👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
This repository has two purposes:
- Maintaining the OST website
- Storing documentation related to the team goals and strategy
Submitting changes requires an issue to describe what you want to change and why. Secondly you will need to start a new pull request where your progress is tracked and all discussions related to your implementation is kept.
- Fork the repository
- Create an issue
- Open a pull request and use the label -
pr: Work in Progress
- See below template
As you work through the issue, make sure you commit your changes in logical chunks, include a commit message that describe what you changed and why.
- Commit with a meaningful message
- Sign the commit
- Once the PR is ready, please remove the label -
pr: Work in Progress
- See below template
We have included a template on Github for creating new pull requests. An example is shown below to give you an idea of what information we need, to understand your submitted changes. A pull request should:
- Use a clear title
- Have a reference to the issue it is fixing
- Have a description of 2-3 sentences to explain the changes being made
- Indicate if it's a new feature, bug fix or refactor
- Outline the tasks being done to solve the issue
Issue #15 - Initial website layout
This PR creates the initial scaffold structure for the team website. The Catwatch data is called via the `fetch` API and
displayed in `index.html` page. CSS Flexbox is used as the CSS layout model.
Types of Changes
What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply and remove the other points which aren't applicable:
- [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [ ] Configuration change
- [ ] Refactor/improvements
- [ ] Documentation / non-code
- [x] Create index.html
- [x] Setup css and js code
- [ ] Follow Zalando dress-code standard
Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply:
- [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation & I have updated it accordingly.
Screenshot: (optional)
- Attach a screenshot image file
git commit -m "Initial scaffold for the website layout" -s
The -s
in the above commit message signs your commit.
Submit a blog article to Zalando Open Source Blog
The blog is built with Github Pages. Please set up a local version of your Jekyll GitHub Pages site to test changes locally before making a pull request
- Blog articles are stored in folder /_posts/
- To create a new article, create a .md file with markdown
- Each blog article requires a banner image which is stored in folder /assets/img/banners/. You can add a new banner there or use one of the exisiting ones.
- If you include images in the content of the article, please add those into the folder /assets/img/.
- Please do not forget to test your changes locally before submitting a pull request.
- Review process often takes 2 - 4 days.
- Email: [email protected]
- Issue tracker: https://github.com/zalando/ost/issues