diff --git a/bin/checkRelease.py b/bin/checkRelease.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ae03099153f..00000000000
--- a/bin/checkRelease.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# This script checks mo and mos files for invalid syntax.
-# Run this file before checking changes into the trunk.
-# MWetter@lbl.gov 2011-03-06
-import os, string, fnmatch, os.path, sys
-# --------------------------
-# Global settings
-# List of invalid strings
-# Regarding the strings __Dymola_*, see https://trac.modelica.org/Modelica/ticket/786
-# for possible replacements.
-INVALID_IN_ALL=["fixme", "import \"",
- "import Buildings;",
- "
- "realString", "integerString", "structurallyIncomplete",
- "preferedView", "Algorithm=", "Diagram,", "DocumentationClass",
- "Modelica.Icons.Info;",
- "modelica:Buildings",
- "Modelica:Buildings",
- "modelica:Modelica",
- "Modelica:Modelica",
- "__Dymola_absoluteValue",
- "__Dymola_checkBox",
- "__Dymola_choicesAllMatching",
- "__Dymola_classOrder",
- "__Dymola_colorSelector",
- "__Dymola_editButton",
- "__Dymola_experimentSetupOutput",
- "__Dymola_InlineAfterIndexReduction",
- "__Dymola_keepConstant",
- "__Dymola_normallyConstant",
- "__Dymola_NumberOfIntervals",
- "__Dymola_saveSelector",
- "__Dymola_Text"]
-# List of invalid strings in .mos files
-# List of invalid regular expressions in .mo files
-# List of strings that are required in .mo files, except in Examples
-def reportError(message):
- print "*** Error: ", message
-def reportErrorIfContains(fileName, listOfStrings):
- filObj=open(fileName, 'r')
- filTex=filObj.read()
- filTex=filTex.lower()
- for string in listOfStrings:
- if (filTex.find(string.lower()) > -1):
- reportError("File '"
- + fileName.replace(LIBHOME, "", 1)
- + "' contains invalid string '"
- + string + "'.")
-def reportErrorIfContainsRegExp(fileName, listOfStrings):
- import re
- filObj=open(fileName, 'r')
- filTex=filObj.read()
- for string in listOfStrings:
- match = re.search(string, filTex, re.I)
- if match is not None:
- reportError("File '"
- + fileName.replace(LIBHOME, "", 1)
- + "' contains invalid string regular expression '"
- + string + "' in '"
- + match.group() + "'.")
-def reportErrorIfMissing(fileName, listOfStrings):
- filObj=open(fileName, 'r')
- filTex=filObj.read()
- filTex=filTex.lower()
- for string in listOfStrings:
- if (filTex.find(string.lower()) == -1):
- reportError("File '"
- + fileName.replace(LIBHOME, "", 1)
- + "' does not contain required string '"
- + string + "'.")
-# Main method
-# Name of top-level package file
-maiPac=LIBHOME.split(os.path.sep)[-1] + os.path.sep + 'package.mo'
-# Walk the directory tree, but skip the userGuide folder as it contains .mo models
-# that have the uses(...) annotation
-for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(LIBHOME):
- pos=path.find(os.path.join('Resources', 'Documentation', 'userGuide'))
- # skip svn folders
- if pos == -1:
- # Loop over all files
- for filNam in files:
- pos1=filNam.find('.mo')
- pos2=filNam.find('.mos')
- foundMo = (pos1 == (len(filNam)-3))
- foundMos = (pos2 == (len(filNam)-4))
- filFulNam=os.path.join(path, filNam)
- # Test .mo and .mos
- if foundMo or foundMos:
- reportErrorIfContains(filFulNam, INVALID_IN_ALL)
- # Test .mos files only
- if foundMos:
- reportErrorIfContains(filFulNam, INVALID_IN_MOS)
- # Test .mo files only
- if foundMo:
- reportErrorIfContainsRegExp(filFulNam, INVALID_REGEXP_IN_MO)
- if (filFulNam.find('Examples') == -1):
- reportErrorIfMissing(filFulNam, REQUIRED_IN_MO)
- if not filFulNam.endswith(maiPac):
- reportErrorIfContains(filFulNam, ["uses("])
diff --git a/bin/cleanHTML.py b/bin/cleanHTML.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ed02c89772..00000000000
--- a/bin/cleanHTML.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# This script cleans up the html code generated by Dymola,
-# and it adds the link to the style sheet
-# MWetter@lbl.gov 2011-05-15
-import os, string, fnmatch, os.path, sys
-from os import listdir
-from os.path import isfile, join
-def validateLine(line, filNam):
- li = ['home/mwetter', 'dymola/Modelica']
- for s in li:
- if s in line:
- print "*** Error: Invalid string '%s' in file '%s'." % (s, filNam)
-# --------------------------
-# Global settings
-helpDir=LIBHOME + os.path.sep + 'help'
-files = [ f for f in listdir(helpDir) if f.endswith(".html") ]
-replacements = {'':
- '\n',
- '':
- '\n\n
- 'file:////opt/dymola/Modelica/Library/Modelica 3.2/help':
- '../../msl/3.2/help',
- 'file:////opt/dymola/Modelica/Library':
- '../../msl',
- '/home/mwetter/proj/ldrd/bie/modeling/github/lbl-srg/modelica-buildings/Buildings':
- '..',
- '':''}
-for fil in files:
- filNam = helpDir + os.path.sep + fil
- filObj=open(filNam, 'r')
- lines = filObj.readlines()
- filObj.close()
- for old, new in replacements.iteritems():
- for i in range(len(lines)):
- lines[i] = lines[i].replace(old, new)
- filObj=open(filNam, 'w')
- for lin in lines:
- # Check if line contains a wrong string
- validateLine(lin, filNam)
- filObj.write(lin)
- filObj.close()
diff --git a/bin/cleanmodelica.py b/bin/cleanmodelica.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a7644825cbf..00000000000
--- a/bin/cleanmodelica.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""Deletes all temporary files created by Dymola, starting
- at the current working directory and recursively searching the
- subdirectories for files.
- In the current directory, the subdirectory 'binaries' will also be
- deleted as Dymola 2013 creates this directory when exporting an FMU.
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import os, sys
- import shutil
- import fnmatch
- # List of files that should be deleted
- DELETEFILES=['buildlog.txt', 'dsfinal.txt', 'dsin.txt', 'dslog.txt',
- 'dsmodel*', 'dymosim', 'dymosim.lib', 'dymosim.exp',
- 'dymosim.dll', 'dymola.log', 'dymosim.exe', '*.mat', '*.mof',
- '*.bak-mo', 'request.', 'status.', 'status', 'failure',
- 'success.','*.log',
- 'stop', 'stop.',
- 'fmiModelIdentifier.h', 'modelDescription.xml',
- 'fmiFunctions.o']
- # Directories to be deleted. This will be non-recursive
- DELETEDIRS=['binaries']
- # Array in which the names of the files that will be deleted are stored
- matches = []
- for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'):
- for fil in DELETEFILES:
- for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, fil):
- matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
- # Exclude .svn directories
- if '.svn' in dirnames:
- dirnames.remove('.svn')
- # Removed duplicate entries which may be due to wildcards
- matches = list(set(matches))
- # Delete the files
- for f in matches:
- sys.stdout.write("Deleting file '" + f + "'.\n")
- os.remove(f)
- # Delete directories
- for d in DELETEDIRS:
- if os.path.exists(d):
- sys.stdout.write("Deleting directory '" + d + "'.\n")
- shutil.rmtree(d)
diff --git a/bin/convertBetweenDosAndUnix.sh b/bin/convertBetweenDosAndUnix.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b1021fd3dbd..00000000000
--- a/bin/convertBetweenDosAndUnix.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# This script searches for files with
-# modifications in the svn status.
-# It then converts the file between
-# dos and unix (and vice versa) to
-# see what file format has the smallest
-# differences.
-# This allows avoiding large commits just
-# because of a change in the line termination
-# character that Dymola 7.4 inserts.
-# MWetter@lbl.gov May 26, 2011
-set -e
-# Test for installed programs
-function testForProgram(){
- if [ "x`which $1`" == "x" ]; then
- echo "This program requires '$1' to be installed."
- echo "Did not make any changes to files."
- echo "Exit with error."
- exit 1
- fi
-testForProgram dos2unix
-testForProgram unix2dos
-testForProgram wc
-testForProgram git
-testForProgram cut
-# Search for git files with modifications
-TEMDIR="/tmp/tmp-$USER-$(basename $0).$$.tmp"
-mkdir -p $TEMDIR
-for ff in `git status --porcelain .`; do
- if [ $ff == "M" ]; then
- convert=true
- else
- if [ $convert == "true" ]; then
- echo "Converting $ff"
- fil=`basename $ff`
- cp -p $curDir/$fil $TEMDIR/$fil
- dos2unix --quiet -k $fil
- git diff $fil > $TEMDIR/temp1.txt
- s1=`wc -l $TEMDIR/temp1.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1,1`
- # Copy original file back
- cp -p $TEMDIR/$fil $curDir/$fil
- unix2dos --quiet -k $fil
- git diff $fil > $TEMDIR/temp2.txt
- s2=`wc -l $TEMDIR/temp2.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1,1`
-# echo "Sizes are $s1 $s2"
- if [ $s1 -ge $s2 ]; then
- echo "$s1 >= $s2"
- else
- echo "$s1 < $s2"
- # Since s1 < s2, we rerun dos2unix to get the file
- # with the smaller difference
- dos2unix --quiet -k $fil
- fi
- convert=false
- fi
- fi
-rm -rf $TEMDIR
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/convertBuildings-0-10-0-to-0-11-0.sh b/bin/convertBuildings-0-10-0-to-0-11-0.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 1eedec63409..00000000000
--- a/bin/convertBuildings-0-10-0-to-0-11-0.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# This script replaces the strings defined in the array ORI with
-# the string defined in NEW.
-# The replacement will be done in all *.mo and *.mos files in
-# the current directory and in its subdirectories.
-# Use this file with caution.
-# You may want to backup the current directory before running this
-# script.
-# Michael Wetter, LBNL 2009-09-29
-TApp0 \
-TAirInWB0 \
-TRan0 \
-mWat0_flow \
-PFan0 \
-TWatOut0 \
-TDB \
-TWB \
-TDew \
-Tdb \
-Twb \
-Tdp \
-conTemDew \
-TemperatureDryBulbDynamic \
-TemperatureWetBulb \
-MassFractionVolumeFraction \
-TApp_nominal \
-TAirInWB_nominal \
-TRan_nominal \
-mWat_flow_nominal \
-PFan_nominal \
-TWatOut_nominal \
-TDryBul \
-TWetBul \
-TDewPoi \
-TDryBul \
-TWetBul \
-TDewPoi \
-conTemDewPoi \
-TemperatureDynamicTwoPort \
-TemperatureWetBulbTwoPort \
-# Number of strings to replace
-echo $iMax
-# Find all *.mo and *.mos files, then replace the strings
-for ff in `find . \( -name '*.mo' -or -name '*.mos' \)`; do
- iVar=0
- while [ $iVar -lt $iMax ]; do
- # Count how many times the original string is in the file
- co=`grep -c ${ORI[$iVar]} $ff`;
- if [ $co -ge 1 ]; then
- # Found a string. Replace it.
- echo $co $ff
- sed -e "s/${ORI[$iVar]}/${NEW[$iVar]}/g" $ff > tmp.txt
- mv tmp.txt $ff
- fi;
- iVar=$[ iVar + 1 ]
- done;
diff --git a/bin/convertBuildings-0-11-0-to-0-12-0.sh b/bin/convertBuildings-0-11-0-to-0-12-0.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c4d0953e57d..00000000000
--- a/bin/convertBuildings-0-11-0-to-0-12-0.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# This script replaces the strings defined in the array ORI with
-# the string defined in NEW.
-# The replacement will be done in all *.mo and *.mos files in
-# the current directory and in its subdirectories.
-# Use this file with caution.
-# You may want to backup the current directory before running this
-# script.
-# Michael Wetter, LBNL 2009-09-29
-RoomsBeta\.Types \
-HeatTransfer\.InteriorConvection \
-HeatTransfer\.ExteriorConvection \
-HeatTransfer\.ConductorSingleLayer \
-HeatTransfer\.ConductorMultiLayer \
-Modelica\.SIunits\.Emissivity \
-CO2\ emission \
-epsLW \
-Long\ wave \
-long\ wave \
-Long-wave \
-long-wave \
-epsSW \
-Emissivity \
-emissivity \
-Emission \
-emission \
-Short\ wave \
-short\ wave \
-Short-wave \
-short-wave \
-tauSW \
-rhoSW \
-tauLW \
-rhoLW \
-shaSW \
-glaSW \
-ShaSW \
-GlaSW \
-LongWaveRadiation \
-QSW \
-QLW \
-SWSha \
-LWSha \
-HeatTransfer\.Types \
-HeatTransfer\.Convection\.Interior \
-HeatTransfer\.Convection\.Exterior \
-HeatTransfer\.Conduction.SingleLayer \
-HeatTransfer\.Conduction.MultiLayer \
-absIR \
-Infrared \
-infrared \
-Infrared \
-infrared \
-absSol \
-Absorptivity \
-absorptivity \
-Absorptance \
-absorptance \
-Solar \
-solar \
-Solar \
-solar \
-tauSol \
-rhoSol \
-tauIR \
-rhoIR \
-shaSol \
-glaSol \
-ShaSol \
-GlaSol \
-InfraredRadiation \
-QSol \
-QIR \
-SolSha \
-IRSha \
-Modelica\.SIunits\.Emissivity \
-CO2\ emission \
-# Number of strings to replace
-echo $iMax
-if [ $iMax != $iOri ]; then
- echo "Error: Cannot replace $iMax strings by $iOri strings"
- echo " Did not change anything. Exit with error."
- exit 1
-# Find all *.mo and *.mos files, then replace the strings
-for ff in `find . \( -name '*.mo' -or -name '*.mos' -not -name 'ConvertBuildings_from*' \)`; do
- iVar=0
- while [ $iVar -lt $iMax ]; do
- # Count how many times the original string is in the file
- co=`grep -c "${ORI[$iVar]}" $ff`;
- if [ $co -ge 1 ]; then
- # Found a string. Replace it.
- echo $co $ff
- sed -e "s/${ORI[$iVar]}/${NEW[$iVar]}/g" $ff > tmp.txt
- mv tmp.txt $ff
- fi;
- iVar=$[ iVar + 1 ]
- done;
diff --git a/bin/convertBuildings-0-12-0-to-0-13-0.sh b/bin/convertBuildings-0-12-0-to-0-13-0.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 1d97ac976eb..00000000000
--- a/bin/convertBuildings-0-12-0-to-0-13-0.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# This script replaces the strings defined in the array ORI with
-# the string defined in NEW.
-# The replacement will be done in all *.mo and *.mos files in
-# the current directory and in its subdirectories.
-# Use this file with caution.
-# You may want to backup the current directory before running this
-# script.
-# Michael Wetter, LBNL 2009-09-29
-##DynamicTwoPortTransformer \
-##DynamicFourPortTransformer \
-##TwoPortHeatMassTransfer \
-##FourPortHeatMassTransfer \
-RoomsBeta \
-WindowsBeta \
-##TwoPortHeatMassExchanger \
-##FourPortHeatMassExchanger \
-##StaticTwoPortHeatMassExchanger \
-##StaticFourPortHeatMassExchanger \
-Rooms \
-Windows \
-# Number of strings to replace
-echo $iMax
-if [ $iMax != $iOri ]; then
- echo "Error: Cannot replace $iMax strings by $iOri strings"
- echo " Did not change anything. Exit with error."
- exit 1
-# Find all *.mo and *.mos files, then replace the strings
-for ff in `find . \( -name '*.mo' -or -name '*.mos' -or -name '*.txt' -not -name 'ConvertBuildings_from*' \)`; do
- iVar=0
- while [ $iVar -lt $iMax ]; do
- # Count how many times the original string is in the file
- co=`grep -c "${ORI[$iVar]}" $ff`;
- if [ $co -ge 1 ]; then
- # Found a string. Replace it.
- echo $co $ff
- sed -e "s/${ORI[$iVar]}/${NEW[$iVar]}/g" $ff > tmp.txt
- mv tmp.txt $ff
- fi;
- iVar=$[ iVar + 1 ]
- done;
diff --git a/bin/convertBuildings060to070.sh b/bin/convertBuildings060to070.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c2ab41f9b2..00000000000
--- a/bin/convertBuildings060to070.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# This script replaces the strings defined in the array ORI with
-# the string defined in NEW.
-# The replacement will be done in all *.mo and *.mos files in
-# the current directory and in its subdirectories.
-# Use this file with caution.
-# You may want to backup the current directory before running this
-# script.
-# Michael Wetter, LBNL 2009-09-29
-ORI=( Modelica_Fluid Buildings\.Fluids \
-Fluids\.Actuators \
-Fluids\.BaseClasses \
-Fluids\.Boilers \
-Fluids\.Chillers \
-Fluids\.Delays \
-Fluids\.FixedResistances \
-Fluids\.HeatExchangers \
-Fluids\.Images \
-Fluids\.Interfaces \
-Fluids\.MassExchangers \
-Fluids\.MixingVolumes \
-Fluids\.Movers \
-Fluids\.Sensors \
-Fluids\.Sources \
-Fluids\.Storage \
-Fluids\.Utilities \
-Modelica\.Fluid\.Sensors \
-Modelica\.Fluid\.Sources \
-Buildings\.Fluid\.Sensors\.BaseClasses \
-Buildings\.Fluid\.Sources\.BaseClasses \
-NEW=( Modelica\.Fluid Buildings\.Fluid \
-Fluid\.Actuators \
-Fluid\.BaseClasses \
-Fluid\.Boilers \
-Fluid\.Chillers \
-Fluid\.Delays \
-Fluid\.FixedResistances \
-Fluid\.HeatExchangers \
-Fluid\.Images \
-Fluid\.Interfaces \
-Fluid\.MassExchangers \
-Fluid\.MixingVolumes \
-Fluid\.Movers \
-Fluid\.Sensors \
-Fluid\.Sources \
-Fluid\.Storage \
-Fluid\.Utilities \
-Buildings\.Fluid\.Sensors \
-Buildings\.Fluid\.Sources \
-Modelica\.Fluid\.Sensors\.BaseClasses \
-Modelica\.Fluid\.Sources\.BaseClasses \
-# Number of strings to replace
-echo $iMax
-# Find all *.mo and *.mos files, then replace the strings
-for ff in `find . \( -name '*.mo' -or -name '*.mos' \)`; do
- iVar=0
- while [ $iVar -lt $iMax ]; do
- # Count how many times the original string is in the file
- co=`grep -c ${ORI[$iVar]} $ff`;
- if [ $co -ge 1 ]; then
- # Found a string. Replace it.
- echo $co $ff
- sed -e "s/${ORI[$iVar]}/${NEW[$iVar]}/g" $ff > tmp.txt
- mv tmp.txt $ff
- fi;
- iVar=$[ iVar + 1 ]
- done;
diff --git a/bin/convertBuildings070to080.sh b/bin/convertBuildings070to080.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 72c4cf8539b..00000000000
--- a/bin/convertBuildings070to080.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# This script replaces the strings defined in the array ORI with
-# the string defined in NEW.
-# The replacement will be done in all *.mo and *.mos files in
-# the current directory and in its subdirectories.
-# Use this file with caution.
-# You may want to backup the current directory before running this
-# script.
-# Michael Wetter, LBNL 2009-09-29
-ORI=( Modelica\.Fluid\.Machines\.PrescribedPump \
-Modelica\.Media\.Water\.ConstantPropertyLiquidWater \
-Modelica\.Fluid\.Machines\.BaseClasses\.PumpCharacteristics \
-MoistAirNonsaturated \
-MoistAirNoLiquid \
-NEW=( Buildings\.Fluid\.Movers\.FlowMachine_Nrpm \
-Buildings\.Media\.ConstantPropertyLiquidWater \
-Buildings\.Fluid\.Movers\.BaseClasses\.Characteristics \
-MoistAirUnsaturated \
-MoistAirUnsaturated \
-# Number of strings to replace
-echo $iMax
-# Find all *.mo and *.mos files, then replace the strings
-for ff in `find . \( -name '*.mo' -or -name '*.mos' \)`; do
- iVar=0
- while [ $iVar -lt $iMax ]; do
- # Count how many times the original string is in the file
- co=`grep -c ${ORI[$iVar]} $ff`;
- if [ $co -ge 1 ]; then
- # Found a string. Replace it.
- echo $co $ff
- sed -e "s/${ORI[$iVar]}/${NEW[$iVar]}/g" $ff > tmp.txt
- mv tmp.txt $ff
- fi;
- iVar=$[ iVar + 1 ]
- done;
diff --git a/bin/convertBuildings080to090.sh b/bin/convertBuildings080to090.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 55c298926da..00000000000
--- a/bin/convertBuildings080to090.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# This script replaces the strings defined in the array ORI with
-# the string defined in NEW.
-# The replacement will be done in all *.mo and *.mos files in
-# the current directory and in its subdirectories.
-# Use this file with caution.
-# You may want to backup the current directory before running this
-# script.
-# Michael Wetter, LBNL 2009-09-29
-ORI=( OAMixingBoxMinimumDamper \
-OAMixingBox \
-NEW=(MixingBoxMinimumFlow \
-MixingBox \
-# Number of strings to replace
-echo $iMax
-# Find all *.mo and *.mos files, then replace the strings
-for ff in `find . \( -name '*.mo' -or -name '*.mos' \)`; do
- iVar=0
- while [ $iVar -lt $iMax ]; do
- # Count how many times the original string is in the file
- co=`grep -c ${ORI[$iVar]} $ff`;
- if [ $co -ge 1 ]; then
- # Found a string. Replace it.
- echo $co $ff
- sed -e "s/${ORI[$iVar]}/${NEW[$iVar]}/g" $ff > tmp.txt
- mv tmp.txt $ff
- fi;
- iVar=$[ iVar + 1 ]
- done;
diff --git a/bin/findInFiles.sh b/bin/findInFiles.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a52c6f7ff81..00000000000
--- a/bin/findInFiles.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-LIST=( "Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Shade" \
- "Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.FixedShade" \
- "Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Examples.Shade" \
- "Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Examples.FixedShade" \
- "Data.BoreholeFilling" "Data.BoreholeFillings" )
-while [ $i -le 4 ]; do
- OLD=${LIST[$i]}
- NEW=${LIST[$i+1]}
- i=$[ i + 2 ]
-OLDFIL=`echo $OLD | sed -e 's|\.|/|g' -`
-NEWFIL=`echo $NEW | sed -e 's|\.|/|g' -`
-echo "Processing $OLD $NEW"
-#echo $OLDMO $NEWMO
-#echo $OLDMS $NEWMS
-# replace string in files
-fl=`find . \( -name '*.mos' -or -name '*.mo' \)`
-for ff in $fl; do
- egrep $OLD $ff > /dev/null
- if [ $? == 0 ]; then
- echo "Found string in file $ff"
-# emacs $ff
- sed "s/${OLD}/AAABBAAA/g" -i $ff
- sed "s/AAABBAAA/${NEW}/g" -i $ff
- fi
-# move file name in svn
-##if [ -f $OLDMO ]; then
-## svn mv $OLDMO $NEWMO
-##if [ -f $OLDMS ]; then
-## svn mv $OLDMS $NEWMS
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/fixStartTime.py b/bin/fixStartTime.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 82bfc513e6a..00000000000
--- a/bin/fixStartTime.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# Python script for managing the stopTime value between the .mos scripts and the annotation
-# The .mos scripts are in the folder ../Buildings/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/...
-# look at every .mos script and identify the name of the model that is simulated in the
-# .mos file (typically these are examples)
-# Once you know the model name,
-import os
-import re
-def recursive_glob(rootdir='.', suffix=''):
- return [os.path.join(rootdir, filename) for rootdir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(rootdir) for filename in filenames if ( filename.endswith(suffix) and ("ConvertBuildings_from" not in filename)) ]
-mos_files = recursive_glob('../Buildings/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/', '.mos')
-# Number of .mos files
-N_mos_files = len(mos_files)
-# number of modified models
-N_modify_models = 0
-# number of .mos scripts with problems
-N_mos_problems = 0
-j = 1
-for mos_file in mos_files:
- os.system("clear")
- print str(j)+": "+str(mos_file)
- j += 1
- f = open(mos_file,"r")
- content = f.readlines()
- found = False
- i = 0
- while found == False and i /dev/null
- if [ $? == 0 ]; then
- echo "Found string in file $ff"
-# emacs $ff
- sed "s|${OLD}|AAABBAAA|g" $ff > temp.temp
- mv temp.temp $ff
- sed "s|AAABBAAA|${NEW}|g" $ff > temp.temp
- mv temp.temp $ff
- fi
-## move file name in git
-##if [ -f $OLDMO ]; then
-## git mv -v -k $OLDMO $NEWMO
-##if [ -f $OLDMS ]; then
-## git mv -v -k $OLDMS $NEWMS
diff --git a/bin/revertChangesInWhiteSpace.sh b/bin/revertChangesInWhiteSpace.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f821f53ed9d..00000000000
--- a/bin/revertChangesInWhiteSpace.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# This script reverts changes in white space characters for
-# files that are in svn.
-# The script runs 'svn status' in the current directory.
-# If a file has been modified, it displays the changes (except
-# for changes in white space characters), and it asks the user
-# whether the file should be reverted.
-# If the user answers with 'r', then the script runs 'svn revert'
-# for this file, otherwise the file remains unchanged.
-# MWetter@lbl.gov 2010-07-16
-for ff in `svn status`; do
- if [ "$status" == "true" ]; then
- if [ "$ff" == "M" ]; then
- # file has been modified. Set flag
- modified=true
- else
- modified=false
- fi
- status=false
- else
- if [ "$modified" == "true" ]; then
- clear
- svn diff --diff-cmd diff -x -B $ff | colordiff
- echo "====== type 'r' to revert changes, or any other character to keep file"
- read -n 1 ans
- if [ "$ans" == "r" ]; then
- echo "*** Reverting $ff"
- svn revert $ff
- fi
- else
- echo "File $ff has no modification or is not in svn"
- fi
- # The next loop will have a status again
- status=true
- fi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/runUnitTests.py b/bin/runUnitTests.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 26fbb96744c..00000000000
--- a/bin/runUnitTests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Script that runs all unit tests.
-# This script
-# - creates temporary directories for each processors,
-# - copies the library directory into these
-# temporary directories,
-# - creates run scripts that run all unit tests,
-# - runs these unit tests,
-# - collects the dymola log files from each process,
-# - writes the combined log file 'unitTests.log'
-# in the current directory,
-# - checks whether all unit tests run successfully,
-# and produced the same results as the reference
-# results, and
-# - exits with the message
-# 'Unit tests completed successfully.' or with
-# an error message.
-# If no errors occurred during the unit tests, then
-# this script returns 0. Otherwise, it returns a
-# non-zero exit value.
-# MWetter@lbl.gov 2011-02-23
-import getopt
-import sys
-import os
-def usage():
- ''' Print the usage statement
- '''
- print "runUnitTests.py [-b|-h|--help]"
- print ""
- print " Runs the unit tests."
- print ""
- print " -b Batch mode, without user interaction"
- print " -h, --help Print this help"
- print ""
-def _setEnvironmentVariables(var, value):
- ''' Add to the environment variable `var` the value `value`
- '''
- import os
- import platform
- if os.environ.has_key(var):
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- os.environ[var] = value + ";" + os.environ[var]
- else:
- os.environ[var] = value + ":" + os.environ[var]
- else:
- os.environ[var] = value
-def _runUnitTests():
- import buildingspy.development.regressiontest as u
- ut = u.Tester()
- ut.batchMode(batch)
-# ut.setNumberOfThreads(1)
-# ut.deleteTemporaryDirectories(False)
-# ut.useExistingResults(['/tmp/tmp-Buildings-0-fagmeZ'])
-# #print ut.getDataDictionary()
-# ut.setSinglePackage("Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils")
-# ut.include_fmu_tests(True)
- retVal = ut.run()
- exit(retVal)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import platform
- batch = False
- try:
- opts, args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hb", ["help", "batch"])
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- print str(err)
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
- for o, a in opts:
- if (o == "-b" or o == "--batch"):
- batch=True
- print "Running in batch mode."
- elif (o == "-h" or o == "--help"):
- usage()
- sys.exit()
- else:
- assert False, "Unhandled option."
- # Set environment variables
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- _setEnvironmentVariables("PATH",
- os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), "Resources", "Library", "win32"))
- else:
- _setEnvironmentVariables("LD_LIBRARY_PATH",
- os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), "Resources", "Library", "linux32"))
- # The path to buildingspy must be added to sys.path to work on Linux.
- # If only added to os.environ, the Python interpreter won't find buildingspy
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), "..", "..", "BuildingsPy"))
- _runUnitTests()
diff --git a/bin/validateHTML.py b/bin/validateHTML.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c26ab105296..00000000000
--- a/bin/validateHTML.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# This script validates the html code in the info section
-# of all .mo files in the current directory and in all its
-# subdirectories.
-# The script and the Validator package are still experimental
-# and its API may change.
-# MWetter@lbl.gov 2011-06-01
-def validate():
- import buildingspy.io.reporter as rep
- import buildingspy.development.validator as v
- val = v.Validator()
- errMsg = val.validateHTMLInPackage(".")
- for i in range(len(errMsg)):
- if i == 0:
- print "The following malformed html syntax has been found:\n%s" % errMsg[i]
- else:
- print errMsg[i]
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- import os
- # The path to buildingspy must be added to sys.path to work on Linux.
- # If only added to os.environ, the Python interpreter won't find buildingspy
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), "..", "..", "BuildingsPy"))
- validate()