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A load shedding tool kit for Go.

Go Reference


Load shedding is the practice of reducing work in a system that is near overload in order to the protect the system from failure. This project presents a tool kit or reference implementation of load shedding for Go. I call this a tool kit because it contains common and re-usable components that can be configured or arranged in a system rather than a monolithic tool. Load shedding must always be tailored to a specific system and there are no safe defaults. This project aims to offer a structured approach to implementing your own load shedding.

Load shedding is usually determined by a collection of rules or policies rather than a single factor. The decision making can be separated in to two categories: deterministic and probabilistic. Deterministic rules may be static or dynamic in nature and always result in a true or false indicator for shedding load. Probabilistic policies use estimations or predictions along with an aspect of chance or randomness to select requests to shed. Both deterministic and probabilistic rules are often used together to create a functioning system.

This tool kit comes with structured support for deterministic rules, probabilistic policies, and request categorization that can be used to prioritize traffic.

The Shedder Helper

The main interface of the project is a type called Shedder that arranges load shedding rules into a single, easier to use container:

import ""

shedder := loadshed.NewShedder()
err := shedder.Do(ctx, myAction)
var rejectionInfo ErrRejection
if err != nil && errors.As(err, &rejectionInfo) {

The Shedder can be configured with any number of deterministic rules and probabilistic policies. If the Shedder determines that it should shed load then the action given to Do() is not performed and an error is returned that details the reasons for the rejection.

Shedder can be used directly or see the stdlib/net/http package for an example of how it can be more seamlessly integrated into a system as middleware.

Probabilistic Load Shedding

Probabilistic polices result in load shedding based on a target rate. For example, a system may be in a state where it needs to reject 50% of requests or 80% of requests to prevent failure. The most challenging aspect of probabilistic load shedding is determining the rejection rate which must be tailored to each specific system and operation.

This project takes an opinionated and structured approach to defining rejection rates. Rejection rates are calculated as a function of the system's likelihood of failure. The likelihood of failure is calculated as a function of a specific resource's capacity utilization.

Capacity Usage Metrics

Inherent in the concept of load shedding is the concept of capacity, or the finite availability of a resource that is consumed when doing work. A capacity in this tool kit is modeled as:

type Capacity interface {
	Name(ctx context.Context) string
	Usage(ctx context.Context) float32

All metrics used in probabilistic load shedding policies must be mapped to some upper limit so that their usage can be reported as a value between 0 and 1, representing the percent utilization. Some metrics have a natural capacity, such as CPU or memory, that can be used directly. Others such as max concurrency or queue depth involve an arbitrarily defined limit based on the system's constraints. For example, a queue depth capacity might look like:

type CapacityQueueDepth[T any] struct {
    Queue []T
    Limit int
func(self *CapacityQueueDepth) Name(ctx context.Context) string {
    return "QUEUE DEPTH"
func(self *CapacityQueueDepth) Usage(ctx context.Context) float32 {
    return float32(len(self.Queue)) / float32(self.Limit)

The limit value would be set based on either the design of the system or a value discovered through testing.

This project contains some pre-built capacity implementations for max concurrency, error rate, landing rate, and latency or execution time.

Failure Probability From Capacity

Once a metric is reported as a percent utilization then the next step is to calculate the likelihood that the system or next request will fail due to resource exhaustion. Failure probabilities are modeled as:

type FailureProbability interface {
	Likelihood(ctx context.Context) float32

The likelihood calculation is highly dependent on the specific details of a system and should be determined through extensive testing. For example, if a test demonstrates that a system has an increasing risk of catastrophic failure once the CPU usage exceeds 80% and that risk increases with each point of utilization beyond 80% then a potential calculation could be:

type CPUFailureProbability struct {
func (self *CPUFailureProbability) Likelihood(ctx context.Context) float32 {
    usage := self.CPUCapacity.Usage(ctx)
    if usage < .8 {
        // No chance of failure due to CPU when under 80% utilization
        return 0.0
    return (usage - .8) / .2 // Linear interpolation between .8 and 1.0

The example calculates a zero percent chance of failure for any usage value below 80% and then a linearly increasing risk proportional to the proximity of the usage to 100% when over 80%. Note that this type of calculation does not fit for all systems. For systems where a linear progression is desirable then this formula can be applied to capacities using:

loadshed.NewFailureProbabilityCurveLinear(cap Capacity, lowerThreshold float32, upperThreshold float32, exponent float32)

For any calculation, the goal is to convert a percent utilization into a percent chance of failure.

Rejection Rate From Failure Probability

The final piece of probabilistic policies is to calculate a rejection rate based on the likelihood of failure. Rejection rates are modeled as:

type RejectionRate interface {
	Rate(ctx context.Context) float32

A rate calculation requires detailed knowledge of the system and there is no safe default formula. In systems where resources are consumed equally by all requests then it may be possible to use the failure probability, directly, as the rejection rate. This use case is covered by the NewRejectionRateCurveIdentity method that wraps any FailureProbability in a RejectionRate that simply returns the Likelihood() value.

Deterministic Load Shedding

Deterministic rules shed traffic based on binary decision making. This decision making is not necessarily simple or static and may include any amount of complexity, reference to external state, or even dynamically adjusted values within a system. The primary difference between deterministic rules and probabilistic policies is that deterministic rules come to a true/false conclusion rather than a rate or chance value. Deterministic rules are modeled as:

type Rule interface {
	Name(ctx context.Context) string
	Reject(ctx context.Context) bool

The Shedder applies all deterministic rules before applying any rejection rates. There are no pre-built or included rules in the project. Examples of deterministic policies to integrate include rate limiting, advanced queue management, and quota enforcement.

Request Priority Classification

A common practice for load shedding is consider the priority, or classification, of a request and apply different rules based on that priority. The Shedder can be given an optional classifier in the form of:

type Classification string
type Classifier interface {
	Classify(ctx context.Context) Classification

A classification is a string identifier of the class or priority of the request. This project does not include a standard set of classifications so that they can be tailored to different use cases.

Note that the classifier is only given the request context and not a specific request type, such as *http.Request, so that the tool kit is more broadly applicable to different kinds of systems. As a consequence of this choice, any identifying information of a request that is required to determine the classification must be set in the context. For example, here is how priority might be set based on a target HTTP URL:

func URLExtractingMiddleware(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        ctx := r.Context()
        ctx = context.WithValue(ctxKey, r.URL.Path)
        h.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
const (
    PriorityHigh loadshed.Classification = "HIGH"
    PriorityLow loadshed.Classification = "LOW"
type URLClassifier struct {}
func (*URLClassifier) Classify(ctx context.Context) Classification {
    path := ctx.Value(ctxKey)
    if path == nil {
        return PriorityLow
    if strings.HasPrefix(path.(string), "/v2/important/endpoint") {
        return PriorityHigh
    return PriorityLow

shedder := loadshed.NewShedder(
var FinalHandler = URLExtractingMiddleware(
    loadshedhttp.NewMiddleware(shedder)( // from the stdlib/net/http sub-package

Using Classification In Rejection Rates

The primary purpose of classifying requests is to create a priority hierarchy of requests that are shed at different rates. For example, a system may have LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, and CRITICAL classifications. As the system approaches a likelihood of failure then it will start by rejecting only LOW priority requests. If the failure probability continues to increase then it will begin to reject NORMAL requests, and so on.

To support this use case the project includes a NewRejectionRateCurveByClassification constructor that converts a failure probability into a rejection rate using a unique converting function for each classification.

Standard Library HTTP Integration

As both an example integration and a helper for a common case, this project includes pre-build Shedder integrations for the standard library HTTP handler and client interfaces.

HTTP Server

The server integration operates as a middleware for http.Handler types and should work with any HTTP mux or framework that targets the standard library types.

import (
    loadshedhttp ""

shedder := loadshed.NewShedder()
handler = loadshedhttp.NewMiddleware(shedder)(

The default behavior is to respond with a 503 Service Unavailable response code when a request is rejected due to load shedding. This can be modified using HandlerOptionCallback to set a callback that is executed when a request is rejected. The callback takes the form of an http.Handler and is allowed to perform any logic and respond with any code. Callbacks can also use FromHandlerContext to get the rejection details to, for example, log the reason why the request was rejected.

If one of the capacities used for load shedding is an error rate then HandlerOptionErrCodes must be used when constructing the middleware. This option defines which HTTP status codes are considered errors from the perspective of an error rate. For example, a set of error codes might include 5xx but exclude 4xx.

HTTP Client

The client integration works very similarly to the server integration except that it targets the http.RoundTripper interface used by the http.Client.

import (
    loadshedhttp ""

shedder := loadshed.NewShedder()
transport := http.DefaultTransport.Clone()
transport = loadshedhttp.NewTransportMiddleware(shedder)(transport)
client := &http.Client{
    Transport: transport,

When a request is rejected due to load shedding then the client calls will return an instance of loadshed.ErrReject which contains the details behind why it was rejected. Similar to the server, a custom callback can be installed to handle the rejection error using TransportOptionCallback.

If one of the capacities used for load shedding is an error rate then TransportOptionErrorCodes must be used when constructing the middleware. This option defines which HTTP status codes are considered errors from the perspective of an error rate.


go get


This project has no hard dependencies on any build tools other than Go. You should be able to run go test for any changes and see the results.

If you prefer, the project includes a Makefile with the following rules:

  • update - Update dependencies in the go.mod file.
  • bin - Download all optional build and test tools.
  • fmt - Run goimports on all Go source files.
  • test - Run all tests and create a test coverage record.
  • coverage - Generate a series of coverage reports from test records.


For bugs or performance improvements, I welcome pull requests, issues, or comments. If you make a pull request then please be sure to add tests and run make fmt.

For new features, please start a discussion first by creating an issue and explaining the intended change.

This project includes an integration for the standard library HTTP tools. If there are other, obvious standard library tools that would benefit from load shedding then I'd accept an addition to the stdlib sub-package. However, I won't maintain integrations with 3rd party tools in this repository.

Fork Of

I was part of the original team that built this library for a previous employer. The project was originally published as and was later transferred to Since then, the company and team priorities have changed and has been archived.

I have new use cases for this library so I'm maintaining this fork.

Drop-in Replacement Of

For convenience, I have created a v1.2.0 tag that matches the last published release of The only difference is that I have updated the module path to and replaced the dependency with which I have also forked for the same reasons as stated above.. You should be able to replace with in either your source code or your go.mod using a replace directive to pull from here instead.

There is no particular advantage to doing this, today, unless it's part of a gradual migration to v2 (the version documented in this file). I do not plan on porting any bug fixes or performance improvements to v1.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt or for the full terms.

This project is forked from Though, the majority of the current content is actually a modified form of a public, but unmerged, branch of the project from The original project's copyright attribution and license terms are:

Copyright @ 2017 Atlassian Pty Ltd

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

All files are marked with SPDX tags that both attribute the original copyright as well as identify the author(s) of any significant changes to those files.