diff --git a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.dll b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.dll
index 58b2151..8120952 100644
Binary files a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.dll and b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.dll differ
diff --git a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.pdb b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.pdb
index fd0125e..e79a9cf 100644
Binary files a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.pdb and b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.pdb differ
diff --git a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.xml b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.xml
index bd87321..01056dc 100644
--- a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.xml
+++ b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharp.xml
@@ -4862,6 +4862,21 @@
Number of frames to use in the animation. While you can create the frames independently with , you need to set this value for the animation to take new frames into account. The maximum number of frames is .
+ Sets the currently visible frame of the texture.
+ If true, the animation will pause where it currently is (i.e. at ). The animation will continue from where it was paused when changing this property to false.
+ If true, the animation will only play once and will not loop back to the first frame after reaching the end. Note that reaching the end will not set to true.
Animation speed in frames per second. This value defines the default time interval between two frames of the animation, and thus the overall duration of the animation loop based on the property. A value of 0 means no predefined number of frames per second, the animation will play according to each frame's frame delay (see ).
@@ -6941,6 +6956,8 @@
m.mesh = arr_mesh
The is ready to be added to the to be shown.
+ See also , and for procedural geometry generation.
+ Note: Godot uses clockwise winding order for front faces of triangle primitive modes.
@@ -7085,7 +7102,6 @@
Surfaces are created to be rendered using a primitive, which may be any of the types defined in . (As a note, when using indices, it is recommended to only use points, lines or triangles.) will become the surf_idx for this new surface.
The arrays argument is an array of arrays. See for the values used in this array. For example, arrays[0] is the array of vertices. That first vertex sub-array is always required; the others are optional. Adding an index array puts this function into "index mode" where the vertex and other arrays become the sources of data and the index array defines the vertex order. All sub-arrays must have the same length as the vertex array or be empty, except for if it is used.
Adding an index array puts this function into "index mode" where the vertex and other arrays become the sources of data, and the index array defines the order of the vertices.
- Godot uses clockwise winding order for front faces of triangle primitive modes.
If the parameter is null, then the default value is new Godot.Collections.Array {}
@@ -8080,7 +8096,7 @@
- Changes the pitch and the tempo of the audio.
+ The pitch and the tempo of the audio, as a multiplier of the audio sample's sample rate.
@@ -8150,7 +8166,7 @@
- Changes the pitch and the tempo of the audio.
+ The pitch and the tempo of the audio, as a multiplier of the audio sample's sample rate.
@@ -8290,7 +8306,7 @@
- Changes the pitch and the tempo of the audio.
+ The pitch and the tempo of the audio, as a multiplier of the audio sample's sample rate.
@@ -8484,6 +8500,7 @@
Node for back-buffering the currently-displayed screen. The region defined in the BackBufferCopy node is bufferized with the content of the screen it covers, or the entire screen according to the copy mode set. Use the texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, ...) function in your shader scripts to access the buffer.
+ Note: Since this node inherits from (and not ), anchors and margins won't apply to child -derived nodes. This can be problematic when resizing the window. To avoid this, add -derived nodes as siblings to the BackBufferCopy node instead of adding them as children.
@@ -9714,6 +9731,7 @@
Normal map to be used for the property.
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -10884,6 +10902,7 @@
Canvas items are drawn in tree order. By default, children are on top of their parents so a root will be drawn behind everything. This behavior can be changed on a per-item basis.
A can also be hidden, which will also hide its children. It provides many ways to change parameters such as modulation (for itself and its children) and self modulation (only for itself), as well as its blend mode.
Ultimately, a transform notification can be requested, which will notify the node that its global position changed in case the parent tree changed.
+ Note: Unless otherwise specified, all methods that have angle parameters must have angles specified as radians. To convert degrees to radians, use @GDScript.deg2rad.
@@ -13859,6 +13878,74 @@
The cylinder's height.
+ This class is used to store the state of a DTLS server. Upon it converts connected to accepting them via as DTLS clients. Under the hood, this class is used to store the DTLS state and cookies of the server. The reason of why the state and cookies are needed is outside of the scope of this documentation.
+ Below a small example of how to use it:
+ # server.gd
+ extends Node
+ var dtls := DTLSServer.new()
+ var server := UDPServer.new()
+ var peers = []
+ func _ready():
+ server.listen(4242)
+ var key = load("key.key") # Your private key.
+ var cert = load("cert.crt") # Your X509 certificate.
+ dtls.setup(key, cert)
+ func _process(delta):
+ while server.is_connection_available():
+ var peer : PacketPeerUDP = server.take_connection()
+ var dtls_peer : PacketPeerDTLS = dtls.take_connection(peer)
+ if dtls_peer.get_status() != PacketPeerDTLS.STATUS_HANDSHAKING:
+ continue # It is normal that 50% of the connections fails due to cookie exchange.
+ print("Peer connected!")
+ peers.append(dtls_peer)
+ for p in peers:
+ p.poll() # Must poll to update the state.
+ if p.get_status() == PacketPeerDTLS.STATUS_CONNECTED:
+ while p.get_available_packet_count() > 0:
+ print("Received message from client: %s" % p.get_packet().get_string_from_utf8())
+ p.put_packet("Hello DTLS client".to_utf8())
+ # client.gd
+ extends Node
+ var dtls := PacketPeerDTLS.new()
+ var udp := PacketPeerUDP.new()
+ var connected = false
+ func _ready():
+ udp.connect_to_host("", 4242)
+ dtls.connect_to_peer(udp, false) # Use true in production for certificate validation!
+ func _process(delta):
+ dtls.poll()
+ if dtls.get_status() == PacketPeerDTLS.STATUS_CONNECTED:
+ if !connected:
+ # Try to contact server
+ dtls.put_packet("The answer is... 42!".to_utf8())
+ while dtls.get_available_packet_count() > 0:
+ print("Connected: %s" % dtls.get_packet().get_string_from_utf8())
+ connected = true
+ Setup the DTLS server to use the given private_key and provide the given certificate to clients. You can pass the optional chain parameter to provide additional CA chain information along with the certificate.
+ Try to initiate the DTLS handshake with the given udp_peer which must be already connected (see ).
+ Note: You must check that the state of the return PacketPeerUDP is , as it is normal that 50% of the new connections will be invalid due to cookie exchange.
Damped spring constraint for 2D physics. This resembles a spring joint that always wants to go back to a given length.
@@ -13969,6 +14056,7 @@
dynamic_font.size = 64
$"Label".set("custom_fonts/font", dynamic_font)
+ Note: DynamicFont doesn't support features such as right-to-left typesetting, ligatures, text shaping, variable fonts and optional font features yet. If you wish to "bake" an optional font feature into a TTF font file, you can use FontForge to do so. In FontForge, use File > Generate Fonts, click Options, choose the desired features then generate the font.
@@ -14739,6 +14827,12 @@
Returns the error text if has failed.
+ Enable support for the OpenGL ES external texture extension as defined by OES_EGL_image_external.
+ Note: This is only supported for Android platforms.
External texture size.
@@ -17150,6 +17244,7 @@
Native image datatype. Contains image data, which can be converted to a , and several functions to interact with it. The maximum width and height for an are and .
+ Note: The maximum image size is 16384×16384 pixels due to graphics hardware limitations. Larger images will fail to import.
@@ -17553,7 +17648,7 @@
- Loads an image from file path.
+ Loads an image from file path. See Supported image formats for a list of supported image formats and limitations.
@@ -17725,6 +17820,7 @@
A based on an . Can be created from an with .
+ Note: The maximum image size is 16384×16384 pixels due to graphics hardware limitations. Larger images will fail to import.
@@ -17786,6 +17882,9 @@
Draws simple geometry from code. Uses a drawing mode similar to OpenGL 1.x.
+ See also , and for procedural geometry generation.
+ Note: ImmediateGeometry3D is best suited to small amounts of mesh data that change every frame. It will be slow when handling large amounts of mesh data. If mesh data doesn't change often, use , or instead.
+ Note: Godot uses clockwise winding order for front faces of triangle primitive modes.
@@ -20784,6 +20883,8 @@
+ See also , and for procedural geometry generation.
+ Note: Godot uses clockwise winding order for front faces of triangle primitive modes.
@@ -21049,6 +21150,7 @@
The normal map that will be used if using the default .
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -21378,6 +21480,7 @@
The normal map that will be used if using the default .
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -21754,6 +21857,17 @@
Enable or disable the server feature that notifies clients of other peers' connection/disconnection, and relays messages between them. When this option is false, clients won't be automatically notified of other peers and won't be able to send them packets through the server.
+ Enable or disable certiticate verification when true.
+ When enabled, the client or server created by this peer, will use instead of raw UDP sockets for communicating with the remote peer. This will make the communication encrypted with DTLS at the cost of higher resource usage and potentially larger packet size.
+ Note: When creating a DTLS server, make sure you setup the key/certificate pair via and . For DTLS clients, have a look at the option, and configure the certificate accordingly via .
Create server that listens to connections via port. The port needs to be an available, unused port between 0 and 65535. Note that ports below 1024 are privileged and may require elevated permissions depending on the platform. To change the interface the server listens on, use . The default IP is the wildcard "*", which listens on all available interfaces. max_clients is the maximum number of clients that are allowed at once, any number up to 4095 may be used, although the achievable number of simultaneous clients may be far lower and depends on the application. For additional details on the bandwidth parameters, see . Returns if a server was created, if this NetworkedMultiplayerENet instance already has an open connection (in which case you need to call first) or if the server could not be created.
@@ -21779,6 +21893,16 @@
The IP used when creating a server. This is set to the wildcard "*" by default, which binds to all available interfaces. The given IP needs to be in IPv4 or IPv6 address format, for example: "".
+ Configure the to use when is true. Remember to also call to setup your .
+ Configure the to use when is true. For servers, you must also setup the via .
Returns the IP address of the given peer.
@@ -22062,12 +22186,12 @@
- Converts a global point's coordinates to local coordinates.
+ Transforms the provided global position into a position in local coordinate space. The output will be local relative to the it is called on. e.g. It is appropriate for determining the positions of child nodes, but it is not appropriate for determining its own position relative to its parent.
- Converts a local point's coordinates to global coordinates.
+ Transforms the provided local position into a position in global coordinate space. The input is expected to be local relative to the it is called on. e.g. Applying this method to the positions of child nodes will correctly transform their positions into the global coordinate space, but applying it to a node's own position will give an incorrect result, as it will incorporate the node's own transformation into its global position.
@@ -22403,7 +22527,7 @@
- The is used to create packages that can be loaded into a running project using .
+ The is used to create packages that can be loaded into a running project using .
var packer = PCKPacker.new()
@@ -22445,23 +22569,25 @@
Note: The node doesn't need to own itself.
Example of saving a node with different owners: The following example creates 3 objects: Node2D (node), RigidBody2D (rigid) and CollisionObject2D (collision). collision is a child of rigid which is a child of node. Only rigid is owned by node and pack will therefore only save those two nodes, but not collision.
- # Create the objects
+ # Create the objects.
var node = Node2D.new()
var rigid = RigidBody2D.new()
var collision = CollisionShape2D.new()
- # Create the object hierarchy
+ # Create the object hierarchy.
- # Change owner of rigid, but not of collision
+ # Change owner of `rigid`, but not of `collision`.
rigid.owner = node
var scene = PackedScene.new()
- # Only node and rigid are now packed
+ # Only `node` and `rigid` are now packed.
var result = scene.pack(node)
if result == OK:
- ResourceSaver.save("res://path/name.scn", scene) # Or "user://..."
+ var error = ResourceSaver.save("res://path/name.scn", scene) # Or "user://..."
+ if error != OK:
+ push_error("An error occurred while saving the scene to disk.")
@@ -22557,6 +22683,56 @@
Returns the number of packets currently available in the ring-buffer.
+ This class represents a DTLS peer connection. It can be used to connect to a DTLS server, and is returned by .
+ A status representing a that is disconnected.
+ A status representing a that is currently performing the handshake with a remote peer.
+ A status representing a that is connected to a remote peer.
+ A status representing a in a generic error state.
+ An error status that shows a mismatch in the DTLS certificate domain presented by the host and the domain requested for validation.
+ Poll the connection to check for incoming packets. Call this frequently to update the status and keep the connection working.
+ Connects a peer beginning the DTLS handshake using the underlying which must be connected (see ). If validate_certs is true, will validate that the certificate presented by the remote peer and match it with the for_hostname argument. You can specify a custom to use for validation via the valid_certificate argument.
+ Returns the status of the connection. See for values.
+ Disconnects this peer, terminating the DTLS session.
PacketStreamPeer provides a wrapper for working using packets over a stream. This allows for using packet based code with StreamPeers. PacketPeerStream implements a custom protocol over the StreamPeer, so the user should not read or write to the wrapped StreamPeer directly.
@@ -22595,6 +22771,17 @@
Returns whether this is listening.
+ Calling this method connects this UDP peer to the given host/port pair. UDP is in reality connectionless, so this option only means that incoming packets from different addresses are automatically discarded, and that outgoing packets are always sent to the connected address (future calls to are not allowed). This method does not send any data to the remote peer, to do that, use or as usual. See also .
+ Note: Connecting to the remote peer does not help to protect from malicious attacks like IP spoofing, etc. Think about using an encryption technique like SSL or DTLS if you feel like your application is transfering sensitive information.
+ Returns true if the UDP socket is open and has been connected to a remote address. See .
Returns the IP of the remote peer that sent the last packet(that was received with or ).
@@ -22943,6 +23130,7 @@
Normal map to be used for the property.
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -27114,9 +27302,9 @@
Saves the configuration to the project.godot file.
- Loads the contents of the .pck or .zip file specified by pack into the resource filesystem (res://) at the destination path, if given. Returns true on success.
+ Loads the contents of the .pck or .zip file specified by pack into the resource filesystem (res://). Returns true on success.
Note: If a file from pack shares the same path as a file already in the resource filesystem, any attempts to load that file will use the file from pack unless replace_files is set to false.
@@ -29921,6 +30109,7 @@
Most basic 3D game object, with a 3D and visibility settings. All other 3D game objects inherit from Spatial. Use as a parent node to move, scale, rotate and show/hide children in a 3D project.
Affine operations (rotate, scale, translate) happen in parent's local coordinate system, unless the object is set as top-level. Affine operations in this coordinate system correspond to direct affine operations on the 's transform. The word local below refers to this coordinate system. The coordinate system that is attached to the object itself is referred to as object-local coordinate system.
+ Note: Unless otherwise specified, all methods that have angle parameters must have angles specified as radians. To convert degrees to radians, use @GDScript.deg2rad.
@@ -30840,6 +31029,7 @@
Texture used to specify the normal at a given pixel. The normal_texture only uses the red and green channels. The normal read from normal_texture is oriented around the surface normal provided by the .
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -31040,6 +31230,7 @@
Texture that specifies the per-pixel normal of the detail overlay.
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -31210,7 +31401,7 @@
- Adds the specified prefix string after the numerical value of the .
+ Adds the specified suffix string after the numerical value of the .
@@ -31353,6 +31544,7 @@
The normal map gives depth to the Sprite.
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -32360,6 +32552,7 @@
The normal map to use when drawing this style box.
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -32479,6 +32672,8 @@
The above now contains one vertex of a triangle which has a UV coordinate and a specified . If another vertex were added without calling or , then the last values would be used.
Vertex attributes must be passed before calling . Failure to do so will result in an error when committing the vertex information to a mesh.
Additionally, the attributes used before the first vertex is added determine the format of the mesh. For example, if you only add UVs to the first vertex, you cannot add color to any of the subsequent vertices.
+ See also , and for procedural geometry generation.
+ Note: Godot uses clockwise winding order for front faces of triangle primitive modes.
@@ -33037,6 +33232,11 @@
If true, all occurrences of the selected text will be highlighted.
+ If true, custom font_color_selected will be used for selected text.
If true, a right-click displays the context menu.
@@ -34368,6 +34568,7 @@
Sets the tile's normal map texture.
+ Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
@@ -34792,7 +34993,7 @@
var subchild1 = tree.create_item(child1)
subchild1.set_text(0, "Subchild1")
- To iterate over all the objects in a object, use and after getting the root through .
+ To iterate over all the objects in a object, use and after getting the root through . You can use on a to remove it from the .
@@ -34996,6 +35197,7 @@
Control for a single item inside a . May have child s and be styled as well as contain buttons.
+ You can remove a by using .
@@ -35153,7 +35355,7 @@
- Removes the given child TreeItem.
+ Removes the given child and all its children from the . Note that it doesn't free the item from memory, so it can be reused later. To completely remove a use .
@@ -35315,7 +35517,7 @@
Tweens are useful for animations requiring a numerical property to be interpolated over a range of values. The name tween comes from in-betweening, an animation technique where you specify keyframes and the computer interpolates the frames that appear between them.
is more suited than for animations where you don't know the final values in advance. For example, interpolating a dynamically-chosen camera zoom value is best done with a node; it would be difficult to do the same thing with an node.
- Here is a brief usage example that causes a 2D node to move smoothly between two positions:
+ Here is a brief usage example that makes a 2D node move smoothly between two positions:
var tween = get_node("Tween")
tween.interpolate_property($Node2D, "position",
@@ -35324,7 +35526,8 @@
Many methods require a property name, such as "position" above. You can find the correct property name by hovering over the property in the Inspector. You can also provide the components of a property directly by using "property:component" (eg. position:x), where it would only apply to that particular component.
- Many of the methods accept trans_type and ease_type. The first accepts an constant, and refers to the way the timing of the animation is handled (see http://easings.net/ for some examples). The second accepts an constant, and controls the where trans_type is applied to the interpolation (in the beginning, the end, or both). If you don't know which transition and easing to pick, you can try different constants with , and use the one that looks best.
+ Many of the methods accept trans_type and ease_type. The first accepts an constant, and refers to the way the timing of the animation is handled (see easings.net for some examples). The second accepts an constant, and controls the where trans_type is applied to the interpolation (in the beginning, the end, or both). If you don't know which transition and easing to pick, you can try different constants with , and use the one that looks best.
+ Tween easing and transition types cheatsheet
@@ -35544,6 +35747,80 @@
Use for trans_type and for ease_type parameters. These values control the timing and direction of the interpolation. See the class description for more information.
+ A simple server that opens a UDP socket and returns connected upon receiving new packets. See also .
+ Below a small example of how it can be used:
+ # server.gd
+ extends Node
+ var server := UDPServer.new()
+ var peers = []
+ func _ready():
+ server.listen(4242)
+ func _process(delta):
+ if server.is_connection_available():
+ var peer : PacketPeerUDP = server.take_connection()
+ var pkt = peer.get_packet()
+ print("Accepted peer: %s:%s" % [peer.get_packet_ip(), peer.get_packet_port()])
+ print("Received data: %s" % [pkt.get_string_from_utf8()])
+ # Reply so it knows we received the message.
+ peer.put_packet(pkt)
+ # Keep a reference so we can keep contacting the remote peer.
+ peers.append(peer)
+ for i in range(0, peers.size()):
+ pass # Do something with the connected peers.
+ # client.gd
+ extends Node
+ var udp := PacketPeerUDP.new()
+ var connected = false
+ func _ready():
+ udp.connect_to_host("", 4242)
+ func _process(delta):
+ if !connected:
+ # Try to contact server
+ udp.put_packet("The answer is... 42!".to_utf8())
+ if udp.get_available_packet_count() > 0:
+ print("Connected: %s" % udp.get_packet().get_string_from_utf8())
+ connected = true
+ Starts the server by opening a UDP socket listening on the given port. You can optionally specify a bind_address to only listen for packets sent to that address. See also .
+ Returns true if a packet with a new address/port combination is received on the socket.
+ Returns true if the socket is open and listening on a port.
+ Returns a connected to the address/port combination of the first packet in queue. Will return null if no packet is in queue. See also .
+ Stops the server, closing the UDP socket if open. Will not disconnect any connected .
Provides UPNP functionality to discover s on the local network and execute commands on them, like managing port mappings (port forwarding) and querying the local and remote network IP address. Note that methods on this class are synchronous and block the calling thread.
@@ -36774,7 +37051,8 @@
The VisibilityEnabler will disable and nodes when they are not visible. It will only affect other nodes within the same scene as the VisibilityEnabler itself.
- Note that VisibilityEnabler will not affect nodes added after scene initialization.
+ Note: VisibilityEnabler uses an approximate heuristic for performance reasons. It doesn't take walls and other occlusion into account. If you need exact visibility checking, use another method such as adding an node as a child of a node.
+ Note: VisibilityEnabler will not affect nodes added after scene initialization.
@@ -36815,7 +37093,8 @@
The VisibilityEnabler2D will disable , , and other nodes when they are not visible. It will only affect nodes with the same root node as the VisibilityEnabler2D, and the root node itself.
- Note that VisibilityEnabler2D will not affect nodes added after scene initialization.
+ Note: For performance reasons, VisibilityEnabler2D uses an approximate heuristic with precision determined by . If you need exact visibility checking, use another method such as adding an node as a child of a node.
+ Note: VisibilityEnabler2D will not affect nodes added after scene initialization.
@@ -36896,6 +37175,7 @@
The VisibilityNotifier detects when it is visible on the screen. It also notifies when its bounding rectangle enters or exits the screen or a 's view.
+ Note: VisibilityNotifier uses an approximate heuristic for performance reasons. It doesn't take walls and other occlusion into account. If you need exact visibility checking, use another method such as adding an node as a child of a node.
@@ -36912,6 +37192,7 @@
The VisibilityNotifier2D detects when it is visible on the screen. It also notifies when its bounding rectangle enters or exits the screen or a viewport.
+ Note: For performance reasons, VisibilityNotifier2D uses an approximate heuristic with precision determined by . If you need exact visibility checking, use another method such as adding an node as a child of a node.
@@ -43997,6 +44278,7 @@
- OS.shell_open("C:\\Users\name\Downloads") on Windows opens the file explorer at the user's Downloads folder.
- OS.shell_open("https://godotengine.org") opens the default web browser on the official Godot website.
- OS.shell_open("mailto:example@example.com") opens the default email client with the "To" field set to example@example.com. See Customizing mailto: Links for a list of fields that can be added.
+ Use to convert a res:// or user:// path into a system path for use with this method.
Note: This method is implemented on Android, iOS, HTML5, Linux, macOS and Windows.
diff --git a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.dll b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.dll
index abc86a3..008b9eb 100644
Binary files a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.dll and b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.dll differ
diff --git a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.pdb b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.pdb
index 047c5a5..5debef6 100644
Binary files a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.pdb and b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.pdb differ
diff --git a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.xml b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.xml
index 4f69a6b..6245209 100644
--- a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.xml
+++ b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/GodotSharpEditor.xml
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- Saves the editor feature profile to a file in JSON format. It can then be imported using the feature profile manager's Import button or the button.
+ Saves the editor feature profile to a file in JSON format. It can then be imported using the feature profile manager's Import button or the button.
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@
This object holds information of all resources in the filesystem, their types, etc.
+ Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using .
@@ -440,7 +441,8 @@
- The editor inspector is by default located on the right-hand side of the editor. It's used to edit the properties of the selected node. For example, you can select a node such as Sprite2D then edit its transform through the inspector tool. The editor inspector is an essential tool in the game development workflow.
+ The editor inspector is by default located on the right-hand side of the editor. It's used to edit the properties of the selected node. For example, you can select a node such as then edit its transform through the inspector tool. The editor inspector is an essential tool in the game development workflow.
+ Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using .
@@ -497,6 +499,7 @@
EditorInterface gives you control over Godot editor's window. It allows customizing the window, saving and (re-)loading scenes, rendering mesh previews, inspecting and editing resources and objects, and provides access to , , , , the editor viewport, and information about scenes.
+ Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using .
@@ -912,6 +915,7 @@
This object is used to generate previews for resources of files.
+ Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using .
@@ -1079,6 +1083,7 @@
This object manages the SceneTree selection in the editor.
+ Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using .
@@ -1115,6 +1120,7 @@
list_of_settings = settings.get_property_list()
+ Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using .
@@ -1426,6 +1432,11 @@
Prefills required fields to configure the ScriptCreateDialog for use.
+ Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using .
Goes to the specified line in the current script.
diff --git a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/api_hash_cache.cfg b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/api_hash_cache.cfg
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--- a/.mono/assemblies/Debug/api_hash_cache.cfg
+++ b/.mono/assemblies/Debug/api_hash_cache.cfg
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/codigos/MovingObject.cs b/codigos/MovingObject.cs
index 2a52496..cbf1e7c 100644
--- a/codigos/MovingObject.cs
+++ b/codigos/MovingObject.cs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ protected void SmoothMovementWithTween(Vector2 end)//Esta función va a procesar
this,//que objeto quiero crear la interpolación osea este mismo
- "Position",//que propiedad quiero interpolar,osea la posición
+ "position",//que propiedad quiero interpolar,osea la posición
this.Position,//posición inicial
end,//posicion final y multiplico por el tamaño del sprite,para esto tengo que hacer pruebas,pero creo que asi tendria que funcionar
moveTime,//tiempo para ir de una posición a otra
diff --git a/codigos/Player.cs b/codigos/Player.cs
index 4cb085f..308d12d 100644
--- a/codigos/Player.cs
+++ b/codigos/Player.cs
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)//pruebo con la función que po
int horizontal = Convert.ToInt16((Input.GetActionStrength("d") - Input.GetActionStrength("a")) * dimensionSprite);//mover izquierda derecha
int vertical = Convert.ToInt16((Input.GetActionStrength("s") - Input.GetActionStrength("w")) * dimensionSprite );//mover arriba abajo
//posicionDelRayo = RaycastDirection(horizontal,vertical);
if(horizontal != 0)//esto es para que NO se mueva en diagonal