Is it your first time contributing to 💻Open source?:smiley:
Does it all seems overwhelming? 😵
Fear not because this tutorial will teach you how to create your first pull request. 😎
- Navigate ➡️ to the main page of the project you would like to work on.
- Click on the branch option and select the branch to which you have pushed your commits.
- Click on New Pull Request option to the right ➡️ of the branch option.
- Use the base branch dropdown menu 🔽 to select the branch you'd like to merge your changes into, then use the compare branch drop-down menu to choose the topic branch you made your changes in.
- Fill in the title and description 📝 for your pull request.
- Click on Create Pull Request.
Now your Pull Request is ready to be merged! Cheers! Go rock the world!:globe_with_meridians::smiling_imp: