1️⃣ Fork the repository!
2️⃣ Add your profile as students list/firstName_lastName_githubId.md
and include your details!
3️⃣ Commit the changes!
4️⃣ Push the changes!
5️⃣ Make a pull request.!
6️⃣ Star this repository.!
7️⃣ Wait for your PR to be merged.!
8️⃣ Celebrate - you've done your first pull request!!!!!
Your name: Ashutosh Dwivedi
Your college: Galgotias college of engineering and Technology Greater Noida.
Your Branch: Computer science
Your GitHub id: @kindacoder
Your location: New Delhi
Anything about yourself!
Link to your profile/web-page/blog 🔗: Your Website Your name: Shehani Ranasinghe
Your college: University of Colombo School of computing
Your Branch: information Systems
Your GitHub id: https://github.com/ShehaniRanasighe
Your location: Sri Lanka