- Install JDK 1.8 from Oracle
On MacOS, you can do:
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)"
Python 3
- On MacOS install with
brew install python3
- On MacOS install with
Install Neo4J
On MacOS install with
brew install neo4j
Setup NEO4J_HOME Point NEO4J_HOME to the root of the NEO4J directory.
export NEO4J_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/3.2.2/libexec
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/nmdp-bioinformatics/grimm` cd grimm
Setup Python3 virtual environment Make sure
is installed.pip3 install virtualenv
Create Virtual Environment
virtualenv -p python3 venv source venv/bin/activate
Install pandas library
pip3 install pandas
Download and prepare wmda data. Python script downloads reference wmda data and untars it in wmda directory
cd graph_generator/data python wmda_download.py
Generate nodes/edges/toplinks from the reference wmda data. The freqs file is converted to HPF format first.
cd .. python wmda_to_hpf_csv.py python generate_neo4j_wmda_hpf.py
Generated nodes and edges files are in the output/csv directory.
output └── csv ├── edges.csv ├── nodes.csv └── top_links.csv
Load the nodes/graph into Neo4J database
Login to Neo4j http://localhost:7474/
- Default username/password is neo4j/ontological