieve_config resource
ssh_resource.rke2_config resource
ssh_resource.rke2_config_dir resource
tls_private_key.global_key resource
aws_ami.sles data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_access_key AWS access key used to create infrastructure string n/a yes
aws_secret_key AWS secret key used to create AWS infrastructure string n/a yes
aws_region AWS region used for all resources string "us-east-1" no
aws_session_token AWS session token used to create AWS infrastructure string "" no
aws_zone AWS zone used for all resources string "us-east-1b" no
cert_manager_version Version of cert-manager to install alongside NeuVector (format: 0.0.0) string "1.10.0" no
install_rancher Also install Rancher and setup SSO for NeuVector bool false no
instance_type Instance type used for all EC2 instances string "t3a.xlarge" no
kubernetes_version Kubernetes version to use string "v1.23.14+rke2r1" no
neuvector_admin_password Admin password for NeuVector string "AI2zSYMFuCZ3HUeyNNMj1urUpCSEfgE0" no
neuvector_chart_version NeuVector helm chart version string "2.4.0" no
prefix Prefix added to names of all resources string "neuvector-quickstart" no
rancher_helm_repository The helm repository, where the Rancher helm chart is installed from string "" no
rancher_server_admin_password Admin password to use for Rancher server bootstrap, min. 12 characters string "adminadminadmin" no
rancher_version Rancher version string "2.7.1" no


Name Description
neuvector_url n/a
node_ip n/a
rancher_url n/a