This is the Neos FAQ built by the community and development together. Questions regarding Neos in general and specific to V3 can be posted here. If you have a question, feel free to add it and someone with the answer or development will address it and push the update.
##### Q. Question here
##### A. Answer here
A. Yes, is the only one we're aware of at the moment.
A. The whitepaper for Neos V3 will be a work in progress and maintained here on Github along with all other Neos-based resources. Once V3 is live, focus will be more directed towards completing the whitepaper.
A. Neos Activity Points are an auxiliary form of currency within the new V3 ecosystem currently in development. In ways, NAP play a more relevant role within Neos than the actual currency (NEOS) as it will fuel and support the execution of many operations. NAP will be used for all purchases over the network including but not limited to:
- Accounts (both additional, and premium)
- Sites (both additional, and premium)
- Post size limits
- Advertising space