The primary goal of Ottto is to lessen the required knowledge and/or cost of connecting everyday items to the Internet of Things. For something as simple as turning on a light when remote motion is triggered to setting up a fully automated home security system to building a completely customized home theater experience, Ottto should be a flexible and inexpensive solution to home automation.
A Sails app that delivers a RESTful API of modules, groups, events, and rules.
- Install Node & NPM
cd ./server
npm install
npm run dev
- Software modules
- Timer module (for conditions like "if the motion sensor has had no motion for 10 minutes")
- Weather module
- Cron module
- Ping modules for status (ensure modules are online)
An Angular app for reading and interacting with the API. Intends to be responsive so you can easily access modules from your mobile, or tablet.
cd ./client
npm install
npm run dev
- Switch to React, possibly React Native
Modules are based on the ESP8266 chip, specifically the inexpensive NodeMCU boards. Using PlatformIO, uploading code to the boards is incredibly easy.
- Install PlatformIO
- Connect to a NodeMCU board via USB
cd ./modules/motion
platformio run --target upload
- C library encapsulating the common interaction between the modules and the server