Support tools that deal with Scala.js in the project of the npm.
npm install --save-dev tpr
tpr src -o scalajs.js --fullOpt
$ tpr --version
$ tpr --help
Usage: cli [options] <file ...>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --output <directory> Output file of linker (required)
-jo, --jsoutput <file> Concatenate all JavaScript libary dependencies to this file
-f, --fastOpt Optimize code (this is the default)
-n, --noOpt Don't optimize code
-u, --fullOpt Fully optimize code (uses Google Closure Compiler)
-p, --prettyPrint Pretty print full opted code (meaningful with -u)
-s, --sourceMap Produce a source map for the produced code
--compliantAsInstanceOfs Use compliant asInstanceOfs
-m, --outputMode <value> Output mode (ECMAScript51Isolated, ECMAScript6, ECMAScript6StrongMode, ECMAScript51Global)
-b, --bypassLinkingErrors Only warn if there are linking errors
-c, --checkIR Check IR before optimizing
-r, --relativizeSourceMap <path> Relativize source map with respect to given path (meaningful with -s)
--noStdlib Don't automatcially include Scala.js standard library
Copyright (c) 2015 k-kinzal