diff --git a/src/main/resources/indexpage_en.properties b/src/main/resources/indexpage_en.properties
index 70298b2f..89009dfa 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/indexpage_en.properties
+++ b/src/main/resources/indexpage_en.properties
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-description.all = Warning: Several links cause severe memory leaks or increase a CPU usage rate. They can make your computer unstable.
The result may change depending on JRE type / version, JVM option, OS, hardware (memory, CPU) or etc.
+description.all = Warning: Several links cause severe memory leaks or increase CPU usage rate. They can make your computer unstable.
The results may change depending on JRE type / version, JVM option, OS, hardware (memory, CPU) or etc.
description.errors = OutOfMemoryError, StackOverflowError, NoClassDefFoundError, and so on:
description.performance.issue = Issues for performance
description.section.exceptions = Exceptions, extending from java.lang.RuntimeException:
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ function.description.path.traversal = There is a path traver
function.description.redirect.loop = Redirect loop occurs if you click this link.
function.description.round.off.error = Round off error can occur.
function.description.session.fixation = This login page is vulnerable for session fixation attack.
-function.description.slow.regular.expression = It takes time to parse the regular expression if you enter a specific string.
-function.description.slow.string.plus.operation = It takes time to append strings if you enter a large number.
-function.description.slow.unnecessary.object.creation = If you input a large number, it takes time to respond due to unnecessary object creation.
+function.description.slow.regular.expression = It takes time to parse a regular expression.
+function.description.slow.string.plus.operation = It takes time to append strings.
+function.description.slow.unnecessary.object.creation = It takes time to respond due to unnecessary object creation.
function.description.sql.injection = There is an SQL injection vulnerability in this page.
function.description.thread.leak = Thread leak occurs every time you load this page.
function.description.throwable = {0} is thrown if you click this link.
diff --git a/src/main/resources/messages_en.properties b/src/main/resources/messages_en.properties
index 687c1691..27f97e46 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/messages_en.properties
+++ b/src/main/resources/messages_en.properties
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
description.access.history = Access history in this page (The latest 15 records).
-description.capitalize.string = If you enter a string, then the capitalized string is shown. For example: capitalize string -> Capitalize String
+description.capitalize.string = When you enter a string, the capitalized string is shown. For example: capitalize string -> Capitalize String
description.design.page = You can change design of this page. Please click one of the links below and change this page to your style.
description.design.test = Please click on one of the links below.
-description.endless.waiting = If you enter a character count, then a batch (including echo characters of the count) is created and executed.
-description.parse.json = If you enter a JSON string, then a result checked by JSON.parse() of JavaScript is shown.
-description.random.string.generator = If you enter a character count, then a random characters of the count is created.
-description.response.time = If you add pingurl=[a URL] to query string, the response code and time from the url is shown.
-description.reverse.string = If you enter a string, then the reversed string is shown.
+description.endless.waiting = When you enter a character count, a batch file (including echo characters of the count) is created and executed.
+description.parse.json = When you enter a JSON string, a result checked by JSON.parse() of JavaScript is shown.
+description.random.string.generator = When you enter a character count, a random characters of the count is created.
+description.response.time = When you add pingurl=[a URL] to query string, the response code and time from the url is shown.
+description.reverse.string = When you enter a string, the reversed string is shown.
description.send.mail = You can send a mail to the site administrator.
description.test.regular.expression = Please test if an input string matches the regular expression ^([a-z0-9]+[-]{0,1}){1,100}$
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ label.your.mail = Your Mail Address
label.your.name = Your Name
msg.account.locked = Your account is locked out because the number of login failures exceeds {0} times.
-msg.add.users.by.xml = If you upload an XML file of the following format, users can be registered all at once.
+msg.add.users.by.xml = When you upload an XML file of the following format, users can be registered all at once.
msg.admin.page.top = Well come to admins page!!
msg.answer.is.correct = Your answer is correct!
msg.authentication.fail = Authentication failed. Please login again.
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ msg.enter.json.string = Please enter JSON string.
msg.enter.mail = Please enter your mail address.
msg.enter.math.expression = Please enter a mathematical expression. You can use java.lang.Math
in the expression. For example, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2, 6)) - 5
msg.enter.name = Please enter your name.
-msg.enter.name.and.passwd = If you enter your name and password, then your secret number is shown.
-msg.enter.passwd = If you enter a new password and click the submit button, then your password will be changed.
+msg.enter.name.and.passwd = When you enter your name and password, your secret number is shown.
+msg.enter.passwd = When you enter a new password and click the submit button, your password will be changed.
msg.enter.positive.number = Please enter a positive number.
msg.enter.string = Please enter a string.
msg.error.user.not.exist = User does not exist or password does not match.
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ msg.note.clickjacking = This page receives a request that a user doe
msg.note.clientinfo = If the directory listing feature works and you access to http://localhost:8080/uid/, then you can see the file list in the uid directory. If you login as an acount written in http://localhost:8080/uid/adminpassword.txt you can access to /uid/serverinfo.jsp.
msg.note.codeinjection = If you enter {}');java.lang.System.exit(0);//
, then JavaVM is forcibly finished due to code injection.
msg.note.commandinjection = If you enter @Runtime@getRuntime().exec('rm -fr /your-important-dir/')
, then your important directory is removed on your server.
-msg.note.createobjects = If you enter a large number, it takes time to respond due to unnecessary object creation.
+msg.note.createobjects = If you enter a large number, then it takes time to respond due to unnecessary object creation.
msg.note.csrf = This page receives a request that a user does not intend and changes the user's password.
msg.note.dangerous.file.inclusion = Change the query string to template=[URL where malicious JSP file is deployed]
, then a malicious code is executed.
msg.note.db.connection.leak.occur = DB connection leak occurs every time you load this page.
@@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ msg.note.memoryleak3 = Memory leak occurs in C heap space every tim
msg.note.mojibake = Mojibake occurs if you enter a multi-byte string.
msg.note.netsocketleak = Network socket leak occurs every time you load this page.
msg.note.not.use.ext.db = Database connection leak occurs if using an external RDBMS such as MySQL. Please edit application.properties
if using an external RDBMS.
-msg.note.nullbyteinjection = If using Java earlier than version 1.7.0_40 and you add fileName=../WEB-INF/web.xml%00
to the query string, you can download a file which includes the content of web.xml.
+msg.note.nullbyteinjection = If using Java earlier than version 1.7.0_40 and you add fileName=../WEB-INF/web.xml%00
to the query string, then you can download a file which includes the content of web.xml.
msg.note.open.redirect = You can login with admin
and password
. If you add goto=[an URL of a malicious site]
to the query string, you can redirect to the malicious site.
msg.note.path.traversal = Change the query string to template=../WEB-INF/web.xml?
, then you can see the content of web.xml in the source code of this page.
msg.note.roundofferror = Round off error occurs if you enter 1.
msg.note.session.fixation = You can login with admin
and password
. The URL rewriting feature works on this page in order to support clients that cannot use cookie, so the session fixation attack is possible.
-msg.note.slowregex = If you enter string to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\u3042
, parse processing will take several tens of seconds
If you enter string to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\u3042
, then no response will be received.
+msg.note.slowregex = If you enter string to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\u3042
, then the parse processing will take several tens of seconds.
If you enter string to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\u3042
, then no response will be received.
msg.note.sqlijc = You can see a secret number if you enter Mark
and password
. You can see other users information if you enter password to ' OR '1'='1
-msg.note.strplusopr = If you enter a large number then the processing will take several tens of seconds because the string is created by "+" (plus) operator.
+msg.note.strplusopr = If you enter a large number, then the processing will take several tens of seconds because the string is created by "+" (plus) operator.
msg.note.threadleak = Thread leak occurs every time you load this page.
msg.note.truncationerror = Truncation error occurs if you enter 3 or 7 or 9.
msg.note.unrestrictedextupload = If you upload JSP file (named exit.jsp) including <% System.exit(0); %>
and access to http://localhost:8080/uploadFiles/exit.jsp, then JavaVM is forcibly finished.
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ msg.note.verbose.errror.message = You can login with admin
and >tpircs/<;)eikooc.tnemucod(trela>tpIrcs<
msg.note.xxe.step1 = If you create the following DTD file on a web server that can be accessed from this server, for example, http://attacker.site/vulnerable.dtd
-msg.note.xxe.step2 = and upload the following XML file, you can display the password file (/etc/passwd) on the Linux server.
+msg.note.xxe.step2 = and upload the following XML file, then you can display the password file (/etc/passwd) on the Linux server.
msg.passwd.change.failed = Password change failed.
msg.passwd.changed = Your password is successfully changed.
msg.passwd.is.too.short = The password must be at least 8 characters.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ msg.sent.mail = The mail was sent successfully.
msg.unknown.exception.occur = Unknown exception occurs : {0}
msg.update.records = Updated {0} records.
msg.update.users = You can update users information.
-msg.update.users.by.xml = If you upload an XML file of the following format, users can be updated all at once.
+msg.update.users.by.xml = When you upload an XML file of the following format, users can be updated all at once.
msg.user.already.exist = The user already exists.
msg.user.not.exist = The user does not exist.
msg.valid.json = Valid JSON!