All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added
value to configure the number of successful Krawler jobs to keep (default 1). - Added
value to configure the number of failed Krawler jobs to keep (default 1). - Added
value to define Krawler cronjobs suspended state (default false). - Added
values to override container command and args in (kdk-)deployments.
environment variable fromkapp
charts. It's not used anymore.
- Added a new template in the
chart to generate a suspended cronjob allowing to inspect volumes:kargo.volume-inspector-cronjob
. - Added new
chart to deploy traccar <-> kano gateway.
now takes an additionalrawEnv
parameter that can be used to define environment variables without transforming their names.- Updated
chart helpers to use the newrawEnv
). - Updated
chart to use the newrawEnv
- Now using
option tomongorestore
helper (in the restore cronjob). - Now using
option tomariadb-dump
helper (in the backup cronjob).
- port and probes are now configurable in KDK deployment just like in Kargo deployment [pack] (237be32f)
- port and probes are now configurable in KDK deployment just like in Kargo deployment (0e513834)
- autoremove jobs after some user provided value (7days by default). (1d71a6fd)
- Add support for KFS (closes #303) (f511bc6a)
- add serviceAccountName support to all custom deployments. (d8b9c5ae)
- allow extraVolumeMounts for mapserver & k2. (667e2e09)
- Allow serviceAccountName to be specified in deployments. (0089851d)
- release chart script now increment major version of all charts when incrementing common version. (9750e0ff)
- [OpenRadiation] enhance run frequency (close #291) [pack] (2fbd3f95)
- add possibility to only seed a subset of layers and merge with current caches [pack] (9879fa39)
- Provide a filebrowser helm chart (close #288) (2c41f160)
- Allow to force a pod to be restarted when updgradind the charts (close #287) (43ba9a5f)
- allow to override host in charts [pack] (9a46f8a9)
- Bump to Kapture 1.0.0 (close #280) (489f4a3d)
- charts/common: added cronjob template to backup&restore mongodb databases. (0b3c481f)
- charts/thredds: allow templating in publicDataSubPath & cacheDataSubPath [pack] (de576414)
- k2:
- charts: allow specific configuration files with kdk apps [pack] (bf1f3b71)
- kleaner job should not fail if one of the path doesn't exists. (f68565a7)
- chart packing script [pack]. (551c0af1)
- fix chart pack script [pack] (17badbf4)
- updated ign-plan source (d8f00fbf)
- use containerPort in template service if defined [pack]. (f89a802d)
- wrong order with helm function default [pack]. (6aceba08)
- charts/thredds:
- charts/common:
- charts/passbolt: was calling wrong template [pack passbolt] (97c84467)
- charts:
- branch to use with kaptain's using-helmfile branch. (25dddd5a)
- Handle new k-meteoradar spec #301 [pack] (604e782a)
- Populate plugin in Express Gateway should handle pagination #300 (f01b88ae)
- Populate plugin in Express Gateway should handle pagination #300 (c2962104)
- Provide a filebrowser helm chart #288 [pack] (30c1a308)
- Allow to force a pod to be restarted when updgradind the charts #287 feat: Provides helm chart for most of the components (close #281) (dd5ddba5)
- added thredds #281 (7aa6ed14)
- fixed port in readinessProbe #281 [pack] (af3219ec)
- fixed ports #281 [pack] (cb6c8c54)
- Updated maputnik #281 [pack] (caac957e)
- refactor common.environment.render [pack] (e10a19a8)
- fixed weacast-loaders #281 [pack] (971d9649)
- fixed volumes indent in _krawler-cronjob.yaml #281 [pack] (fe037308)
- fixed imagePullSecrets indent in _krawler-cronjob.yaml #281 (bb3d74fc)
- cleaned weacast loaders values.yaml #281 [pack] (fbafd9e6)
- added .helmignore #281 (4d02343f)
- added imagePullSecrets to kdk-deployment and krawler-cronjob #281 (5cca473d)
- updated weacast loaders #281 (4c46bdc4)
- updated weacast loaders #281 wip: fix taf image #281 (d1c06a73)
- added weacast arpege/arome loaders #281 (ffdd34b8)
- added k-tar chart #281 (8b12c8c6)
- added k-metar chart #281 (1e540f17)
- enhanced distribution configuration #281 (de122e65)
- Provides helm chart for most of the components #281 (d7e8ad17)
- Provides helm chart for most of the components #281 (2eef94e1)
- Provides helm chart for most of the components #281 [pack] (7946cc62)
- Provides helm chart for most of the components #281 (584ac6fe)
- Provides helm chart for most of the components #281 (1d280ffb)
- updated tips/ (d744a831)
- updated tips/ (b60cd6b9)
- updated gdal tips (2f136836)
- charts:
- charts depends on common 0.x.x (d2bb1e9f)
- added db backup templates [pack common] (ad771037)
- rcloneSecret everywhere [pack] (64f6b203)
- use 'context' and 'args' in template functions [pack] (03cee7aa)
- wip passbolt [pack passbolt] (8440d695)
- renamed _configMapFromFolder [pack] (51f3f0f0)
- make configMap.fromFolder more like secret.fromFolder. (8f11206d)
- added common.secret.fromFolder (c17fe699)
- passbolt chart wip ... [pack] (3e2cfb8a)
- added a dryRun bool on cleanup jobs [pack] (9962368c)
- reverted some default [pack] (eea94ec6)
- missed that one [pack k-taf] (6ef1945e)
- updated default values for krawler jobs [pack]. (098ad127)
- changed MapServer version (70fb8ff1)
- put passbolt service on same port as container [pack passbolt] (2aab84cf)
- adjust passbolt default values [pack passbolt] (97fc9b09)
- needs containerPort [pack passbolt] (9285c380)
- add a passbolt chart [pack passbolt] (923fa5af)
- add a seeder job to mapcache to generate local caches [pack mapcache] (e94bf126)
- set charts version to 0.0.0 (44d8d446)
- set common version to 0.0.0 (54d73a52)
- mapcache uses a statefulset when using local cache [pack mapcache] (5311d99b)
- be verbose when doing stuff in initContainers [pack] (51d4fad3)
- added resources spec #281 (f590196e)
- fixed redisHosts #281 [pack] (37f6838f)
- updated .travis.pack #281 [pack] (d822bfec)
- updated .travis.pack #281 [pack] (cd55b798)
- fixed maputnik port value #281 [pack] (0ee5c4d6)
- refactor pack #281 [pack] (dd61ebd0)
- fixed deployment.yaml #281 [pack] (4114c45f)
- style #281 [pack] (a63dc6ac)
- refactor simple deployment charts to used the common one #281 [pack] (1355624d)
- homogenized values.yaml (replicaCount) #281 [pack] (2391d592)
- homogenized values (commonLabels/Annontations) [pack] (ab53743d)
- only mount web.wml if a tomcat config map is given [pack] (65c2aa79)
- only mount web.xml in thredds ... [pack] (28dddc7b)
- only mount web.xml in thredds ... [pack] (996f38ca)
- add a debug shell to debug thredds [pack] (035c8cbb)
- updating thredds chart [pack] (844f396f)
- add an optional sufix to source volume name in envsubst templates. (dc80254f)
- autodefine config volume for tileservergl when using rcloned config [pack] (bc760fa4)
- dataMount -> dataSubPath [pack] (7d4c27cf)
- updated envsubst templates [pack] (c82d1014)
- krawler-cronjob template may have a job-data volume attached [pack] (36e67655)
- removed rclone config generation from common [pack] (a4cada1e)
- better docs on kleaner cronjob templates [pack] (bf728afd)
- add a template to instanciate kleaner cronjobs [pack] (914e8a22)
- updated k2 chart #281 [pack] (1ce00188)
- Provides helm chart for most of the components #281 (272f43c0)
- Provides helm chart for most of the components #281 (6391fbf6)
- charts/passbolt: stop using http with livenessProbe since it makes passbolt database grow with each query [pack passbolt] (2c0eef51)
- charts/common:
- thredds:
- common:
- Bump to Thredds 4.6.19 (close #278) (53338b55)
- Allow to overwrite the body limit within Kapture (close #277) (b543fe33)
- Upgrade Thredds to 4.6.18 (close #276) (18c7d87a)
- MapServer/Mapserver healthchecks should not rely on GetCapabilities request #275 (dc8fff91)
- Upgrade Weacast loaders to use the new Météo France API (completed #266) (b761c96b)
- Add support for Centipede job (close #271) (fb154d7e)
- Provide environment variables for strategy to avoid rate limiting on weacast loaders (closes #270) (b46bbbe9)
- Allow to define a different token for each weacast loader (closes #269) (8469693b)
- gdal container is no more building #273 feat: bumped gdal container to 3.4.0 (52d12a2f)
- test whether the storage proxy exists in storage.js (90a41c1d)
- Allow to define additionnal S3 information in order to use alternative S3 providers than AWS (close #261) (d5350588)
- Remove Atlas support (close #268) (a0b25b73)
- Allow the API s3 endpoint to be used with multiple storage providers (close #262) (7b62fa87)
- Bump to k-metoradar 1.0.0 (close #267) (db131026)
- advertise basic auth support for wms, wmts & tms. (skip build) (skip doc) (cea0187c)
- Upgrade Weacast loaders to use the new Météo France API (closes #266) (094305dc)
- Add support for kapture service (close #265) (17c63ca8)
- Stop mapproxy support (close #264) breaking (429e76a8)
- Bump to TileServerGL v3.1.1 (close #256) (bc29f1c5)
- Bump to TileServerGL v3.1.1 (close #256) (cbd9868d)
- updated Kano Mapillary token (f5c3d6ce)
- Integrate new k-meteoradar job (close #260) (96e9f404)
- deploy mongors exporter along with it's mongors service (56a346d5)
- add prometheus scrape label to traefik too. (fd6d7a69)
- add labels to mongodb exporters so that prometheus may discover them. (e2448e2a)
- Enhance API gateway to be able to use OVH Swift backend instead of AWS S3 backend (closes #251) (d752b17b)
- kano build can now push to a private registry. [skip build][skip doc] (08c8ba14)
- added script to sync remote tile index. [skip build][skip doc] (ac65b91a)
- Bump to k-openradiation v1.0.0 (close #239) [skip ci] (5bf39039)
- only one mapcache/mapserver/tileservergl per node. [close #235] [skip build] (5fec9c5c)
- added KARGO_BUILD_PATH pointing on .kargo folder. (305afd49)
- adding swarm helpers. (a112db23)
- Provide basic scripts to create/backup/restore Postgis/Mariadb databases (close #230) (540753df)
- Homogenize the use of MariadB/Postgis (close #232) (7b061ce0)
- added REDIS_VOLUME_PATH (045ab6fb)
- Upgrade default version of Mongo to 4.2 (close #228) (121b4053)
- missing policy in default pipeline [skip ci] (1ad32bc1)
- change mountpoint instea of promtail config. (1ba1343f)
- journald logs are now stored on persistent storage. (712bb3b6)
- typo in (f62c5841)
- use proper flags for cadvisor + use less cpu. (ebef1253)
- express gateway metrics should be summed over instances. (f17bd0ab)
- grafana healthcheck now uses wget. (fa87d2ea)
- MapCache is no more building (close #255) (6520822b)
- Wrong express gateway S3 configuration (closes #252) (1c8ac30e)
- slack scripts do not handle messages correctly (close #250) (c27cf872)
- run hooks before trying to read deploy file to list services. [skip build][skip doc] (01e9b058)
- exclude mapserver raster layers using tile index from WCS requestable layers. (close #240) (6bb37314)
- Mapserver's healthcheck timeout is too short (close #238) (82cebd8d)
- seed relative scripts rely on k-node-foreach command which does not exist anymore on new Kaabah infrastructures (close #236) (4b2dc06b)
- missing log file in [skip ci] (b2799581)
- force the creation with -p option in create_directory_if_not_exist [skip ci] (8abe5889)
- Registry healthcheck cannot handle authorization (close #233) [skip ci] (d5762aa6)
- Remove setup-worker script (close #206) (a72f1c0c)
- Add a way to specify deploy constraints from the .env file [close #226] (33d8a5e3)
- Allow to specify postgis db name using env vars. [skip doc] [skip build] (8ecd7729)
- add total swap to cluster dashboard + autorefresh every minute. [skip build] [skip doc] (22c17eba)
- Add swap usage to cluster dashboard. (aad1bb4b)
- Add configuration variable to limit mongors available memory (close #221) (7ff619bd)
- Add max/avg load & cpu usage to cluster dashboard. (aa4e59dc)
- Drop image archives support (close #219 ) (b5044d27)
- Fixed deploy constraint yaml extension generation. (96238f3b)
- properly normalize deploy constraint env var name generation. (19c5d90d)
- Tileservergl deploy constraint rely on tileservergl label only. (18397e98)
- Upgraded Vigicrues job to v1.4 (closes #224) (454dad1a)
- Grafana must be able to reach prometheus on kargo-back-network. (b093edb3)
- Do not expose anymore prometheus and alertmanager (close #214) (8604e6c6)
- Ports should be exposed using long syntax (close #216) (3a542682)
- add machine hostname to cluster dashboard (close #213) (b2650a58)
- add placement constraint for weacast loaders (close #212) (aa5ad71b)
- Add support for MariaDB (close #202) (48e4f78d)
- Allow to override the name of the mongors services (close #207) (55193452)
- Allow to define the prometheus targets (close #209) (16e563ba)
- Upgrade compose files version to 3.8 (close 3.8) [skip ci] (7cd4afd2)
- template mongors exporter too. (efe77bfd)
- Allows to execute before/after hooks when deploying a service (close #204) [skip build] (d4eff2bb)
- Distinguish a back and front docker network (cloe #205) (9af5d43b)
- use a smooth mask for ign bdortho/orthohr imagery. (f6ddbc80)
- make mongo exporter collect stats on collections. (69060bca)
- stop exposing alertmanager. (0b6230d0)
- include infra's name in alertmanager alerts (close #198). (e940738c)
- Added dedicated S3 environment variables for weacast loaders closes #199 (a0a8cef0)
- include infra's name in krawler's healthcheck message. (c749ffd9)
- Enhance CLI functionalities (close #188) (b8048be6)
- Integrate the OpenRadiation job (close #196) (5737ccd6)
- Integrate the OpenRadiation job #196 (1d17c36f)
- MAPCACHE_REPLICAS is missing in .env.default (close #218) (5f37efa2)
- Registry is no more working (close #215) (bfa729c0)
- wrong kargo network (09556b35)
- added missing MONGORS default values [skip ci] (7eafd5d0)
- Traefik does not startup (close #203) (52b7e5ab)
- prevent alertmanager from adding a link to alertmanager. in slack messages. (bdd0a147)
- Do not expose anymore prometheus and alertmanager #214 (194f3978)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (a3cc7bd7)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (67e7b965)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (d5dc5648)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (524b24ab)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 (e12b1a7e)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (02399f1e)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (7d53b971)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (fe0a8f4c)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (04da4dd9)
- Add support for MariaDB #202 [skip ci] (9eeef9f8)
- Allow to define the prometheus targets #209 (b693cbeb)
- Allow to define the prometheus targets #209 [skip ci] (4c5d27e0)
- Allow to define the prometheus targets #209 feat: Upgrade compose files version to 3.8 (close #208) [skip ci] (af570b2b)
- Allow to define the prometheus targets #209 [skip ci] (a83a2683)
- Allow to define the prometheus targets #209 [skip ci] (20bcd68a)
- Allow to override the name of the mongors services #207 [skip build] (f0e7e3b6)
- Allow to override the name of the mongors services #207 [skip ci] (24af5855)
- Allow to override the name of the mongors services #207 [skip ci] (38875a43)
- Allow to override the name of the mongors services #207 [skip ci] (f34f5b68)
- Allow to override the name of the mongors services #207 [skip ci] (3e6f8cb4)
- Allow to override the name of the mongors services #207 [skip ci] (c0495167)
- Allows to execute before/after hooks when deploying a service #204 [skip ci] (7089ee02)
- Allows to execute before/after hooks when deploying a service #204 [sip ci] (7d8776b0)
- Allows to execute before/after hooks when deploying a service #204 [sip ci] (eec36768)
- Allows to execute before/after hooks when deploying a service #204 [sip ci] (cd746d1c)
- Allows to execute before/after hooks when deploying a service #204 [sip ci] (1f2b63dc)
- Allows to execute before/after hooks when deploying a service #204 [sip ci] (430c95ed)
- Allows to execute before/after hooks when deploying a service #204 [skip ci] (f61d11dc)
- Distinguish a back and front docker network #205 (b34ecb3c)
- Distinguish a back and front docker network #205 (800df8ee)
- po_france0s3 is now po_monde0s3 (61ae4f3d)
- include subdomain in slack message from alertmanager. (08f0adc4)
- default values for mongodb exporter. (ec6f4231)
- mongodb prometheus exporter deploy extensions in kargo. (ff6c4059)
- mongodb prometheus exporter. (d58935f8)
- SUBDOMAIN instead of INFRA in failure message + portainer.SUBDOMAIN -> alertmanager.SUBDOMAIN. (e0775289)
- Enhance CLI functionalities #188 (228aaab8)
- Enhance CLI functionalities #188 (3d4f0d78)
- Enhance CLI functionalities #188 (6148da4e)
- Enhance CLI functionalities #188 [skip ci] (4811b650)
- add mongodb-exporter scrape job to prometheus. (30e04636)
- fix build context for local builds. (cf2fa611)
- debugging build of express-gateway docker image. (6060401c)
- debugging build of mongodb-exporter docker image. (be873675)
- debugging build of mongodb-exporter docker image. (cce6f3ac)
- adding build of mongodb-exporter docker image. (c9fa7f62)
- Provide a Mongors service that helps setting up a MongoDB Replica Set #178 (f9e67387)
- Provide a gui to administrate Postgis (close #195) (e75c9a7a)
- remove worker constraint on mongo (22267e6f)
- Update postgis service (close #192) (5f426712)
- Update postgis service (close #192) (2ab05eb3)
- Allow to use additional registries (close #96) (6c2015ea)
- Allow to provide any options of the mapcache seeder when using the seed-cache script (close #191) (3f98d2b0)
- Allow to configure the Tomcat uid and gid of Thredds (close #190) (f62c9663)
- added solution to manage logs closes #187 (90ba158c)
- Remove deprecated seeder service (close #189) (20ac9dba)
- Provide some scripts to seed some layers (close #185) (9bfffa89)
- Bump Weacast loaders to version 1.4.2 (close #186) (1f0b1cd4)
- Provide some scripts to seed some layers #185 (5994d3d7)
- Allow Exec subcommand to handle some arguments (close #182) (6b95a8aa)
- Remove Weacast build scripts (close #183) wip: Allow Exec subcommand to handle some arguments #182 (9d331460)
- Allo to setup the UPPER_LIMIT parameter in Weacast downloaders (close #179) (315d5697)
- Remove frontends definition from ows services (close #181) (3048a25f)
- Bump to Weacast API 1.2.2 (close #180) (f573e99c)
- ACME settings should be attached to Traefik (close #177) [skip build] chore: updated gateway template to use MapCache (3b5e5999)
- Bump to Teleray 1.2.0 (close #176) feat: Bump to Hubeau 1.2.0 (close #175) feat: Bump to OpenAQ 1.0.0 (close #174) feat: Bump to Vigicrues 1.3.0 (close #173) (f40b6f0e)
- Bump to TileServerGL 3.0.0 (close #170) [skip ci] (a609fb4a)
- Enhance MapCache integration (close #171) (b4993bd3)
- Bump to Vigicrues 1.2.0 (close #168) (d7cbae0c)
- Allow to configure cron expression of hubeau (close #161) (a85230d1)
- Allow to configure cron expression of openAQ (close #163) [skip ci] (c268c065)
- Allow to configure cron expression of teleray (close #162) [skip ci] (de584037)
- API Gateway does not correctly manage multiple users (close #194) (723e45ac)
- no local cache for mapcache wmts sources (fixes #193). (001bb089)
- Change Traefik's restart policy to any (close #184) (c9505d68)
- broken links in doc. (3f09b272)
- Getting sporadic '502 bad gateway error' (close #136) (a25d7223)
- docker-socket-proxy-network set to overlay feat: Updated default MapCache data path to /var/cache/mapcache (7f8caffe)
- Default TileserverGL repository (4f76c37e)
- Cannot pull images from private registry (close #172) [skip ci] (b4931370)
- Traefik does not handle failover (close #167) (3e3a60cf)
- Allow to configure the TTL of the Teleray measurements (closed #152) (31fefb29)
- Add a benchmark tool and/or command (close #98) [skip ci] (ddb8800a)
- Provide a tool to perform command line processing (close #156) (d193948d)
- Provide a gui to MongoDB (close #157) (0d319bea)
- Bump Hubeau version to 1.1.0 (close #154)
- Enhance Kano deploy file to take into account Mapillary client ID (close #151) (dcf0c623)
- Decrease default rare success of the hubeau-observations job (decreased to 75%) (close #150) (d1d60a4f)
- Allow to handle labels on the nodes (close #148) (312a945c)
- Provide a redeploy command (close #147) (d348ea16)
- Allow to save the image of a given service (close #142) (d32dfd03)
- hubeau-stations env variable error (f1bb42f1)
- Healthcheck of Krawler jobs fails behind a proxy (close #143) (451cd1f5)
- Weacast loaders do not require the constraint weacast == true anymore (close #146) [skip ci] (eec9f311)
- Spelling error of YML files that expose HTTPS_PROXY (close #144) (e6253908)
- Allow to execute a test script on a given service (close #141) (6412cd3c)
- [Hub'Eau] Upgrade the default version to 1.0.1 (close #140) (6d734d87)
- [Grafana] Repeat the API graph for each consumers (closed #139) (12bc3998)
- [Traefik] Traefik should support gzip compression (close #137) (b4d59306)
- [Prometheus] remove swarm-healthchecks rule (close #135) (7ec50f6e)
- [MapProxy] Upgrade default version to 1.12.0 (close #132) (69404ead)
- [Prometheus] Increase duration condition of the cluster-high-load alert rule (close #133) (fa80b1ad)
- [express-gateway] S3 requests return a '502 bad gateway error' (close #138) (a1bcb661)
- [Grafana] API dashboard has incorrect labels (close #134) (dc7bdb3c)
- [MapProxy] MapProxy build is not working anymore (close #68) (2a21ff99)
- Define automatically service image and tag from when loading an archive (close #131) (19723cc3)
- Upgrade default version of weacast loaders (close #130) (2f0d91d9)
- Upgrade default version of weacast (close #129) (1b412224)
- Maputnik healthcheck is no more working (close #128) (1abc8640)
- kano local build is no more working (close #127) (3a3a91e3)
- Info subcommand should display the stack names not the corresponding environment variables (close #126) (523afaeb)
- Range request headers not correctly forwarded to S3 (close #125) (7878a7a7)
- Add API Gateway monitoring capabilities (close #118) (715750c3)
- Add the services provided by Kaabah (close #114) [skip ci] (940809d0)
- Weacast routing via Traefik is no more required (closed #120) revert: weacast healthcheck configuration (e20e89de)
- Upgrade default version of hubeau (closed #123) (1cea56f3)
- Upgrade default version of teleray (close #122) (6e52dfd5)
- Upgrade default version of vigicrues (close #121) (fca0a7b8)
- Provide a ready to deploy image of the gateway (close #119) (2774fc3f)
- Allow to use a template for configuration files (close #116) (b22a5887)
- Allow to pass KEY_SECRET environment variable to express-gateway (close #110) (25087eca)
- Allow to setup Proxy Environment Variables (close #106) (2b8b9a9a)
- Provide a plugin that could populate the gateway (close #109) (8048e70d)
- Allow to enable DEBUG mode (close #107) (606c99ef)
- Provide a proxy service to S3 (close #105) (9c279a20)
- Add an healthcheck to the gateway (close #104) (01a5f3f4)
- Deploy the gateway on the manager node (close #103) (e03078c6)
- Remove deployment constraints on krawler based jobs (closed #102) (8a16e986)
- Integrate an API gateway to access the services (close #78) (ad6db480)
- kargo info should display the services (close #101) (c081953b)
- Enhance Thredds CORS policy to allow Range Requests (close #97) (58de1c5e)
- Update Vigicrues deployment files (closed #95) (b26cc755)
- Integrate HUB'EAU job (closed #90) (7c7660f9)
- Update Maputnik default version (closed #89) (f7d971e5)
- Enable Redis persistence (closed #87) (92b8ff74)
- Provide a REDIS gui (closed #84) (b151d0f5)
- Add healthcheck on REDIS (closed #85) (af643a28)
- MapServer should use kalisio/mapserver as the default image, version 7.4 (closed #82) (07283830)
- Deploy all may not work (close #67) (7c813f1c)
- is not working anymore (close #117) (72f31b5a)
- Services should be removed in reverse order of deployment (close #115) (c792a24f)
- Missing scopes in the basic-auth credential (close #112) (46952088)
- Cannot load archive when the service contains an hyphen (close #100) (a634a15e)
- Label vigicrues is missing in the vigicrues services (closed #88) (b885b83b)
- Default MapServer image name is invalid (closed #83) (8338dea9)
- Automate archive importation while deploying (closed #81) (e353b1d0)
- Allow to import an image from an archive (closed #80) (5aa097ca)
- Allow to import an image from an archive (closed #80) (0e7633df)
- Update AWS CLI installation method (closed #79) (6c2408c4)
- Allow to define DATA_DB_URL for Kano and Weacast (closed #75) (03893838)
- Update Teleray deploy file (closed #74) (1f6a658d)
- Allow to configure the number of processes/threads used by MapProxy (closed #73) (13b9a9fd)
- Docker specific configuration for the seeder should be retrieved from DOCKER_HOST (closed #71) (ec74dfbd)
- Provide an helper script to install aws cli (closed #69) (0f84533d)
- replaced Weacast demo app by new API module closes #66 (6bf6e61a)
- Provide a script to simplify installation on workers (closed #64) (7a8cb388)
- Provide a subcommand to update the services (closed #63) (379b067b)
- added healthcheck on jobs Closes #60 (bdcb19e2)
- added healthcheck on jobs Closes (e9514b4d)
- Centralize default environment variables (closed #58) (388828db)
- Define default envrionment variables in the deploy files(fixed #58) (eeba098c)
- Provide MapServer deployement capabilities (fixed #50) (9c108bcb)
- Enhance the CLI (close #53) (b18eb35a)
- S3 configuration is not set in Kano (fixed #76) (2eb945cc)
- tried to make install-awscli independant from user (ba719367)
- DOCKER_CERT_PATH default value is restricted to ubuntu use (closed #70) (0782ae6f)
- Variable substitution error when deploying the services (closed #61) (d51dede6)
- Using environment variables as default values in deploy files does not work (closed #59) (fd1c5ac1)
- K2 healthcheck must use the healthcheck entrypoint (fixed #57) (64ede7d2)
- Incorrect deployment files typo: updated_config (close #54) (80f36710)
- Add rolling update capabilities (close #51) (ba5d63d3)
- Add Healthcheck (close #2) (bcaec290)
- Remove experimental support of CesiumTerrainServer (close #52) (d3dade9c)
- Create a build script for Kano (close #49) (10da411e)
- added openaq support (close #42) (26e7dda7)
- build command should rely on the merged configuration (close #41) (f543f6ed)
- the command make should copy the build directory of a workspace too (close #40) (8b09d22d)
- the command make should copy the build directory of a workspace too (close #40) (c424fb4d)
First release