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A reference design to set up a Raspberry Pi and TNC-Pi as a stand-alone, multi-user Winlink client with Pat.

Updated 2020-10-18


Use a Raspberry Pi with a TNC-Pi2 as a Winlink client. When used in the field, the Raspberry Pi sets up a WiFi access point and hosts the Pat HTTP Winlink client. Any laptop or smartphone can connect with WiFi and a web browser, and send and receive Winlink email.

This reference design is meant to be as simple and straightforward as possible to assemble and configure; as such, it does not use the full flexibility of any of the components. Use this as a starting point, then extend based on your own interests or requirements.

Many thanks to Martin Hebnes Pedersen LA5NTA for creating and maintaining Pat!

PiPat is inspired by PiGate by Mark Griffith KD0QYN.

Also check out videos from Jason Oleham KM4ACK about building basically the same thing. He has tons of videos incorporating Raspberry Pi and ham radio, and has built up scripts for many tasks including those outlined here.

Need help?

Use the Pat users mailing list; I'm on there, and if I can't answer immediately, you'll have more eyes on your question.


  • Raspberry Pi, I suspect any hardware version with either built-in WiFi or an AP-capable dongle (I use a Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
  • Latest Raspbian OS with updates installed (I use Buster)
  • Coastal ChipWorks TNC-Pi 2 and interface cable (I bought the kit and built my own cable)
    • Coastal Chipworks is no longer operating, and the TNC-Pi 2 is hard to find, but MFJ has a clone called the MFJ-1270PI. At roughly double the price of the old TNC-Pi 2 kit, I'm not sure I'd recommend it.
    • There are plenty of other good options for TNCs that work with libax25:
  • Any VHF/UHF amateur radio, from a Baofeng UV-5R on up (I mainly use an Anytone AT-D878UV)
  • Power in the field (I use an Aukey Power Bank USB battery)



Assumes starting from a fresh and updated Raspbian image. At the time of writing, this is Raspbian Buster. Raspbian currently comes in 3 sizes: "desktop and recommended software", "desktop" and "lite"; the mid-tier desktop-only image is sufficient.

Open a terminal window and issue the command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade

You should also change the pi user’s password from raspberry to something else:


Enable serial0 for TNC-Pi

sudo raspi-config


  • Change hostname (if desired, for identifying the Pi on your home network)


  • serial console: disable (we don’t want system logs going to the TNC-Pi)
  • serial port: enable (we want to talk to the TNC-Pi through the GPIO pins)
  • I2C: enable (for optional RTC)
  • SSH: enable (for remote debugging)


  • set time zone

Set up Pi as an Access Point

For now, I’m using the wpa_supplicant feature of first attempting to connect to a known network, then falling back to creating an access point. I’d prefer to have more control with a physical toggle switch, but that’s more work.

I’ve had good luck using this script:

Contents of /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev



Then run:

git clone
cd auto-hotspot
chmod +x auto-hotspot
sudo ./
sudo reboot

If you look closely in the auto-hotspot script, you can see the Pi will have an IP address of when it’s in AP mode. If desired, that can be modified in the /etc/systemd/network/ file.

Install and configure ax25.service

sudo apt install ax25-tools ax25-apps

Contents of /etc/ax25/axports:

# name  callsign    speed   paclen  window  description
tncpi   K0SWE-1     19200   255     2       TNC-PI

Above, 19200 is the baud rate of /dev/serial0 between the Pi and TNC-Pi. Below, 1200 is the baud rate between the TNC-Pi and the RF transceiver, and must match the remote Winlink RMS.

Contents of /etc/default/ax25:

# Configuration for AX.25 systemd unit file from Pat.

# The axport from /etc/ax25/axports to bring up.

# The AX.25 baudrate the TNC is configured for.
# Make sure this matches the HBAUD setting of your TNC.

# The TNC serial path.

Install and configure Pat

Follow directions at Download from Need the “armhf” version.

Below is a summary of quickstart and AX.25 wiki pages:

Start ax25 service at boot

sudo /usr/share/pat/ax25/install-systemd-ax25-unit.bash
sudo systemctl enable ax25
sudo systemctl start ax25

Run pat configure (equivalent to $EDITOR ~/.wl2k/config.json), then set these values:

  "mycall": "K0SWE",
  "secure_login_password": "YOUR_WINLINK_PASSWORD",
  "locator": "DM79lv",
  "http_addr": "",  ← Allow web from any host, not just local
  "ax25": {
    "port": "tncpi", ← must match /etc/ax25/axports
    "rig": "", ← have to manually tune your radio

Then start Pat HTTP and enable on boot:

sudo systemctl start pat@pi
sudo systemctl enable pat@pi

(Optional) GPS Position reports

Pat can send position reports. This can be fed by browser-based geolocation APIs, but that’s considered a “powerful feature” and is disabled for insecure origins, so it’s hard to get running with Pat over Wifi. Instead, a GPS module can feed location directly to the Pi.

sudo apt install gpsd gpsd-clients

I noticed that gpsd was not picking up my particular USB GPS unit when plugged in. I tracked it down to a udev rule in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-gpsd.rules:

# Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port [linux module: pl2303]
# rule disabled in Debian as it matches too many other devices
#ATTRS{idVendor}=="067b", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2303", SYMLINK+="gps%n", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="gpsdctl@%k.service"

After uncommenting the ATTRS line, hot-plugging the USB GPS unit works as expected.

Test gpsd with cgps or gpsmon.

After that, creating a position report in Pat can be done from CLI. It can also be enabled in the Pat web interface with another change in pat configure:

  "GPSd": {
    "enable_http": true, ← change this to enable GPS reports in Pat web
    "use_server_time": false,
    "addr": "localhost:2947"

(Optional) Accurate Time

The Raspberry Pi does not come with an onboard Real-Time Clock (RTC) with a battery power supply the way most desktop and laptop computers do. This means the system clock will stop when power is disconnected, making timestamps of emails and log messages inaccurate.

In an internet-connected context, an NTP client can be used to fetch time from an NTP server. A program called ntpd was the old standard; now systemd-timesyncd (with timedatectl) is the lightweight, pre-installed replacement, and chrony is the full-featured replacement. Any guides referencing ntpd should be avoided. See this for more details.

For field-deployed situations without internet, a couple of solutions for accurate time are possible.

Get Time from GPS

In addition to location, GPS provides accurate time which can be used to set the system clock. If you’re already using GPS, it’s a great option. See this guide from Mike Richards G4WNC. In summary:

sudo apt -y install gpsd gpsd-clients python-gps chrony

Contents of /etc/default/gpsd:

DEVICES=""       ← G4WNC recommends specifying this, but I leave mine dynamic

Add to end of /etc/chrony/chrony.conf:

# Use NMEA data from gpsd shared memory
refclock SHM 0 offset 0.5 delay 0.2 refid NMEA

Reboot, then check if it’s working:

# Is GPS getting good data?
# or
# Is chrony getting input from GPS? Will say so even when internet-connected
chronyc sources -v

That setup uses NMEA data which has <1 second precision and is good enough for my purposes. There’s also a PPS protocol which is extremely accurate but not supported by all GPS modules and needs Linux kernel support, which is just too much work.

Add-on RTC module

Add an RTC module with battery: cheap or precise options from Adafruit, or precise, cheap but dodgy from China. These use the I2C bus and need some setup as described here.

If you didn’t already:

sudo raspi-config
# enable I2C interface & set time zone

Add one of these lines at the end of /boot/config.txt, depending on which RTC chip you're using:



sudo reboot

sudo apt-get -y remove fake-hwclock
sudo update-rc.d -f fake-hwclock remove
sudo systemctl disable fake-hwclock

In file /lib/udev/hwclock-set, comment out lines:

#if [ -e /run/systemd/system ] ; then
# exit 0

#/sbin/hwclock --rtc=$dev --systz --badyear

#/sbin/hwclock --rtc=$dev --systz

Make sure clock is updated, then write to RTC:

# Sync time using the internet
sudo timedatectl
# or
sudo chronyc -a makestep

# Save the time to the RTC
sudo hwclock -w

Now when the system boots, the Pi should read from the RTC to set system time.

Using PiPat

In the field, the Pi will start a WiFi access point named PiPat with password HelloWinlink. Connect your laptop or phone to that network, then point your web browser at The Pat web application should be served up!

When transmitting and receiving, note that your radio should be set to leave the squelch open/off!

Future ideas for PiPat


Dire Wolf

I tried this basic setup with Dire Wolf 1.5, and got it working reasonably well. This variation doesn’t use the TNC-Pi, but does need either a sound card radio interface like a SignaLink USB (the way I tested), or a cheap USB sound card and a GPIO PTT circuit. I’m not going to automate it with systemd, but it does work.

Contents of /etc/ax25/axports:

# name  callsign        speed   paclen    window  description
dwlf    K0SWE-1         0       255       2       Direwolf/Signalink

Contents of ~/.wl2k/config.json:

"ax25": {
    "port": "dwlf",

Direwolf config, figure out which sound card number:

arecord -l
aplay -l

Then, contents of ~/direwolf.conf:

ADEVICE  plughw:1,0

To start:

direwolf -t 0 -p > direwolf.log 2>&1 &
# note that /dev/pts/1 can change, have to watch direwolf logs to verify
sudo kissattach /dev/pts/1 dwlf
# workaround for "Invalid transmit channel 8 from KISS client app"
sudo kissparms -c 1 -p dwlf

pat http

If you see "Invalid transmit channel 8 from KISS client app" in Direwolf logs, see wb2osz/direwolf#42.