chore: make kapture generic to support any application, not just kano
chore: make kapture generic to support any application, not just kano
fix : added rclone config file in script
fix : added rclone config file in script
chore : update k-hubeau 1.9.0
chore : update k-hubeau 1.9.0
chore: updated changelog
chore: updated changelog
charts: removed unused environment variable from kano,kapp and crisis
charts: removed unused environment variable from kano,kapp and crisis
charts(k-vigicrues): bumped chart version to embed latest release
charts(k-vigicrues): bumped chart version to embed latest release
chore(k8s-toolbox): added tmux to image
chore(k8s-toolbox): added tmux to image
charts(geokoder): new chart release to pull latest release
charts(geokoder): new chart release to pull latest release
feat: add command and args values to override container command and a…
feat: add command and args values to override container command and a…
feat: add a Dockerfile to add python-jose lib to bitnami's odoo image…
feat: add a Dockerfile to add python-jose lib to bitnami's odoo image…
chore: add support for extraVolumeMounts in Krawler cronjob
chore: add support for extraVolumeMounts in Krawler cronjob
chore: add support for extraVolumeMounts in Krawler cronjob
chore: add support for extraVolumeMounts in Krawler cronjob
feat: allow Krawler cronjob to be suspended
feat: allow Krawler cronjob to be suspended
docs: updated CHANGELOG
docs: updated CHANGELOG
fix : fixed multiples issues
fix : fixed multiples issues
charts(passbolt): bumped container tag
charts(passbolt): bumped container tag
chart(weacast): bumped to v2.2.2
chart(weacast): bumped to v2.2.2
chore: updated k8s-toolbox base image to bookworm
chore: updated k8s-toolbox base image to bookworm
chart(weacast-arpege-europe-loader): fix bumped to v1.10.0
chart(weacast-arpege-europe-loader): fix bumped to v1.10.0
chart(weacast): bumped to v2.2.0
chart(weacast): bumped to v2.2.0
chart(weacast-loaders): bumped to v1.10.0
chart(weacast-loaders): bumped to v1.10.0
refactor: Remove unused persistent volume claim and fixed Initcontain…
refactor: Remove unused persistent volume claim and fixed Initcontain…
Merge branch 'romainjacquet-feature/integrate-chirpstack'
Merge branch 'romainjacquet-feature/integrate-chirpstack'
chore(kargo): new kargo chart release
chore(kargo): new kargo chart release
feat(kargo): new template to generate a cronjob to inspect volumes
feat(kargo): new template to generate a cronjob to inspect volumes
fix: always render environment
fix: always render environment
feat: add rawEnv parameter to kargo.environment.render
feat: add rawEnv parameter to kargo.environment.render
feat : added trakkar chart
feat : added trakkar chart