From da1d068ade96aa5974c07b630fe1c716ea31ec65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Sa=C3=BAl=20Ibarra=20Corretg=C3=A9?= <>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 10:42:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feat(statistics) remove AudioOutputProblemDetector

It has been broken for over 3 years now, since

Ever since that change, the "audioLevelReportHistory" property is not
populated, so it justs acts on nothing an generates bogus log lines such

[modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.js] A potential problem is detected with the audio output for participant b5fb30bc, local audio levels: [null,null], remote audio levels: undefined

Since nobody seems to have noticed in 3 years it's safe to assume we
don't need this at all, so it gets the axe treatment.
 JitsiConference.js                            |  14 --
 modules/connectivity/ConnectionQuality.js     |   6 +-
 .../statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.js  | 160 ------------------
 modules/statistics/RTPStatsCollector.js       |  28 +--
 .../AudioOutputProblemDetector.d.ts           |   6 -
 5 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.js
 delete mode 100644 types/hand-crafted/modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.d.ts

diff --git a/JitsiConference.js b/JitsiConference.js
index 07f5675a2d..d4ada0be6a 100644
--- a/JitsiConference.js
+++ b/JitsiConference.js
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import { LiteModeContext } from './modules/litemode/LiteModeContext';
 import { QualityController } from './modules/qualitycontrol/QualityController';
 import RecordingManager from './modules/recording/RecordingManager';
 import Settings from './modules/settings/Settings';
-import AudioOutputProblemDetector from './modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector';
 import AvgRTPStatsReporter from './modules/statistics/AvgRTPStatsReporter';
 import LocalStatsCollector from './modules/statistics/LocalStatsCollector';
 import SpeakerStatsCollector from './modules/statistics/SpeakerStatsCollector';
@@ -221,14 +220,6 @@ export default function JitsiConference(options) {
         = new AvgRTPStatsReporter(this, options.config.avgRtpStatsN || 15);
-    /**
-     * Detects issues with the audio of remote participants.
-     * @type {AudioOutputProblemDetector}
-     */
-    if (!options.config.disableAudioLevels) {
-        this._audioOutputProblemDetector = new AudioOutputProblemDetector(this);
-    }
      * Indicates whether the connection is interrupted or not.
@@ -649,11 +640,6 @@ JitsiConference.prototype.leave = async function(reason) {
         this.avgRtpStatsReporter = null;
-    if (this._audioOutputProblemDetector) {
-        this._audioOutputProblemDetector.dispose();
-        this._audioOutputProblemDetector = null;
-    }
     if (this.e2eping) {
         this.e2eping = null;
diff --git a/modules/connectivity/ConnectionQuality.js b/modules/connectivity/ConnectionQuality.js
index 5ed2c075fe..3aef1e9292 100644
--- a/modules/connectivity/ConnectionQuality.js
+++ b/modules/connectivity/ConnectionQuality.js
@@ -366,8 +366,7 @@ export default class ConnectionQuality {
             connectionQuality: this._localStats.connectionQuality,
             jvbRTT: this._localStats.jvbRTT,
             serverRegion: this._localStats.serverRegion,
-            maxEnabledResolution: this._localStats.maxEnabledResolution,
-            avgAudioLevels: this._localStats.localAvgAudioLevels
+            maxEnabledResolution: this._localStats.maxEnabledResolution
         try {
@@ -450,8 +449,7 @@ export default class ConnectionQuality {
             connectionQuality: data.connectionQuality,
             jvbRTT: data.jvbRTT,
             serverRegion: data.serverRegion,
-            maxEnabledResolution: data.maxEnabledResolution,
-            avgAudioLevels: data.avgAudioLevels
+            maxEnabledResolution: data.maxEnabledResolution
diff --git a/modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.js b/modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ace9356bd..0000000000
--- a/modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-import { getLogger } from '@jitsi/logger';
-import * as ConferenceEvents from '../../JitsiConferenceEvents';
-import { MediaType } from '../../service/RTC/MediaType';
-import * as ConnectionQualityEvents from '../../service/connectivity/ConnectionQualityEvents';
-import { createAudioOutputProblemEvent } from '../../service/statistics/AnalyticsEvents';
-import Statistics from './statistics';
-const logger = getLogger(__filename);
- * Number of local samples that will be used for comparison before and after the remote sample is received.
- */
- * Collects the average audio levels per participant from the local stats and the stats received by every remote
- * participant and compares them to detect potential audio problem for a participant.
- */
-export default class AudioOutputProblemDetector {
-    /**
-     * Creates new <tt>AudioOutputProblemDetector</tt> instance.
-     *
-     * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The conference instance to be monitored.
-     */
-    constructor(conference) {
-        this._conference = conference;
-        this._localAudioLevelCache = {};
-        this._reportedParticipants = [];
-        this._audioProblemCandidates = {};
-        this._numberOfRemoteAudioLevelsReceived = {};
-        this._onLocalAudioLevelsReport = this._onLocalAudioLevelsReport.bind(this);
-        this._onRemoteAudioLevelReceived = this._onRemoteAudioLevelReceived.bind(this);
-        this._clearUserData = this._clearUserData.bind(this);
-        this._conference.on(ConnectionQualityEvents.REMOTE_STATS_UPDATED, this._onRemoteAudioLevelReceived);
-        this._conference.statistics.addConnectionStatsListener(this._onLocalAudioLevelsReport);
-        this._conference.on(ConferenceEvents.USER_LEFT, this._clearUserData);
-    }
-    /**
-     * A listener for audio level data received by a remote participant.
-     *
-     * @param {string} userID - The user id of the participant that sent the data.
-     * @param {Object} result - The result object.
-     * @param {number} [result.avgAudioLevels] - The average audio level value.
-     * @returns {void}
-     */
-    _onRemoteAudioLevelReceived(userID, { avgAudioLevels }) {
-        const numberOfReports = (this._numberOfRemoteAudioLevelsReceived[userID] + 1) || 0;
-        this._numberOfRemoteAudioLevelsReceived[userID] = numberOfReports;
-        if (this._reportedParticipants.indexOf(userID) !== -1 || (userID in this._audioProblemCandidates)
-                || avgAudioLevels <= 0 || numberOfReports < 3) {
-            return;
-        }
-        const participant = this._conference.getParticipantById(userID);
-        if (participant) {
-            const tracks = participant.getTracksByMediaType(MediaType.AUDIO);
-            if (tracks.length > 0 && participant.isAudioMuted()) {
-                // We don't need to report an error if everything seems fine with the participant and its tracks but
-                // the participant is audio muted. Since those are average audio levels we potentially can receive non
-                // zero values for muted track.
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        const localAudioLevels = this._localAudioLevelCache[userID];
-        if (!Array.isArray(localAudioLevels) || localAudioLevels.every(audioLevel => audioLevel === 0)) {
-            this._audioProblemCandidates[userID] = {
-                remoteAudioLevels: avgAudioLevels,
-                localAudioLevels: []
-            };
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * A listener for audio level data retrieved by the local stats.
-     *
-     * @param {TraceablePeerConnection} tpc - The <tt>TraceablePeerConnection</tt> instance used to gather the data.
-     * @param {Object} avgAudioLevels - The average audio levels per participant.
-     * @returns {void}
-     */
-    _onLocalAudioLevelsReport(tpc, { avgAudioLevels }) {
-        if (tpc !== this._conference.getActivePeerConnection()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        Object.keys(avgAudioLevels).forEach(userID => {
-            if (this._reportedParticipants.indexOf(userID) !== -1) {
-                return;
-            }
-            const localAudioLevels = this._localAudioLevelCache[userID];
-            if (!Array.isArray(localAudioLevels)) {
-                this._localAudioLevelCache[userID] = [ ];
-            } else if (localAudioLevels.length >= NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_SAMPLES) {
-                localAudioLevels.shift();
-            }
-            this._localAudioLevelCache[userID].push(avgAudioLevels[userID]);
-        });
-        Object.keys(this._audioProblemCandidates).forEach(userID => {
-            const { localAudioLevels, remoteAudioLevels } = this._audioProblemCandidates[userID];
-            localAudioLevels.push(avgAudioLevels[userID]);
-            if (localAudioLevels.length === NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_SAMPLES) {
-                if (localAudioLevels.every(audioLevel => typeof audioLevel === 'undefined' || audioLevel === 0)) {
-                    const localAudioLevelsString = JSON.stringify(localAudioLevels);
-                    Statistics.sendAnalytics(
-                        createAudioOutputProblemEvent(userID, localAudioLevelsString, remoteAudioLevels));
-                    logger.warn(`A potential problem is detected with the audio output for participant ${
-                        userID}, local audio levels: ${localAudioLevelsString}, remote audio levels: ${
-                        remoteAudioLevels}`);
-                    this._reportedParticipants.push(userID);
-                    this._clearUserData(userID);
-                }
-                delete this._audioProblemCandidates[userID];
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    /**
-     * Clears the data stored for a participant.
-     *
-     * @param {string} userID - The id of the participant.
-     * @returns {void}
-     */
-    _clearUserData(userID) {
-        delete this._localAudioLevelCache[userID];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Disposes the allocated resources.
-     *
-     * @returns {void}
-     */
-    dispose() {
-, this._onRemoteAudioLevelReceived);
-, this._clearUserData);
-        this._conference.statistics.removeConnectionStatsListener(this._onLocalAudioLevelsReport);
-        this._localAudioLevelCache = undefined;
-        this._audioProblemCandidates = undefined;
-        this._reportedParticipants = undefined;
-        this._numberOfRemoteAudioLevelsReceived = undefined;
-        this._conference = undefined;
-    }
diff --git a/modules/statistics/RTPStatsCollector.js b/modules/statistics/RTPStatsCollector.js
index ef278afd4b..fbdffab1a2 100644
--- a/modules/statistics/RTPStatsCollector.js
+++ b/modules/statistics/RTPStatsCollector.js
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ export default function StatsCollector(peerconnection, audioLevelsInterval, stat
     this.peerconnection = peerconnection;
     this.currentStatsReport = null;
     this.previousStatsReport = null;
-    this.audioLevelReportHistory = {};
     this.audioLevelsIntervalId = null;
     this.eventEmitter = eventEmitter;
     this.conferenceStats = new ConferenceStats();
@@ -385,29 +384,6 @@ StatsCollector.prototype._processAndEmitReport = function() {
             calculatePacketLoss(lostPackets.upload, totalPackets.upload)
-    const avgAudioLevels = {};
-    let localAvgAudioLevels;
-    Object.keys(this.audioLevelReportHistory).forEach(ssrc => {
-        const { data, isLocal } = this.audioLevelReportHistory[ssrc];
-        const avgAudioLevel = data.reduce((sum, currentValue) => sum + currentValue) / data.length;
-        if (isLocal) {
-            localAvgAudioLevels = avgAudioLevel;
-        } else {
-            const track = this.peerconnection.getTrackBySSRC(Number(ssrc));
-            if (track) {
-                const participantId = track.getParticipantId();
-                if (participantId) {
-                    avgAudioLevels[participantId] = avgAudioLevel;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    });
-    this.audioLevelReportHistory = {};
@@ -418,9 +394,7 @@ StatsCollector.prototype._processAndEmitReport = function() {
             resolution: resolutions,
             framerate: framerates,
             codec: codecs,
-            transport: this.conferenceStats.transport,
-            localAvgAudioLevels,
-            avgAudioLevels
+            transport: this.conferenceStats.transport
     this.conferenceStats.transport = [];
diff --git a/types/hand-crafted/modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.d.ts b/types/hand-crafted/modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 59e4ebcd85..0000000000
--- a/types/hand-crafted/modules/statistics/AudioOutputProblemDetector.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import JitsiConference from '../../JitsiConference';
-export default class AudioOutputProblemDetector {
-  constructor( conference: JitsiConference );
-  dispose: () => void;