- Add blog link to the drawer.
- Add Blog/Login images to Pages.
- Fixed indents of Components page.
- Fixed bottom nav bar on IOS devices.
- Fixed touchable spacing of top nav Arrow/Burger button.
Update some libs
Added Blog page, and single post view, connected to wp rest API
Added dynamic color variable for the drawer, updated themes.
Added brand new Drawer navigation, updated react-navigation.
Added new modern charts, updated libraries, updated legacy lifecycle methods.
General project and dependencies QA
Bug fixes and libraries update.
It's a huge update that doesn't have a backward compability with the 1.x version because we totally rebuilt the RNS from the ground.
- Removed Expo and transitioned to native projects, because of lots of restrictions that expo adds to your projects.
- Added Plop generator for easy deveopment.
- Added support for unit testing with Jest and Enzyme.
- Added support for e2e testing with Detox.
- New modular architecture that will help you speed up the applications development.
- Lots of performance improvements in comparison with v1.0.0
- Removed eslint styling rules in favour of prettier.
- Added new documentation at https://docs.reactnativestarter.com/
- CI/CD compatibale project
- Lots of new fixes and improvements
- Navigation header issue
- Updated React Navigation to version 3.0.0
- Updated all the libraries to latest versions
- Added Prettier