A collection of optional starter commands for an orbital-frame bot. All included commands are chat service agnostic so they should work with an orbital-frame bot running anywhere.
npm install --save @orbital-frame/core-commands
import orbitalFrame from '@orbital-frame/core'
import hubotAdapter from '@orbital-frame/adapter-hubot'
import coreCommands from '@orbital-frame/core-commands'
import myCommands from './commands'
import plugins from './plugins'
import hubotConfig from './config'
export default hubot => orbitalFrame(hubotAdapter(hubot, hubotConfig), {
name: 'jehuty',
commands: [ ...coreCommands, ...myCommands ],
- alias Create an alias for a command string
- and Evaluate the AND of two conditions to a boolean
- calc Evaluate a mathematical expression
- car Treat input as a const cell and get the first contents
- cdr Treat input as a const cell and get the rest of the contents after car
- choose Choose one or more values from multiple choices
- echo Write arguments to output
- equal Check two or more arguments for equality
- exec Execute a string as a command
- false Return false
- fg Foreground an interactive job
- flatten Flatten array data to a string
- get Retrieve data at a position from a list
- greater-than Check whether one number is greater than another
- head Return items from the front of input
- help List all available commands and help dialog for an individual command
- if Branch based on a condition
- jobs List jobs and their statuses
- join Join input by a character
- kill Send a signal to a job
- length Get argument length
- less-than Check whether one number is less than another
- list Convert arguments to a list
- no-format Get the raw output of a command without running it through its formatter
- noop No operation
- not Get the logical inversion of a value
- or Evaluate the OR of two conditions to a boolean
- promote Promote a user to a superuser
- range Generate an inclusive range
- repeat Repeat output
- sleep Wait for a specified amount of time
- split Split input by a character
- tail Return items from the end of input
- true Return true
- whoami Get the current user
- xargs Distribute list items to a command