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962 lines (725 loc) · 37.6 KB


  • Moved jamba to Imports, from Depends, for cleaner R code.
  • Updated named_colors to v11.0.0 from "meodai/color-names"

updates to existing functions

  • blend_colors()

    • Improved support for applying alpha to the output color.
    • New argument apply_alpha=TRUE will apply alpha transparency to multiple colors, returning a blended color with appropriate transparency. The goal was to blend transparent red with itself and produce less transparent red.
    • New argument flatten_alpha will optionally flatten any blended color transparency using the background color bg. The goal was to convert transparent red (see above) to light red equivalent to transparent red on white background.
    • New argument bg is used only when flatten_alpha=TRUE, for background color other than white.
  • closest_named_colors() now uses proper colorjam::named_colors to fix error when calling colorjam::closest_named_colors() without loading the colorjam package first.


bug fixes

  • blend_colors(): Fixed error when matrixStats was not installed.

other changes

  • Added testthat coverage for core functions.


bug fixes

  • blend_colors() was not properly using preset

    • whenever options("jam.preset") had already been defined, it would take priority during color blending.
    • Fixed by passing preset="custom" internally.
    • Also expanded available preset values to permit all values in colorjam_presets().


bug fixes

  • launchColorjamShiny()

    • Error when jamba was not already loaded, added proper package prefix: jamba::kable_coloring()
  • subset_colors()

    • added missing prefixes for jamba::rgb2col()
  • rainbowJam()

    • added missing prefix for jamba::col2hcl()
  • named_colors - fixed missing named using data-raw/named_colors.R

other changes

  • Added @source to named_colors to Github "meodai/color-names"

  • Added data-raw/ to prepare named_colors

  • Small adjustments to preset="dichromat2"

  • rainbowJam()

    • new argument min_requested_n previously used internally, exposed for testing the minimum requested hues. Secretly used to ensure the first 5 or so colors are pretty.
    • The new default second color is now blue! I maybe should not have done that. But right now I like it.


  • .onLoad() to add default options(colorjam.preset="dichromat2"), and which can be customized.
  • README.Rmd was rewritten to match recent updates.

changes to existing functions

  • sort_colors()

    • argument byCols=NULL changed to byCols=c("H", "C", "L") so the default behavior will sort colors by hue, previously the default behavior was not to sort colors, which seemed counter to the default purpose of the function.
  • new preset "hcl_to_hsl" intended for internal use to convert HCL hue to HSL hue.

  • launchColorjamShiny()

    • now hides presets: "none", "hcl_to_hsl"

new functions

  • remap_colorjam_preset()

    • experimental, intended to remap colors from one preset to another
    • it works fairly well, but honestly it may have marginal utility
  • hcl_to_hsl_hue(),hsl_to_hcl_hue()

    • conversion to the hue in HCL and HSL color spaces.


Added MIT license and copyright.

general updates

  • dichromat added as package dependency. Respect.

  • cli was added as a package dependency (in v24 actually), to be consistent with recommended R package messaging.

  • Each preset now includes direction and default_step, optional attribute "description" as a label.

    • after testing it soon became clear that each preset is designed with a step in mind, so the appropriate default_step should be stored
    • also the direction was previously deduced by the h1,h2 values, however this too is unnecessary and should be encoded in the preset to avoid errors.
  • For my own benefit, I made a simple R-shiny app:

    • visualize colors from rainbowJam()
    • adjust the number of colors n, preset, step
    • plotly to adjust the preset control points, creating a new color wheel
    • subset specific colors for direct visual comparison
  • I used the R-shiny app to create and optimize dichromat2:

    • starts at gold
    • roughly evenly distributes warm/cool colors around two halves of the color wheel
    • roughly evenly distributes color-blindness sensitive colors around two halves of the color wheel, for "deutan", "protan", and "tritan". It isn't perfect, but should enhance the visual distinction in adjacent colors, while being fairly scalable to large n.

new data

  • named_colors

    • Superset of 4883 hexadecimal colors with corresponding color names:

      • 4447 colors from Github "meodai/color-names" repository;
      • 436 colors from grDevices::colors(), which were not already defined by Meodai colors.
    • Colors are intended to improve labeling rainbowJam() colors.

    • Color labels from closest_named_color() could become a QC step to confirm that rainbowJam() creates colors that can be assigned to different named colors.

    • In testing, grDevices::colors() did not provide sufficient detail, specific examples frequently included "cornflowerblue" and "steelblue" despite appearing for colors with visibly distinctive blue/purple color hues.

new functions

  • launchColorjamShiny()

    • simple R-shiny app to display categorical colors
    • selection of ', preset, step, phase, subset
    • plotly interactive plot of h1 and h2 values, which can be edited! Is it not perfect, need to override plotly "snap" behavior, which seems to be hard-coded.
    • optional dichromat::dichromat() adjustment to simulate color-blindness
    • colorjamShinyServer(),colorjamShinyUI() are internal functions to provide server and ui components to shiny::runApp().
  • closest_named_color()

    • simple wrapper to closestRcolor() except that it uses the 4883 named_colors instead of R grDevices::colors(), although all colors are contained in named_colors.
  • validate_colorjam_preset()

    • function to adjust raw h1,h2 values, wrap within range c(0, 360)
    • breaks ties in a way that maintains proper sort order for direction=1 and direction=-1
    • Todo: impose edits to h1,h2 when out of order. E.g. is one point is adjusted past the next point, the next point should be shifted.
  • plot_colorjam_preset()

    • visual plotting of h1,h2 values, showing the resulting color along each respective axis.
    • option for base R plot, or plotly with editable control points (the editing is only functional inside an R-shiny app).
  • vibrant_color_by_hue()

    • external convenience function that takes an HCL color hue and returns the most saturated HSL color.
    • internally it converts HCL to hex, hex to HSL - because HSL hue differs from HCL hue. Then using HSL hue it uses S=100, L=50 to obtain the most saturated color.
    • it still shows color hue "drift" since HCL hue to HSL hue is not a linear relationship for different CL or SL values, but it's much better than using HCL and letting it randomly determine what hue is the closest match to the requested HCL values.

changes to existing functions

  • rainbowJam()

    • new argument option nameStyle="closest_named_color" which uses the 4883 named_colors for labeling.
    • nameStyle="hcl" now calculates actual HCL values and not the input values to hcl(), because those values may change upon creating a color in gamut.
    • h1,h2 are deprecated, instead use preset
    • Cvals,Lvals are deprecated, instead use step
    • phase can take one or more values, to select and order specific items in the given step
  • colorjam_presets(),add_colorjam_preset()

    • Each preset now also has direction and default_step.
  • h2hw(),hw2h()

    • now calls colorjam_presets()
  • approx_degrees()

    • now accepts preset input
    • handles (and requires) direction instead of determining by h1,h2
    • calls validate_colorjam_preset() to handle tie-breaks
  • closestRcolor()

    • names are assigned when colorSet has names, helpful with the reference colors are hex, and names are user-friendly labels.


This version of colorjam turned into a bit of a refactor:

  • Color wheels are now stored as "presets":

    • presets are stored within the colorjam environment
    • preset names are given by colorjam_presets()
    • preset values are accessed by colorjam_presets("dichromat")
    • new presets are registered with add_colorjam_preset()
    • the preset can be defined with options("colorjam.preset")
  • Rainbow colors are adjusted by Chroma/Luminance "steps":

    • "steps" are stored in the colorjam environment

    • Each step is a list with numeric vectors named "C" and "L", each with values within the range: c(0, 100).

    • steps are accessed with colorjam_steps(), colorjam_steps("v24")

    • new steps are registered with add_colorjam_step()

    • the steps can be defined with options("colorjam.step")

    • Background:

      • rainbowJam() used arguments Cvals and Lvals to apply a sequence of luminance/chroma values to a series of color hues. The variation in C and L values was intended to maximize visual distinctiveness of consecutive colors. In fact, this process was the inspiration for colorjam, to make rainbow catgorical colors more visually distinctive than comparable functions that notably intend to produce colors as similar as possible. Different motivations.
      • colorspace::rainbow_hcl(n, c, l) accepts only one value per c and l argument
      • grDevices::rainbow() uses the non-uniform hsv color space, and accepts multiple values for arguments s and v. (To be fair, the hcl.colors()
  • Altogether rainbowJam() defines categorical colors with two core elements:

    • "preset": color wheel with starting color, to define the color hues.
    • "steps": series of Chroma/Luminance values to apply to color hues.
  • Starting color:

    • The RGB color wheel classically "starts with" red.

    • It could be because the first color in the visible spectra ("ROY G. BIV": red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) is red. However, in a color "wheel" the colors are rolled back on themselves, so any color can be placed at the top. Red is traditional.

    • After very heavy usage of this package, it became clear that assigning categorical colors to statistical designs was not ideal. Specifically, we standardized experiment designs so that "the control" for each experiment factor is the first value in each column.

      • Some examples: c("Control", "Dexamethasone", "Etoposide"); c("Wildtype", "ADAM19_Knockout"); c("Time0", "Time1", "Time2", "Time3")
      • The first group was always colored bright red; subsequent groups were assigned orange, yellow, blue, purple.
      • Dr. Ayland Letsinger asked why we didn't start with yellow instead of red, so the control group would have a neutral color? Brilliant.
    • The new presets include:

      • "dichromat2" which starts with gold, proceeds in reverse to red, purple, blue. (There is no green in the dichromat color wheel.)
      • "ybr" derived by "ryb" except it starts with yellow, proceeds "forward" to green, blue, purple, then red.
  • Added cli package dependency for improved messaging, particularly for deprecated function arguments.

Bug fixes

  • Added missing package prefix with internal references to jam_linear and jam_divergent data objects.

changes to existing functions

  • rainbowJam()

    • argument preset is the primary definition of color wheel

    • arguments Cvals,Lvals,Crange,Lrange are deprecated (frankly, who is affected though, only me)

    • arguments h1,h2 are deprecated and ignored in favor of preset. To use custom h1,h2 they must be added to new preset then referred by name.

    • new argument step defines the sequence of C and L values

      • steps from specific previous versions of colorjam are available: "v19", "v20", "v23", and "v24".
      • steps were adjusted to minimize out of bounds colors, which colorspace and farver handle by adjusting other color channels; sometimes substantially changing the output color hue. This change sometimes caused the color hue sequence to reverse itself to accommodate the requested C and L values, and was the driving use case for the refactored arguments preset and steps.
  • color_pie()

    • text labels are rotated parallel to each pie wedge
    • text labels use jamba::shadowText() and jamba::setTextContrastColor()
    • default radius is now 1.1, to fit most plot devices.
  • closestRcolor()

    • New argument Cgrey to recognize when input x colors are greyscale, in which case they are matched with colors from colorSet which are below C_min Chroma saturation. By default, color matching is much improved when using a mix of saturated and unsaturated colors.
  • scale_color_jam(),scale_fill_jam(),jam_pal()

    • ggplot2-related functions dropped arguments h1,h2 (before they could be used), and added argument step.
    • default preset="dichromat2 consistent with rainbowJam().
  • h2hw(),hw2h(),h2hwOptions()

    • new argument default preset=getOption("colorjam.preset", "custom") behaves as previous preset="custom" except that it now honors when the option "colorjam.preset" is defined.
    • The only two exceptions to preset are with blend_colors() and closestRcolor() which both default to "ryb" because those specific use cases favor using the red-yellow-blue color wheel.
  • approx_degrees()

    • refactored to improve handling of discontinuous angles, for example when the mapped color wheel wraps above 360 degrees, or below 0 degrees.
  • make_jam_divergent()

    • New behavior: When linear2 is not supplied, it calls color_complement() to determine a reasonable opposing color, so one can call make_jam_divergent("red") and it will provide a reasonable

new functions

  • adjust_hue_warp()

    • helper function to rotate or reverse a color wheel by way of the color hue warp. Maybe eventually the colors can start at gold/yellow and continue either to red or blue, so that the first assigned color will be more "neutral" (yellow) since the first group in a statistical comparison is typically the control. People have suggested the default color for a control group not be brightest red.
  • colorjam_preset(),add_colorjam_preset()

    • manages recognized colorjam color hue presets, which allows for custom preset names without modifying the package code.
    • intended to register (or delete) colorjam named presets, which are custom color wheels.
  • colorjam_step(),add_colorjam_step()

    • A "step" is a sequence of Luminance/Chroma values intended to maximize visual distinctiveness of consecutive colors.
    • The purpose of storing steps in the colorjam environment is to allow a convenient way to select a step sequence rather than by defining individual C and L values during the function call.
    • Specifically, the steps are driven by the change to start colors near yellow, rather than starting at red. For color sequences starting at red, early colors should generally be darker; for sequences starting at yellow or gold, the early colors should generally be lighter.
  • h2hwOptions()

    • now calls colorjam_presets() instead of using internal values.


  • bumped dependency jamba (>= to include hsl2col(), col2hsl()

changes to existing functions

  • subset_colors() now calls colors_to_df() to create a data.frame, any of whose columns can be used to sort colors.

  • theme_jam() changes:

    • new argument strip.text.size with default ggplot2::rel(0.8) to help adjust facet panel strip text font size directly.
    • new argument panel.border to make adjustments convenient, by default panels now have thin dark gray outline. Set panel.border=NULL to hide the border.
  • scale_color_jam(), scale_fill_jam(), jam_pal():

    • new argument darken is logical, when darken=TRUE it automatically sets darkFactor and sFactor to reasonable values for subtle darkening. This option is convenient for slightly darker outlines around points.

new functions

  • colors_to_df() convert vector of colors to data.frame with column values representing several common colorspace formats. Note that HSL color dimensions have prefix "hsl_", for example "hsl_h", "hsl_s", and "hsl_l".

    • For some reason, the H hue values in HCL do not match the hue values in HSL, despite both being angles with range c(0, 360). Fun.
    • It is a non-linear conversion of hue which makes sense, it appears that HSV, HSL, and RGB share the same "color wheel", derived from the red-green-blue maxima used for computer monitors. HCL added an offset +12.2 degrees to every color, probably so color sorting would always have variations of red appearing first, near zero, avoiding some colors being -0.1 and sorting last with hue 359.9.
    • Surprising that the hue sort order is not shared between HCL and HSL, although it is probably caused by conversion of low-chroma/saturation colors, with underlying numeric rounding errors. It could be that HCL is based upon perception, giving slightly stronger weight to the perceptiveness of certain color components.
  • sort_colors() applied sort criteria to data returned by colors_to_df().

HSL color update (preparation)

I anticipate the rainbowJam() function will shift from using HCL, instead to using HSL for color selection.

Summary of thought process so far:

  • HCL colors "out of gamut" are capped by each color channel, causing the hue returned to differ from the hue requested in HCL color space.
  • HCL has the benefit that in general, the C and L values can be used to determine perceptive color difference between colors, allowing one to set a minimum perceived color difference threshold. However, every color hue has a different color gamut of allowable C and L values, making it difficult to apply consistent rules to each color hue.
  • HSL has the benefit that all "full saturation colors" for each hue has the same coordinate (S=100, L=50), however there is no guarantee that surrounding colors have consistent perceptual difference.
  • rainbowJam() uses "tricked out" C and L sequences, that request higher C chroma than possible for most hues, causing it to return higher saturation than typical. Meanwhile the L values help create 6 distinct colors for every hue.
  • The downside is the hue is often different than requested, causing problems with the n is high, sometimes a series of colors have nearly identical hue due to the conversion issues described above.
  • Also, practically speaking, colors like "yellow" are effectively lost, since it is brighter with higher chroma than other color hues No C,L sequence could permit using yellow and other color hues with these C and L values. Large swaths of beautiful colors would never be chosen for categorical color sets, and we just cannot have that. Cue the "de Blob" video game cut scene.
  • So the hope is to use HSL, and S,L value sequence to fill the gap.
  • Surprisingly, HSL hues have different spacing than HCL hues, which means even a red-yellow-blue color wheel will require new color warp adjustments.


bug fixes

  • approx_degrees() was calling tcount() from the jamba package, and because the jamba package is listed as "Depends" its functions are loaded and available to colorjam once it is loaded. However, for some curious reason in R internals, when the function is called directly colorjam::approx_degrees() it does not import jamba functions, therefore jamba::tcount() is not available, and it throws an error. The issue was reported via the venndir package, where default usage of venndir causes an error for the most basic operations. The workaround is to load colorjam or jamba first, however the real fix is to include package prefix here.


changes to existing functions

A new hue warp preset is available, a fully corrected "red-yellow-blue" gradient which is intended to provide full color complement capability. However, rainbowJam() is preparing for a larger update that focuses on choosing colors within gamut for each color hue. The colorspace and farver color conversion functions are able to provide colors outside of gamut but altering some components which ultimately change the hue. As a result, the hue sequence from rainbowJam() is sometimes out of order due to that correction. A new method that returns strictly correct hue within gamut is being tested and will be applied in an upcoming release.

New default preset="custom" is used in several functions, which will re-use any defined h1 and h2 values in options("h2hw.h1") and options("h2hw.h2"), otherwise it will use default_preset="dichromat". For the default scenario, nothing will change. When a custom h1 and h2 should be used, it will be easier for it to be applied by default. Setting preset to any named value will override any stored h1 and h2 values.

  • rainbowJam() argument value changed hue_pad_percent=0, subtle change that means there is less color buffer between the first and last color in the hue sequence. This argument was most useful as a partial workaround to the color hue gamut conversion "bug" in colorspace and farver. Not technically a bug, as it is documented behavior, but the output is not what one would expect imo.
  • approx_degrees() was modified to simplify the logic, and to handle special cases like inverted angles, and rotated angles.
  • h2hwOptions(), h2hw(), hw2h(), and rainbowJam() default argument changed to preset="custom" which will preserve any pre-existing h1,h2 values, otherwise a named preset will take priority and define h1,h2 values directly.
  • scale_color_jam(), scale_fill_jam(), jam_pal() were updated to use preset="custom" by default, and to pass h1 and h2 arguments.

New option:

  • options("colorjam.preset") as a convenient way to maintain the current preset.


changes to existing functions

  • closestRcolor() and twostep_gradient() were updated to use proper package prefixing to the jamba package.
  • scale_color_jam() and scale_fill_jam() no longer require(ggplot2), and use jamba::check_pkg_installed() to test whether ggplot2 is available. Added examples for both.
  • theme_jam() no longer require(ggplot2) and now properly calls ggplot2::theme_classic() with argument resetTheme=TRUE.


changes to existing functions

  • rainbowJam() arguments Lvals and Cvals were updated, making the categorical palette brighter overall, with more color saturation, and visible distinction in neighboring colors at higher n values. The examples in rainbowJam() were updated to show a before and after comparison.

new experimental function

  • rainbowJamMulti() is intended to extend rainbowJam() specifically when a list of categorical colors should be created at once, in a way that prevents duplicate colors.


Several new functions, and two new data objects with color gradients; pkgdown site documentation was updated to showcase several new visual examples in for the new color functions.

changes to existing functions

  • scale_color_jam(), scale_fill_jam() and jam_pal() have a new argument preset which is passed along to rainbowJam() to define the color hue wheel preset. The default preset="dichromat" uses color blind friendly color hue wheel (mainly by omitting green). The full rainbow can be used with preset="ryb" which uses the enhanced red-yellow-blue color hue wheel, where green is a secondary color between yellow and blue. The default R red-green-blue color hue wheel can be used with preset="rgb" although this palette is optimal for computer monitor use of RGB, and not at all optimal for human perception, even among those who can see the full rainbow of color hues.

new functions

  • subset_colors() is a subset function for a vector of R colors, which allows rapid operations on any RGB, HCL, or HSV attribute.

  • col_div_xf() produces a color function that maps numeric values to divergent color gradient. Its arguments define the numeric range, and optional floor. The floor is a range below which the absolute numeric value is assigned the middle color, useful to represent visual whether a point meets a numeric threshold. This function is motivated to be used with argument "col" in ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(), to define a numeric range with zero as the fixed mid-point associated with divergent colors. The name of the function is derived as follows:

    • col matching the argument in ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap() "col"
    • div for divergent colors
    • x for the x-defined numeric range
    • f for ability to apply a numeric floor
  • col_linear_xf() is the linear/sequential color equivalent to col_div_xf(). It is useful for two features:

    • define a fixed numeric ceiling for color assignment
    • define optional numeric floor, below which numeric values are assigned the first color, which is usually the blank color in the color gradient.
  • make_jam_divergent() creates a divergent color gradient with lite (white) or dark (black) middle color as appropriate. It can recognize one of the new Jam gradients from jam_linear or `jam_divergent (see below).

  • twostep_gradient() is a simple but fairly exciting new function that produces a linear/sequential color gradient - which means it proceeds from a baseline color to the saturated color - while also applying two intermediate color gradients to improve visual perception. Most gradients from RColorBrewer employ this technique to expand the range of colors, and to improve visibility of each color step by varying both the brightness, and the color hue. See examples for visual illustrations.

new color objects

Two new color gradient objects are added, and are still under some development as they are being used to gain feedback. They are both motivated by the use case of providing color gradients for genome sequence coverage heatmaps, provided by "platjam" package which extends Bioconductor EnrichedHeatmap, itself an extension by author of ComplexHeatmap.

These colors aim to provide color-blind-friendly color gradients, while providing some utility of categorical coloring for different panels of a coverage heatmap. Essentially these colors avoid the range of green hues, which vastly improves visual distinctiveness for the three color blindness forms emulated by dichromat::dichromat().

  • jam_linear is a new R list object that contains a set of linear color gradients with white background color. These are intended to be paired with jam_divergent. The names in jam_linear are also used in jam_divergent.
  • jam_divergent is a new R list object that contains a set of divergent color gradients with black background color to distinguish itself from jam_linear. The names in jam_divergent are also used in jam_linear.


bug fixes / enhancements

  • blend_colors() was updated to handle blending entirely grey sets of colors. Previously they failed to blend because the lack of any color saturation also have them zero weight.
  • blend_colors() new argument c_floor defines the C chroma color saturation floor, below which a color is considered to have no color hue. Technically it is given hue weight 0.0001.


bug fixes

  • mean_angle() had bare reference to jamba::deg2rad() which was fixed. This fixed an error in blend_colors() when the jamba was not attached.


new functions

  • blend_colors() performs paint color mixing, very close to subtractive color blending with some modifications to account for red-yellow-blue color wheel. It can mix more than two colors, and accounts for color transparency. This function currently performs better than any other color mixing function I am aware of in R -- judged by the tendency to return what is "expected" in more cases than not.
  • mean_angle() takes a vector of angles in degrees, optionally with weights, and returns the average angle along with the new radius. Internally it takes the average unit vector (scaled by weights if supplied).

changes to existing functions

  • rainbowJam() was modified to clean up the internal workflow. Specifically, the argument preset is more prominent, making it easy to call rainbowJam(5, preset="ryb") for example. The hue padding was also modified to reduce most cases to zero padding -- this padding added separation between the first and last color hues in a sequence, to prevent them from being too similar when the Cvals and Lvals sequence was not optimal.
  • rainbowJam() new argument phase allows shifting the Cvals,Lvals sequence by steps, or to reverse the sequence, in order to create more varied color sets.
  • h2hw() and hw2h() functions have new argument preset which calls h2hwOptions() and uses the appropriate color wheel. This change makes it easier to convert color hues with h2hw(60, preset="ryb") to convert default RGB yellow (hue=60) to RYB yellow (hue=120).
  • closestRcolor() argument preset defaults to ryb, to avoid using dichromat for closest-color calculations.


changes to existing functions

  • rainbowJam() arguments Lvals and Cvals were manually adjusted based upon initial usage and feedback.
  • h2hwOptions() was refactored to have a cleaner workflow. It explicitly defines getOptions() in default argument values, which can be replace by defining preset. There is new argument default_preset so the first time this function is called, it knows which preset to use for initial values.

bug fixes

  • group2colors() fixed a longstanding bug where input values that contain "" would return NA with NA name. This occurs from referencing a vector using name "" which R forces to return NA. Instead group2colors() now uses match(x, names(colors)) which works properly.


more changes to rainbowJam()

There will almost certainly be more changes, after using the updated rainbowJam() for a while and experiencing the cascade effects. For now, I had to make some changes, to force me to continue making more changes as needed.

After using the updated rainbowJam() for a few months, a few things became clear:

  • Red-orange-yellow as the first three colors, is not terrible, but has substantial problems when trying to split into light-dark variations. The dark-yellow and light-orange were nearly identical. (Also R is not great at keeping the hue for orange consistent when adjusting luminance. Nobody will hear this feedback, that's okay.)
  • The use of green and variations of green, are problematic with color-blind viewers, making the whole function not ideal, if a substantial user base doesn't see beautiful colors at the end.
  • Ultimately there were too many cases where I would call rainbowJam(n + 20) and hand-pick colors from the set. That is almost exactly the problem I was originally trying to solve with rainbowJam(), which means the function was failing.
  • Last is a small thing, rainbowJam() padded the end of the hue sequence to avoid having similar first and last color, with identical C,L values. When that happened, it added an aggressive hue pad so the colors would still differ. Long story short, there weren't enough beautiful purples and pinks.

Overall changes:

  • h2hwOptions() defines custom color wheels, by adjusting the hue from rgb to any non-linear sequence. It has new argument preset with some named shortcut options: "rgb" the R default; "ryb" the previous red-yellow-blue, which still includes green; "dichromat" new option that removes green altogether, and spaces the remaining hues based upon my perceived consistent visible distinctiveness between steps. I tried to adjust for effects simulated by dichromat::dichromat() for the three types it provides.
  • h2hwOptions() new default is preset="dichromat"! Substantial change, no more green colors. To change back call h2hwOptions(preset="ryb") or h2hwOptions(preset="rgb"). shudder
  • rainbowJam() argument Cvals was uniformly increased by 30. It turns out the conversion from HCL already handles values too high, by favoring luminance over chroma -- meaning when we request a certain brightness, we get that brighness even at the expense of lower chroma (saturation.) Thus most of the work is done by the Lvals luminance, and the chroma should generally be as high as feasible with few adjustments.
  • rainbowJam() by default does not pad the last hue color. Instead the preset="dichromat" default in h2hwOptions() adjusts the hues from 300 to 360 (which were almost nearly identical pink anyway) to take up less of the color wheel.
  • rainbowJam() flipped the 2nd and 3rd values in Lvals. Even when calling rainbowJam(4, preset="ryb2"), it won't give the same results as before this update, without also changing the 2nd and 3rd values in Lvals. I realize, only I care.


Substantial changes to rainbowJam()

  • rainbowJam() was refactored to address longstanding critique that the colors were too muddy. New logic is present in rainbowJam() and the previous function is available with rainbowJam_v1() for backward compatibility. The new colors are much brighter and will need testing over time to evaluate the effects on downstream uses. That said, the colors are so much improved, it seems reasonable to replace the previous function for now.

Other changes

  • The R files were slightly refactored to split functions into different files.

New function

  • color_pie() is a simple function to display colors in pie chart form, which is helpful to assess the first and last color in a rainbow color ramp. In fact, color_pie() might be moved into jamba::showColors() as an optional output format. Current challenge is how to label each ring, when the input is a list of color vectors.



  • theme_jam() was updated to make the major and minor grid lines a lighter shade of gray, so they have less interference with text labels on a plot panel.



  • scale_fill_jam(), scale_color_jam(), and jam_pal() have an argument alpha to control alpha transparency, on a scale of 0 (transparent) to 1 (non-transparent.)



  • closestRcolor() was updated to handle new behavior from col2hcl() which by default does not assign names to unnamed vectors.
  • closestRcolor() now has method argument to define the distance method (see stats::dist()); added optional "LUV" color model. In some cases "LUV" has greater sensitivity albeit with less accuracy. In other words for large color vectors, "LUV" may produce the most non-repeated colors at cost of accuracy, while "hcl" tends to be more accurate but sometimes snaps two similar colors to the same closest R color. Future work should probably handle greyscale colors separately.



  • vals2colorLevels() was updated to handle edge cases where input values had no numeric range.


new functions

  • vals2colorLevels() converts a numeric vector into a color gradient, optionally divergent around a baseline, optionally applying the color warp using jamba::warpRamp() and a lens adjustment value.



  • Added more function prefixes "jamba::" to avoid handle the inconsistent import implementation in R.

new functions

  • matrix2heatColors() to apply color gradient to each column in a matrix, where each column has its own color scale.



  • A README.Rmd file was created with a basic walkthrough for colorjam.
  • DESCRIPTION was changed to move "jamba" to the "Depends:" field. Guidance from R Package Development and R central docs is cryptic on this point.


new functions

  • theme_jam() which provides a Jam-specific ggplot2 default.
  • scale_color_jam(), scale_fill_jam(), and jam_pal() provide categorical colors and fills, respectively, using rainbowJam().

bug fixes and enhancements

  • Updated DESCRIPTION to include proper "Remotes" entry pointing to the Github jamba package.
  • Updated closestRcolor() to fix a small bug with name handling of the output.


new functions

  • group2colors() takes a vector of group labels and assigns categorical colors, by default using rainbowJam() but which can be substituted with other color functions as needed. It maintains order of factor levels, otherwise uses jamba::mixedSort() to order unique labels before assigning colors.
  • closestRcolor() finds the closest named R color from colors() and returns that name. It can also be given a custom color vector, and will return the closest color for each color in the input list.
  • rainbowJam() is the key categorical color function for the JAM package suite. It uses Red-Yellow-Blue color wheel, and uses a pattern of alternating Chroma (color saturation) and Luminance (visible brightness) to maximize the difference between adjacent colors.