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File metadata and controls

2617 lines (1924 loc) · 73.8 KB

OwnTone API Endpoint Reference

Available API endpoints:

  • Player: control playback, volume, shuffle/repeat modes
  • Outputs / Speakers: list available outputs and enable/disable outputs
  • Queue: list, add or modify the current queue
  • Library: list playlists, artists, albums and tracks from your library or trigger library rescan
  • Search: search for playlists, artists, albums and tracks
  • Server info: get server information
  • Settings: list and change settings for the player web interface
  • Push notifications: receive push notifications

JSON-Object model:


Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/player Get player status
PUT /api/player/play, /api/player/pause, /api/player/stop, /api/player/toggle Start, pause or stop playback
PUT /api/player/next, /api/player/previous Skip forward or backward
PUT /api/player/shuffle Set shuffle mode
PUT /api/player/consume Set consume mode
PUT /api/player/repeat Set repeat mode
PUT /api/player/volume Set master volume or volume for a specific output
PUT /api/player/seek Seek to a position in the currently playing track

Get player status


GET /api/player


Key Type Value
state string play, pause or stop
repeat string off, all or single
consume boolean true if consume mode is enabled
shuffle boolean true if shuffle mode is enabled
volume integer Master volume in percent (0 - 100)
item_id integer The current playing queue item id
item_length_ms integer Total length in milliseconds of the current queue item
item_progress_ms integer Progress into the current queue item in milliseconds


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/player"
  "state": "pause",
  "repeat": "off",
  "consume": false,
  "shuffle": false,
  "volume": 50,
  "item_id": 269,
  "item_length_ms": 278093,
  "item_progress_ms": 3674

Control playback

Start or resume, pause, stop playback.


PUT /api/player/play
PUT /api/player/pause
PUT /api/player/stop
PUT /api/player/toggle


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/play"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/pause"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/stop"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/toggle"

Skip tracks

Skip forward or backward


PUT /api/player/next
PUT /api/player/previous


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/next"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/previous"

Set shuffle mode

Enable or disable shuffle mode


PUT /api/player/shuffle

Query parameters

Parameter Value
state The new shuffle state, should be either true or false


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/shuffle?state=true"

Set consume mode

Enable or disable consume mode


PUT /api/player/consume

Query parameters

Parameter Value
state The new consume state, should be either true or false


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/consume?state=true"

Set repeat mode

Change repeat mode


PUT /api/player/repeat

Query parameters

Parameter Value
state The new repeat mode, should be either off, all or single


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/repeat?state=all"

Set volume

Change master volume or volume of a specific output.


PUT /api/player/volume

Query parameters

Parameter Value
volume The new volume (0 - 100)
step The increase or decrease volume by the given amount (-100 - 100)
output_id (Optional) If an output id is given, only the volume of this output will be changed. If parameter is omited, the master volume will be changed.

Either volume or step must be present as query parameter


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/volume?volume=50"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/volume?step=-5"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/volume?volume=50&output_id=0"


Seek to a position in the currently playing track.


PUT /api/player/seek

Query parameters

Parameter Value
position_ms The new position in milliseconds to seek to
seek_ms A relative amount of milliseconds to seek to


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


Seek to position:

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/seek?position_ms=2000"

Relative seeking (skip 30 seconds backwards):

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/player/seek?seek_ms=-30000"

Outputs / Speakers

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/outputs Get a list of available outputs
PUT /api/outputs/set Set enabled outputs
GET /api/outputs/{id} Get an output
PUT /api/outputs/{id} Change an output setting
PUT /api/outputs/{id}/toggle Enable or disable an output, depending on the current state

Get a list of available outputs


GET /api/outputs


Key Type Value
outputs array Array of output objects

output object

Key Type Value
id string Output id
name string Output name
type string Type of the output: AirPlay, Chromecast, ALSA, Pulseaudio, fifo
selected boolean true if output is enabled
has_password boolean true if output is password protected
requires_auth boolean true if output requires authentication
needs_auth_key boolean true if output requires an authorization key (device verification)
volume integer Volume in percent (0 - 100)


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/outputs"
  "outputs": [
      "id": "123456789012345",
      "name": "kitchen",
      "type": "AirPlay",
      "selected": true,
      "has_password": false,
      "requires_auth": false,
      "needs_auth_key": false,
      "volume": 0
      "id": "0",
      "name": "Computer",
      "type": "ALSA",
      "selected": true,
      "has_password": false,
      "requires_auth": false,
      "needs_auth_key": false,
      "volume": 19
      "id": "100",
      "name": "daapd-fifo",
      "type": "fifo",
      "selected": false,
      "has_password": false,
      "requires_auth": false,
      "needs_auth_key": false,
      "volume": 0

Set enabled outputs

Set the enabled outputs by passing an array of output ids. The server enables all outputs with the given ids and disables the remaining outputs.


PUT /api/outputs/set

Body parameters

Parameter Type Value
outputs array Array of output ids


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/outputs/set" --data "{\"outputs\":[\"198018693182577\",\"0\"]}"

Get an output

Get an output


GET /api/outputs/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Output id


On success returns the HTTP 200 OK success status response code. With the response body holding the output object.


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/outputs/0"
  "id": "0",
  "name": "Computer",
  "type": "ALSA",
  "selected": true,
  "has_password": false,
  "requires_auth": false,
  "needs_auth_key": false,
  "volume": 3

Change an output

Enable or disable an output and change its volume.


PUT /api/outputs/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Output id

Body parameters

Parameter Type Value
selected boolean (Optional) true to enable and false to disable the output
volume integer (Optional) Volume in percent (0 - 100)
pin string (Optional) PIN for device verification


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/outputs/0" --data "{\"selected\":true, \"volume\": 50}"

Toggle an output

Enable or disable an output, depending on its current state


PUT /api/outputs/{id}/toggle

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Output id


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/outputs/0/toggle"


Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/queue Get a list of queue items
PUT /api/queue/clear Remove all items from the queue
POST /api/queue/items/add Add items to the queue
PUT /api/queue/items/{id}|now_playing Updating a queue item in the queue
DELETE /api/queue/items/{id} Remove a queue item from the queue

List queue items

Lists the items in the current queue


GET /api/queue

Query parameters

Parameter Value
id (Optional) If a queue item id is given, only the item with the id will be returend. Use id=now_playing to get the currently playing item.
start (Optional) If a startand an end position is given, only the items from start (included) to end (excluded) will be returned. If only a start position is given, only the item at this position will be returned.
end (Optional) See start parameter


Key Type Value
version integer Version number of the current queue
count integer Number of items in the current queue
items array Array of queue item objects


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/queue"
  "version": 833,
  "count": 20,
  "items": [
      "id": 12122,
      "position": 0,
      "track_id": 10749,
      "title": "Angels",
      "artist": "The xx",
      "artist_sort": "xx, The",
      "album": "Coexist",
      "album_sort": "Coexist",
      "albumartist": "The xx",
      "albumartist_sort": "xx, The",
      "genre": "Indie Rock",
      "year": 2012,
      "track_number": 1,
      "disc_number": 1,
      "length_ms": 171735,
      "media_kind": "music",
      "data_kind": "file",
      "path": "/music/srv/The xx/Coexist/01 Angels.mp3",
      "uri": "library:track:10749"

Clearing the queue

Remove all items form the current queue


PUT /api/queue/clear


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/queue/clear"

Adding items to the queue

Add tracks, playlists artists or albums to the current queue


POST /api/queue/items/add

Query parameters

Parameter Value
uris Comma seperated list of resource identifiers (track, playlist, artist or album object uri)
expression A smart playlist query expression identifying the tracks that will be added to the queue.
position (Optional) If a position is given, new items are inserted starting from this position into the queue.
playback (Optional) If the playback parameter is set to start, playback will be started after adding the new items.
playback_from_position (Optional) If the playback parameter is set to start, playback will be started with the queue item at the position given in playback_from_position.
clear (Optional) If the clear parameter is set to true, the queue will be cleared before adding the new items.
shuffle (Optional) If the shuffle parameter is set to true, the shuffle mode is activated. If it is set to something else, the shuffle mode is deactivated. To leave the shuffle mode untouched the parameter should be ommited.
limit (Optional) Maximum number of tracks to add

Either the uris or the expression parameter must be set. If both are set the uris parameter takes presedence and the expression parameter will be ignored.


On success returns the HTTP 200 OK success status response code.

Key Type Value
count integer number of tracks added to the queue


Add new items by uri:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:3689/api/queue/items/add?uris=library:playlist:68,library:artist:2932599850102967727"
  "count": 42

Add new items by query language:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:3689/api/queue/items/add?expression=media_kind+is+music"
  "count": 42

Clear current queue, add 10 new random tracks of genre Pop and start playback

curl -X POST "http://localhost:3689/api/queue/items/add?limit=10&clear=true&playback=start&expression=genre+is+%22Pop%22+order+by+random+desc"
  "count": 10

Updating a queue item

Update or move a queue item in the current queue


PUT /api/queue/items/{id}


PUT /api/queue/items/now_playing

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Queue item id

(or use now_playing to update the currenly playing track)

Query parameters

Parameter Value
new_position The new position for the queue item in the current queue.
title New track title
album New album title
artist New artist
album_artist New album artist
composer New composer
genre New genre
artwork_url New URL to track artwork


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/queue/items/3?new_position=0"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/queue/items/3?title=Awesome%20title&"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/queue/items/now_playing?title=Awesome%20title&"

Removing a queue item

Remove a queue item from the current queue


DELETE /api/queue/items/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Queue item id


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/queue/items/2"


Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/library Get library information
GET /api/library/playlists Get a list of playlists
GET /api/library/playlists/{id} Get a playlist
PUT /api/library/playlists/{id} Update a playlist attribute
DELETE /api/library/playlists/{id} Delete a playlist
GET /api/library/playlists/{id}/tracks Get list of tracks for a playlist
PUT /api/library/playlists/{id}/tracks Update play count of tracks for a playlist
GET /api/library/playlists/{id}/playlists Get list of playlists for a playlist folder
GET /api/library/artists Get a list of artists
GET /api/library/artists/{id} Get an artist
GET /api/library/artists/{id}/albums Get list of albums for an artist
GET /api/library/albums Get a list of albums
GET /api/library/albums/{id} Get an album
GET /api/library/albums/{id}/tracks Get list of tracks for an album
GET /api/library/tracks/{id} Get a track
GET /api/library/tracks/{id}/playlists Get list of playlists for a track
PUT /api/library/tracks/{id} Update a tracks properties (rating, play_count)
GET /api/library/genres Get list of genres
GET /api/library/count Get count of tracks, artists and albums
GET /api/library/files Get list of directories in the local library
POST /api/library/add Add an item to the library
PUT /api/update Trigger a library rescan
PUT /api/rescan Trigger a library metadata rescan
PUT /api/library/backup Request library backup db

Library information

List some library stats


GET /api/library


Key Type Value
songs integer Array of playlist objects
db_playtime integer Total playtime of all songs in the library
artists integer Number of album artists in the library
albums integer Number of albums in the library
started_at string Server startup time (timestamp in ISO 8601 format)
updated_at string Last library update (timestamp in ISO 8601 format)
updating boolean true if library rescan is in progress


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library"
  "songs": 217,
  "db_playtime": 66811,
  "artists": 9,
  "albums": 19,
  "started_at": "2018-11-19T19:06:08Z",
  "updated_at": "2018-11-19T19:06:16Z",
  "updating": false

List playlists

Lists all playlists in your library (does not return playlist folders)


GET /api/library/playlists

Query parameters

Parameter Value
offset (Optional) Offset of the first playlist to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of playlists to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of playlist objects
total integer Total number of playlists in the library
offset integer Requested offset of the first playlist
limit integer Requested maximum number of playlists


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/playlists"
  "items": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "radio",
      "path": "/music/srv/radio.m3u",
      "smart_playlist": false,
      "uri": "library:playlist:1"
  "total": 20,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

Get a playlist

Get a specific playlists in your library


GET /api/library/playlists/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Playlist id


On success returns the HTTP 200 OK success status response code. With the response body holding the playlist object.


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/playlists/1"
  "id": 1,
  "name": "radio",
  "path": "/music/srv/radio.m3u",
  "smart_playlist": false,
  "uri": "library:playlist:1"

Update a playlist

Update attributes of a specific playlists in your library


PUT /api/library/playlists/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Playlist id

Query parameters

Parameter Value
query_limit For RSS feeds, this sets how many podcasts to retrieve


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/library/playlists/25?query_limit=20"

Delete a playlist

Delete a playlist, e.g. a RSS feed


DELETE /api/library/playlists/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Playlist id


curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:3689/api/library/playlists/25"

List playlist tracks

Lists the tracks in a playlists


GET /api/library/playlists/{id}/tracks

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Playlist id

Query parameters

Parameter Value
offset (Optional) Offset of the first track to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of tracks to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of track objects
total integer Total number of tracks in the playlist
offset integer Requested offset of the first track
limit integer Requested maximum number of tracks


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/playlists/1/tracks"
  "items": [
      "id": 10766,
      "title": "Solange wir tanzen",
      "artist": "Heinrich",
      "artist_sort": "Heinrich",
      "album": "Solange wir tanzen",
      "album_sort": "Solange wir tanzen",
      "albumartist": "Heinrich",
      "albumartist_sort": "Heinrich",
      "genre": "Electronica",
      "year": 2014,
      "track_number": 1,
      "disc_number": 1,
      "length_ms": 223085,
      "play_count": 2,
      "skip_count": 1,
      "time_played": "2018-02-23T10:31:20Z",
      "media_kind": "music",
      "data_kind": "file",
      "path": "/music/srv/Heinrich/Solange wir tanzen/01 Solange wir tanzen.mp3",
      "uri": "library:track:10766"
  "total": 20,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

Update playlist tracks

Updates the play count for tracks in a playlists


PUT /api/library/playlists/{id}/tracks

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Playlist id

Query parameters

Parameter Value
play_count Either increment, played or reset. increment will increment play_count and update time_played, played will be like increment but only where play_count is 0, reset will set play_count and skip_count to zero and delete time_played and time_skipped


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/library/playlists/1/tracks?play_count=played"

List playlists in a playlist folder

Lists the playlists in a playlist folder

Note: The root playlist folder has id 0.


GET /api/library/playlists/{id}/playlists

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Playlist id

Query parameters

Parameter Value
offset (Optional) Offset of the first playlist to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of playlist to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of playlist objects
total integer Total number of playlists in the playlist folder
offset integer Requested offset of the first playlist
limit integer Requested maximum number of playlist


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/playlists/0/tracks"
  "items": [
      "id": 11,
      "name": "Spotify",
      "path": "spotify:playlistfolder",
      "parent_id": "0",
      "smart_playlist": false,
      "folder": true,
      "uri": "library:playlist:11"
      "id": 8,
      "name": "bytefm",
      "path": "/srv/music/Playlists/bytefm.m3u",
      "parent_id": "0",
      "smart_playlist": false,
      "folder": false,
      "uri": "library:playlist:8"
  "total": 2,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

List artists

Lists the artists in your library


GET /api/library/artists

Query parameters

Parameter Value
offset (Optional) Offset of the first artist to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of artists to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of artist objects
total integer Total number of artists in the library
offset integer Requested offset of the first artist
limit integer Requested maximum number of artists


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/artists"
  "items": [
      "id": "3815427709949443149",
      "name": "ABAY",
      "name_sort": "ABAY",
      "album_count": 1,
      "track_count": 10,
      "length_ms": 2951554,
      "uri": "library:artist:3815427709949443149"
  "total": 20,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

Get an artist

Get a specific artist in your library


GET /api/library/artists/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Artist id


On success returns the HTTP 200 OK success status response code. With the response body holding the artist object.


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/artists/3815427709949443149"
  "id": "3815427709949443149",
  "name": "ABAY",
  "name_sort": "ABAY",
  "album_count": 1,
  "track_count": 10,
  "length_ms": 2951554,
  "uri": "library:artist:3815427709949443149"

List artist albums

Lists the albums of an artist


GET /api/library/artists/{id}/albums

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Artist id

Query parameters

Parameter Value
offset (Optional) Offset of the first album to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of albums to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of album objects
total integer Total number of albums of this artist
offset integer Requested offset of the first album
limit integer Requested maximum number of albums


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/artists/32561671101664759/albums"
  "items": [
      "id": "8009851123233197743",
      "name": "Add Violence",
      "name_sort": "Add Violence",
      "artist": "Nine Inch Nails",
      "artist_id": "32561671101664759",
      "track_count": 5,
      "length_ms": 1634961,
      "uri": "library:album:8009851123233197743"
  "total": 20,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

List albums

Lists the albums in your library


GET /api/library/albums

Query parameters

Parameter Value
offset (Optional) Offset of the first album to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of albums to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of album objects
total integer Total number of albums in the library
offset integer Requested offset of the first albums
limit integer Requested maximum number of albums


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/albums"
  "items": [
      "id": "8009851123233197743",
      "name": "Add Violence",
      "name_sort": "Add Violence",
      "artist": "Nine Inch Nails",
      "artist_id": "32561671101664759",
      "track_count": 5,
      "length_ms": 1634961,
      "uri": "library:album:8009851123233197743"
  "total": 20,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

Get an album

Get a specific album in your library


GET /api/library/albums/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Album id


On success returns the HTTP 200 OK success status response code. With the response body holding the album object.


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/albums/8009851123233197743"
  "id": "8009851123233197743",
  "name": "Add Violence",
  "name_sort": "Add Violence",
  "artist": "Nine Inch Nails",
  "artist_id": "32561671101664759",
  "track_count": 5,
  "length_ms": 1634961,
  "uri": "library:album:8009851123233197743"

List album tracks

Lists the tracks in an album


GET /api/library/albums/{id}/tracks

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Album id

Query parameters

Parameter Value
offset (Optional) Offset of the first track to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of tracks to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of track objects
total integer Total number of tracks
offset integer Requested offset of the first track
limit integer Requested maximum number of tracks


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/albums/1/tracks"
  "items": [
      "id": 10766,
      "title": "Solange wir tanzen",
      "artist": "Heinrich",
      "artist_sort": "Heinrich",
      "album": "Solange wir tanzen",
      "album_sort": "Solange wir tanzen",
      "albumartist": "Heinrich",
      "albumartist_sort": "Heinrich",
      "genre": "Electronica",
      "year": 2014,
      "track_number": 1,
      "disc_number": 1,
      "length_ms": 223085,
      "play_count": 2,
      "last_time_played": "2018-02-23T10:31:20Z",
      "media_kind": "music",
      "data_kind": "file",
      "path": "/music/srv/Heinrich/Solange wir tanzen/01 Solange wir tanzen.mp3",
      "uri": "library:track:10766"
  "total": 20,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

Get a track

Get a specific track in your library


GET /api/library/tracks/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Track id


On success returns the HTTP 200 OK success status response code. With the response body holding the track object.


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/track/1"
  "id": 1,
  "title": "Pardon Me",
  "title_sort": "Pardon Me",
  "artist": "Incubus",
  "artist_sort": "Incubus",
  "album": "Make Yourself",
  "album_sort": "Make Yourself",
  "album_id": "6683985628074308431",
  "album_artist": "Incubus",
  "album_artist_sort": "Incubus",
  "album_artist_id": "4833612337650426236",
  "composer": "Alex Katunich/Brandon Boyd/Chris Kilmore/Jose Antonio Pasillas II/Mike Einziger",
  "genre": "Alternative Rock",
  "year": 2001,
  "track_number": 12,
  "disc_number": 1,
  "length_ms": 223170,
  "rating": 0,
  "play_count": 0,
  "skip_count": 0,
  "time_added": "2019-01-20T11:58:29Z",
  "date_released": "2001-05-27",
  "seek_ms": 0,
  "media_kind": "music",
  "data_kind": "file",
  "path": "/music/srv/Incubus/Make Yourself/12 Pardon Me.mp3",
  "uri": "library:track:1",
  "artwork_url": "/artwork/item/1"

List playlists for a track

Get the list of playlists that contain a track (does not return smart playlists)


GET /api/library/tracks/{id}/playlists

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Track id

Query parameters

Parameter Value
offset (Optional) Offset of the first playlist to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of playlist to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of playlist objects
total integer Total number of playlists
offset integer Requested offset of the first playlist
limit integer Requested maximum number of playlists


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/tracks/27/playlists"
  "items": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "playlist",
      "path": "/music/srv/playlist.m3u",
      "smart_playlist": false,
      "uri": "library:playlist:1"
  "total": 2,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

Update track properties

Change properties of a specific track (supported properties are "rating" and "play_count")


PUT /api/library/tracks/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter Value
id Track id

Query parameters

Parameter Value
rating The new rating (0 - 100)
play_count Either increment or reset. increment will increment play_count and update time_played, reset will set play_count and skip_count to zero and delete time_played and time_skipped


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/library/tracks/1?rating=100"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/library/tracks/1?play_count=increment"

List genres

Get list of genres


GET /api/library/genres


Key Type Value
items array Array of genre objects
total integer Total number of genres in the library
offset integer Requested offset of the first genre
limit integer Requested maximum number of genres


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/genres"
  "items": [
      "name": "Classical"
      "name": "Drum & Bass"
      "name": "Pop"
      "name": "Rock/Pop"
      "name": "'90s Alternative"
  "total": 5,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": -1

List albums for genre

Lists the albums in a genre


GET api/search?type=albums&expression=genre+is+\"{genre name}\""

Query parameters

Parameter Value
genre genre name (uri encoded and html esc seq for chars: '/&)
offset (Optional) Offset of the first album to return
limit (Optional) Maximum number of albums to return


Key Type Value
items array Array of album objects
total integer Total number of albums in the library
offset integer Requested offset of the first albums
limit integer Requested maximum number of albums


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/search?type=albums&expression=genre+is+\"Pop\""
curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/search?type=albums&expression=genre+is+\"Rock%2FPop\""            # Rock/Pop
curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/search?type=albums&expression=genre+is+\"Drum%20%26%20Bass\""     # Drum & Bass
curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/search?type=albums&expression=genre+is+\"%2790s%20Alternative\""  # '90 Alternative
  "albums": {
    "items": [
        "id": "320189328729146437",
        "name": "Best Ever",
        "name_sort": "Best Ever",
        "artist": "ABC",
        "artist_id": "8760559201889050080",
        "track_count": 1,
        "length_ms": 3631,
        "uri": "library:album:320189328729146437"
        "id": "7964595866631625723",
        "name": "Greatest Hits",
        "name_sort": "Greatest Hits",
        "artist": "Marvin Gaye",
        "artist_id": "5261930703203735930",
        "track_count": 2,
        "length_ms": 7262,
        "uri": "library:album:7964595866631625723"
        "id": "3844610748145176456",
        "name": "The Very Best of Etta",
        "name_sort": "Very Best of Etta",
        "artist": "Etta James",
        "artist_id": "2627182178555864595",
        "track_count": 1,
        "length_ms": 177926,
        "uri": "library:album:3844610748145176456"
    "total": 3,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": -1

Get count of tracks, artists and albums

Get information about the number of tracks, artists and albums and the total playtime


GET /api/library/count

Query parameters

Parameter Value
expression (Optional) The smart playlist query expression, if this parameter is omitted returns the information for the whole library


Key Type Value
tracks integer Number of tracks matching the expression
artists integer Number of artists matching the expression
albums integer Number of albums matching the expression
db_playtime integer Total playtime in milliseconds of all tracks matching the expression


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/count?expression=data_kind+is+file"
  "tracks": 6811,
  "artists": 355,
  "albums": 646,
  "db_playtime": 1590767

List local directories

List the local directories and the directory contents (tracks and playlists)


GET /api/library/files

Query parameters

Parameter Value
directory (Optional) A path to a directory in your local library.


Key Type Value
directories array Array of directory objects containing the sub directories
tracks object paging object containing track objects that matches the directory
playlists object paging object containing playlist objects that matches the directory


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/library/files?directory=/music/srv"
  "directories": [
      "path": "/music/srv/Audiobooks"
      "path": "/music/srv/Music"
      "path": "/music/srv/Playlists"
      "path": "/music/srv/Podcasts"
  "tracks": {
    "items": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "input.pipe",
        "artist": "Unknown artist",
        "artist_sort": "Unknown artist",
        "album": "Unknown album",
        "album_sort": "Unknown album",
        "album_id": "4201163758598356043",
        "album_artist": "Unknown artist",
        "album_artist_sort": "Unknown artist",
        "album_artist_id": "4187901437947843388",
        "genre": "Unknown genre",
        "year": 0,
        "track_number": 0,
        "disc_number": 0,
        "length_ms": 0,
        "play_count": 0,
        "skip_count": 0,
        "time_added": "2018-11-24T08:41:35Z",
        "seek_ms": 0,
        "media_kind": "music",
        "data_kind": "pipe",
        "path": "/music/srv/input.pipe",
        "uri": "library:track:1",
        "artwork_url": "/artwork/item/1"
    "total": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": -1
  "playlists": {
    "items": [
        "id": 8,
        "name": "radio",
        "path": "/music/srv/radio.m3u",
        "smart_playlist": true,
        "uri": "library:playlist:8"
    "total": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": -1

Trigger rescan

Trigger a library rescan


PUT /api/update


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/update"
  "songs": 217,
  "db_playtime": 66811,
  "artists": 9,
  "albums": 19,
  "started_at": "2018-11-19T19:06:08Z",
  "updated_at": "2018-11-19T19:06:16Z",
  "updating": false

Trigger metadata rescan

Trigger a library metadata rescan even if files have not been updated. Maintenence method.


PUT /api/rescan


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/rescan"

Backup DB

Request a library backup - configuration must be enabled and point to a valid writable path. Maintenance method.


PUT /api/library/backup


On success returns the HTTP 200 OK success status response code. If backups are not enabled returns HTTP 503 Service Unavailable response code. Otherwise a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error response is returned.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/library/backup"


Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/search Search for playlists, artists, albums, tracks,genres by a simple search term
GET /api/search Search by complex query expression

Search by search term

Search for playlists, artists, albums, tracks, genres that include the given query in their title (case insensitive matching).


GET /api/search

Query parameters

Parameter Value
query The search keyword
type Comma separated list of the result types (playlist, artist, album, track, genre)
media_kind (Optional) Filter results by media kind (music, movie, podcast, audiobook, musicvideo, tvshow). Filter only applies to artist, album and track result types.
offset (Optional) Offset of the first item to return for each type
limit (Optional) Maximum number of items to return for each type


Key Type Value
tracks object paging object containing track objects that matches the query
artists object paging object containing artist objects that matches the query
albums object paging object containing album objects that matches the query
playlists object paging object containing playlist objects that matches the query


Search for all tracks, artists, albums and playlists that contain "the" in their title and return the first two results for each type:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/search?type=tracks,artists,albums,playlists&query=the&offset=0&limit=2"
  "tracks": {
    "items": [
        "id": 35,
        "title": "Another Love",
        "artist": "Tom Odell",
        "artist_sort": "Tom Odell",
        "album": "Es is was es is",
        "album_sort": "Es is was es is",
        "album_id": "6494853621007413058",
        "album_artist": "Various artists",
        "album_artist_sort": "Various artists",
        "album_artist_id": "8395563705718003786",
        "genre": "Singer/Songwriter",
        "year": 2013,
        "track_number": 7,
        "disc_number": 1,
        "length_ms": 251030,
        "play_count": 0,
        "media_kind": "music",
        "data_kind": "file",
        "path": "/music/srv/Compilations/Es is was es is/07 Another Love.m4a",
        "uri": "library:track:35"
        "id": 215,
        "title": "Away From the Sun",
        "artist": "3 Doors Down",
        "artist_sort": "3 Doors Down",
        "album": "Away From the Sun",
        "album_sort": "Away From the Sun",
        "album_id": "8264078270267374619",
        "album_artist": "3 Doors Down",
        "album_artist_sort": "3 Doors Down",
        "album_artist_id": "5030128490104968038",
        "genre": "Rock",
        "year": 2002,
        "track_number": 2,
        "disc_number": 1,
        "length_ms": 233278,
        "play_count": 0,
        "media_kind": "music",
        "data_kind": "file",
        "path": "/music/srv/Away From the Sun/02 Away From the Sun.mp3",
        "uri": "library:track:215"
    "total": 14,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 2
  "artists": {
    "items": [
        "id": "8737690491750445895",
        "name": "The xx",
        "name_sort": "xx, The",
        "album_count": 2,
        "track_count": 25,
        "length_ms": 5229196,
        "uri": "library:artist:8737690491750445895"
    "total": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 2
  "albums": {
    "items": [
        "id": "8264078270267374619",
        "name": "Away From the Sun",
        "name_sort": "Away From the Sun",
        "artist": "3 Doors Down",
        "artist_id": "5030128490104968038",
        "track_count": 12,
        "length_ms": 2818174,
        "uri": "library:album:8264078270267374619"
        "id": "6835720495312674468",
        "name": "The Better Life",
        "name_sort": "Better Life",
        "artist": "3 Doors Down",
        "artist_id": "5030128490104968038",
        "track_count": 11,
        "length_ms": 2393332,
        "uri": "library:album:6835720495312674468"
    "total": 3,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 2
  "playlists": {
    "items": [],
    "total": 0,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 2

Search by query language

Search for artists, albums, tracks by a smart playlist query expression (see for the expression syntax).


GET /api/search

Query parameters

Parameter Value
expression The smart playlist query expression
type Comma separated list of the result types (artist, album, track
offset (Optional) Offset of the first item to return for each type
limit (Optional) Maximum number of items to return for each type


Key Type Value
tracks object paging object containing track objects that matches the query
artists object paging object containing artist objects that matches the query
albums object paging object containing album objects that matches the query


Search for music tracks ordered descending by the time added to the library and limit result to 2 items:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/search?type=tracks&expression=media_kind+is+music+order+by+time_added+desc&offset=0&limit=2"

Server info

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/config Get configuration information



GET /api/config


Key Type Value
version string Server version
websocket_port integer Port number for the websocket (or 0 if websocket is disabled)
buildoptions array Array of strings indicating which features are supported by the server


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/config"
  "websocket_port": 3688,
  "version": "25.0",
  "buildoptions": [
    "iTunes XML",
    "Device verification",


Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/settings Get all available categories
GET /api/settings/{category-name} Get all available options for a category
GET /api/settings/{category-name}/{option-name} Get a single setting option
PUT /api/settings/{category-name}/{option-name} Change the value of a setting option
DELETE /api/settings/{category-name}/{option-name} Reset a setting option to its default

List categories

List all settings categories with their options


GET /api/settings


Key Type Value
categories array Array of settings category objects


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/settings"
  "categories": [
      "name": "webinterface",
      "options": [
          "name": "show_composer_now_playing",
          "type": 1,
          "value": true
          "name": "show_composer_for_genre",
          "type": 2,
          "value": "classical"

Get a category

Get a settings category with their options


GET /api/settings/{category-name}


Returns a settings category object


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/settings/webinterface"
  "name": "webinterface",
  "options": [
      "name": "show_composer_now_playing",
      "type": 1,
      "value": true
      "name": "show_composer_for_genre",
      "type": 2,
      "value": "classical"

Get an option

Get a single settings option


GET /api/settings/{category-name}/{option-name}


Returns a settings option object


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3689/api/settings/webinterface/show_composer_now_playing"
  "name": "show_composer_now_playing",
  "type": 1,
  "value": true

Change an option value

Get a single settings option


PUT /api/settings/{category-name}/{option-name}


Key Type Value
name string Option name
value (integer / boolean / string) New option value


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3689/api/settings/webinterface/show_composer_now_playing" --data "{\"name\":\"show_composer_now_playing\",\"value\":true}"

Delete an option

Delete a single settings option (thus resetting it to default)


DELETE /api/settings/{category-name}/{option-name}


On success returns the HTTP 204 No Content success status response code.


curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:3689/api/settings/webinterface/show_composer_now_playing"

Push notifications

If the server was built with websocket support it exposes a websocket at localhost:3688 to inform clients of changes (e. g. player state or library updates). The port depends on the server configuration and can be read using the /api/config endpoint.

After connecting to the websocket, the client should send a message containing the event types it is interested in. After that the server will send a message each time one of the events occurred.


Key Type Value
notify array Array of event types

Event types

Type Description
update Library update started or finished
database Library database changed (new/modified/deleted tracks)
outputs An output was enabled or disabled
player Player state changes
options Playback option changes (shuffle, repeat, consume mode)
volume Volume changes
queue Queue changes


curl --include \
     --no-buffer \
     --header "Connection: Upgrade" \
     --header "Upgrade: websocket" \
     --header "Host: localhost:3688" \
     --header "Origin: http://localhost:3688" \
     --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==" \
     --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" \
     --header "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: notify" \
     http://localhost:3688/ \
     --data "{ \"notify\": [ \"player\" ] }"
  "notify": [

Object model

queue item object

Key Type Value
id string Item id
position integer Position in the queue (starting with zero)
track_id string Track id
title string Title
artist string Track artist name
artist_sort string Track artist sort name
album string Album name
album_sort string Album sort name
album_id string Album id
album_artist string Album artist name
album_artist_sort string Album artist sort name
album_artist_id string Album artist id
composer string Composer (optional)
genre string Genre
year integer Release year
track_number integer Track number
disc_number integer Disc number
length_ms integer Track length in milliseconds
media_kind string Media type of this track: music, movie, podcast, audiobook, musicvideo, tvshow
data_kind string Data type of this track: file, url, spotify, pipe
path string Path
uri string Resource identifier
artwork_url string (optional) Artwork url
type string file (codec) type (ie mp3/flac/...)
bitrate string file bitrate (ie 192/128/...)
samplerate string file sample rate (ie 44100/48000/...)
channel string file channel (ie mono/stereo/xx ch))

playlist object

Key Type Value
id string Playlist id
name string Playlist name
path string Path
parent_id integer Playlist id of the parent (folder) playlist
type string Type of this playlist: special, folder, smart, plain
smart_playlist boolean true if playlist is a smart playlist
folder boolean true if it is a playlist folder
uri string Resource identifier

artist object

Key Type Value
id string Artist id
name string Artist name
name_sort string Artist sort name
album_count integer Number of albums
track_count integer Number of tracks
length_ms integer Total length of tracks in milliseconds
uri string Resource identifier
artwork_url string (optional) Artwork url

album object

Key Type Value
id string Album id
name string Album name
name_sort string Album sort name
artist_id string Album artist id
artist string Album artist name
track_count integer Number of tracks
length_ms integer Total length of tracks in milliseconds
uri string Resource identifier
artwork_url string (optional) Artwork url

track object

Key Type Value
id string Track id
title string Title
title_sort string Sort title
artist string Track artist name
artist_sort string Track artist sort name
album string Album name
album_sort string Album sort name
album_id string Album id
album_artist string Album artist name
album_artist_sort string Album artist sort name
album_artist_id string Album artist id
composer string Track composer
genre string Genre
year integer Release year
track_number integer Track number
disc_number integer Disc number
length_ms integer Track length in milliseconds
rating integer Track rating (ranges from 0 to 100)
play_count integer How many times the track was played
skip_count integer How many times the track was skipped
time_played string Timestamp in ISO 8601 format
time_skipped string Timestamp in ISO 8601 format
time_added string Timestamp in ISO 8601 format
date_released string Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
seek_ms integer Resume point in milliseconds (available only for podcasts and audiobooks)
media_kind string Media type of this track: music, movie, podcast, audiobook, musicvideo, tvshow
data_kind string Data type of this track: file, url, spotify, pipe
path string Path
uri string Resource identifier
artwork_url string (optional) Artwork url

paging object

Key Type Value
items array Array of result objects
total integer Total number of items
offset integer Requested offset of the first item
limit integer Requested maximum number of items

genre object

Key Type Value
name string Name of genre

directory object

Key Type Value
path string Directory path

category object

Key Type Value
name string Category name
options array Array of option in this category

option object

Key Type Value
name string Option name
type integer The type of the value for this option (0: integer, 1: boolean, 2: string)
value (integer / boolean / string) Current value for this option

Artwork urls

Artwork urls in queue item, artist, album and track objects can be either relative urls or absolute urls to the artwork image. Absolute artwork urls are pointing to external artwork images (e. g. for radio streams that provide artwork metadata), while relative artwork urls are served from the server.

It is possible to add the query parameters maxwidth and/or maxheight to relative artwork urls, in order to get a smaller image (the server only scales down never up).

Note that even if a relative artwork url attribute is present, it is not guaranteed to exist.