A command line runner for nightsketch artwork
takes a sketch
$ nightgraph-cli -h
nightgraph-cli 0.1.0
Kyle Kneitinger <kyle@kneit.in>
A runner for nightgraph sketches
nightgraph-cli <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
blossom A series of lightly complex sine modulated rings around the
center of the page with optional text cutout
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
each nightsketch
sketch's parameters are presented as command line options
that can override a sketch's default value. When called without a help or version argument, nightgraph-cli
renders the chosen sketch as an SVG.
$ nightgraph-cli blossom -h
A series of lightly complex sine modulated rings around the center of the page
with optional text cutout
nightgraph-cli blossom [OPTIONS]
-d, --display-text
Display overlaid text
-h, --help
Print help information
-l, --levels <LEVELS>
The number of rings to draw [default: 35]
-r, --rotational-steps <ROTATIONAL_STEPS>
The number of steps to sample the sine wave(s) at during a circular
sweep of a ring [default: 33]
-s, --spiral
When set, the resulting bloom will be one single path, rotated
LEVELS amount of times, instead of discrete closed paths per LEVEL
This application's implementation is very minimal, and relies on clap
(both here and in nightsketch
) to generate the command line interface. Global options should be added/modified in this crate, options specific to a single sketch should be added/modified in nightsketch
, and sketch options that apply to all sketches should be added/modified in the nightsketch_derive