7seg and Led library for Arduino. You can feel free for use on your code. Profitable projects send to me a message about the project and the company.
Library for 1-digit 7 segment display. Tested on Brasuino BS1 (same specs of Arduino) equipped with ATMega328.
- proper documentation for users
- code documentation
- Abstraction for 4-digits 7 segment display.
int arduinoPort = 6; // Keep in mind I need 8 ports IO6 to IO13. (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dp)
char cathod = 0; //Anode 7 Seg display
char on = 0;
SeteSeg * seg = seteSeg_create (arduinoPort, cathod, on);
seteSeg_set_dot (seg, on); // Decimal point dot
seteSeg_print_hex (seg, 0xa); // Show "A" on display
You will need avr-gcc package. Check Makefile, you can change processor.
make clean && make
You must install avrdude and arduino package.
make load