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109 lines (101 loc) · 4.98 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (101 loc) · 4.98 KB

Code Standards


Vue Practices

The standard Vue composition for StudyBuddy will be based on Vue3's SFC Syntax. Orders of the HTML and Javascript block may be interchanged. CSS must always be affixed at the bottom of the document.

  • Body of any .vue file
     <script setup>
     	//  Javascript code
     	<!--  HTML code  -->
     <styles scoped>
     	/*  CSS code  */
  • Component props will use the defineProps convention.
     const props = defineProps({
     	propValue: {type: Array, required: false, default: []}

Javascript Practices

  • Semi-colons are mandatory at the end of single lines.
    • Exemption: Cypress command chains in tests
  • Use let for variables, const for constants and refs.
  • Brackets should be written on the same line as declaration.
     function toggleTime() {
     	// ...
  • Brackets may be skipped if encapsulating only one line.

Readability-First Approach

  • Affix an introductory header on the top of all component, page, logic, and test files to describe the purpose of the file.
     * validate.ts
     *    Form input validation functions to identify empty fields and enforce security checks.
        Renders form fields and controls, and runs validation checks for logging in an existing account.
  • Nested HTML or Javascript command chains may be compacted in the same line or distributed between lines, using a design choice that will maximize readability. Minimize very long or very sparse lines.
  • Lines between code may be spaced to ensure sufficient readability.
  • Use single line or inline comments to provide context of use, breakdown complex commands, or briefly describe sections of code.
    private pauseTotal: number = 0; // Total of all intervals of paused times to deduct from study time
  • Use multiline comments to describe large functions with multiple tasks, or with purpose not immediately discerned from function name. @params and @returns may be indicated optionally.
    /* manageTimer
     *   Starts new Timer instance if no Timer running
     *   Pauses current Timer if provided class or user params are current
     *   Create new Timer instance if provided class or user params are new
     *   @params - userId: string , classId: string

Filesystem Structure and Resource Location

  • Routed page components (e.g. Dashboard, Class): frontend/src/pages
  • Modular components (e.g. Accordion, Buddy): frontend/src/components
  • Business logic functions and classes: frontend/src/logic
  • Images and static files: frontend/public
  • Test files and utils: frontend/test




  • All SQL queries in python will be done using Prepared Statements to avoid SQL Injection. A valid SQL query using a prepared statement is: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM <tableName> WHERE <colName> = ?", username)
  • All database methods will go into
  • All server methods will go into
  • Database and server methods should be organized by functionality (ie all User methods should be next to each other)
  • All database and server methods should be prefaced by preconditions, postconditions and a description of the method. Server methods should indicate endpoint requirements.
  • All database method names should be in camelCase (ie getTasks())
  • All multi-word server method names should be seperated by _. For example, complete_class.


  • Comments will be done using /* */
  • All SQL keywords will be capitalized
  • Table names and function names will be camel case. For example, userGrades.
  • Names of rows and columns with multiple words will be seperated with a _. For example, task_goal or task_Goal.
  • All SQL files will be pushed to develop/backend/

Database and Server Testing

  • Database is tested using UnitTest, API tested using flask_unittest
  • All backend tests should be contained in
  • Tests for database and API must be in seperate classes
  • Unit tests should only test one component/method
  • All tests should be prefaced with pass conditions and a description of what test is testing
  • Tests should include Negative Testing (ie test that ensure incorrect input fails correctly)
  • Unit tests should be orderd by component (ie all User tests should be next to each other in test suite)
  • See StudyBuddy test plan for development prerequisites and standards.

Locust Testing

  • All load-testing will be done in
  • All tasks must be indicated with @task tag.
  • All task definitions must be camelCase (ie getClasses()