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File metadata and controls

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Robot Viewer

This is a simulator and control interface for 6 axis robotic arms.


# Directory for all the react static site content
# Directory for all the node/express server content ( BFF )

Getting Started

# Install any deps
$ npm i

# Start up the node server and webpack dev server
$ npm run start:dev

Now go to localhost:3000 and you will see the app!


$ npm run start:dev

The above command will run two commands

$ npm run client:local
$ npm run server:local

The first will run a webpack-dev-server ( development server with hot reloading ).

The second will start up the bff ( express-app/node-server ) with the env variable NODE_ENV=development

Build / Deploy

This project contains a Dockerfile that can be built with:

npm run build:docker

To run it locally simply run

npm run run:docker


Kinematics Diagram

Mock Javascript Robot ( /example )

We have included a mock robot that simulates the robot protocol. You can run it with the following command.

cd example
DEBUG='mock:.*' node index.js -p 3000 --host localhost --key customer-key --id example-js

Now you can navigate to this url, select the robot from the dropdown, and control the mock robot


Also you can even have this connect to the deployed instance :)

cd example
DEBUG='mock:.*' node index.js --url --key customer-key --id example-js

Navigate to the following url to view

Mock Python Robot ( /example_py )

Python Installation

Its reccomended that you set up a viruall python envirnment. Note, you must use version 3.8 or 3.10 of python.

Run the following in the root of the project

cd example_py
python3.10 -m venv venv

The above will set up a virtual envirnment directory. Next you simply activate it.

source venv/bin/activate

This will activate the virtual envirnment. Now all thats left is to install the dependencies

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

You can run tests like the following from the example_py directory

DEBUG=mock:.* python

Here is how you can run the example robot!

DEBUG='mock:.*' python --port 3000 --host localhost --key customer-key --id example-py

Connecting to Robots

In order to connect to the robots the robot implimentation must be connected to robot viewer. All communication occurs via You will need to have implimented the robot protocol. Every socket event is described below, and in addition there are specific events from the robot you need to subscibe to.


This application makes up Robot Viewer and Controller

In addition you can have multiple clients sending commands to the controler and listening to robot updates.

+------------------+                 +------------------+               +------------------------+
|                  |                 |                  |               | igus-motor-controller  |
|    RobotViewer   | <-- /client --> |    Controller    | <-- /robot -->| rizon-robot-controller |
|     (Client)     |   (   |     (server)     |               | or ...                 |
+------------------+                 +------------------+               +------------------------+
+------------------+                           |
|      Custom      |                           |
|   Control/Viewer | <-- /client ---------------
|     (Client)     |   (

Socket Control Events

The following are all socket events that can be recieved on the robot side and can be sent via robot-controller.

Generic Events
Event Description Parameters
connect Connects to the socket None
hello Receives a hello message msg
disconnect Disconnects from the socket None
home Homes the robot (generic) None
Robot Events
Event Description Parameters
robotHome Homes the robot None
robotSplitHome Homes the robot in split mode None
robotStop Stops the robot None
robotMode Puts the robot into the passed mode ex "IDLE" None
robotFreeze Freezes the robot None
robotEnable Enables the robot None
robotCenter Centers the robot None
robotSetAngles Sets the robot's angles angles, speed
robotMoveL Tels the robot to move linear liearParameters
robotMoveContact Tels the robot to move until contact force contactParameters
robotUpdateConfig Updates the robot's configuration key, value
robotWriteConfig Writes the robot's configuration None
robotAccelEnabled Enables robot acceleration value
robotResetErrors Resets the robot's errors None
robotReference References the robot None
robotZero Zeros the robot None
robotZeroFT Zeros the robots force tourque sensors None
robotFreedriveEnable Enables Freedrive On the Robot frame, cartFloatingAxis, nullspace
robotFreedriveDisable Disables Freedrive On the Robot None
robotJointFreedriveEnable Enables freedrive on specific joints joints

Note: Here ar. examples of cartFloatingAxis and joint parameters for the freedrive functions


  "x": true,
  "y": true,
  "z": true,
  "rx": false,
  "ry": false,
  "rz": false


  "j0": true,
  "j1": true,
  "j2": true,
  "j3": false,
  "j4": false,
  "j5": false
Motor Events
Event Description Parameters
motorSetPos Sets the motor position id, pos, speed
motorResetErrors Resets the motor's errors id
motorEnable Enables the motor id
motorDisable Disables the motor id
motorCalibrate Calibrates the motor id
motorReference References the motor id
queryMotorPosition Queries the motor's position id
queryMotorParameter Queries the motor's parameter id, index, subindex
motorHome Homes the motor id
motorZero Zeros the motor id
Gripper Events
Event Description Parameters
gripperSetPos Sets the gripper position pos, speed, force, wait

Robot State Events

The following are events that are emitted from the robot side and can be listened to on the robot-controller side.

Event Description Parameters
state Emits the robot's state robot.state
encoder Emits encoder data robot.state
ready Emits when the robot is ready robot.meta, robot.state
meta Emits metadata robot.meta
moved Emits when the robot moves robot.meta
pulse Emits pulse data id, pos

NOTE These events are not a one to one mapping from robot event --- to ---> client side subscription. There is an internal controller in robot-viewer that handles the emitting of the events and passes them up to the client.

For example the meta event is emitted from the robot, that gets emitted to the robot-controller as a "register" event which is then consumed by the controller.js file and emitted to the client as a "robots" event.

robot.emit("meta") -----> server.emit("register") -----> client.emit("robots")

To make this more clear I created the following table

Robot Event Emitted From Robot Server As Emitted to Client As
connect robots, robotConnected
disconnect robots,robotDisconnected
state state robot
encoder encoder robot
meta register robots
ready register, state robots, robot
moved moved robotMoved
pulse pulse pulse

Now we can take a look at the events that are emitted to the client side.

Client Event Description Parameters
robotConnected Emitted when a robot connects to the controller
robotDisconnected Emitted when a robot disconnects from the controller
robot Emitted when the robot state changes, robot.state
robots Emitted when a robot registeres, deregisters, or sends updated meta [robot.meta]
robotMoved Emitted when the robot moves, robot.meta
pulse Emitted when the robot's motor's pulse data changes ( not used atm ), motor.pos
Robot Meta

Meta is specific information about the robot that is not constantly updated, see example object below.

const meta = {
  socketId: socketId, // Socket id of the connected robot ( comes from socket io connection in robot-viewers controller )
  id:, // UUID for the connected robot
  stopped: this.stopped, // boolean if robot is currently stopped
  ready: this.ready, // boolean if robot is currently ready
  home: this.home, // boolean if robot is currently home
  homing: this.homing, // boolean if robot is currently homing
  moving: this.moving, // boolean if robot is currently moving
  freedrive: this.freedrive, // boolean if the robot is currently in freedrive
  config: this.config, // Current robot configuration
  motors: this.motorsMeta, // Metadata about motors ( example [{id: 'j0', id: 'j1'}] )
  errors: this.errors, // any current errors on the robot
Robot State

State is specific information about the robot that IS constantly updated, see example object below:

const state = {
  id: 1, // Robot unique id
  motors: {
    // ... motor state depends on the robot type see examples below
Required state attributes
Attribute Description
id Unique identifier for the motor e.g "j0", "j1" ...
homing Indicates if the motor is in the homing process
home Indicates if the motor is in the home position
ready Indicates if the motor is ready for operation
enabled Indicates if the motor is enabled
moving Indicates if the motor is currently moving
error Error message
Attributes Specific to AR4 Robot
Attribute Description
homed Indicates if the motor has completed homing
stepPosition Current step position of the motor
encoderPosition Current encoder position of the motor
Attributes Specific to IGUS Robot
Attribute Description
canId CAN bus identifier for the motor
currentPosition Current position in degrees
currentTics Current position in tics
encoderPulsePosition Current encoder pulse position in degrees
encoderPulseTics Current encoder pulse position in tics
jointPositionSetPoint Set point for joint position in degrees
jointPositionSetTics Set point for joint position in tics
goalPosition Goal position in degrees
motorCurrent Current motor current
errorCode Error code
errorCodeString String representation of the error code
voltage Current voltage
tempMotor Motor temperature
tempBoard Board temperature
direction Direction of motor movement
motorError Specific motor error
adcError ADC error
rebelError Rebel error
controlError Control error
sendInterval Interval at which data is sent
calculatedVelocity Calculated velocity
currentVelocity Current velocity
positionHistory History of positions with timestamps

Known implimentations

Implimentation Language Repo
Igus JS igus-motor-controller
AR4 JS servo
Robot Events
Event Igus AR4
state X X
encoder X X
ready X X
meta X X
moved X X
pulse X
Socket Events
Event Igus AR4
connect X X
hello X X
motorSetPos X X
motorResetErrors X X
motorEnable X X
motorDisable X X
motorCalibrate X
motorReference X
queryMotorPosition X
queryMotorParameter X
motorHome X X
motorZero X X
gripperSetPos X X
robotHome X X
robotSplitHome X
robotStop X X
robotFreeze X X
robotEnable X X
robotCenter X X
robotSetAngles X X
robotUpdateConfig X X
robotWriteConfig X X
robotAccelEnabled X
robotResetErrors X
robotReference X
robotZero X
home X
disconnect X X