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282 lines (260 loc) · 9.77 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (260 loc) · 9.77 KB

Import package

An import package is a .zip file that contains a manifest.yaml that describes additional contents and actions to be performed when processing the package, in addition, all files referenced within the manifest must be included in the .zip file.


  • apiVersion is set to v1beta1


  • tasks: list of api actions and resource tasks.
    • id: unique identifier of the task. Must contain only upper-case, lower-case letters, digits or underscores ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)
    • type: Must be either api or resource. All required properties of the specified type have to be implemented.
    • name (optional): A human readable name for the action to easier identify the action
    • context (optional): An optional context which can contain additional data for the API action or resource task. A context must only contain string values and supports templating.

API action

An API action is a task that interacts with a specific Keptn API endpoint. The JSON results of the endpoint are stored in .Tasks.<task-id>.Response.<field> and are accessible for all following tasks. The following properties have to be implemented by an API action:

  • action: The name of the Keptn API endpoint to call. See Supported API endpoints for more information.
  • payload: A reference to a file that should be used as body payload for the API action. If the action does not take a body, this property is ignored. The file reference has to be specified as the relative path within the provided import package.

Resource task

A resource task adds resources to Keptn. This task is similar to the Keptn CLI add-resource argument. Similar to API actions, resources are also processed by the Golang templating engine. The following properties have to be defined for a resource task:

  • resource: A reference (relative file path) to a file in the import package
  • resourceUri: The URI at which the file should be stored in Keptn
  • stage (optional): An optional stage name that can be specified
  • service (optional): An optional service that can be specified, if specified stage has to be non-empty

Supported API endpoints

If not mentioned otherwise, all payloads support templating and all given properties of the context object can be used in the payload. For more details see the Templating Section. The following API actions are supported:

keptn-api-v1-create-service: Create a service

    "serviceName": "[[ .Context.service ]]"

keptn-api-v1-uniform-create-secret: Create a secret

    "scope":"[[ .Context.scope ]]",
        "token":"[[ .Context.token ]]"
    "name":"[[ ]]"

keptn-api-v1-uniform-create-webhook-subscription: Create a webhook subscription

    "event": "[[ .Context.event ]]",
    "filter": {
        "projects": ["[[ .Context.project ]]"],              
        "services": ["[[ .Context.service ]]"],              
        "stages": ["[[ .Context.stage ]]"]             


If not mentioned otherwise all string values of the context property in a task can be used with the templating syntax of the Golang templating engine. We use [[ and ]] as separator.

Global Inputs

The following inputs are currently available to be used in all places that support templating:

  • [[ .Inputs.project ]]: Will be rendered to the current project name

Tasks references

After a task has been processed, it exposes its response and the already fully rendered context via the following properties:

  • [[ .Tasks.<task-id>.Context.<property-name> ]]: Can be used to access the rendered context property of a given task with the id.
  • [[ .Tasks.<task-id>.Response.<property-name> ]]: Each API action provides the response of the action the Response object. All JSON fields of the response can be accessed via their respective names.

Resource files

In resource files only properties of the task context can be utilized and accessed via [[ .Context.<property-name> ]].


    "definitions": {
        "Task": {
            "required": [
            "properties": {
                "id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "pattern": "[A-Za-z0-9_]+"
                "type": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "enum": [
                "name": {
                    "type": "string"
                "context": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "patternProperties": {
                        "^.*$": {
                            "type": "string"
        "APIAction": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/Task",
            "required": [
            "properties": {
                "type": {
                    "const": "api"
                "action": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "enum": [
                "payload": {
                    "type": "string"
        "ResourceTask": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/Task",
            "required": [
            "properties": {
                "type": {
                    "const": "resource"
                "resource": {
                    "type": "string"
                "resourceUri": {
                    "type": "string"
                "stage": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "pattern": "[a-z0-9_-]+"
                "service": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "pattern": "[a-z0-9_-]+"
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "apiVersion": {
            "const": "v1beta1"
        "tasks": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "oneOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/definitions/APIAction"
                        "$ref": "#/definitions/ResourceTask"


The following example contains the contents of an import package to create a service with a webhook subscription for a given project. In addition to the payload files from the section, the manifest.yaml and webhook.yaml files have are also used to produce the following ZIP-archive:

├── api
│   ├── create-secret.json
│   ├── create-service.json
│   └── create-subscription.json
├── manifest.yaml
├── resources
│   └── webhook.yaml
└── shipyard.yaml


apiVersion: v1beta1
  # Create a service
  - name: "Create service"
    id: create_service
    type: api
    action: "keptn-api-v1-create-service"               # Pre-defined endpoint types (we only support a few)
    payload: "api/create-service.json"                  # JSON file which contains the not validated payload 
    context:                                            # context available for templating in the payload
      service: "my-service-name"                        # Can also use go template syntax: [[ .Struct.field ]]

  # Create a secret which we will later use in webhook
  - name: "Create secret"
    id: create_secret
    type: api
    payload: "api/create-secret.json"
    action: "keptn-api-v1-uniform-create-secret"

  # Create a subscription
  #  Internally this figures out the current webhook integration id
  #  and saves the response into .Tasks.<id>
  - name: "Create webhook subscription"
    type: api
    id: create_subscription
    payload: "api/create-subscription.json"
    action: "keptn-api-v1-uniform-create-webhook-subscription"
      event: "sh.keptn.event.evaluation.triggered"
      project: "[[ .Inputs.project ]]"
      stage: "dev"
      service: "[[ .Tasks.create_service.Content.service ]]"

  # Add a webhook config
  - name: "Webhook config"
    id: add_webhook_config
    type: resource
    resource: "resources/webhook.yaml"                  # where is the file stored in the package
    resourceUri: "webhook.yaml"                         # what should the file be called in the upstream repo
    stage: "[[ .Tasks.create_subscription.Content.stage ]]"
    context:                                            # Placeholders for templating in resources/webhook.yaml
      event: "[[ .Tasks.create_subscription.Context.event ]]"
      project: "[[ .Tasks.create_subscription.Context.project ]]"
      subscriptionId: "[[ ]]"


kind: WebhookConfig
  name: webhook-configuration
    - type: [[ .Context.event ]]
        - curl --request POST[[ .Context.project ]]/{{ .secret.slack-webhook.token }}
      subscriptionID: [[ .Context.subscriptionId ]]
      sendFinished: true