- Player Will be 2x1 tiles tall
- Each tile will be 32x32 pixels
- Game Introduction Scene
- just a series of comic book like .pngs
- with paning (zooming and movement)
- music
- [optional] narration (dont do)
- some text
- Scene for testing combat
- character with gun
- test dummy
- hit-scan/collision detection for projectiles
- 2d or 3d bone animation
- rag doll
- animations/poses for enemies/player, attack animation, etc
- impact effects
- impact sound effects
- sound for impacting enemy armour
- sound for impacting unamoured (using more bass)
- sound for miss/environmental hit
- sound for critical hit
- smoke effects
- environmental damage effects (from explosions0
- player knockback
- pose freeze on hit
- [optional] dynamic lighting effects from projectile
- decals and damage to environment
- [optional] shell cases, or particle effects
- inverse-kinematics for arm position for player holding gun
- "gibs", arm flying off when critical
- [decide] use 3d models and pixel shader or use 2d bone animation?
- normal mapped lighting for players/weapon
- ultra low poly 3d models, projected to 2d?
- Movement Test Scene
- spunkly/metroid like dungeon
- things jump around on, jump puzzles, vertical cooridors, etc
- get from starting door, to exit door
- jet pack
- wall jump
- running
- jump
- double jump
- crouch
- 2d side view (terraria like)
- port of github.com/skycoin/cx-game
- port tile loading and rendering system to C# and run in unity
- placing blocks/removing blocks, building houses, etc
- placement of furniture and machines
- [TODO] Define the drawing layers and write document
- Ship falling through atomosphere
- gas giant
- planet warps around in the X axis
- like Outer Wildes, gas giant
- player falls through atomosphere
- player hits ground and dies within 40 to 60 seconds
- player has square ship (corvette)
- player can turn
- player can thrust forward
- player may have after burner (shift key)
- clouds / perlin noise
- rain?
- clouds, thunder? Damage player? Avoid?
- lightning effect
- thunder sound
- damage to to player?
- cloud assets, that player should avoid
- low visibility if they are in the clouds
- floating crystals? floating rocks
- giant alien jelly fish floating through air? Six segments
- Space whale?
- water, at bottom of level
- player slows down, sinks, dies/is crushed when under the water
- player can go up vertically against gravity while after burner thrusting,but after burner is limited
- player blown around by wind
- [optional] tornado or updraft that throws player vertical
- [optional tornados]
- atomosphere shaders whose density/intensity increases from blacka at space to liquid like as player approaches 0 m above planet
- Top Down "Space Arena"
- see Gravity Well, Escape Velocity Nova, etc
- player has mining ship
- forward to accelerate
- backwards to deaccelerate
- left/right to turn
- Q/E to straff
- left click to fire? or space, turrets left click?
- there are astroids
- player receives items for mining certain areas of the astroid
- player can dock at space station at docking port
- player can deposit ore (iron ore, etc)
- player can build modules on space station on a grid, to upgrade storage space, smelting space etc