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diff --git a/specification/source/cdl.rst b/specification/source/cdl.rst
index e0a6505d..5c897f5e 100644
--- a/specification/source/cdl.rst
+++ b/specification/source/cdl.rst
@@ -3,8 +3,61 @@
Control Description Language
This section specifies
-the Control Description Language (CDL).
+the Control Description Language (CDL),
+a declarative language that can be used to express control sequences using block-diagrams.
+It is designed in such a way that it can be used to conveniently specify building control sequences
+in a vendor-independent format, use them within whole building energy simulation,
+and translate them for use in building control systems.
+To put CDL in context, and to introduce terminology, :numref:`fig_cdl_pro_lin` shows the translation of CDL to a control product line
+or to English language documentation.
+Input into the translation is CDL. An open-source tool called ``modelica-json`` translator
+(see also :numref:`sec_cdl_to_json_simp` and https://github.com/lbl-srg/modelica-json)
+translates CDL to an intermediate format that we call :term:`CDL-JSON`.
+From CDL-JSON, further translations can be done to a control product line, or to
+generate point lists or English language documentation of the control sequences.
+.. _fig_cdl_pro_lin:
+.. uml::
+ :caption: Translation of CDL to the CDL-JSON intermediate format and to a product line or English language documentation.
+ :width: 550 px
+ skinparam componentStyle uml2
+ [CDL]
+ [control product line]
+ [point list]
+ [English language documentation]
+ [CDL] -d-> [CDL-JSON]
+ [CDL-JSON] --> [control product line]
+ [CDL-JSON] --> [point list]
+ [CDL-JSON] --> [English language documentation]
+This section describes the CDL language. Its translation using ``modelica-json``, or other means of translation, is described in
+A collection of control sequences, primarily from ASHRAE Guideline 36, is available
+from the Modelica Buildings Library at https://simulationresearch.lbl.gov/modelica/.
+A tool to export CDL into the CDL-JSON intermediate format that
+can be used to translate to commercial building automation systems, a process that we have been prototyping in 2019/20, is
+available at https://github.com/lbl-srg/modelica-json.
The CDL consists of the following elements:
@@ -24,7 +77,7 @@ The CDL consists of the following elements:
* A model of computation that describes when blocks are executed and when
outputs are assigned to inputs.
-The next sections explain the elements of CDL.
+The next sections define the CDL language.
@@ -66,7 +119,7 @@ Permissible Data Types
The basic data types are, in addition to the elementary building blocks,
parameters of type
``Real``, ``Integer``, ``Boolean``, ``String``, and ``enumeration``.
-[Parameters do not change their value as time progress.]
+[Parameters do not change their value as time progresses.]
See also the Modelica 3.3 specification, Chapter 3.
All specifications in CDL shall be declaration of blocks,
instances of blocks, or declarations of type ``parameter``,
@@ -96,13 +149,14 @@ Array indices shall be of type ``Integer`` only.
The first element of an array has index ``1``.
An array of size ``0`` is an empty array.
-Arrays may be constructed with the array constructor
-function ``array(x1,x2,...)`` or its shorthand ``{x1,x2,...}``,
-for example ``parameter Integer k[3,2] = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}``,
+Arrays may be constructed using the notation ``{x1,x2,...}``,
+for example ``parameter Integer k[3,2] = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}``, or using
one or several iterators, for example
-``parameter Real k[2,3] = {i*0.5+j for i in 1:3, j in 1:2};``,
-and with a ``fill`` function.
-Arrays may also be concatenated using ``cat``.
+``parameter Real k[2,3] = {i*0.5+j for i in 1:3, j in 1:2};``.
+They can also be constructed using
+a ``fill`` or ``cat`` function, see :numref:`sec_dec_par`.
+The size of arrays will be fixed at translation. It cannot be changed during run-time.
[``enumeration`` or ``Boolean`` data types are not permitted as array indices.]
@@ -177,8 +231,9 @@ composite blocks (:numref:`sec_com_blo`).
and open ``Buildings/package.mo`` in the graphical model editor of
`Dymola `_ or
`OpenModelica `_.
- All models in the `Examples` and `Validation` packages can be simulated with these tools.
- They can also be simulated with `JModelica `_.
+ All models in the `Examples` and `Validation` packages can be simulated with these tools, as well
+ as with `OPTIMICA `_ and
+ with `JModelica `_.
An actual implementation of an elementary building block
looks as follows, where we omitted the annotations that are
@@ -189,11 +244,9 @@ used for graphical rendering:
block AddParameter "Output the sum of an input plus a parameter"
parameter Real p "Value to be added";
parameter Real k "Gain of input";
Interfaces.RealInput u "Connector of Real input signal";
Interfaces.RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signal";
@@ -218,37 +271,255 @@ the
-.. _sec_ass_val_to_ins:
+.. _sec_dec_par:
+Parameter Declaration and Assigning of Values to Parameters
+*Parameters* are values that do not depend on time.
+The values of parameters can be changed during run-time through a user
+interaction with the control program (such as to change a control gain),
+unless a parameter is a :term:`structural parameter `.
+The declaration of parameters and their values is identical to Modelica,
+but we limit the type of expressions that are allowed in such assignments. In particular,
+for ``Boolean`` parameters, we allow expressions involving
+``and``, ``or`` and ``not`` and the function ``fill(..)`` in :numref:`tab_par_fun`.
+For ``Real`` and ``Integer``, expressions are allowed that involve
+- the basic arithmetic functions ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``-``,
+- the relations ``>``, ``>=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``<>``,
+- calls to the functions listed in :numref:`tab_par_fun`.
+.. _tab_par_fun:
+.. table:: Functions that are allowed in parameter assignments. The functions
+ are consistent with Modelica 3.3.
+ :widths: 15 80
+ ======================== ===========================================================
+ Function Descrition
+ ======================== ===========================================================
+ ``abs(v)`` Absolute value of ``v``.
+ ``sign(v)`` Returns ``if v>0 then 1 else if v<0 then –1 else 0``.
+ ``sqrt(v)`` Returns the square root of ``v`` if ``v >=0``, or an error otherwise.
+ ``div(x, y)`` Returns the algebraic quotient ``x/y`` with any fractional
+ part discarded (also known as truncation toward zero).
+ [Note: this is defined for ``/`` in C99; in C89 the result for
+ negative numbers is implementation-defined,
+ so the standard function ``div()`` must be used.].
+ Result and arguments shall have type ``Real`` or ``Integer``.
+ If either of the arguments is ``Real`` the result is ``Real``
+ otherwise it is ``Integer``.
+ ``mod(x, y)`` Returns the integer modulus of ``x/y`` , i.e.
+ ``mod(x,y)=x-floor(x/y)*y``. Result and
+ arguments shall have type ``Real`` or ``Integer``.
+ If either of the arguments is ``Real`` the
+ result is ``Real`` otherwise it is ``Integer``.
+ [Examples are ``mod(3,1.4)=0.2``, ``mod(-3,1.4)=1.2`` and
+ ``mod(3,-1.4)=-1.2``.]
+ ``rem(x,y)`` Returns the integer remainder of ``x/y``, such that
+ ``div(x,y)*y + rem(x, y) = x``.
+ Result and arguments shall have type ``Real`` or ``Integer``.
+ If either of the arguments is ``Real`` the result is ``Real``
+ otherwise it is ``Integer``.
+ [Examples are ``rem(3,1.4)=0.2`` and ``rem(-3,1.4)=-0.2``.]
+ ``ceil(x)`` Returns the smallest integer not less than ``x``.
+ Result and argument shall have type ``Real``.
+ ``floor(x)`` Returns the largest integer not greater than ``x``.
+ Result and argument shall have type ``Real``.
+ ``integer(x)`` Returns the largest integer not greater than ``x``.
+ The argument shall have type Real.
+ The result has type Integer.
+ ``min(A)`` Returns the least element of array expression ``A``.
+ ``min(x, y)`` Returns the least element of the scalars ``x`` and ``y``.
+ ``max(A)`` Returns the greatest element of array expression ``A``.
+ ``max(x, y)`` Returns the greatest element of the scalars ``x`` and ``y``.
+ ``sum(...)`` The expression ``sum( e(i, ..., j) for i in u, ..., j in v)``
+ returns the sum of the expression ``e(i, ..., j)`` evaluated for all
+ combinations of ``i`` in
+ ``u, ..., j in v: e(u[1], ... ,v[1]) + e(u[2], ... ,v[1])+... +e(u[end],... ,v[1])+...+e(u[end],... ,v[end])``
+ The type of ``sum(e(i, ..., j) for i in u, ..., j in v)`` is the same as the type of ``e(i,...j)``.
+ ``fill(s, n1, n2, ...)`` Returns the :math:`n_1 \times n_2 \times n_3 \times \dots` array with all
+ elements equal to scalar or array
+ expression ``s`` (:math:`n_i \ge 0`).
+ The returned array has the same type as ``s``.
+ Recursive definition:
+ ``fill(s, n1, n2, n3, ...) = fill( fill(s, n2, n3, ...), n1);``,
+ ``fill(s,n)={s, s, ..., s}``
+ The function needs two or more arguments; that is ``fill(s)``
+ is not legal.
+ ======================== ===========================================================
-Declaration and Assigning Values to Instances
-Instantiation is identical to Modelica.
[For example, to instantiate a gain, one would write
.. code-block:: modelica
- Continuous.Gain myGain(k=-1) "Constant gain of -1" annotation(...);
+ Continuous.Gain gai(k=-1) "Constant gain of -1" annotation(...);
where the documentation string is optional.
-The annotations is typically used
-for the graphical positioning of the instance in a block-diagram.
+The annotation is typically used
+for the graphical positioning of the instance in a block-diagram.]
+Using expressions in parameter assignments, and propagating values of parameters
+in a hierarchical formulation of a control sequence, are convenient language constructs
+to express relations between
+parameters. However, most of today's building control product lines do not support
+propagation of parameter values and evaluation of expressions in parameter assignments.
+For CDL to be compatible with this limitation, the ``modelica-json`` translator
+has optional flags, described below, that trigger the evaluation of propagated parameters,
+and that evaluate expressions that involve parameters.
+CDL also has a keyword called ``final`` that prevents a declaration to be changed by the user.
+This can be used in a hierarchical controller to ensure that parameter values are propagated to lower level controller
+in such a way that users can only change their value at the top-level location.
+It can also be used in CDL to enforce that different instances of blocks have the same parameter value.
+For example, if a controller samples two signals, then ``final`` could be used to ensure that they
+sample at the same rate.
+However, most of today's building control product lines do not support such a language construct.
+Therefore, while the CDL translator preserves the ``final`` keyword in the ``CDL-JSON`` format,
+a translator from ``CDL-JSON`` to a control product line is allowed to ignore this declaration.
-In the assignment of ``parameters``, calculations are allowed.
-[For example, a hysteresis block could be configured as follows
+.. note::
+ People who implement control sequences that require that values of parameters are identical
+ among multiple instances of blocks
+ must use blocks that take these values as an input, rather than rely on the ``final`` keyword.
+ This could be done as explained in
+ these two examples:
+ Example 1: If a controller has two samplers called ``sam1`` and ``sam2`` and their parameter
+ ``samplePeriod`` must satisfy ``sam1.samplePeriod = sam2.samplePeriod`` for the logic to work correctly,
+ then the controller can be implemented using
+ `CDL.Logical.Sources.SampleTrigger `_
+ and connect its output to two instances of
+ `CDL.Discrete.TriggeredSampler `_
+ that sample the corresponding signals.
+ Example 2: If a controller normalized two input signals by dividing it by a gain ``k1``, then
+ rather than using two instances of
+ `CDL.Continuous.Gain `_
+ with parameter ``k = 1/k1``, one could use
+ a constant source
+ `CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant `_
+ with parameter ``k=k1`` and
+ two instances of
+ `CDL.Continuous.Division `_,
+ and then connect
+ the output of the constant source with the inputs of the division blocks.
+.. _sec_par_eva_tra:
+Evaluation of Assignment of Values to Parameters
+We will now describe how assignments of values to parameters can optionally be evaluated by the CDL translator.
+While such an evaluation is not prefered, it is allowed in CDL to accomodate the situation
+that most building control product lines, in constrast to modeling tools such as
+Modelica, Simulink or LabVIEW,
+do not support the propagation of parameters,
+nor do they support the use of expressions in parameter assignments.
+.. note::
+ This feature is being implemented through https://github.com/lbl-srg/modelica-json/issues/102
+Consider the statement
.. code-block:: modelica
parameter Real pRel(unit="Pa") = 50 "Pressure difference across damper";
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con(
+ k = pRel) "Block producing constant output";
CDL.Logical.Hysteresis hys(
uLow = pRel-25,
uHigh = pRel+25) "Hysteresis for fan control";
+Some building control product lines will need to evaluate this at translation because
+they cannot propagate parameters and/or cannot evaluate expressions.
+To lower the barrier for the development of a CDL translator to a control product line,
+the ``modelica-json`` translator has two flags.
+One flag, called ``evaluatePropagatedParameters`` will cause the translator to evaluate the propagated parameter,
+leading to a CDL-JSON declaration that is equivalent to the declaration
+.. code-block:: modelica
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con(
+ k(unit="Pa") = 50) "Block producing constant output";
+ CDL.Logical.Hysteresis hys(
+ uLow = 50-25,
+ uHigh = 50+25) "Hysteresis for fan control";
+ 1. the ``parameter Real pRel(unit="Pa") = 50`` has been removed as it is no longer used anywhere.
+ 2. the parameter ``con.k`` has now the ``unit`` attribute set as this information would otherwise be lost.
+ 3. the parameter ``hys.uLow`` has the unit *not* set because the assignment involves an expression.
+ As expressions can be used to convert a value to a different unit, the unit will not be propagated
+ if the assignment involves an expression.
+Another flag called ``evaluateExpressions`` will cause all mathematical expressions to be evaluated,
+leading to a CDL-JSON declaration that is equivalent to the CDL declaration
+.. code-block:: modelica
+ parameter Real pRel(unit="Pa") = 50 "Pressure difference across damper";
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con(
+ k = pRel) "Block producing constant output";
+ CDL.Logical.Hysteresis hys(
+ uLow = 25,
+ uHigh = 75) "Hysteresis for fan control";
+If both ``evaluatePropagatedParameters`` and ``evaluateExpressions`` are set, the result would be
+equivalent of the declaration
+.. code-block:: modelica
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con(
+ k(unit="Pa") = 50) "Block producing constant output";
+ CDL.Logical.Hysteresis hys(
+ uLow = 25,
+ uHigh = 75) "Hysteresis for fan control";
+Clearly, use of these flags is not preferred, but they have been introduced to
+accomodate the capabilities that are present in most of today's building control product lines.
+.. note::
+ A commonly used construct in control sequences is to declare a ``parameter`` and
+ then use the parameter once to assign the value of a block in this sequences.
+ In CDL, this construct looks like
+ .. code-block:: modelica
+ parameter Real pRel(unit="Pa") = 50 "Pressure difference across damper";
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con(k = pRel) "Block producing constant output";
+ Note that the English language sequence description would typically refer to the parameter ``pRel``.
+ If this is evaluated during translation due to the ``evaluatePropagatedParameters`` flag,
+ then ``pRel`` would be removed as it is no longer used.
+ Hence, such a translation should then rename the block ``con`` to ``pRel``, e.g., it should
+ produce a sequence that is equivalent to the CDL declaration
+ .. code-block:: modelica
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant pRel(k = 50) "Block producing constant output";
+ In this way, references in the English language sequence to ``pRel`` are still valid.
.. _sec_con_rem_ins:
@@ -265,18 +536,18 @@ An example code snippet is
.. code-block:: modelica
- parameter Boolean have_occSen=false
- "Set to true if zones have occupancy sensor";
+ parameter Boolean have_occSen=false
+ "Set to true if zones have occupancy sensor";
- CDL.Interfaces.IntegerInput nOcc if have_occSen
- "Number of occupants"
- annotation (__cdl(default = 0));
+ CDL.Interfaces.IntegerInput nOcc if have_occSen
+ "Number of occupants"
+ annotation (__cdl(default = 0));
- CDL.Continuous.Gain gai(
- k = VOutPerPer_flow) if have_occSen
- "Outdoor air per person";
- equation
- connect(nOcc, gai.u);
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con(
+ k = VOutPerPer_flow) if have_occSen
+ "Outdoor air per person";
+ equation
+ connect(nOcc, con.u);
By the Modelica language definition, all connections (:numref:`sec_connections`)
to ``nOcc`` will be removed if ``have_occSen = false``.
@@ -289,6 +560,7 @@ must declare a default value of the form ``__cdl(default = value)``,
where ``value`` is the default value that will be used
if the building automation system does not support conditionally removing instances.
The type of ``value`` must be the same as the type of the connector.
+For ``Boolean`` connectors, the allowed values are ``true`` and ``false``.
Note that output connectors must not have a specification of a default value,
because if a building automation system cannot conditionally remove instances,
@@ -314,7 +586,7 @@ non-working day and holiday.
Connectors must be in a ``public`` section.
-Connectors can only carry scalar variables.
+Connectors can carry scalar variables, vectors or arrays of values (each having the same data type).
For arrays, the connectors need to be explicitly declared as an array.
[ For example, to declare an array of ``nin`` input signals, use
@@ -325,10 +597,43 @@ For arrays, the connectors need to be explicitly declared as an array.
Interfaces.RealInput u[nin] "Connector for 2 Real input signals";
-Hence, unlike in Modelica 3.3, we do not allow for automatic vectorization
-of input signals.
+.. note::
+ In general, today's building control product lines only support scalar variables on graphical connections.
+ This leads to the situation that different control sequences need to be implemented for any combination of
+ equipment. For example, if only scalars are allowed in connections, then a chiller plant with two chillers
+ needs a different sequence than a chiller plant with three chillers. With vectors, however,
+ one sequence can be implemented for chiller plants with any number of chillers. This is currently done
+ when implementing sequences from ASHRAE RP-1711 in CDL.
+ If control product lines do not support vectors on connections, then during translation from CDL to the
+ control product line, the vectors (or arrays) can be flattened. For example, blocks of the form
+ .. code-block:: modelica
+ parameter Integer n = 2 "Number of blocks";
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con[n](k={1, 2});
+ CDL.Continuous.MultiSum mulSum(nin=n); // multiSum that contains an input connector u[nin]
+ equation
+ connect(con.y, mulSum.u);
+ could be translated to the equivalent of
+ .. code-block:: modelica
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con_1(k=1);
+ CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant con_2(k=1);
+ CDL.Continuous.MultiSum mulSum(nin=2);
+ equation
+ connect(con_1.y, mulSum.u_1);
+ connect(con_2.y, mulSum.u_2);
+ E.g., two instances of ``CDL.Continuous.Sources.Constant`` are used, the vectorized input ``mulSum.u[2]`` is flattened
+ to two inputs, and two separate connections are instantiated.
+ This will preserve the control logic, but the components will need to be graphically rearranged after translation.
.. _sec_equation:
@@ -358,11 +663,9 @@ Connections
Connections connect input to output connector (:numref:`sec_connectors`).
For scalar connectors, each input connector of a block needs to be connected to exactly
one output connector of a block.
-For vectorized connectors, each (element of an) input connector needs to be connected
+For vectorized connectors, or vectorized instances with scalar connectors,
+each (element of an) input connector needs to be connected
to exactly one (element of an) output connector.
-Vectorized input connectors can be connected to vectorized output connectors
-using one connection statement provided that
-they have the same number of elements.
Connections are listed after the instantiation of the blocks in an ``equation``
section. The syntax is
@@ -398,13 +701,11 @@ For example, the following model is valid
.. literalinclude:: img/cdl/MyAdderValid.mo
:language: modelica
- :linenos:
whereas the following implementation is not valid in CDL, although it is valid in Modelica
.. literalinclude:: img/cdl/MyAdderInvalid.mo
:language: modelica
- :linenos:
:emphasize-lines: 4
@@ -426,7 +727,7 @@ Modelica 3.3 Specifications
[For CDL, annotations are primarily used to graphically visualize block layouts, graphically visualize
input and output signal connections, and to declare
-vendor annotations, (Sec. 18.1 in Modelica 3.3 Specification), like to specify default
+vendor annotations, (Sec. 18.1 in Modelica 3.3 Specification), such as to specify default
value of connector as below.]
CDL also uses annotations to declare default values for conditionally removable input
@@ -456,7 +757,7 @@ with the file extension ``.mo``, and with each package name being a directory.
The name shall be an allowed Modelica class name.
[For example, if a user specifies a new composite block ``MyController.MyAdder``, then it
-shall be stored in the file ``MyController/MyAdder.mo`` on Linux or OS X, or ``MyController\\MyAdder.mo``
+shall be stored in the file ``MyController/MyAdder.mo`` on Linux or OS X, or ``MyController\MyAdder.mo``
on Windows.]
@@ -466,7 +767,6 @@ declaration of the composite block shown in :numref:`fig_custom_control_block`
.. literalinclude:: img/cdl/CustomPWithLimiter.mo
:language: modelica
- :linenos:
Composite blocks are needed to preserve grouping of control blocks and their connections,
and are needed for hierarchical composition of control sequences.]
diff --git a/specification/source/codeGeneration.rst b/specification/source/codeGeneration.rst
index cebbe3b0..d92a5732 100644
--- a/specification/source/codeGeneration.rst
+++ b/specification/source/codeGeneration.rst
@@ -480,16 +480,10 @@ use a global variable or virtual points.
Calculations in Parameter Assignments
-CDL allows calculations in the assignment statements of ``parameters``,
-see :numref:`sec_ass_val_to_ins`.
+CDL allows calculations in the assignment statements of ``parameters``.
If a building automation system does not support such calculations,
-then the translator should extract the assignments as a separate operational
+then the translator can optionally configured to evaluate such
+calculations during the translation.
+should extract the assignments as a separate operational
block and feed its outputs to the parameters of the block.
-:numref:`fig_exp_par_prop` shows an illustrative example.
-.. _fig_exp_par_prop:
-.. figure:: img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.*
- :width: 700px
- Example of translating sequences with calculations for parameter assignment.
+See :numref:`sec_par_eva_tra` for details.
diff --git a/specification/source/glossary.rst b/specification/source/glossary.rst
index 2d9d3d74..ff1fae5b 100644
--- a/specification/source/glossary.rst
+++ b/specification/source/glossary.rst
@@ -29,9 +29,14 @@ the Open Building Controls project.
pertaining to the building.
- See :term:`Controls Description Language`.
+ See :term:`Control Description Language`.
- Controls Description Language
+ The JSON representation of the :term:`Control Description Language`,
+ which can be generated with the ``modelica-json`` translator that
+ is available at https://github.com/lbl-srg/modelica-json.
+ Control Description Language
The Control Description Language (CDL) is the language
that is used to express control sequences and requirements.
It is a declarative language based on a subset of the
@@ -45,7 +50,7 @@ the Open Building Controls project.
* test the control sequences and the requirements with a model
of the HVAC system and the building in the loop, and
* export the control sequence and the verification test
- in the :term:`Controls Description Language`.
+ in the :term:`Control Description Language`.
Control Sequence Requirement
A requirement is a condition that is tested and either passes, fails,
@@ -151,6 +156,14 @@ the Open Building Controls project.
has a state event when :math:`x=1`.
+ Structural parameter
+ We say that a parameter is a *structural parameter* if changing its value can change
+ the system of equations that is being evaluated in the control logic.
+ For example, a parameter that changes a controller from a P to a PI controller is a
+ structural parameter because an integrator is being added.
+ A parameter that enables an input or that changes the size of an array is a structural
+ parameter.
Time event
We say that a simulation has a time event if its model changes based on a test
that only depends on time. For example,
diff --git a/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/Controller.mo b/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/Controller.mo
index 435edb9b..6bab7f00 100644
--- a/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/Controller.mo
+++ b/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/Controller.mo
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
block Controller "Controller with time sampling"
- parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time samplePeriod=120
+ parameter Real samplePeriod(quantity="Time", unit="s")=120
"Sample period of component";
diff --git a/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.pdf b/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f281136..00000000
Binary files a/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.png b/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.png
deleted file mode 100644
index dc2c2fdd..00000000
Binary files a/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.svg b/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 774fee4c..00000000
--- a/specification/source/img/codeGeneration/ParameterPropagation/ParameterAssignment.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,745 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/specification/source/process.rst b/specification/source/process.rst
index c846f5f7..86196617 100644
--- a/specification/source/process.rst
+++ b/specification/source/process.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ linked to a model of the mechanical system and the building (4).
If the sequences meet closed-loop performance requirements,
the designer exports a control specification,
including the sequences and functional verification tests expressed in
-the Controls Description Language CDL (5).
+the Control Description Language CDL (5).
Optionally, for reuse in similar projects,
the sequences can be added to a user-library (6).
This specification is used by the control vendor to bid on the project (7)