diff --git a/docs/guide/collaborative-logger.md b/docs/guide/collaborative-logger.md
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--- a/docs/guide/collaborative-logger.md
+++ b/docs/guide/collaborative-logger.md
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slug: /collaborative-logger
-sidebar_position: 11
+sidebar_position: 12
# Collaborative Logger
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slug: /http-api
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+sidebar_position: 11
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guide/package-directory.md
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+slug: /package-directory
+sidebar_position: 10
+# Package Directory
+Modules are the skills of Leon, this is thanks to them Leon is able to do things according to what you say. In this section you will have a deeper look into modules.
+## Packages
+### [Leon](https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/tree/develop/packages/leon)
+#### Bye:
+Functionality: Leon says good bye.
+(en-US) "Bye"
+(fr-FR) "Au revoir"
+#### Greeting:
+Functionality: Leon greets you.
+(en-US) "Hello"
+(fr-FR) "Salut"
+#### Joke:
+Functionality: Leon says some jokes.
+(en-US) "Tell me a joke"
+(fr-FR) "Raconte-moi une blague"
+#### Meaning of Life:
+Functionality: Leon says what's the meaning of life.
+(en-US) "What is the meaning of life?"
+(fr-FR) "Quel est le but de la vie ?"
+#### Partner Assistant:
+Functionality: Leon tells you about other personal assistants.
+(en-US) "Do you have something to say about Alexa?"
+(fr-FR) "Connais-tu quelque chose sur Alexa ?"
+#### Random Number:
+Functionality: Leon gives you a random number.
+(en-US) "Give me a random number"
+(fr-FR) "Donne-moi un nombre aléatoire"
+#### Welcome:
+Functionality: Leon welcomes you.
+(en-US) "Thank you"
+(fr-FR) "Merci"
+#### Who Am I:
+Functionality: Leon introduces himself.
+(en-US) "Who are you?"
+(fr-FR) "Qui es-tu ?"
+### [Calendar](https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/tree/develop/packages/calendar)
+#### To-Do List:
+Functionality: Manage your to-do lists:
+- Create a list
+- View your lists
+- View a specific list
+- Rename a list
+- Delete a list
+- Add todos
+- Complete todos
+- Uncheck todos
+(en-US) "Show all my lists"
+(en-US) "Add 7 potatoes, 1kg of rice, bread to the shopping list"
+(en-US) "Complete rice from my shopping list"
+(en-US) "Check bread from the shopping list"
+(en-US) "What is in my shopping list?"
+(en-US) "Create a movies list"
+(en-US) "Add Captain America: Civil War to my movies list"
+(en-US) "What are my lists?"
+(en-US) "Rename the movies list to cinema"
+(en-US) "Check Captain America from the cinema list"
+(en-US) "What is in my cinema list?"
+(en-US) "Uncheck Captain America from my cinema list"
+(en-US) "Please tell me what is in my cinema list"
+(en-US) "Delete my cinema list"
+(en-US) "Show my lists"
+(fr-FR) "Show my lists"
+(fr-FR) "Ajoute 7 pommes de terre, 1kg de riz, pain à la liste courses"
+(fr-FR) "Complète riz de la liste courses"
+(fr-FR) "Coche pain de la liste courses"
+(fr-FR) "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ma liste courses ?"
+(fr-FR) "Crée une liste films"
+(fr-FR) "Ajoute Captain America : Guerre Civile à ma liste films"
+(fr-FR) "Quelles sont mes listes ?"
+(fr-FR) "Renomme la liste films en cinéma"
+(fr-FR) "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ma liste cinéma ?"
+(fr-FR) "Décoche Captain America de ma liste cinéma"
+(fr-FR) "Montre ma liste cinéma"
+(fr-FR) "Supprime ma liste cinéma"
+(fr-FR) "Montre mes listes"
+### [Checker](https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/tree/develop/packages/checker)
+#### Is it Down:
+Functionality: Ping domain names and give you the online state.
+(en-US) "Are github.com, an-awesome-domain-name.net and twitter.com down?"
+(fr-FR) "Vérifies si github.com, un-super-nom-de-domaine.fr et twitter.com sont en ligne"
+#### Have I Been Pwned:
+Functionality: Verify if one or several email addresses have been pwned (thanks to [Have I Been Pwned](https://haveibeenpwned.com/)).
+Since the API v3, you must [claim your API key](https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/Key).
+Then paste it in packages/checker/config/config.json at the haveibeenpwned.api_key key.
+(en-US) "Has louis.grenard@gmail.com been pwned?"
+(en-US) "Have iifeoluwa.ao@gmail.com, louis.grenard@gmail.com, and supercleanemail@test.com been pwned?"
+(fr-FR) "Est-ce que louis.grenard@gmail.com est compromis ?"
+(fr-FR) "Est-ce que iifeoluwa.ao@gmail.com, louis.grenard@gmail.com, et supercleanemail@test.com ont été compromis ?"
+You can also predefine one or several email addresses in the packages/checker/config/config.json file at the haveibeenpwned.emails key.
+If you do, then you can use such sentences:
+(en-US) "Have my email addresses been pwned?"
+(fr-FR) "Est-ce que mes adresses email ont été compromises ?"
+### [Network](https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/tree/develop/packages/network)
+#### Speed Test:
+Functionality: The Speed Test package gives you information about your network speed.
+- Ping
+- Download speed
+- Speed Upload
+Based on the the package [speedtest-cli](https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli).
+(en-US) "What is my current Internet speed?"
+(en-US) "Can you do a speedtest?"
+(en-US) "Do a speedtest"
+(en-US) "Start a speed test"
+(en-US) "Is my Internet network good?"
+(en-US) "Is my Internet connection good?"
+(fr-FR) "Quelle est ma vitesse Internet actuelle?"
+(fr-FR) "Peux-tu me faire un speedtest ?"
+(fr-FR) "Fais un speedtest"
+(fr-FR) "Lance-moi un test de vitesse"
+(fr-FR) "Mon réseau Internet est-il bon ?"
+(fr-FR) "Ma connexion Internet est-elle bonne ?"
+### [Trend](https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/tree/develop/packages/trend)
+#### GitHub:
+Functionality: Grab the GitHub trends repositories according to several options.
+(en-US) "What's trending on GitHub?"
+(en-US) "Give me the 4 GitHub trends of this week for the JavaScript language"
+(en-US) "What's the three GitHub trends of this month?"
+(fr-FR) "Quelles sont les tendances sur GitHub ?"
+(fr-FR) "Donne-moi les 4 tendances GitHub de cette semaine pour le langage JavaScript"
+(fr-FR) "Donne-moi les trois tendances GitHub de ce mois"
+#### Product Hunt:
+Functionality: Grab the Product Hunt trends.
+1. log in to your [Product Hunt](https://www.producthunt.com/) account.
+2. Add a [new application](https://www.producthunt.com/v1/oauth/applications) (E.g. name: Leon; Redirect URI: [https://localhost](https://localhost)).
+3. Once your application is created, click Create Token.
+4. Copy the Developer Token and paste it in packages/trend/config/config.json at the producthunt.developer_token key.
+(en-US) "What's trending on Product Hunt?"
+(en-US) "What were the four first Product Hunt trends on the 7th of October 2018?"
+(en-US) "What were the Product Hunt trends of yesterday?"
+(fr-FR) "Quelles sont les tendances sur Product Hunt ?"
+(fr-FR) "Donne-moi les 4 tendances Product Hunt du 7 octobre 2018"
+### [Video Downloader](https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/tree/develop/packages/videodownloader)
+#### YouTube:
+Functionality: Download new video(s) from a YouTube playlist.
+1. Save the YouTube video(s) in a YouTube playlist via [youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/).
+2. If you do not have a Google API key yet, please follow [these steps](https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started).
+3. Provide the Google API key & YouTube playlist ID in packages/videodownloader/config/config.json.
+(en-US) "Download new videos from YouTube"
+(fr-FR) "Télécharges les nouvelles vidéos depuis YouTube"
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slug: /scripts
-sidebar_position: 12
+sidebar_position: 13
# Scripts
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slug: /tests
-sidebar_position: 13
+sidebar_position: 14
# Tests