diff --git a/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js b/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js
index 2ef4590fa2..d6a8f8dbea 100644
--- a/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js
+++ b/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js
@@ -360,551 +360,457 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
this._removeSenderVideoConstraintsChangeListener = undefined;
- /* eslint-enable max-params */
- * Checks whether or not this session instance is still operational.
+ * Handles either Jingle 'source-add' or 'source-remove' message for this
+ * Jingle session.
+ * @param {boolean} isAdd true for 'source-add' or false
+ * otherwise.
+ * @param {Array} elem an array of Jingle "content" elements.
* @private
- * @returns {boolean} {@code true} if operation or {@code false} otherwise.
- _assertNotEnded() {
- return this.state !== JingleSessionState.ENDED;
- }
+ _addOrRemoveRemoteStream(isAdd, elem) {
+ const logPrefix = isAdd ? 'addRemoteStream' : 'removeRemoteStream';
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- * @param {JingleSessionPCOptions} options - a set of config options.
- */
- doInitialize(options) {
- this.failICE = Boolean(options.failICE);
- this.lasticecandidate = false;
- this.options = options;
+ if (isAdd) {
+ this.readSsrcInfo(elem);
+ }
- /**
- * {@code true} if reconnect is in progress.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- this.isReconnect = false;
+ const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
+ if (!this.peerconnection.localDescription
+ || !this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp) {
+ const errMsg = `${logPrefix} - localDescription not ready yet`;
- /**
- * Set to {@code true} if the connection was ever stable
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- this.wasstable = false;
- this.webrtcIceUdpDisable = Boolean(options.webrtcIceUdpDisable);
- this.webrtcIceTcpDisable = Boolean(options.webrtcIceTcpDisable);
+ logger.error(errMsg);
+ finishedCallback(errMsg);
- const pcOptions = { disableRtx: options.disableRtx };
+ return;
+ }
- if (options.gatherStats) {
- pcOptions.maxstats = DEFAULT_MAX_STATS;
- }
- pcOptions.capScreenshareBitrate = false;
- pcOptions.codecSettings = options.codecSettings;
- pcOptions.enableInsertableStreams = options.enableInsertableStreams;
- pcOptions.usesCodecSelectionAPI = this.usesCodecSelectionAPI
- = browser.supportsCodecSelectionAPI() && options.testing?.enableCodecSelectionAPI && !this.isP2P;
+ logger.log(`${this} Processing ${logPrefix}`);
- if (options.videoQuality) {
- const settings = Object.entries(options.videoQuality)
- .map(entry => {
- entry[0] = entry[0].toLowerCase();
+ const sdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
+ const addOrRemoveSsrcInfo
+ = isAdd
+ ? this._parseSsrcInfoFromSourceAdd(elem, sdp)
+ : this._parseSsrcInfoFromSourceRemove(elem, sdp);
+ const newRemoteSdp
+ = isAdd
+ ? this._processRemoteAddSource(addOrRemoveSsrcInfo)
+ : this._processRemoteRemoveSource(addOrRemoveSsrcInfo);
- return entry;
+ this._renegotiate(newRemoteSdp.raw).then(() => {
+ logger.log(`${this} ${logPrefix} - OK`);
+ finishedCallback();
+ }, error => {
+ logger.error(`${this} ${logPrefix} failed:`, error);
+ finishedCallback(error);
+ };
- pcOptions.videoQuality = Object.fromEntries(settings);
- }
- pcOptions.forceTurnRelay = options.forceTurnRelay;
- pcOptions.audioQuality = options.audioQuality;
- pcOptions.disableSimulcast = this.isP2P ? true : options.disableSimulcast;
+ logger.debug(`${this} Queued ${logPrefix} task`);
- if (!this.isP2P) {
- // Do not send lower spatial layers for low fps screenshare and enable them only for high fps screenshare.
- pcOptions.capScreenshareBitrate = !(options.desktopSharingFrameRate?.max > SS_DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE);
- }
+ // Queue and execute
+ this.modificationQueue.push(workFunction);
+ }
- if (options.startSilent) {
- pcOptions.startSilent = true;
+ /**
+ * See {@link addTrackToPc} and {@link removeTrackFromPc}.
+ * @param {boolean} isRemove true for "remove" operation or false for "add" operation.
+ * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track the track that will be added/removed
+ * @private
+ */
+ _addRemoveTrack(isRemove, track) {
+ if (!track) {
+ return Promise.reject('invalid "track" argument value');
+ const operationName = isRemove ? 'removeTrack' : 'addTrack';
+ const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
+ const tpc = this.peerconnection;
- this.peerconnection
- = this.rtc.createPeerConnection(
- this._signalingLayer,
- this.pcConfig,
- this.isP2P,
- pcOptions);
+ if (!tpc) {
+ finishedCallback(`Error: tried ${operationName} track with no active peer connection`);
- this.peerconnection.onicecandidate = ev => {
- if (!ev) {
- // There was an incomplete check for ev before which left
- // the last line of the function unprotected from a potential
- // throw of an exception. Consequently, it may be argued that
- // the check is unnecessary. Anyway, I'm leaving it and making
- // the check complete.
+ const operationPromise
+ = isRemove
+ ? tpc.removeTrackFromPc(track)
+ : tpc.addTrackToPc(track);
- // XXX this is broken, candidate is not parsed.
- const candidate = ev.candidate;
- const now = window.performance.now();
+ operationPromise
+ .then(shouldRenegotiate => {
+ if (shouldRenegotiate) {
+ this._renegotiate().then(finishedCallback);
+ } else {
+ finishedCallback();
+ }
+ },
+ finishedCallback /* will be called with an error */);
+ };
- if (candidate) {
- if (this._gatheringStartedTimestamp === null) {
- this._gatheringStartedTimestamp = now;
- }
+ logger.debug(`${this} Queued ${operationName} task`);
- // Discard candidates of disabled protocols.
- let protocol = candidate.protocol;
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ this.modificationQueue.push(
+ workFunction,
+ error => {
+ if (error) {
+ if (error instanceof ClearedQueueError) {
+ // The session might have been terminated before the task was executed, making it obsolete.
+ logger.debug(`${this} ${operationName} aborted: session terminated`);
+ resolve();
- if (typeof protocol === 'string') {
- protocol = protocol.toLowerCase();
- if (protocol === 'tcp' || protocol === 'ssltcp') {
- if (this.webrtcIceTcpDisable) {
- return;
- }
- } else if (protocol === 'udp') {
- if (this.webrtcIceUdpDisable) {
+ logger.error(`${this} ${operationName} failed`);
+ reject(error);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug(`${this} ${operationName} done`);
+ resolve();
- }
- } else if (!this._gatheringReported) {
- // End of gathering
- Statistics.sendAnalytics(
- {
- phase: 'gathering',
- value: now - this._gatheringStartedTimestamp,
- p2p: this.isP2P,
- initiator: this.isInitiator
- });
- this._gatheringReported = true;
- }
- if (this.isP2P) {
- this.sendIceCandidate(candidate);
- }
- };
- // Note there is a change in the spec about closed:
- // This value moved into the RTCPeerConnectionState enum in
- // the May 13, 2016 draft of the specification, as it reflects the state
- // of the RTCPeerConnection, not the signaling connection. You now
- // detect a closed connection by checking for connectionState to be
- // "closed" instead.
- // I suppose at some point this will be moved to onconnectionstatechange
- this.peerconnection.onsignalingstatechange = () => {
- if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'stable') {
- this.wasstable = true;
- } else if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'closed'
- || this.peerconnection.connectionState === 'closed') {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SUSPEND_DETECTED, this);
- }
- };
+ });
+ });
+ }
- /**
- * The oniceconnectionstatechange event handler contains the code to
- * execute when the iceconnectionstatechange event, of type Event,
- * is received by this RTCPeerConnection. Such an event is sent when
- * the value of RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState changes.
- */
- this.peerconnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = () => {
- const now = window.performance.now();
- let isStable = false;
+ /**
+ * Checks whether or not this session instance is still operational.
+ * @private
+ * @returns {boolean} {@code true} if operation or {@code false} otherwise.
+ */
+ _assertNotEnded() {
+ return this.state !== JingleSessionState.ENDED;
+ }
- if (!this.isP2P) {
- this.room.connectionTimes[
- `ice.state.${this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState}`]
- = now;
- }
- logger.log(`(TIME) ICE ${this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState} ${this.isP2P ? 'P2P' : 'JVB'}:\t`, now);
+ /**
+ * Parse the information from the xml sourceAddElem and translate it
+ * into sdp lines
+ * @param {jquery xml element} sourceAddElem the source-add
+ * element from jingle
+ * @param {SDP object} currentRemoteSdp the current remote
+ * sdp (as of this new source-add)
+ * @returns {list} a list of SDP line strings that should
+ * be added to the remote SDP
+ */
+ _parseSsrcInfoFromSourceAdd(sourceAddElem, currentRemoteSdp) {
+ const addSsrcInfo = [];
+ const self = this;
- Statistics.sendAnalytics(
- {
- p2p: this.isP2P,
- state: this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState,
- 'signaling_state': this.peerconnection.signalingState,
- reconnect: this.isReconnect,
- value: now
- });
+ $(sourceAddElem).each((i1, content) => {
+ const name = $(content).attr('name');
+ let lines = '';
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
- this,
- this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState);
- switch (this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState) {
- case 'checking':
- this._iceCheckingStartedTimestamp = now;
- break;
- case 'connected':
- case 'completed':
- // Informs interested parties that the connection has been restored. This includes the case when
- // media connection to the bridge has been restored after an ICE failure by using session-terminate.
- if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'stable') {
- isStable = true;
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.CONNECTION_RESTORED, this);
- }
+ $(content)
+ .find('ssrc-group[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]')
+ .each(function() {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
+ const semantics = this.getAttribute('semantics');
+ const ssrcs
+ = $(this) // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this
+ .find('>source')
+ .map(function() {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
+ return this.getAttribute('ssrc');
+ })
+ .get();
- // Add a workaround for an issue on chrome in Unified plan when the local endpoint is the offerer.
- // The 'signalingstatechange' event for 'stable' is handled after the 'iceconnectionstatechange' event
- // for 'completed' is handled by the client. This prevents the client from firing a
- // CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED event for the p2p session. As a result, the offerer continues to stay on the
- // jvb connection while the remote peer switches to the p2p connection breaking the media flow between
- // the endpoints.
- // TODO - file a chromium bug and add the information here.
- if (!this.wasConnected
- && (this.wasstable
- || isStable
- || (this.isInitiator && (browser.isChromiumBased() || browser.isReactNative())))) {
+ if (ssrcs.length) {
+ lines += `a=ssrc-group:${semantics} ${ssrcs.join(' ')}\r\n`;
+ }
+ });
- Statistics.sendAnalytics(
- {
- phase: 'checking',
- value: now - this._iceCheckingStartedTimestamp,
- p2p: this.isP2P,
- initiator: this.isInitiator
- });
+ // handles both >source and >description>source
+ const tmp
+ = $(content).find(
+ 'source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]');
- // Switch between ICE gathering and ICE checking whichever
- // started first (scenarios are different for initiator
- // vs responder)
- const iceStarted
- = Math.min(
- this._iceCheckingStartedTimestamp,
- this._gatheringStartedTimestamp);
+ /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
+ tmp.each(function() {
+ const ssrc = $(this).attr('ssrc');
- this.establishmentDuration = now - iceStarted;
+ if (currentRemoteSdp.containsSSRC(ssrc)) {
- Statistics.sendAnalytics(
- {
- phase: 'establishment',
- value: this.establishmentDuration,
- p2p: this.isP2P,
- initiator: this.isInitiator
- });
+ // Do not print the warning for unified plan p2p case since ssrcs are never removed from the SDP.
+ !self.isP2P && logger.warn(`${self} Source-add request for existing SSRC: ${ssrc}`);
- this.wasConnected = true;
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
+ return;
- this.isReconnect = false;
- break;
- case 'disconnected':
- this.isReconnect = true;
- // Informs interested parties that the connection has been
- // interrupted.
- if (this.wasstable) {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
+ // eslint-disable-next-line newline-per-chained-call
+ $(this).find('>parameter').each(function() {
+ lines += `a=ssrc:${ssrc} ${$(this).attr('name')}`;
+ if ($(this).attr('value') && $(this).attr('value').length) {
+ lines += `:${$(this).attr('value')}`;
+ }
+ lines += '\r\n';
+ });
+ });
+ let midFound = false;
+ /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */
+ currentRemoteSdp.media.forEach((media, i2) => {
+ if (!SDPUtil.findLine(media, `a=mid:${name}`)) {
+ return;
- break;
- case 'failed':
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
- break;
+ if (!addSsrcInfo[i2]) {
+ addSsrcInfo[i2] = '';
+ }
+ addSsrcInfo[i2] += lines;
+ midFound = true;
+ });
+ // In p2p unified mode with multi-stream enabled, the new sources will have content name that doesn't exist
+ // in the current remote description. Add a new m-line for this newly signaled source.
+ if (!midFound && this.isP2P) {
+ addSsrcInfo[name] = lines;
- };
+ });
+ return addSsrcInfo;
+ }
- /**
- * The connection state event is fired whenever the aggregate of underlying
- * transports change their state.
- */
- this.peerconnection.onconnectionstatechange = () => {
- const icestate = this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState;
+ /**
+ * Parse the information from the xml sourceRemoveElem and translate it
+ * into sdp lines
+ * @param {jquery xml element} sourceRemoveElem the source-remove
+ * element from jingle
+ * @param {SDP object} currentRemoteSdp the current remote
+ * sdp (as of this new source-remove)
+ * @returns {list} a list of SDP line strings that should
+ * be removed from the remote SDP
+ */
+ _parseSsrcInfoFromSourceRemove(sourceRemoveElem, currentRemoteSdp) {
+ const removeSsrcInfo = [];
- switch (this.peerconnection.connectionState) {
- case 'failed':
- // Since version 76 Chrome no longer switches ICE connection
- // state to failed (see
- // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=982793
- // for details) we use this workaround to recover from lost connections
- if (icestate === 'disconnected') {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
- }
- break;
- }
- };
+ $(sourceRemoveElem).each((i1, content) => {
+ const name = $(content).attr('name');
+ let lines = '';
- /**
- * The negotiationneeded event is fired whenever we shake the media on the
- * RTCPeerConnection object.
- */
- this.peerconnection.onnegotiationneeded = () => {
- const state = this.peerconnection.signalingState;
- const remoteDescription = this.peerconnection.remoteDescription;
+ $(content)
+ .find('ssrc-group[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]')
+ .each(function() {
+ /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
+ const semantics = this.getAttribute('semantics');
+ const ssrcs
+ = $(this)
+ .find('>source')
+ .map(function() {
+ return this.getAttribute('ssrc');
+ })
+ .get();
- if (!this.isP2P
- && state === 'stable'
- && remoteDescription
- && typeof remoteDescription.sdp === 'string') {
- logger.info(`${this} onnegotiationneeded fired on ${this.peerconnection}`);
+ if (ssrcs.length) {
+ lines
+ += `a=ssrc-group:${semantics} ${
+ ssrcs.join(' ')}\r\n`;
+ }
- const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
- this._renegotiate()
- .then(() => this.peerconnection.configureAudioSenderEncodings())
- .then(() => finishedCallback(), error => finishedCallback(error));
- };
+ /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */
+ });
+ const ssrcs = [];
- this.modificationQueue.push(
- workFunction,
- error => {
- if (error) {
- logger.error(`${this} onnegotiationneeded error`, error);
- } else {
- logger.debug(`${this} onnegotiationneeded executed - OK`);
- }
- });
- }
- };
+ // handles both >source and >description>source versions
+ const tmp
+ = $(content).find(
+ 'source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]');
+ tmp.each(function() {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
+ const ssrc = $(this).attr('ssrc');
+ ssrcs.push(ssrc);
+ });
+ currentRemoteSdp.media.forEach((media, i2) => {
+ if (!SDPUtil.findLine(media, `a=mid:${name}`)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!removeSsrcInfo[i2]) {
+ removeSsrcInfo[i2] = '';
+ }
+ ssrcs.forEach(ssrc => {
+ const ssrcLines
+ = SDPUtil.findLines(media, `a=ssrc:${ssrc}`);
+ if (ssrcLines.length) {
+ removeSsrcInfo[i2] += `${ssrcLines.join('\r\n')}\r\n`;
+ }
+ });
+ removeSsrcInfo[i2] += lines;
+ });
+ });
+ return removeSsrcInfo;
- * Remote preference for receive video max frame height.
- *
- * @returns {Number|undefined}
+ * Takes in a jingle offer iq, returns the new sdp offer
+ * @param {jquery xml element} offerIq the incoming offer
+ * @returns {SDP object} the jingle offer translated to SDP
- getRemoteRecvMaxFrameHeight() {
- if (this.isP2P) {
- return this.remoteRecvMaxFrameHeight;
+ _processNewJingleOfferIq(offerIq) {
+ const remoteSdp = new SDP('');
+ if (this.webrtcIceTcpDisable) {
+ remoteSdp.removeTcpCandidates = true;
+ }
+ if (this.webrtcIceUdpDisable) {
+ remoteSdp.removeUdpCandidates = true;
+ }
+ if (this.failICE) {
+ remoteSdp.failICE = true;
- return undefined;
+ remoteSdp.fromJingle(offerIq);
+ this.readSsrcInfo($(offerIq).find('>content'));
+ return remoteSdp;
- * Remote preference for receive video max frame heights when source-name signaling is enabled.
- *
- * @returns {Map|undefined}
- */
- getRemoteSourcesRecvMaxFrameHeight() {
- if (this.isP2P) {
- return this.remoteSourceMaxFrameHeights;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Sends given candidate in Jingle 'transport-info' message.
- * @param {RTCIceCandidate} candidate the WebRTC ICE candidate instance
- * @private
+ * Add the given ssrc lines to the current remote sdp
+ * @param {list} addSsrcInfo a list of SDP line strings that
+ * should be added to the remote SDP
+ * @returns type {SDP Object} the new remote SDP (after removing the lines
+ * in removeSsrcInfo
- sendIceCandidate(candidate) {
- const localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
- if (candidate && candidate.candidate.length && !this.lasticecandidate) {
- const ice = SDPUtil.iceparams(localSDP.media[candidate.sdpMLineIndex], localSDP.session);
- const jcand = SDPUtil.candidateToJingle(candidate.candidate);
+ _processRemoteAddSource(addSsrcInfo) {
+ let remoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
- if (!(ice && jcand)) {
- logger.error('failed to get ice && jcand');
+ // Add a new m-line in the remote description if the source info for a secondary video source is recceived from
+ // the remote p2p peer when multi-stream support is enabled.
+ if (addSsrcInfo.length > remoteSdp.media.length && this.isP2P) {
+ remoteSdp.addMlineForNewLocalSource(MediaType.VIDEO);
+ remoteSdp = new SDP(remoteSdp.raw);
+ }
+ addSsrcInfo.forEach((lines, idx) => {
+ remoteSdp.media[idx] += lines;
- return;
- }
- ice.xmlns = XEP.ICE_UDP_TRANSPORT;
+ // Make sure to change the direction to 'sendrecv/sendonly' only for p2p connections. For jvb connections,
+ // a new m-line is added for the new remote sources.
+ if (this.isP2P) {
+ const mediaType = SDPUtil.parseMLine(remoteSdp.media[idx].split('\r\n')[0])?.media;
+ const desiredDirection = this.peerconnection.getDesiredMediaDirection(mediaType, true);
- if (this.usedrip) {
- if (this.dripContainer.length === 0) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (this.dripContainer.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- this.sendIceCandidates(this.dripContainer);
- this.dripContainer = [];
- }
- this.dripContainer.push(candidate);
- } else {
- this.sendIceCandidates([ candidate ]);
+ [ MediaDirection.RECVONLY, MediaDirection.INACTIVE ].forEach(direction => {
+ remoteSdp.media[idx] = remoteSdp.media[idx]
+ .replace(`a=${direction}`, `a=${desiredDirection}`);
+ });
- } else {
- logger.log(`${this} sendIceCandidate: last candidate`);
+ });
+ remoteSdp.raw = remoteSdp.session + remoteSdp.media.join('');
- // FIXME: remember to re-think in ICE-restart
- this.lasticecandidate = true;
- }
+ return remoteSdp;
- * Sends given candidates in Jingle 'transport-info' message.
- * @param {Array} candidates an array of the WebRTC ICE
- * candidate instances
- * @private
+ * Remove the given ssrc lines from the current remote sdp
+ * @param {list} removeSsrcInfo a list of SDP line strings that
+ * should be removed from the remote SDP
+ * @returns type {SDP Object} the new remote SDP (after removing the lines
+ * in removeSsrcInfo
- sendIceCandidates(candidates) {
- if (!this._assertNotEnded('sendIceCandidates')) {
- return;
- }
- logger.log(`${this} sendIceCandidates ${JSON.stringify(candidates)}`);
- const cand = $iq({ to: this.remoteJid,
- type: 'set' })
- .c('jingle', { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
- action: 'transport-info',
- initiator: this.initiatorJid,
- sid: this.sid });
+ _processRemoteRemoveSource(removeSsrcInfo) {
+ const remoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
+ let ssrcs;
- const localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
+ removeSsrcInfo.forEach(lines => {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ lines = lines.split('\r\n');
+ lines.pop(); // remove empty last element;
+ ssrcs = lines.map(line => Number(line.split('a=ssrc:')[1]?.split(' ')[0]));
- for (let mid = 0; mid < localSDP.media.length; mid++) {
- const cands = candidates.filter(el => el.sdpMLineIndex === mid);
- const mline
- = SDPUtil.parseMLine(localSDP.media[mid].split('\r\n')[0]);
+ let mid;
- if (cands.length > 0) {
- const ice
- = SDPUtil.iceparams(localSDP.media[mid], localSDP.session);
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ mid = remoteSdp.media.findIndex(mLine => mLine.includes(line));
+ if (mid > -1) {
+ remoteSdp.media[mid] = remoteSdp.media[mid].replace(`${line}\r\n`, '');
+ if (this.isP2P) {
+ const mediaType = SDPUtil.parseMLine(remoteSdp.media[mid].split('\r\n')[0])?.media;
+ const desiredDirection = this.peerconnection.getDesiredMediaDirection(mediaType, false);
- ice.xmlns = XEP.ICE_UDP_TRANSPORT;
- cand.c('content', {
- creator: this.initiatorJid === this.localJid
- ? 'initiator' : 'responder',
- name: cands[0].sdpMid ? cands[0].sdpMid : mline.media
- }).c('transport', ice);
- for (let i = 0; i < cands.length; i++) {
- const candidate
- = SDPUtil.candidateToJingle(cands[i].candidate);
+ [ MediaDirection.SENDRECV, MediaDirection.SENDONLY ].forEach(direction => {
+ remoteSdp.media[mid] = remoteSdp.media[mid]
+ .replace(`a=${direction}`, `a=${desiredDirection}`);
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Jvb connections will have direction set to 'sendonly' for the remote sources.
+ remoteSdp.media[mid] = remoteSdp.media[mid]
+ .replace(`a=${MediaDirection.SENDONLY}`, `a=${MediaDirection.INACTIVE}`);
- // Mangle ICE candidate if 'failICE' test option is enabled
+ // Reject the m-line so that the browser removes the associated transceiver from the list
+ // of available transceivers. This will prevent the client from trying to re-use these
+ // inactive transceivers when additional video sources are added to the peerconnection.
+ const { media, port } = SDPUtil.parseMLine(remoteSdp.media[mid].split('\r\n')[0]);
- if (this.failICE) {
- candidate.ip = '';
+ remoteSdp.media[mid] = remoteSdp.media[mid].replace(`m=${media} ${port}`, `m=${media} 0`);
- cand.c('candidate', candidate).up();
+ });
+ });
- // add fingerprint
- const fingerprintLine
- = SDPUtil.findLine(
- localSDP.media[mid],
- 'a=fingerprint:', localSDP.session);
- if (fingerprintLine) {
- const tmp = SDPUtil.parseFingerprint(fingerprintLine);
+ // Update the ssrc owners list.
+ ssrcs?.length && this._signalingLayer.removeSSRCOwners(ssrcs);
- tmp.required = true;
- cand.c(
- 'fingerprint',
- { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:dtls:0' })
- .t(tmp.fingerprint);
- delete tmp.fingerprint;
- cand.attrs(tmp);
- cand.up();
- }
- cand.up(); // transport
- cand.up(); // content
- }
- }
+ remoteSdp.raw = remoteSdp.session + remoteSdp.media.join('');
- // might merge last-candidate notification into this, but it is called
- // a lot later. See webrtc issue #2340
- // logger.log('was this the last candidate', this.lasticecandidate);
- this.connection.sendIQ(
- cand, null, this.newJingleErrorHandler(cand), IQ_TIMEOUT);
+ return remoteSdp;
- * {@inheritDoc}
+ * Does a new offer/answer flow using the existing remote description (if not provided) and signals any new sources
+ * to Jicofo or the remote peer.
+ *
+ * @param {string} [optionalRemoteSdp] optional, raw remote sdp to use. If not provided, the remote sdp from the
+ * peerconnection will be used.
+ * @returns {Promise} promise which resolves when the o/a flow is complete with no arguments or rejects with an
+ * error {string}
- addIceCandidates(elem) {
+ _renegotiate(optionalRemoteSdp) {
if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'closed') {
- logger.warn(`${this} Ignored add ICE candidate when in closed state`);
- return;
- }
- const iceCandidates = [];
- elem.find('>content>transport>candidate')
- .each((idx, candidate) => {
- let line = SDPUtil.candidateFromJingle(candidate);
+ const error = new Error('Attempted to renegotiate in state closed');
- line = line.replace('\r\n', '').replace('a=', '');
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.RENEGOTIATION_FAILED, error, this);
- // FIXME this code does not care to handle
- // non-bundle transport
- const rtcCandidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
- sdpMLineIndex: 0,
+ return Promise.reject(error);
+ }
- // FF comes up with more complex names like audio-23423,
- // Given that it works on both Chrome and FF without
- // providing it, let's leave it like this for the time
- // being...
- // sdpMid: 'audio',
- sdpMid: '',
- candidate: line
- });
+ const remoteSdp = optionalRemoteSdp || this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp;
- iceCandidates.push(rtcCandidate);
- });
+ if (!remoteSdp) {
+ const error = new Error(`Can not renegotiate without remote description, current state: ${this.state}`);
- if (!iceCandidates.length) {
- logger.error(`${this} No ICE candidates to add ?`, elem[0] && elem[0].outerHTML);
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.RENEGOTIATION_FAILED, error, this);
- return;
+ return Promise.reject(error);
- // We want to have this task queued, so that we know it is executed,
- // after the initial sRD/sLD offer/answer cycle was done (based on
- // the assumption that candidates are spawned after the offer/answer
- // and XMPP preserves order).
- const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
- for (const iceCandidate of iceCandidates) {
- this.peerconnection.addIceCandidate(iceCandidate)
- .then(
- () => logger.debug(`${this} addIceCandidate ok!`),
- err => logger.error(`${this} addIceCandidate failed!`, err));
- }
+ const remoteDescription = new RTCSessionDescription({
+ type: 'offer',
+ sdp: remoteSdp
+ });
- finishedCallback();
- logger.debug(`${this} ICE candidates task finished`);
- };
+ const oldLocalSDP = this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp;
- logger.debug(`${this} Queued add (${iceCandidates.length}) ICE candidates task`);
- this.modificationQueue.push(workFunction);
- }
+ logger.debug(`${this} Renegotiate: setting remote description`);
- /**
- *
- * @param contents
- */
- readSsrcInfo(contents) {
- const ssrcs = $(contents).find('>description>source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]');
+ return this.peerconnection.setRemoteDescription(remoteDescription)
+ .then(() => {
+ logger.debug(`${this} Renegotiate: creating answer`);
- ssrcs.each((i, ssrcElement) => {
- const ssrc = Number(ssrcElement.getAttribute('ssrc'));
- let sourceName;
- if (ssrcElement.hasAttribute('name')) {
- sourceName = ssrcElement.getAttribute('name');
- }
- if (this.isP2P) {
- // In P2P all SSRCs are owner by the remote peer
- this._signalingLayer.setSSRCOwner(ssrc, Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.remoteJid), sourceName);
- } else {
- $(ssrcElement)
- .find('>ssrc-info[xmlns="http://jitsi.org/jitmeet"]')
- .each((i3, ssrcInfoElement) => {
- const owner = ssrcInfoElement.getAttribute('owner');
+ return this.peerconnection.createAnswer(this.mediaConstraints);
+ })
+ .then(answer => {
+ logger.debug(`${this} Renegotiate: setting local description`);
- if (owner?.length) {
- if (isNaN(ssrc) || ssrc < 0) {
- logger.warn(`${this} Invalid SSRC ${ssrc} value received for ${owner}`);
- } else {
- this._signalingLayer.setSSRCOwner(ssrc, getEndpointId(owner), sourceName);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
+ return this.peerconnection.setLocalDescription(answer);
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ if (oldLocalSDP) {
+ // Send the source updates after every renegotiation cycle.
+ this.notifyMySSRCUpdate(new SDP(oldLocalSDP), new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp));
+ }
+ });
@@ -956,1061 +862,1005 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Creates an offer and sends Jingle 'session-initiate' to the remote peer.
- *
- * @param {Array} localTracks the local tracks that will be added, before the offer/answer cycle
- * executes (for the local track addition to be an atomic operation together with the offer/answer).
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- invite(localTracks = []) {
- if (!this.isInitiator) {
- throw new Error('Trying to invite from the responder session');
+ addIceCandidates(elem) {
+ if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'closed') {
+ logger.warn(`${this} Ignored add ICE candidate when in closed state`);
+ return;
- logger.debug(`${this} Executing invite task`);
- const addTracks = [];
+ const iceCandidates = [];
- for (const track of localTracks) {
- addTracks.push(this.peerconnection.addTrack(track, this.isInitiator));
- }
+ elem.find('>content>transport>candidate')
+ .each((idx, candidate) => {
+ let line = SDPUtil.candidateFromJingle(candidate);
- Promise.all(addTracks)
- .then(() => this.peerconnection.createOffer(this.mediaConstraints))
- .then(offerSdp => this.peerconnection.setLocalDescription(offerSdp))
- .then(() => {
- this.peerconnection.processLocalSdpForTransceiverInfo(localTracks);
- this.sendSessionInitiate(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
- })
- .then(() => {
- logger.debug(`${this} invite executed - OK`);
- })
- .catch(error => {
- logger.error(`${this} invite error`, error);
- });
- }
+ line = line.replace('\r\n', '').replace('a=', '');
- /**
- * Sends 'session-initiate' to the remote peer.
- *
- * NOTE this method is synchronous and we're not waiting for the RESULT
- * response which would delay the startup process.
- *
- * @param {string} offerSdp - The local session description which will be
- * used to generate an offer.
- * @private
- */
- sendSessionInitiate(offerSdp) {
- let init = $iq({
- to: this.remoteJid,
- type: 'set'
- }).c('jingle', {
- xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
- action: 'session-initiate',
- initiator: this.initiatorJid,
- sid: this.sid
- });
+ // FIXME this code does not care to handle
+ // non-bundle transport
+ const rtcCandidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
+ sdpMLineIndex: 0,
- new SDP(offerSdp, this.isP2P).toJingle(
- init,
- this.isInitiator ? 'initiator' : 'responder');
- init = init.tree();
- logger.debug(`${this} Session-initiate: `, init);
- this.connection.sendIQ(init,
- () => {
- logger.info(`${this} Got RESULT for "session-initiate"`);
- },
- error => {
- logger.error(`${this} "session-initiate" error`, error);
- },
- }
+ // FF comes up with more complex names like audio-23423,
+ // Given that it works on both Chrome and FF without
+ // providing it, let's leave it like this for the time
+ // being...
+ // sdpMid: 'audio',
+ sdpMid: '',
+ candidate: line
+ });
- /**
- * Sets the answer received from the remote peer as the remote description.
- *
- * @param jingleAnswer
- */
- setAnswer(jingleAnswer) {
- if (!this.isInitiator) {
- throw new Error('Trying to set an answer on the responder session');
+ iceCandidates.push(rtcCandidate);
+ });
+ if (!iceCandidates.length) {
+ logger.error(`${this} No ICE candidates to add ?`, elem[0] && elem[0].outerHTML);
+ return;
- logger.debug(`${this} Executing setAnswer task`);
- const newRemoteSdp = this._processNewJingleOfferIq(jingleAnswer);
- const oldLocalSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
- const remoteDescription = new RTCSessionDescription({
- type: 'answer',
- sdp: newRemoteSdp.raw
- });
+ // We want to have this task queued, so that we know it is executed,
+ // after the initial sRD/sLD offer/answer cycle was done (based on
+ // the assumption that candidates are spawned after the offer/answer
+ // and XMPP preserves order).
+ const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
+ for (const iceCandidate of iceCandidates) {
+ this.peerconnection.addIceCandidate(iceCandidate)
+ .then(
+ () => logger.debug(`${this} addIceCandidate ok!`),
+ err => logger.error(`${this} addIceCandidate failed!`, err));
+ }
- this.peerconnection.setRemoteDescription(remoteDescription)
- .then(() => {
- if (this.state === JingleSessionState.PENDING) {
- this.state = JingleSessionState.ACTIVE;
+ finishedCallback();
+ logger.debug(`${this} ICE candidates task finished`);
+ };
- // Start processing tasks on the modification queue.
- logger.debug(`${this} Resuming the modification queue after session is established!`);
- this.modificationQueue.resume();
- const newLocalSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
+ logger.debug(`${this} Queued add (${iceCandidates.length}) ICE candidates task`);
+ this.modificationQueue.push(workFunction);
+ }
- this.sendContentModify();
- this.notifyMySSRCUpdate(oldLocalSdp, newLocalSdp);
- }
- })
- .then(() => {
- logger.debug(`${this} setAnswer task done`);
- })
- .catch(error => {
- logger.error(`${this} setAnswer task failed: ${error}`);
- });
+ /**
+ * Handles a Jingle source-add message for this Jingle session.
+ * @param elem An array of Jingle "content" elements.
+ */
+ addRemoteStream(elem) {
+ this._addOrRemoveRemoteStream(true /* add */, elem);
- * This is a setRemoteDescription/setLocalDescription cycle which starts at converting Strophe Jingle IQ into
- * remote offer SDP. Once converted, setRemoteDescription, createAnswer and setLocalDescription calls follow.
+ * Adds a new track to the peerconnection. This method needs to be called only when a secondary JitsiLocalTrack is
+ * being added to the peerconnection for the first time.
- * @param jingleOfferAnswerIq jQuery selector pointing to the jingle element of the offer (or answer) IQ
- * @param success callback called when sRD/sLD cycle finishes successfully.
- * @param failure callback called with an error object as an argument if we fail at any point during setRD,
- * createAnswer, setLD.
- * @param {Array} [localTracks] the optional list of the local tracks that will be added, before
- * the offer/answer cycle executes (for the local track addition to be an atomic operation together with the
- * offer/answer).
+ * @param {Array} localTracks - Tracks to be added to the peer connection.
+ * @returns {Promise} that resolves when the track is successfully added to the peerconnection, rejected
+ * otherwise.
- setOfferAnswerCycle(jingleOfferAnswerIq, success, failure, localTracks = []) {
- logger.debug(`${this} Executing setOfferAnswerCycle task`);
- const addTracks = [];
- const audioTracks = localTracks.filter(track => track.getType() === MediaType.AUDIO);
- const videoTracks = localTracks.filter(track => track.getType() === MediaType.VIDEO);
- let tracks = localTracks;
- // Add only 1 video track at a time. Adding 2 or more video tracks to the peerconnection at the same time
- // makes the browser go into a renegotiation loop by firing 'negotiationneeded' event after every
- // renegotiation.
- if (videoTracks.length > 1) {
- tracks = [ ...audioTracks, videoTracks[0] ];
- }
- for (const track of tracks) {
- addTracks.push(this.peerconnection.addTrack(track, this.isInitiator));
+ addTracks(localTracks = null) {
+ if (!localTracks?.length) {
+ Promise.reject(new Error('No tracks passed'));
- const newRemoteSdp = this._processNewJingleOfferIq(jingleOfferAnswerIq);
- const bridgeSession = $(jingleOfferAnswerIq).find('>bridge-session[xmlns="http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus"]');
- const bridgeSessionId = bridgeSession.attr('id');
- if (bridgeSessionId !== this._bridgeSessionId) {
- this._bridgeSessionId = bridgeSessionId;
+ if (localTracks.find(track => track.getType() !== MediaType.VIDEO)) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('Multiple tracks of the given media type are not supported'));
- Promise.all(addTracks)
- .then(() => this._renegotiate(newRemoteSdp.raw))
- .then(() => {
- this.peerconnection.processLocalSdpForTransceiverInfo(tracks);
- if (this.state === JingleSessionState.PENDING) {
- this.state = JingleSessionState.ACTIVE;
+ const replaceTracks = [];
+ const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
+ const remoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
+ const recvOnlyTransceiver = this.peerconnection.peerconnection.getTransceivers()
+ .find(t => t.receiver.track.kind === MediaType.VIDEO
+ && t.direction === MediaDirection.RECVONLY
+ && t.currentDirection === MediaDirection.RECVONLY);
- // #1 Sync up video transfer active/inactive only after the initial O/A cycle. We want to
- // adjust the video media direction only in the local SDP and the Jingle contents direction
- // included in the initial offer/answer is mapped to the remote SDP. Jingle 'content-modify'
- // IQ is processed in a way that it will only modify local SDP when remote peer is no longer
- // interested in receiving video content. Changing media direction in the remote SDP will mess
- // up our SDP translation chain (simulcast, video mute, RTX etc.)
- // #2 Sends the max frame height if it was set, before the session-initiate/accept
- if (this.isP2P && (!this._localSendReceiveVideoActive || this._sourceReceiverConstraints)) {
- this.sendContentModify();
- }
+ // Add transceivers by adding a new mline in the remote description for each track. Do not create a new
+ // m-line if a recv-only transceiver exists in the p2p case. The new track will be attached to the
+ // existing one in that case.
+ for (const track of localTracks) {
+ if (!this.isP2P || !recvOnlyTransceiver) {
+ remoteSdp.addMlineForNewLocalSource(track.getType());
+ }
- })
- .then(() => {
- logger.debug(`${this} setOfferAnswerCycle task done`);
- success();
- })
- .catch(error => {
- logger.error(`${this} setOfferAnswerCycle task failed: ${error}`);
- failure(error);
- });
- }
+ this._renegotiate(remoteSdp.raw)
+ .then(() => {
+ // Replace the tracks on the newly generated transceivers.
+ for (const track of localTracks) {
+ replaceTracks.push(this.peerconnection.replaceTrack(null, track));
+ }
- /**
- * Updates the codecs on the peerconnection and initiates a renegotiation for the
- * new codec config to take effect.
- *
- * @param {Array} codecList - Preferred codecs for video.
- * @param {CodecMimeType} screenshareCodec - The preferred screenshare codec.
- */
- setVideoCodecs(codecList, screenshareCodec) {
- if (this._assertNotEnded()) {
- logger.info(`${this} setVideoCodecs: codecList=${codecList}, screenshareCodec=${screenshareCodec}`);
- this.peerconnection.setVideoCodecs(codecList, screenshareCodec);
+ return Promise.all(replaceTracks);
+ })
- // Browser throws an error when H.264 is set on the encodings. Therefore, munge the SDP when H.264 needs to
- // be selected.
- // TODO: Remove this check when the above issue is fixed.
- if (this.usesCodecSelectionAPI && codecList[0] !== CodecMimeType.H264) {
- return;
- }
+ // Trigger a renegotiation here since renegotiations are suppressed at TPC.replaceTrack for screenshare
+ // tracks. This is done here so that presence for screenshare tracks is sent before signaling.
+ .then(() => this._renegotiate())
+ .then(() => finishedCallback(), error => finishedCallback(error));
+ };
- // Skip renegotiation when the selected codec order matches with that of the remote SDP.
- const currentCodecOrder = this.peerconnection.getConfiguredVideoCodecs();
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ logger.debug(`${this} Queued renegotiation after addTrack`);
- if (codecList.every((val, index) => val === currentCodecOrder[index])) {
- return;
- }
+ this.modificationQueue.push(
+ workFunction,
+ error => {
+ if (error) {
+ if (error instanceof ClearedQueueError) {
+ // The session might have been terminated before the task was executed, making it obsolete.
+ logger.debug(`${this} renegotiation after addTrack aborted: session terminated`);
+ resolve();
- Statistics.sendAnalytics(
- {
- value: codecList[0],
- videoType: VideoType.CAMERA
+ return;
+ }
+ logger.error(`${this} renegotiation after addTrack error`, error);
+ reject(error);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug(`${this} renegotiation after addTrack executed - OK`);
+ resolve();
+ }
- // Initiate a renegotiate for the codec setting to take effect.
- const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
- this._renegotiate()
- .then(() => this.peerconnection.configureVideoSenderEncodings())
- .then(
- () => {
- logger.debug(`${this} setVideoCodecs task is done`);
- return finishedCallback();
- }, error => {
- logger.error(`${this} setVideoCodecs task failed: ${error}`);
- return finishedCallback(error);
- });
- };
- logger.debug(`${this} Queued setVideoCodecs task`);
- // Queue and execute
- this.modificationQueue.push(workFunction);
- }
+ });
- * Sends Jingle 'session-accept' message.
- * @param {function()} success callback called when we receive 'RESULT'
- * packet for the 'session-accept'
- * @param {function(error)} failure called when we receive an error response
- * or when the request has timed out.
- * @private
+ * Adds local track back to the peerconnection associated with this session.
+ * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track
+ * @return {Promise} a promise that will resolve once the local track is added back to this session and
+ * renegotiation succeeds (if its warranted). Will be rejected with a string that provides some error
+ * details in case something goes wrong.
- sendSessionAccept(success, failure) {
- // NOTE: since we're just reading from it, we don't need to be within
- // the modification queue to access the local description
- const localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp, this.isP2P);
- const accept = $iq({ to: this.remoteJid,
- type: 'set' })
- .c('jingle', { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
- action: 'session-accept',
- initiator: this.initiatorJid,
- responder: this.responderJid,
- sid: this.sid });
- if (this.webrtcIceTcpDisable) {
- localSDP.removeTcpCandidates = true;
- }
- if (this.webrtcIceUdpDisable) {
- localSDP.removeUdpCandidates = true;
- }
- if (this.failICE) {
- localSDP.failICE = true;
- }
- if (typeof this.options.channelLastN === 'number' && this.options.channelLastN >= 0) {
- localSDP.initialLastN = this.options.channelLastN;
- }
- localSDP.toJingle(
- accept,
- this.initiatorJid === this.localJid ? 'initiator' : 'responder');
- logger.info(`${this} Sending session-accept`);
- logger.debug(accept.tree());
- this.connection.sendIQ(accept,
- success,
- this.newJingleErrorHandler(accept, error => {
- failure(error);
- // 'session-accept' is a critical timeout and we'll
- // have to restart
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
- }),
- // XXX Videobridge needs WebRTC's answer (ICE ufrag and pwd, DTLS
- // fingerprint and setup) ASAP in order to start the connection
- // establishment.
- //
- // FIXME Flushing the connection at this point triggers an issue with
- // BOSH request handling in Prosody on slow connections.
- //
- // The problem is that this request will be quite large and it may take
- // time before it reaches Prosody. In the meantime Strophe may decide
- // to send the next one. And it was observed that a small request with
- // 'transport-info' usually follows this one. It does reach Prosody
- // before the previous one was completely received. 'rid' on the server
- // is increased and Prosody ignores the request with 'session-accept'.
- // It will never reach Jicofo and everything in the request table is
- // lost. Removing the flush does not guarantee it will never happen, but
- // makes it much less likely('transport-info' is bundled with
- // 'session-accept' and any immediate requests).
- //
- // this.connection.flush();
+ addTrackToPc(track) {
+ return this._addRemoveTrack(false /* add */, track)
+ .then(() => {
+ // Configure the video encodings after the track is unmuted. If the user joins the call muted and
+ // unmutes it the first time, all the parameters need to be configured.
+ if (track.isVideoTrack()) {
+ return this.peerconnection.configureVideoSenderEncodings(track);
+ }
+ });
- * Will send 'content-modify' IQ in order to ask the remote peer to
- * either stop or resume sending video media or to adjust sender's video constraints.
- * @private
+ * Closes the peerconnection.
- sendContentModify() {
- const senders = this._localSendReceiveVideoActive ? 'both' : 'none';
- const sessionModify
- = $iq({
- to: this.remoteJid,
- type: 'set'
- })
- .c('jingle', {
- xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
- action: 'content-modify',
- initiator: this.initiatorJid,
- sid: this.sid
- })
- .c('content', {
- name: MediaType.VIDEO,
- senders
- });
- if (typeof this._sourceReceiverConstraints !== 'undefined') {
- this._sourceReceiverConstraints.forEach((maxHeight, sourceName) => {
- sessionModify
- .c('source-frame-height', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/video' })
- .attrs({
- sourceName,
- maxHeight
- });
+ close() {
+ this.state = JingleSessionState.ENDED;
+ this.establishmentDuration = undefined;
- sessionModify.up();
- logger.info(`${this} sending content-modify for source-name: ${sourceName}, maxHeight: ${maxHeight}`);
- });
+ if (this.peerconnection) {
+ this.peerconnection.onicecandidate = null;
+ this.peerconnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = null;
+ this.peerconnection.onnegotiationneeded = null;
+ this.peerconnection.onsignalingstatechange = null;
- logger.debug(sessionModify.tree());
+ logger.debug(`${this} Clearing modificationQueue`);
- this.connection.sendIQ(
- sessionModify,
- null,
- this.newJingleErrorHandler(sessionModify),
- }
+ // Remove any pending tasks from the queue
+ this.modificationQueue.clear();
- /**
- * Adjust the preference for max video frame height that the local party is willing to receive. Signals
- * the remote p2p peer.
- *
- * @param {Map} sourceReceiverConstraints - The receiver constraints per source.
- */
- setReceiverVideoConstraint(sourceReceiverConstraints) {
- logger.info(`${this} setReceiverVideoConstraint - constraints: ${JSON.stringify(sourceReceiverConstraints)}`);
- this._sourceReceiverConstraints = sourceReceiverConstraints;
+ logger.debug(`${this} Queued PC close task`);
+ this.modificationQueue.push(finishCallback => {
+ // do not try to close if already closed.
+ this.peerconnection && this.peerconnection.close();
+ finishCallback();
+ logger.debug(`${this} PC close task done!`);
+ });
- if (this.isP2P) {
- // Tell the remote peer about our receive constraint. If Jingle session is not yet active the state will
- // be synced after offer/answer.
- if (this.state === JingleSessionState.ACTIVE) {
- this.sendContentModify();
- }
- }
+ logger.debug(`${this} Shutdown modificationQueue!`);
+ // No more tasks can go in after the close task
+ this.modificationQueue.shutdown();
- * Sets the resolution constraint on the local camera track.
- * @param {number} maxFrameHeight - The user preferred max frame height.
- * @param {string} sourceName - The source name of the track.
- * @returns {Promise} promise that will be resolved when the operation is
- * successful and rejected otherwise.
+ * @inheritDoc
+ * @param {JingleSessionPCOptions} options - a set of config options.
- setSenderVideoConstraint(maxFrameHeight, sourceName = null) {
- if (this._assertNotEnded()) {
- logger.info(`${this} setSenderVideoConstraint: ${maxFrameHeight}, sourceName: ${sourceName}`);
+ doInitialize(options) {
+ this.failICE = Boolean(options.failICE);
+ this.lasticecandidate = false;
+ this.options = options;
- const jitsiLocalTrack = sourceName
- ? this.rtc.getLocalVideoTracks().find(track => track.getSourceName() === sourceName)
- : this.rtc.getLocalVideoTrack();
+ /**
+ * {@code true} if reconnect is in progress.
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ this.isReconnect = false;
- return this.peerconnection.setSenderVideoConstraints(maxFrameHeight, jitsiLocalTrack);
- }
+ /**
+ * Set to {@code true} if the connection was ever stable
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ this.wasstable = false;
+ this.webrtcIceUdpDisable = Boolean(options.webrtcIceUdpDisable);
+ this.webrtcIceTcpDisable = Boolean(options.webrtcIceTcpDisable);
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
+ const pcOptions = { disableRtx: options.disableRtx };
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- terminate(success, failure, options) {
- if (this.state === JingleSessionState.ENDED) {
- return;
+ if (options.gatherStats) {
+ pcOptions.maxstats = DEFAULT_MAX_STATS;
+ pcOptions.capScreenshareBitrate = false;
+ pcOptions.codecSettings = options.codecSettings;
+ pcOptions.enableInsertableStreams = options.enableInsertableStreams;
+ pcOptions.usesCodecSelectionAPI = this.usesCodecSelectionAPI
+ = browser.supportsCodecSelectionAPI() && options.testing?.enableCodecSelectionAPI && !this.isP2P;
- if (!options || Boolean(options.sendSessionTerminate)) {
- const sessionTerminate
- = $iq({
- to: this.remoteJid,
- type: 'set'
- })
- .c('jingle', {
- xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
- action: 'session-terminate',
- initiator: this.initiatorJid,
- sid: this.sid
- })
- .c('reason')
- .c((options && options.reason) || 'success')
- .up();
+ if (options.videoQuality) {
+ const settings = Object.entries(options.videoQuality)
+ .map(entry => {
+ entry[0] = entry[0].toLowerCase();
- if (options && options.reasonDescription) {
- sessionTerminate
- .c('text')
- .t(options.reasonDescription)
- .up()
- .up();
- } else {
- sessionTerminate.up();
- }
+ return entry;
+ });
- this._bridgeSessionId
- && sessionTerminate.c(
- 'bridge-session', {
- xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus',
- id: this._bridgeSessionId,
- restart: options && options.requestRestart === true
- }).up();
+ pcOptions.videoQuality = Object.fromEntries(settings);
+ }
+ pcOptions.forceTurnRelay = options.forceTurnRelay;
+ pcOptions.audioQuality = options.audioQuality;
+ pcOptions.disableSimulcast = this.isP2P ? true : options.disableSimulcast;
- logger.info(`${this} Sending session-terminate`);
- logger.debug(sessionTerminate.tree());
+ if (!this.isP2P) {
+ // Do not send lower spatial layers for low fps screenshare and enable them only for high fps screenshare.
+ pcOptions.capScreenshareBitrate = !(options.desktopSharingFrameRate?.max > SS_DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE);
+ }
- this.connection.sendIQ(
- sessionTerminate,
- success,
- this.newJingleErrorHandler(sessionTerminate, failure),
- } else {
- logger.info(`${this} Skipped sending session-terminate`);
+ if (options.startSilent) {
+ pcOptions.startSilent = true;
- // this should result in 'onTerminated' being called by strope.jingle.js
- this.connection.jingle.terminate(this.sid);
- }
+ this.peerconnection
+ = this.rtc.createPeerConnection(
+ this._signalingLayer,
+ this.pcConfig,
+ this.isP2P,
+ pcOptions);
- /**
- *
- * @param reasonCondition
- * @param reasonText
- */
- onTerminated(reasonCondition, reasonText) {
- // Do something with reason and reasonCondition when we start to care
- // this.reasonCondition = reasonCondition;
- // this.reasonText = reasonText;
- logger.info(`${this} Session terminated`, reasonCondition, reasonText);
+ this.peerconnection.onicecandidate = ev => {
+ if (!ev) {
+ // There was an incomplete check for ev before which left
+ // the last line of the function unprotected from a potential
+ // throw of an exception. Consequently, it may be argued that
+ // the check is unnecessary. Anyway, I'm leaving it and making
+ // the check complete.
+ return;
+ }
- this._xmppListeners.forEach(removeListener => removeListener());
- this._xmppListeners = [];
+ // XXX this is broken, candidate is not parsed.
+ const candidate = ev.candidate;
+ const now = window.performance.now();
- if (this._removeSenderVideoConstraintsChangeListener) {
- this._removeSenderVideoConstraintsChangeListener();
- }
+ if (candidate) {
+ if (this._gatheringStartedTimestamp === null) {
+ this._gatheringStartedTimestamp = now;
+ }
- if (FeatureFlags.isSsrcRewritingSupported() && this.peerconnection) {
- this.peerconnection.getRemoteTracks().forEach(track => {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_REMOVED, track);
- });
- }
+ // Discard candidates of disabled protocols.
+ let protocol = candidate.protocol;
- this.close();
- }
+ if (typeof protocol === 'string') {
+ protocol = protocol.toLowerCase();
+ if (protocol === 'tcp' || protocol === 'ssltcp') {
+ if (this.webrtcIceTcpDisable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (protocol === 'udp') {
+ if (this.webrtcIceUdpDisable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!this._gatheringReported) {
+ // End of gathering
+ Statistics.sendAnalytics(
+ {
+ phase: 'gathering',
+ value: now - this._gatheringStartedTimestamp,
+ p2p: this.isP2P,
+ initiator: this.isInitiator
+ });
+ this._gatheringReported = true;
+ }
+ if (this.isP2P) {
+ this.sendIceCandidate(candidate);
+ }
+ };
- /**
- * Handles XMPP connection state changes.
- *
- * @param {XmppConnection.Status} status - The new status.
- */
- onXmppStatusChanged(status) {
- if (status === XmppConnection.Status.CONNECTED && this._cachedOldLocalSdp) {
- logger.info(`${this} Sending SSRC update on reconnect`);
- this.notifyMySSRCUpdate(
- this._cachedOldLocalSdp,
- this._cachedNewLocalSdp);
- }
- }
+ // Note there is a change in the spec about closed:
+ // This value moved into the RTCPeerConnectionState enum in
+ // the May 13, 2016 draft of the specification, as it reflects the state
+ // of the RTCPeerConnection, not the signaling connection. You now
+ // detect a closed connection by checking for connectionState to be
+ // "closed" instead.
+ // I suppose at some point this will be moved to onconnectionstatechange
+ this.peerconnection.onsignalingstatechange = () => {
+ if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'stable') {
+ this.wasstable = true;
+ } else if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'closed'
+ || this.peerconnection.connectionState === 'closed') {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SUSPEND_DETECTED, this);
+ }
+ };
- /**
- * Parse the information from the xml sourceAddElem and translate it
- * into sdp lines
- * @param {jquery xml element} sourceAddElem the source-add
- * element from jingle
- * @param {SDP object} currentRemoteSdp the current remote
- * sdp (as of this new source-add)
- * @returns {list} a list of SDP line strings that should
- * be added to the remote SDP
- */
- _parseSsrcInfoFromSourceAdd(sourceAddElem, currentRemoteSdp) {
- const addSsrcInfo = [];
- const self = this;
+ /**
+ * The oniceconnectionstatechange event handler contains the code to
+ * execute when the iceconnectionstatechange event, of type Event,
+ * is received by this RTCPeerConnection. Such an event is sent when
+ * the value of RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState changes.
+ */
+ this.peerconnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = () => {
+ const now = window.performance.now();
+ let isStable = false;
+ if (!this.isP2P) {
+ this.room.connectionTimes[
+ `ice.state.${this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState}`]
+ = now;
+ }
+ logger.log(`(TIME) ICE ${this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState} ${this.isP2P ? 'P2P' : 'JVB'}:\t`, now);
+ Statistics.sendAnalytics(
+ {
+ p2p: this.isP2P,
+ state: this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState,
+ 'signaling_state': this.peerconnection.signalingState,
+ reconnect: this.isReconnect,
+ value: now
+ });
- $(sourceAddElem).each((i1, content) => {
- const name = $(content).attr('name');
- let lines = '';
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
+ this,
+ this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState);
+ switch (this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState) {
+ case 'checking':
+ this._iceCheckingStartedTimestamp = now;
+ break;
+ case 'connected':
+ case 'completed':
+ // Informs interested parties that the connection has been restored. This includes the case when
+ // media connection to the bridge has been restored after an ICE failure by using session-terminate.
+ if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'stable') {
+ isStable = true;
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.CONNECTION_RESTORED, this);
+ }
- $(content)
- .find('ssrc-group[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]')
- .each(function() {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
- const semantics = this.getAttribute('semantics');
- const ssrcs
- = $(this) // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this
- .find('>source')
- .map(function() {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
- return this.getAttribute('ssrc');
- })
- .get();
+ // Add a workaround for an issue on chrome in Unified plan when the local endpoint is the offerer.
+ // The 'signalingstatechange' event for 'stable' is handled after the 'iceconnectionstatechange' event
+ // for 'completed' is handled by the client. This prevents the client from firing a
+ // CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED event for the p2p session. As a result, the offerer continues to stay on the
+ // jvb connection while the remote peer switches to the p2p connection breaking the media flow between
+ // the endpoints.
+ // TODO - file a chromium bug and add the information here.
+ if (!this.wasConnected
+ && (this.wasstable
+ || isStable
+ || (this.isInitiator && (browser.isChromiumBased() || browser.isReactNative())))) {
- if (ssrcs.length) {
- lines += `a=ssrc-group:${semantics} ${ssrcs.join(' ')}\r\n`;
- }
- });
+ Statistics.sendAnalytics(
+ {
+ phase: 'checking',
+ value: now - this._iceCheckingStartedTimestamp,
+ p2p: this.isP2P,
+ initiator: this.isInitiator
+ });
- // handles both >source and >description>source
- const tmp
- = $(content).find(
- 'source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]');
+ // Switch between ICE gathering and ICE checking whichever
+ // started first (scenarios are different for initiator
+ // vs responder)
+ const iceStarted
+ = Math.min(
+ this._iceCheckingStartedTimestamp,
+ this._gatheringStartedTimestamp);
- /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
- tmp.each(function() {
- const ssrc = $(this).attr('ssrc');
+ this.establishmentDuration = now - iceStarted;
- if (currentRemoteSdp.containsSSRC(ssrc)) {
+ Statistics.sendAnalytics(
+ {
+ phase: 'establishment',
+ value: this.establishmentDuration,
+ p2p: this.isP2P,
+ initiator: this.isInitiator
+ });
- // Do not print the warning for unified plan p2p case since ssrcs are never removed from the SDP.
- !self.isP2P && logger.warn(`${self} Source-add request for existing SSRC: ${ssrc}`);
+ this.wasConnected = true;
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
+ }
+ this.isReconnect = false;
+ break;
+ case 'disconnected':
+ this.isReconnect = true;
- return;
+ // Informs interested parties that the connection has been
+ // interrupted.
+ if (this.wasstable) {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
+ break;
+ case 'failed':
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
+ break;
+ }
+ };
- // eslint-disable-next-line newline-per-chained-call
- $(this).find('>parameter').each(function() {
- lines += `a=ssrc:${ssrc} ${$(this).attr('name')}`;
- if ($(this).attr('value') && $(this).attr('value').length) {
- lines += `:${$(this).attr('value')}`;
- }
- lines += '\r\n';
- });
- });
- let midFound = false;
+ /**
+ * The connection state event is fired whenever the aggregate of underlying
+ * transports change their state.
+ */
+ this.peerconnection.onconnectionstatechange = () => {
+ const icestate = this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState;
- /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */
- currentRemoteSdp.media.forEach((media, i2) => {
- if (!SDPUtil.findLine(media, `a=mid:${name}`)) {
- return;
- }
- if (!addSsrcInfo[i2]) {
- addSsrcInfo[i2] = '';
+ switch (this.peerconnection.connectionState) {
+ case 'failed':
+ // Since version 76 Chrome no longer switches ICE connection
+ // state to failed (see
+ // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=982793
+ // for details) we use this workaround to recover from lost connections
+ if (icestate === 'disconnected') {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
- addSsrcInfo[i2] += lines;
- midFound = true;
- });
- // In p2p unified mode with multi-stream enabled, the new sources will have content name that doesn't exist
- // in the current remote description. Add a new m-line for this newly signaled source.
- if (!midFound && this.isP2P) {
- addSsrcInfo[name] = lines;
+ break;
- });
+ };
- return addSsrcInfo;
+ /**
+ * The negotiationneeded event is fired whenever we shake the media on the
+ * RTCPeerConnection object.
+ */
+ this.peerconnection.onnegotiationneeded = () => {
+ const state = this.peerconnection.signalingState;
+ const remoteDescription = this.peerconnection.remoteDescription;
+ if (!this.isP2P
+ && state === 'stable'
+ && remoteDescription
+ && typeof remoteDescription.sdp === 'string') {
+ logger.info(`${this} onnegotiationneeded fired on ${this.peerconnection}`);
+ const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
+ this._renegotiate()
+ .then(() => this.peerconnection.configureAudioSenderEncodings())
+ .then(() => finishedCallback(), error => finishedCallback(error));
+ };
+ this.modificationQueue.push(
+ workFunction,
+ error => {
+ if (error) {
+ logger.error(`${this} onnegotiationneeded error`, error);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug(`${this} onnegotiationneeded executed - OK`);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
- * Handles a Jingle source-add message for this Jingle session.
- * @param elem An array of Jingle "content" elements.
+ * Returns the ice connection state for the peer connection.
+ * @returns the ice connection state for the peer connection.
- addRemoteStream(elem) {
- this._addOrRemoveRemoteStream(true /* add */, elem);
+ getIceConnectionState() {
+ return this.peerconnection.getConnectionState();
- * Handles a Jingle source-remove message for this Jingle session.
- * @param elem An array of Jingle "content" elements.
+ * Remote preference for receive video max frame height.
+ *
+ * @returns {Number|undefined}
- removeRemoteStream(elem) {
- this._addOrRemoveRemoteStream(false /* remove */, elem);
+ getRemoteRecvMaxFrameHeight() {
+ if (this.isP2P) {
+ return this.remoteRecvMaxFrameHeight;
+ }
+ return undefined;
- * Processes the source map message received from the bridge and creates a new remote track for newly signaled
- * SSRCs or updates the source-name and owner on the remote track for an existing SSRC.
+ * Remote preference for receive video max frame heights when source-name signaling is enabled.
- * @param {Object} message - The source map message.
- * @param {string} mediaType - The media type, 'audio' or 'video'.
- * @returns {void}
+ * @returns {Map|undefined}
- processSourceMap(message, mediaType) {
- if (!FeatureFlags.isSsrcRewritingSupported()) {
- return;
+ getRemoteSourcesRecvMaxFrameHeight() {
+ if (this.isP2P) {
+ return this.remoteSourceMaxFrameHeights;
- const newSsrcs = [];
- for (const src of message.mappedSources) {
- const { owner, source, ssrc } = src;
- const isNewSsrc = this.peerconnection.addRemoteSsrc(ssrc, source);
- if (isNewSsrc) {
- newSsrcs.push(src);
- logger.debug(`New SSRC signaled ${ssrc}: owner=${owner}, source-name=${source}`);
- // Check if there is an old mapping for the given source and clear the owner on the associated track.
- const oldSsrc = this.peerconnection.remoteSources.get(source);
+ return undefined;
+ }
- if (oldSsrc) {
- this._signalingLayer.removeSSRCOwners([ oldSsrc ]);
- const track = this.peerconnection.getTrackBySSRC(oldSsrc);
+ /**
+ * Creates an offer and sends Jingle 'session-initiate' to the remote peer.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} localTracks the local tracks that will be added, before the offer/answer cycle
+ * executes (for the local track addition to be an atomic operation together with the offer/answer).
+ */
+ invite(localTracks = []) {
+ if (!this.isInitiator) {
+ throw new Error('Trying to invite from the responder session');
+ }
+ logger.debug(`${this} Executing invite task`);
- if (track) {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_OWNER_SET, track);
- }
- }
- } else {
- const track = this.peerconnection.getTrackBySSRC(ssrc);
+ const addTracks = [];
- if (!track || (track.getParticipantId() === owner && track.getSourceName() === source)) {
- !track && logger.warn(`Remote track for SSRC=${ssrc} hasn't been created yet,`
- + 'not processing the source map');
- continue; // eslint-disable-line no-continue
- }
- logger.debug(`Existing SSRC re-mapped ${ssrc}: new owner=${owner}, source-name=${source}`);
+ for (const track of localTracks) {
+ addTracks.push(this.peerconnection.addTrack(track, this.isInitiator));
+ }
- this._signalingLayer.setSSRCOwner(ssrc, owner, source);
+ Promise.all(addTracks)
+ .then(() => this.peerconnection.createOffer(this.mediaConstraints))
+ .then(offerSdp => this.peerconnection.setLocalDescription(offerSdp))
+ .then(() => {
+ this.peerconnection.processLocalSdpForTransceiverInfo(localTracks);
+ this.sendSessionInitiate(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ logger.debug(`${this} invite executed - OK`);
+ })
+ .catch(error => {
+ logger.error(`${this} invite error`, error);
+ });
+ }
- // Update the muted state and the video type on the track since the presence for this track could have
- // been received before the updated source map is received on the bridge channel.
- const { muted, videoType } = this._signalingLayer.getPeerMediaInfo(owner, mediaType, source);
+ /**
+ * Enables/disables local video based on 'senders' attribute of the video conent in 'content-modify' IQ sent by the
+ * remote peer. Also, checks if the sourceMaxFrameHeight (as requested by the p2p peer) or the senders attribute of
+ * the video content has changed and modifies the local video resolution accordingly.
+ */
+ modifyContents(jingleContents) {
+ const newVideoSenders = JingleSessionPC.parseVideoSenders(jingleContents);
+ const sourceMaxFrameHeights = JingleSessionPC.parseSourceMaxFrameHeight(jingleContents);
- muted && this.peerconnection._sourceMutedChanged(source, muted);
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_OWNER_SET, track, owner, source, videoType);
- }
+ if (sourceMaxFrameHeights) {
+ this.remoteSourceMaxFrameHeights = sourceMaxFrameHeights;
+ this.eventEmitter.emit(MediaSessionEvents.REMOTE_SOURCE_CONSTRAINTS_CHANGED, this, sourceMaxFrameHeights);
- // Add the new SSRCs to the remote description by generating a source message.
- if (newSsrcs.length) {
- let node = $build('content', {
- xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
- name: mediaType
- }).c('description', {
- xmlns: XEP.RTP_MEDIA,
- media: mediaType
- });
+ if (newVideoSenders === null) {
+ logger.error(`${this} - failed to parse video "senders" attribute in "content-modify" action`);
- for (const src of newSsrcs) {
- const { rtx, ssrc, source } = src;
- let msid;
+ return;
+ }
- if (mediaType === MediaType.VIDEO) {
- const idx = ++this.numRemoteVideoSources;
+ if (!this._assertNotEnded()) {
+ return;
+ }
- msid = `remote-video-${idx} remote-video-${idx}`;
+ const isRemoteVideoActive
+ = newVideoSenders === 'both'
+ || (newVideoSenders === 'initiator' && this.isInitiator)
+ || (newVideoSenders === 'responder' && !this.isInitiator);
- if (rtx !== '-1') {
- _addSourceElement(node, src, rtx, msid);
- node.c('ssrc-group', {
- semantics: 'FID'
- })
- .c('source', {
- ssrc
- })
- .up()
- .c('source', {
- ssrc: rtx
- })
- .up()
- .up();
- }
- } else {
- const idx = ++this.numRemoteAudioSources;
+ if (isRemoteVideoActive !== this._remoteSendReceiveVideoActive) {
+ logger.debug(`${this} new remote video active: ${isRemoteVideoActive}`);
+ this._remoteSendReceiveVideoActive = isRemoteVideoActive;
- msid = `remote-audio-${idx} remote-audio-${idx}`;
- }
- _addSourceElement(node, src, ssrc, msid);
- this.peerconnection.remoteSources.set(source, ssrc);
- }
- node = node.up();
- this._addOrRemoveRemoteStream(true /* add */, node.node);
+ this.peerconnection
+ .setVideoTransferActive(this._localSendReceiveVideoActive && this._remoteSendReceiveVideoActive);
- * Handles the deletion of SSRCs associated with a remote user from the remote description when the user leaves.
- *
- * @param {string} id Endpoint id of the participant that has left the call.
- * @returns {void}
+ * Method returns function(errorResponse) which is a callback to be passed
+ * to Strophe connection.sendIQ method. An 'error' structure is created that
+ * is passed as 1st argument to given failureCb. The format of this
+ * structure is as follows:
+ * {
+ * code: {XMPP error response code}
+ * reason: {the name of XMPP error reason element or 'timeout' if the
+ * request has timed out within IQ_TIMEOUT milliseconds}
+ * source: {request.tree() that provides original request}
+ * session: {this JingleSessionPC.toString()}
+ * }
+ * @param request Strophe IQ instance which is the request to be dumped into
+ * the error structure
+ * @param failureCb function(error) called when error response was returned
+ * or when a timeout has occurred.
+ * @returns {function(this:JingleSessionPC)}
- removeRemoteStreamsOnLeave(id) {
- const workFunction = finishCallback => {
- const removeSsrcInfo = this.peerconnection.getRemoteSourceInfoByParticipant(id);
+ newJingleErrorHandler(request, failureCb) {
+ return errResponse => {
- if (removeSsrcInfo.length) {
- const newRemoteSdp = this._processRemoteRemoveSource(removeSsrcInfo);
+ const error = {};
- this._renegotiate(newRemoteSdp.raw)
- .then(() => finishCallback(), error => finishCallback(error));
- } else {
- finishCallback();
- }
- };
+ // Get XMPP error code and condition(reason)
+ const errorElSel = $(errResponse).find('error');
- logger.debug(`${this} Queued removeRemoteStreamsOnLeave task for participant ${id}`);
+ if (errorElSel.length) {
+ error.code = errorElSel.attr('code');
+ const errorReasonSel = $(errResponse).find('error :first');
- this.modificationQueue.push(
- workFunction,
- error => {
- if (error) {
- logger.error(`${this} removeRemoteStreamsOnLeave error:`, error);
- } else {
- logger.info(`${this} removeRemoteStreamsOnLeave done!`);
+ if (errorReasonSel.length) {
+ error.reason = errorReasonSel[0].tagName;
- });
- }
- /**
- * Handles either Jingle 'source-add' or 'source-remove' message for this
- * Jingle session.
- * @param {boolean} isAdd true for 'source-add' or false
- * otherwise.
- * @param {Array} elem an array of Jingle "content" elements.
- * @private
- */
- _addOrRemoveRemoteStream(isAdd, elem) {
- const logPrefix = isAdd ? 'addRemoteStream' : 'removeRemoteStream';
- if (isAdd) {
- this.readSsrcInfo(elem);
- }
- const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
- if (!this.peerconnection.localDescription
- || !this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp) {
- const errMsg = `${logPrefix} - localDescription not ready yet`;
- logger.error(errMsg);
- finishedCallback(errMsg);
+ const errorMsgSel = errorElSel.find('>text');
- return;
+ if (errorMsgSel.length) {
+ error.msg = errorMsgSel.text();
+ }
- logger.log(`${this} Processing ${logPrefix}`);
+ if (!errResponse) {
+ error.reason = 'timeout';
+ }
- const sdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
- const addOrRemoveSsrcInfo
- = isAdd
- ? this._parseSsrcInfoFromSourceAdd(elem, sdp)
- : this._parseSsrcInfoFromSourceRemove(elem, sdp);
- const newRemoteSdp
- = isAdd
- ? this._processRemoteAddSource(addOrRemoveSsrcInfo)
- : this._processRemoteRemoveSource(addOrRemoveSsrcInfo);
+ error.session = this.toString();
- this._renegotiate(newRemoteSdp.raw).then(() => {
- logger.log(`${this} ${logPrefix} - OK`);
- finishedCallback();
- }, error => {
- logger.error(`${this} ${logPrefix} failed:`, error);
- finishedCallback(error);
- });
+ if (failureCb) {
+ failureCb(error);
+ } else if (this.state === JingleSessionState.ENDED
+ && error.reason === 'item-not-found') {
+ // When remote peer decides to terminate the session, but it
+ // still have few messages on the queue for processing,
+ // it will first send us 'session-terminate' (we enter ENDED)
+ // and then follow with 'item-not-found' for the queued requests
+ // We don't want to have that logged on error level.
+ logger.debug(`${this} Jingle error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
+ } else {
+ logger.error(`Jingle error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
+ }
- logger.debug(`${this} Queued ${logPrefix} task`);
- // Queue and execute
- this.modificationQueue.push(workFunction);
- * Takes in a jingle offer iq, returns the new sdp offer
- * @param {jquery xml element} offerIq the incoming offer
- * @returns {SDP object} the jingle offer translated to SDP
+ * Figures out added/removed ssrcs and send update IQs.
+ * @param oldSDP SDP object for old description.
+ * @param newSDP SDP object for new description.
- _processNewJingleOfferIq(offerIq) {
- const remoteSdp = new SDP('');
+ notifyMySSRCUpdate(oldSDP, newSDP) {
+ if (this.state !== JingleSessionState.ACTIVE) {
+ logger.warn(`${this} Skipping SSRC update in '${this.state} ' state.`);
- if (this.webrtcIceTcpDisable) {
- remoteSdp.removeTcpCandidates = true;
- }
- if (this.webrtcIceUdpDisable) {
- remoteSdp.removeUdpCandidates = true;
+ return;
- if (this.failICE) {
- remoteSdp.failICE = true;
+ if (!this.connection.connected) {
+ // The goal is to compare the oldest SDP with the latest one upon reconnect
+ if (!this._cachedOldLocalSdp) {
+ this._cachedOldLocalSdp = oldSDP;
+ }
+ this._cachedNewLocalSdp = newSDP;
+ logger.warn(`${this} Not sending SSRC update while the signaling is disconnected`);
+ return;
- remoteSdp.fromJingle(offerIq);
- this.readSsrcInfo($(offerIq).find('>content'));
+ this._cachedOldLocalSdp = undefined;
+ this._cachedNewLocalSdp = undefined;
- return remoteSdp;
- }
+ const getSignaledSourceInfo = sdpDiffer => {
+ const newMedia = sdpDiffer.getNewMedia();
+ let ssrcs = [];
+ let mediaType = null;
- /**
- * Remove the given ssrc lines from the current remote sdp
- * @param {list} removeSsrcInfo a list of SDP line strings that
- * should be removed from the remote SDP
- * @returns type {SDP Object} the new remote SDP (after removing the lines
- * in removeSsrcInfo
- */
- _processRemoteRemoveSource(removeSsrcInfo) {
- const remoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
- let ssrcs;
+ // It is assumed that sources are signaled one at a time.
+ Object.keys(newMedia).forEach(mediaIndex => {
+ const signaledSsrcs = Object.keys(newMedia[mediaIndex].ssrcs);
- removeSsrcInfo.forEach(lines => {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
- lines = lines.split('\r\n');
- lines.pop(); // remove empty last element;
- ssrcs = lines.map(line => Number(line.split('a=ssrc:')[1]?.split(' ')[0]));
+ mediaType = newMedia[mediaIndex].mediaType;
+ if (signaledSsrcs?.length) {
+ ssrcs = ssrcs.concat(signaledSsrcs);
+ }
+ });
- let mid;
+ return {
+ mediaType,
+ ssrcs
+ };
+ };
- lines.forEach(line => {
- mid = remoteSdp.media.findIndex(mLine => mLine.includes(line));
- if (mid > -1) {
- remoteSdp.media[mid] = remoteSdp.media[mid].replace(`${line}\r\n`, '');
- if (this.isP2P) {
- const mediaType = SDPUtil.parseMLine(remoteSdp.media[mid].split('\r\n')[0])?.media;
- const desiredDirection = this.peerconnection.getDesiredMediaDirection(mediaType, false);
+ // send source-remove IQ.
+ let sdpDiffer = new SDPDiffer(newSDP, oldSDP, this.isP2P);
+ const remove = $iq({ to: this.remoteJid,
+ type: 'set' })
+ .c('jingle', {
+ xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
+ action: 'source-remove',
+ initiator: this.initiatorJid,
+ sid: this.sid
+ }
+ );
- [ MediaDirection.SENDRECV, MediaDirection.SENDONLY ].forEach(direction => {
- remoteSdp.media[mid] = remoteSdp.media[mid]
- .replace(`a=${direction}`, `a=${desiredDirection}`);
- });
- } else {
- // Jvb connections will have direction set to 'sendonly' for the remote sources.
- remoteSdp.media[mid] = remoteSdp.media[mid]
- .replace(`a=${MediaDirection.SENDONLY}`, `a=${MediaDirection.INACTIVE}`);
+ sdpDiffer.toJingle(remove);
- // Reject the m-line so that the browser removes the associated transceiver from the list
- // of available transceivers. This will prevent the client from trying to re-use these
- // inactive transceivers when additional video sources are added to the peerconnection.
- const { media, port } = SDPUtil.parseMLine(remoteSdp.media[mid].split('\r\n')[0]);
+ // context a common object for one run of ssrc update (source-add and source-remove) so we can match them if we
+ // need to
+ const ctx = {};
+ const removedSsrcInfo = getSignaledSourceInfo(sdpDiffer);
- remoteSdp.media[mid] = remoteSdp.media[mid].replace(`m=${media} ${port}`, `m=${media} 0`);
- }
- }
- });
- });
+ if (removedSsrcInfo.ssrcs.length) {
+ // Log only the SSRCs instead of the full IQ.
+ logger.info(`${this} Sending source-remove for ${removedSsrcInfo.mediaType}`
+ + ` ssrcs=${removedSsrcInfo.ssrcs}`);
+ this.connection.sendIQ(
+ remove,
+ () => {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SOURCE_REMOVE, this, ctx);
+ },
+ this.newJingleErrorHandler(remove, error => {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SOURCE_REMOVE_ERROR, this, error, ctx);
+ }),
+ }
- // Update the ssrc owners list.
- ssrcs?.length && this._signalingLayer.removeSSRCOwners(ssrcs);
+ // send source-add IQ.
+ sdpDiffer = new SDPDiffer(oldSDP, newSDP, this.isP2P);
+ const add = $iq({ to: this.remoteJid,
+ type: 'set' })
+ .c('jingle', {
+ xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
+ action: 'source-add',
+ initiator: this.initiatorJid,
+ sid: this.sid
+ }
+ );
- remoteSdp.raw = remoteSdp.session + remoteSdp.media.join('');
+ sdpDiffer.toJingle(add);
+ const addedSsrcInfo = getSignaledSourceInfo(sdpDiffer);
- return remoteSdp;
+ if (addedSsrcInfo.ssrcs.length) {
+ // Log only the SSRCs instead of the full IQ.
+ logger.info(`${this} Sending source-add for ${addedSsrcInfo.mediaType} ssrcs=${addedSsrcInfo.ssrcs}`);
+ this.connection.sendIQ(
+ add,
+ () => {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SOURCE_ADD, this, ctx);
+ },
+ this.newJingleErrorHandler(add, error => {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SOURCE_ADD_ERROR, this, error, addedSsrcInfo.mediaType, ctx);
+ }),
+ }
- * Add the given ssrc lines to the current remote sdp
- * @param {list} addSsrcInfo a list of SDP line strings that
- * should be added to the remote SDP
- * @returns type {SDP Object} the new remote SDP (after removing the lines
- * in removeSsrcInfo
+ *
+ * @param reasonCondition
+ * @param reasonText
- _processRemoteAddSource(addSsrcInfo) {
- let remoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
+ onTerminated(reasonCondition, reasonText) {
+ // Do something with reason and reasonCondition when we start to care
+ // this.reasonCondition = reasonCondition;
+ // this.reasonText = reasonText;
+ logger.info(`${this} Session terminated`, reasonCondition, reasonText);
- // Add a new m-line in the remote description if the source info for a secondary video source is recceived from
- // the remote p2p peer when multi-stream support is enabled.
- if (addSsrcInfo.length > remoteSdp.media.length && this.isP2P) {
- remoteSdp.addMlineForNewLocalSource(MediaType.VIDEO);
- remoteSdp = new SDP(remoteSdp.raw);
+ this._xmppListeners.forEach(removeListener => removeListener());
+ this._xmppListeners = [];
+ if (this._removeSenderVideoConstraintsChangeListener) {
+ this._removeSenderVideoConstraintsChangeListener();
- addSsrcInfo.forEach((lines, idx) => {
- remoteSdp.media[idx] += lines;
- // Make sure to change the direction to 'sendrecv/sendonly' only for p2p connections. For jvb connections,
- // a new m-line is added for the new remote sources.
- if (this.isP2P) {
- const mediaType = SDPUtil.parseMLine(remoteSdp.media[idx].split('\r\n')[0])?.media;
- const desiredDirection = this.peerconnection.getDesiredMediaDirection(mediaType, true);
+ if (FeatureFlags.isSsrcRewritingSupported() && this.peerconnection) {
+ this.peerconnection.getRemoteTracks().forEach(track => {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_REMOVED, track);
+ });
+ }
- [ MediaDirection.RECVONLY, MediaDirection.INACTIVE ].forEach(direction => {
- remoteSdp.media[idx] = remoteSdp.media[idx]
- .replace(`a=${direction}`, `a=${desiredDirection}`);
- });
- }
- });
- remoteSdp.raw = remoteSdp.session + remoteSdp.media.join('');
+ this.close();
+ }
- return remoteSdp;
+ /**
+ * Handles XMPP connection state changes.
+ *
+ * @param {XmppConnection.Status} status - The new status.
+ */
+ onXmppStatusChanged(status) {
+ if (status === XmppConnection.Status.CONNECTED && this._cachedOldLocalSdp) {
+ logger.info(`${this} Sending SSRC update on reconnect`);
+ this.notifyMySSRCUpdate(
+ this._cachedOldLocalSdp,
+ this._cachedNewLocalSdp);
+ }
- * Does a new offer/answer flow using the existing remote description (if not provided) and signals any new sources
- * to Jicofo or the remote peer.
+ * Processes the source map message received from the bridge and creates a new remote track for newly signaled
+ * SSRCs or updates the source-name and owner on the remote track for an existing SSRC.
- * @param {string} [optionalRemoteSdp] optional, raw remote sdp to use. If not provided, the remote sdp from the
- * peerconnection will be used.
- * @returns {Promise} promise which resolves when the o/a flow is complete with no arguments or rejects with an
- * error {string}
+ * @param {Object} message - The source map message.
+ * @param {string} mediaType - The media type, 'audio' or 'video'.
+ * @returns {void}
- _renegotiate(optionalRemoteSdp) {
- if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'closed') {
- const error = new Error('Attempted to renegotiate in state closed');
+ processSourceMap(message, mediaType) {
+ if (!FeatureFlags.isSsrcRewritingSupported()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const newSsrcs = [];
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.RENEGOTIATION_FAILED, error, this);
+ for (const src of message.mappedSources) {
+ const { owner, source, ssrc } = src;
+ const isNewSsrc = this.peerconnection.addRemoteSsrc(ssrc, source);
- return Promise.reject(error);
- }
+ if (isNewSsrc) {
+ newSsrcs.push(src);
+ logger.debug(`New SSRC signaled ${ssrc}: owner=${owner}, source-name=${source}`);
- const remoteSdp = optionalRemoteSdp || this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp;
+ // Check if there is an old mapping for the given source and clear the owner on the associated track.
+ const oldSsrc = this.peerconnection.remoteSources.get(source);
- if (!remoteSdp) {
- const error = new Error(`Can not renegotiate without remote description, current state: ${this.state}`);
+ if (oldSsrc) {
+ this._signalingLayer.removeSSRCOwners([ oldSsrc ]);
+ const track = this.peerconnection.getTrackBySSRC(oldSsrc);
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.RENEGOTIATION_FAILED, error, this);
+ if (track) {
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_OWNER_SET, track);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ const track = this.peerconnection.getTrackBySSRC(ssrc);
- return Promise.reject(error);
+ if (!track || (track.getParticipantId() === owner && track.getSourceName() === source)) {
+ !track && logger.warn(`Remote track for SSRC=${ssrc} hasn't been created yet,`
+ + 'not processing the source map');
+ continue; // eslint-disable-line no-continue
+ }
+ logger.debug(`Existing SSRC re-mapped ${ssrc}: new owner=${owner}, source-name=${source}`);
+ this._signalingLayer.setSSRCOwner(ssrc, owner, source);
+ // Update the muted state and the video type on the track since the presence for this track could have
+ // been received before the updated source map is received on the bridge channel.
+ const { muted, videoType } = this._signalingLayer.getPeerMediaInfo(owner, mediaType, source);
+ muted && this.peerconnection._sourceMutedChanged(source, muted);
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_OWNER_SET, track, owner, source, videoType);
+ }
- const remoteDescription = new RTCSessionDescription({
- type: 'offer',
- sdp: remoteSdp
- });
+ // Add the new SSRCs to the remote description by generating a source message.
+ if (newSsrcs.length) {
+ let node = $build('content', {
+ xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
+ name: mediaType
+ }).c('description', {
+ xmlns: XEP.RTP_MEDIA,
+ media: mediaType
+ });
- const oldLocalSDP = this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp;
+ for (const src of newSsrcs) {
+ const { rtx, ssrc, source } = src;
+ let msid;
- logger.debug(`${this} Renegotiate: setting remote description`);
+ if (mediaType === MediaType.VIDEO) {
+ const idx = ++this.numRemoteVideoSources;
- return this.peerconnection.setRemoteDescription(remoteDescription)
- .then(() => {
- logger.debug(`${this} Renegotiate: creating answer`);
+ msid = `remote-video-${idx} remote-video-${idx}`;
- return this.peerconnection.createAnswer(this.mediaConstraints);
- })
- .then(answer => {
- logger.debug(`${this} Renegotiate: setting local description`);
+ if (rtx !== '-1') {
+ _addSourceElement(node, src, rtx, msid);
+ node.c('ssrc-group', {
+ semantics: 'FID'
+ })
+ .c('source', {
+ ssrc
+ })
+ .up()
+ .c('source', {
+ ssrc: rtx
+ })
+ .up()
+ .up();
+ }
+ } else {
+ const idx = ++this.numRemoteAudioSources;
- return this.peerconnection.setLocalDescription(answer);
- })
- .then(() => {
- if (oldLocalSDP) {
- // Send the source updates after every renegotiation cycle.
- this.notifyMySSRCUpdate(new SDP(oldLocalSDP), new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp));
+ msid = `remote-audio-${idx} remote-audio-${idx}`;
- });
+ _addSourceElement(node, src, ssrc, msid);
+ this.peerconnection.remoteSources.set(source, ssrc);
+ }
+ node = node.up();
+ this._addOrRemoveRemoteStream(true /* add */, node.node);
+ }
- * Adds a new track to the peerconnection. This method needs to be called only when a secondary JitsiLocalTrack is
- * being added to the peerconnection for the first time.
- * @param {Array} localTracks - Tracks to be added to the peer connection.
- * @returns {Promise} that resolves when the track is successfully added to the peerconnection, rejected
- * otherwise.
+ * @param contents
- addTracks(localTracks = null) {
- if (!localTracks?.length) {
- Promise.reject(new Error('No tracks passed'));
- }
- if (localTracks.find(track => track.getType() !== MediaType.VIDEO)) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Multiple tracks of the given media type are not supported'));
- }
+ readSsrcInfo(contents) {
+ const ssrcs = $(contents).find('>description>source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]');
- const replaceTracks = [];
- const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
- const remoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
- const recvOnlyTransceiver = this.peerconnection.peerconnection.getTransceivers()
- .find(t => t.receiver.track.kind === MediaType.VIDEO
- && t.direction === MediaDirection.RECVONLY
- && t.currentDirection === MediaDirection.RECVONLY);
+ ssrcs.each((i, ssrcElement) => {
+ const ssrc = Number(ssrcElement.getAttribute('ssrc'));
+ let sourceName;
- // Add transceivers by adding a new mline in the remote description for each track. Do not create a new
- // m-line if a recv-only transceiver exists in the p2p case. The new track will be attached to the
- // existing one in that case.
- for (const track of localTracks) {
- if (!this.isP2P || !recvOnlyTransceiver) {
- remoteSdp.addMlineForNewLocalSource(track.getType());
- }
+ if (ssrcElement.hasAttribute('name')) {
+ sourceName = ssrcElement.getAttribute('name');
- this._renegotiate(remoteSdp.raw)
- .then(() => {
- // Replace the tracks on the newly generated transceivers.
- for (const track of localTracks) {
- replaceTracks.push(this.peerconnection.replaceTrack(null, track));
- }
- return Promise.all(replaceTracks);
- })
- // Trigger a renegotiation here since renegotiations are suppressed at TPC.replaceTrack for screenshare
- // tracks. This is done here so that presence for screenshare tracks is sent before signaling.
- .then(() => this._renegotiate())
- .then(() => finishedCallback(), error => finishedCallback(error));
- };
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- logger.debug(`${this} Queued renegotiation after addTrack`);
- this.modificationQueue.push(
- workFunction,
- error => {
- if (error) {
- if (error instanceof ClearedQueueError) {
- // The session might have been terminated before the task was executed, making it obsolete.
- logger.debug(`${this} renegotiation after addTrack aborted: session terminated`);
- resolve();
+ if (this.isP2P) {
+ // In P2P all SSRCs are owner by the remote peer
+ this._signalingLayer.setSSRCOwner(ssrc, Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.remoteJid), sourceName);
+ } else {
+ $(ssrcElement)
+ .find('>ssrc-info[xmlns="http://jitsi.org/jitmeet"]')
+ .each((i3, ssrcInfoElement) => {
+ const owner = ssrcInfoElement.getAttribute('owner');
- return;
+ if (owner?.length) {
+ if (isNaN(ssrc) || ssrc < 0) {
+ logger.warn(`${this} Invalid SSRC ${ssrc} value received for ${owner}`);
+ } else {
+ this._signalingLayer.setSSRCOwner(ssrc, getEndpointId(owner), sourceName);
+ }
- logger.error(`${this} renegotiation after addTrack error`, error);
- reject(error);
- } else {
- logger.debug(`${this} renegotiation after addTrack executed - OK`);
- resolve();
- }
- });
+ });
+ }
- * Resumes or suspends media transfer over the underlying peer connection.
- *
- * @param {boolean} active - true to enable media transfer or false to suspend media transmission
- * @returns {Promise}
+ * Handles a Jingle source-remove message for this Jingle session.
+ * @param elem An array of Jingle "content" elements.
- setMediaTransferActive(active) {
- const changed = this.peerconnection.audioTransferActive !== active
- || this.peerconnection.videoTransferActive !== active;
+ removeRemoteStream(elem) {
+ this._addOrRemoveRemoteStream(false /* remove */, elem);
+ }
- if (!changed) {
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
+ /**
+ * Handles the deletion of SSRCs associated with a remote user from the remote description when the user leaves.
+ *
+ * @param {string} id Endpoint id of the participant that has left the call.
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ removeRemoteStreamsOnLeave(id) {
+ const workFunction = finishCallback => {
+ const removeSsrcInfo = this.peerconnection.getRemoteSourceInfoByParticipant(id);
- return this.peerconnection.tpcUtils.setMediaTransferActive(active)
- .then(() => {
- this.peerconnection.audioTransferActive = active;
- this.peerconnection.videoTransferActive = active;
+ if (removeSsrcInfo.length) {
+ const newRemoteSdp = this._processRemoteRemoveSource(removeSsrcInfo);
- // Reconfigure the audio and video tracks so that only the correct encodings are active.
- const promises = [];
+ this._renegotiate(newRemoteSdp.raw)
+ .then(() => finishCallback(), error => finishCallback(error));
+ } else {
+ finishCallback();
+ }
+ };
- promises.push(this.peerconnection.configureVideoSenderEncodings());
- promises.push(this.peerconnection.configureAudioSenderEncodings());
+ logger.debug(`${this} Queued removeRemoteStreamsOnLeave task for participant ${id}`);
- return Promise.allSettled(promises);
+ this.modificationQueue.push(
+ workFunction,
+ error => {
+ if (error) {
+ logger.error(`${this} removeRemoteStreamsOnLeave error:`, error);
+ } else {
+ logger.info(`${this} removeRemoteStreamsOnLeave done!`);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove local track as part of the mute operation.
+ * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track the local track to be removed
+ * @return {Promise} a promise which will be resolved once the local track
+ * is removed from this session and the renegotiation is performed.
+ * The promise will be rejected with a string that the describes
+ * the error if anything goes wrong.
+ */
+ removeTrackFromPc(track) {
+ return this._addRemoveTrack(true /* remove */, track);
+ }
* Replaces oldTrack with newTrack and performs a single
* offer/answer cycle after both operations are done. Either
@@ -2073,445 +1923,593 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Parse the information from the xml sourceRemoveElem and translate it
- * into sdp lines
- * @param {jquery xml element} sourceRemoveElem the source-remove
- * element from jingle
- * @param {SDP object} currentRemoteSdp the current remote
- * sdp (as of this new source-remove)
- * @returns {list} a list of SDP line strings that should
- * be removed from the remote SDP
+ * Will send 'content-modify' IQ in order to ask the remote peer to
+ * either stop or resume sending video media or to adjust sender's video constraints.
+ * @private
+ */
+ sendContentModify() {
+ const senders = this._localSendReceiveVideoActive ? 'both' : 'none';
+ const sessionModify
+ = $iq({
+ to: this.remoteJid,
+ type: 'set'
+ })
+ .c('jingle', {
+ xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
+ action: 'content-modify',
+ initiator: this.initiatorJid,
+ sid: this.sid
+ })
+ .c('content', {
+ name: MediaType.VIDEO,
+ senders
+ });
+ if (typeof this._sourceReceiverConstraints !== 'undefined') {
+ this._sourceReceiverConstraints.forEach((maxHeight, sourceName) => {
+ sessionModify
+ .c('source-frame-height', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/video' })
+ .attrs({
+ sourceName,
+ maxHeight
+ });
+ sessionModify.up();
+ logger.info(`${this} sending content-modify for source-name: ${sourceName}, maxHeight: ${maxHeight}`);
+ });
+ }
+ logger.debug(sessionModify.tree());
+ this.connection.sendIQ(
+ sessionModify,
+ null,
+ this.newJingleErrorHandler(sessionModify),
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends given candidate in Jingle 'transport-info' message.
+ * @param {RTCIceCandidate} candidate the WebRTC ICE candidate instance
+ * @private
+ */
+ sendIceCandidate(candidate) {
+ const localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
+ if (candidate && candidate.candidate.length && !this.lasticecandidate) {
+ const ice = SDPUtil.iceparams(localSDP.media[candidate.sdpMLineIndex], localSDP.session);
+ const jcand = SDPUtil.candidateToJingle(candidate.candidate);
+ if (!(ice && jcand)) {
+ logger.error('failed to get ice && jcand');
+ return;
+ }
+ ice.xmlns = XEP.ICE_UDP_TRANSPORT;
+ if (this.usedrip) {
+ if (this.dripContainer.length === 0) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (this.dripContainer.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.sendIceCandidates(this.dripContainer);
+ this.dripContainer = [];
+ }
+ this.dripContainer.push(candidate);
+ } else {
+ this.sendIceCandidates([ candidate ]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ logger.log(`${this} sendIceCandidate: last candidate`);
+ // FIXME: remember to re-think in ICE-restart
+ this.lasticecandidate = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends given candidates in Jingle 'transport-info' message.
+ * @param {Array} candidates an array of the WebRTC ICE
+ * candidate instances
+ * @private
- _parseSsrcInfoFromSourceRemove(sourceRemoveElem, currentRemoteSdp) {
- const removeSsrcInfo = [];
+ sendIceCandidates(candidates) {
+ if (!this._assertNotEnded('sendIceCandidates')) {
- $(sourceRemoveElem).each((i1, content) => {
- const name = $(content).attr('name');
- let lines = '';
+ return;
+ }
- $(content)
- .find('ssrc-group[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]')
- .each(function() {
- /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
- const semantics = this.getAttribute('semantics');
- const ssrcs
- = $(this)
- .find('>source')
- .map(function() {
- return this.getAttribute('ssrc');
- })
- .get();
+ logger.log(`${this} sendIceCandidates ${JSON.stringify(candidates)}`);
+ const cand = $iq({ to: this.remoteJid,
+ type: 'set' })
+ .c('jingle', { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
+ action: 'transport-info',
+ initiator: this.initiatorJid,
+ sid: this.sid });
- if (ssrcs.length) {
- lines
- += `a=ssrc-group:${semantics} ${
- ssrcs.join(' ')}\r\n`;
- }
+ const localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
- /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */
- });
- const ssrcs = [];
+ for (let mid = 0; mid < localSDP.media.length; mid++) {
+ const cands = candidates.filter(el => el.sdpMLineIndex === mid);
+ const mline
+ = SDPUtil.parseMLine(localSDP.media[mid].split('\r\n')[0]);
- // handles both >source and >description>source versions
- const tmp
- = $(content).find(
- 'source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]');
+ if (cands.length > 0) {
+ const ice
+ = SDPUtil.iceparams(localSDP.media[mid], localSDP.session);
- tmp.each(function() {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
- const ssrc = $(this).attr('ssrc');
+ ice.xmlns = XEP.ICE_UDP_TRANSPORT;
+ cand.c('content', {
+ creator: this.initiatorJid === this.localJid
+ ? 'initiator' : 'responder',
+ name: cands[0].sdpMid ? cands[0].sdpMid : mline.media
+ }).c('transport', ice);
+ for (let i = 0; i < cands.length; i++) {
+ const candidate
+ = SDPUtil.candidateToJingle(cands[i].candidate);
- ssrcs.push(ssrc);
- });
- currentRemoteSdp.media.forEach((media, i2) => {
- if (!SDPUtil.findLine(media, `a=mid:${name}`)) {
- return;
- }
- if (!removeSsrcInfo[i2]) {
- removeSsrcInfo[i2] = '';
- }
- ssrcs.forEach(ssrc => {
- const ssrcLines
- = SDPUtil.findLines(media, `a=ssrc:${ssrc}`);
+ // Mangle ICE candidate if 'failICE' test option is enabled
- if (ssrcLines.length) {
- removeSsrcInfo[i2] += `${ssrcLines.join('\r\n')}\r\n`;
+ if (this.failICE) {
+ candidate.ip = '';
- });
- removeSsrcInfo[i2] += lines;
- });
- });
+ cand.c('candidate', candidate).up();
+ }
- return removeSsrcInfo;
- }
+ // add fingerprint
+ const fingerprintLine
+ = SDPUtil.findLine(
+ localSDP.media[mid],
+ 'a=fingerprint:', localSDP.session);
- /**
- * Adds local track back to the peerconnection associated with this session.
- * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track
- * @return {Promise} a promise that will resolve once the local track is added back to this session and
- * renegotiation succeeds (if its warranted). Will be rejected with a string that provides some error
- * details in case something goes wrong.
- */
- addTrackToPc(track) {
- return this._addRemoveTrack(false /* add */, track)
- .then(() => {
- // Configure the video encodings after the track is unmuted. If the user joins the call muted and
- // unmutes it the first time, all the parameters need to be configured.
- if (track.isVideoTrack()) {
- return this.peerconnection.configureVideoSenderEncodings(track);
+ if (fingerprintLine) {
+ const tmp = SDPUtil.parseFingerprint(fingerprintLine);
+ tmp.required = true;
+ cand.c(
+ 'fingerprint',
+ { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:dtls:0' })
+ .t(tmp.fingerprint);
+ delete tmp.fingerprint;
+ cand.attrs(tmp);
+ cand.up();
- });
- }
+ cand.up(); // transport
+ cand.up(); // content
+ }
+ }
- /**
- * Remove local track as part of the mute operation.
- * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track the local track to be removed
- * @return {Promise} a promise which will be resolved once the local track
- * is removed from this session and the renegotiation is performed.
- * The promise will be rejected with a string that the describes
- * the error if anything goes wrong.
- */
- removeTrackFromPc(track) {
- return this._addRemoveTrack(true /* remove */, track);
+ // might merge last-candidate notification into this, but it is called
+ // a lot later. See webrtc issue #2340
+ // logger.log('was this the last candidate', this.lasticecandidate);
+ this.connection.sendIQ(
+ cand, null, this.newJingleErrorHandler(cand), IQ_TIMEOUT);
- * See {@link addTrackToPc} and {@link removeTrackFromPc}.
- * @param {boolean} isRemove true for "remove" operation or false for "add" operation.
- * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track the track that will be added/removed
+ * Sends Jingle 'session-accept' message.
+ * @param {function()} success callback called when we receive 'RESULT'
+ * packet for the 'session-accept'
+ * @param {function(error)} failure called when we receive an error response
+ * or when the request has timed out.
* @private
- _addRemoveTrack(isRemove, track) {
- if (!track) {
- return Promise.reject('invalid "track" argument value');
- }
- const operationName = isRemove ? 'removeTrack' : 'addTrack';
- const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
- const tpc = this.peerconnection;
- if (!tpc) {
- finishedCallback(`Error: tried ${operationName} track with no active peer connection`);
+ sendSessionAccept(success, failure) {
+ // NOTE: since we're just reading from it, we don't need to be within
+ // the modification queue to access the local description
+ const localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp, this.isP2P);
+ const accept = $iq({ to: this.remoteJid,
+ type: 'set' })
+ .c('jingle', { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
+ action: 'session-accept',
+ initiator: this.initiatorJid,
+ responder: this.responderJid,
+ sid: this.sid });
- return;
- }
- const operationPromise
- = isRemove
- ? tpc.removeTrackFromPc(track)
- : tpc.addTrackToPc(track);
+ if (this.webrtcIceTcpDisable) {
+ localSDP.removeTcpCandidates = true;
+ }
+ if (this.webrtcIceUdpDisable) {
+ localSDP.removeUdpCandidates = true;
+ }
+ if (this.failICE) {
+ localSDP.failICE = true;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.options.channelLastN === 'number' && this.options.channelLastN >= 0) {
+ localSDP.initialLastN = this.options.channelLastN;
+ }
+ localSDP.toJingle(
+ accept,
+ this.initiatorJid === this.localJid ? 'initiator' : 'responder');
- operationPromise
- .then(shouldRenegotiate => {
- if (shouldRenegotiate) {
- this._renegotiate().then(finishedCallback);
- } else {
- finishedCallback();
- }
- },
- finishedCallback /* will be called with an error */);
- };
+ logger.info(`${this} Sending session-accept`);
+ logger.debug(accept.tree());
+ this.connection.sendIQ(accept,
+ success,
+ this.newJingleErrorHandler(accept, error => {
+ failure(error);
- logger.debug(`${this} Queued ${operationName} task`);
+ // 'session-accept' is a critical timeout and we'll
+ // have to restart
+ this.room.eventEmitter.emit(
+ }),
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- this.modificationQueue.push(
- workFunction,
- error => {
- if (error) {
- if (error instanceof ClearedQueueError) {
- // The session might have been terminated before the task was executed, making it obsolete.
- logger.debug(`${this} ${operationName} aborted: session terminated`);
- resolve();
+ // XXX Videobridge needs WebRTC's answer (ICE ufrag and pwd, DTLS
+ // fingerprint and setup) ASAP in order to start the connection
+ // establishment.
+ //
+ // FIXME Flushing the connection at this point triggers an issue with
+ // BOSH request handling in Prosody on slow connections.
+ //
+ // The problem is that this request will be quite large and it may take
+ // time before it reaches Prosody. In the meantime Strophe may decide
+ // to send the next one. And it was observed that a small request with
+ // 'transport-info' usually follows this one. It does reach Prosody
+ // before the previous one was completely received. 'rid' on the server
+ // is increased and Prosody ignores the request with 'session-accept'.
+ // It will never reach Jicofo and everything in the request table is
+ // lost. Removing the flush does not guarantee it will never happen, but
+ // makes it much less likely('transport-info' is bundled with
+ // 'session-accept' and any immediate requests).
+ //
+ // this.connection.flush();
+ }
- return;
- }
- logger.error(`${this} ${operationName} failed`);
- reject(error);
- } else {
- logger.debug(`${this} ${operationName} done`);
- resolve();
- }
- });
+ /**
+ * Sends 'session-initiate' to the remote peer.
+ *
+ * NOTE this method is synchronous and we're not waiting for the RESULT
+ * response which would delay the startup process.
+ *
+ * @param {string} offerSdp - The local session description which will be
+ * used to generate an offer.
+ * @private
+ */
+ sendSessionInitiate(offerSdp) {
+ let init = $iq({
+ to: this.remoteJid,
+ type: 'set'
+ }).c('jingle', {
+ xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
+ action: 'session-initiate',
+ initiator: this.initiatorJid,
+ sid: this.sid
+ new SDP(offerSdp, this.isP2P).toJingle(
+ init,
+ this.isInitiator ? 'initiator' : 'responder');
+ init = init.tree();
+ logger.debug(`${this} Session-initiate: `, init);
+ this.connection.sendIQ(init,
+ () => {
+ logger.info(`${this} Got RESULT for "session-initiate"`);
+ },
+ error => {
+ logger.error(`${this} "session-initiate" error`, error);
+ },
- * Resumes or suspends video media transfer over the p2p peer connection.
+ * Sets the answer received from the remote peer as the remote description.
- * @param {boolean} videoActive true to enable video media transfer or false to suspend video
- * media transmission.
- * @return {Promise} a Promise which will resolve once the operation is done. It will be rejected with
- * an error description as a string in case anything goes wrong.
+ * @param jingleAnswer
- setP2pVideoTransferActive(videoActive) {
- if (!this.peerconnection) {
- return Promise.reject('Can not modify video transfer active state,'
- + ' before "initialize" is called');
+ setAnswer(jingleAnswer) {
+ if (!this.isInitiator) {
+ throw new Error('Trying to set an answer on the responder session');
+ logger.debug(`${this} Executing setAnswer task`);
- if (this._localSendReceiveVideoActive !== videoActive) {
- this._localSendReceiveVideoActive = videoActive;
- if (this.isP2P && this.state === JingleSessionState.ACTIVE) {
- this.sendContentModify();
- }
+ const newRemoteSdp = this._processNewJingleOfferIq(jingleAnswer);
+ const oldLocalSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
+ const remoteDescription = new RTCSessionDescription({
+ type: 'answer',
+ sdp: newRemoteSdp.raw
+ });
- return this.peerconnection
- .setVideoTransferActive(this._localSendReceiveVideoActive && this._remoteSendReceiveVideoActive);
- }
+ this.peerconnection.setRemoteDescription(remoteDescription)
+ .then(() => {
+ if (this.state === JingleSessionState.PENDING) {
+ this.state = JingleSessionState.ACTIVE;
- return Promise.resolve();
+ // Start processing tasks on the modification queue.
+ logger.debug(`${this} Resuming the modification queue after session is established!`);
+ this.modificationQueue.resume();
+ const newLocalSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
+ this.sendContentModify();
+ this.notifyMySSRCUpdate(oldLocalSdp, newLocalSdp);
+ }
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ logger.debug(`${this} setAnswer task done`);
+ })
+ .catch(error => {
+ logger.error(`${this} setAnswer task failed: ${error}`);
+ });
- * Enables/disables local video based on 'senders' attribute of the video conent in 'content-modify' IQ sent by the
- * remote peer. Also, checks if the sourceMaxFrameHeight (as requested by the p2p peer) or the senders attribute of
- * the video content has changed and modifies the local video resolution accordingly.
+ * Resumes or suspends media transfer over the underlying peer connection.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} active - true to enable media transfer or false to suspend media transmission
+ * @returns {Promise}
- modifyContents(jingleContents) {
- const newVideoSenders = JingleSessionPC.parseVideoSenders(jingleContents);
- const sourceMaxFrameHeights = JingleSessionPC.parseSourceMaxFrameHeight(jingleContents);
- if (sourceMaxFrameHeights) {
- this.remoteSourceMaxFrameHeights = sourceMaxFrameHeights;
- this.eventEmitter.emit(MediaSessionEvents.REMOTE_SOURCE_CONSTRAINTS_CHANGED, this, sourceMaxFrameHeights);
- }
- if (newVideoSenders === null) {
- logger.error(`${this} - failed to parse video "senders" attribute in "content-modify" action`);
+ setMediaTransferActive(active) {
+ const changed = this.peerconnection.audioTransferActive !== active
+ || this.peerconnection.videoTransferActive !== active;
- return;
+ if (!changed) {
+ return Promise.resolve();
- if (!this._assertNotEnded()) {
- return;
- }
+ return this.peerconnection.tpcUtils.setMediaTransferActive(active)
+ .then(() => {
+ this.peerconnection.audioTransferActive = active;
+ this.peerconnection.videoTransferActive = active;
- const isRemoteVideoActive
- = newVideoSenders === 'both'
- || (newVideoSenders === 'initiator' && this.isInitiator)
- || (newVideoSenders === 'responder' && !this.isInitiator);
+ // Reconfigure the audio and video tracks so that only the correct encodings are active.
+ const promises = [];
- if (isRemoteVideoActive !== this._remoteSendReceiveVideoActive) {
- logger.debug(`${this} new remote video active: ${isRemoteVideoActive}`);
- this._remoteSendReceiveVideoActive = isRemoteVideoActive;
+ promises.push(this.peerconnection.configureVideoSenderEncodings());
+ promises.push(this.peerconnection.configureAudioSenderEncodings());
- this.peerconnection
- .setVideoTransferActive(this._localSendReceiveVideoActive && this._remoteSendReceiveVideoActive);
- }
+ return Promise.allSettled(promises);
+ });
- * Figures out added/removed ssrcs and send update IQs.
- * @param oldSDP SDP object for old description.
- * @param newSDP SDP object for new description.
+ * This is a setRemoteDescription/setLocalDescription cycle which starts at converting Strophe Jingle IQ into
+ * remote offer SDP. Once converted, setRemoteDescription, createAnswer and setLocalDescription calls follow.
+ *
+ * @param jingleOfferAnswerIq jQuery selector pointing to the jingle element of the offer (or answer) IQ
+ * @param success callback called when sRD/sLD cycle finishes successfully.
+ * @param failure callback called with an error object as an argument if we fail at any point during setRD,
+ * createAnswer, setLD.
+ * @param {Array} [localTracks] the optional list of the local tracks that will be added, before
+ * the offer/answer cycle executes (for the local track addition to be an atomic operation together with the
+ * offer/answer).
- notifyMySSRCUpdate(oldSDP, newSDP) {
- if (this.state !== JingleSessionState.ACTIVE) {
- logger.warn(`${this} Skipping SSRC update in '${this.state} ' state.`);
- return;
- }
+ setOfferAnswerCycle(jingleOfferAnswerIq, success, failure, localTracks = []) {
+ logger.debug(`${this} Executing setOfferAnswerCycle task`);
- if (!this.connection.connected) {
- // The goal is to compare the oldest SDP with the latest one upon reconnect
- if (!this._cachedOldLocalSdp) {
- this._cachedOldLocalSdp = oldSDP;
- }
- this._cachedNewLocalSdp = newSDP;
- logger.warn(`${this} Not sending SSRC update while the signaling is disconnected`);
+ const addTracks = [];
+ const audioTracks = localTracks.filter(track => track.getType() === MediaType.AUDIO);
+ const videoTracks = localTracks.filter(track => track.getType() === MediaType.VIDEO);
+ let tracks = localTracks;
- return;
+ // Add only 1 video track at a time. Adding 2 or more video tracks to the peerconnection at the same time
+ // makes the browser go into a renegotiation loop by firing 'negotiationneeded' event after every
+ // renegotiation.
+ if (videoTracks.length > 1) {
+ tracks = [ ...audioTracks, videoTracks[0] ];
+ for (const track of tracks) {
+ addTracks.push(this.peerconnection.addTrack(track, this.isInitiator));
+ }
+ const newRemoteSdp = this._processNewJingleOfferIq(jingleOfferAnswerIq);
+ const bridgeSession = $(jingleOfferAnswerIq).find('>bridge-session[xmlns="http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus"]');
+ const bridgeSessionId = bridgeSession.attr('id');
- this._cachedOldLocalSdp = undefined;
- this._cachedNewLocalSdp = undefined;
- const getSignaledSourceInfo = sdpDiffer => {
- const newMedia = sdpDiffer.getNewMedia();
- let ssrcs = [];
- let mediaType = null;
+ if (bridgeSessionId !== this._bridgeSessionId) {
+ this._bridgeSessionId = bridgeSessionId;
+ }
- // It is assumed that sources are signaled one at a time.
- Object.keys(newMedia).forEach(mediaIndex => {
- const signaledSsrcs = Object.keys(newMedia[mediaIndex].ssrcs);
+ Promise.all(addTracks)
+ .then(() => this._renegotiate(newRemoteSdp.raw))
+ .then(() => {
+ this.peerconnection.processLocalSdpForTransceiverInfo(tracks);
+ if (this.state === JingleSessionState.PENDING) {
+ this.state = JingleSessionState.ACTIVE;
- mediaType = newMedia[mediaIndex].mediaType;
- if (signaledSsrcs?.length) {
- ssrcs = ssrcs.concat(signaledSsrcs);
+ // #1 Sync up video transfer active/inactive only after the initial O/A cycle. We want to
+ // adjust the video media direction only in the local SDP and the Jingle contents direction
+ // included in the initial offer/answer is mapped to the remote SDP. Jingle 'content-modify'
+ // IQ is processed in a way that it will only modify local SDP when remote peer is no longer
+ // interested in receiving video content. Changing media direction in the remote SDP will mess
+ // up our SDP translation chain (simulcast, video mute, RTX etc.)
+ // #2 Sends the max frame height if it was set, before the session-initiate/accept
+ if (this.isP2P && (!this._localSendReceiveVideoActive || this._sourceReceiverConstraints)) {
+ this.sendContentModify();
+ }
- });
- return {
- mediaType,
- ssrcs
- };
- };
- // send source-remove IQ.
- let sdpDiffer = new SDPDiffer(newSDP, oldSDP, this.isP2P);
- const remove = $iq({ to: this.remoteJid,
- type: 'set' })
- .c('jingle', {
- xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
- action: 'source-remove',
- initiator: this.initiatorJid,
- sid: this.sid
- }
- );
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ logger.debug(`${this} setOfferAnswerCycle task done`);
+ success();
+ })
+ .catch(error => {
+ logger.error(`${this} setOfferAnswerCycle task failed: ${error}`);
+ failure(error);
+ });
+ }
- sdpDiffer.toJingle(remove);
+ /**
+ * Resumes or suspends video media transfer over the p2p peer connection.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} videoActive true to enable video media transfer or false to suspend video
+ * media transmission.
+ * @return {Promise} a Promise which will resolve once the operation is done. It will be rejected with
+ * an error description as a string in case anything goes wrong.
+ */
+ setP2pVideoTransferActive(videoActive) {
+ if (!this.peerconnection) {
+ return Promise.reject('Can not modify video transfer active state,'
+ + ' before "initialize" is called');
+ }
- // context a common object for one run of ssrc update (source-add and source-remove) so we can match them if we
- // need to
- const ctx = {};
- const removedSsrcInfo = getSignaledSourceInfo(sdpDiffer);
+ if (this._localSendReceiveVideoActive !== videoActive) {
+ this._localSendReceiveVideoActive = videoActive;
+ if (this.isP2P && this.state === JingleSessionState.ACTIVE) {
+ this.sendContentModify();
+ }
- if (removedSsrcInfo.ssrcs.length) {
- // Log only the SSRCs instead of the full IQ.
- logger.info(`${this} Sending source-remove for ${removedSsrcInfo.mediaType}`
- + ` ssrcs=${removedSsrcInfo.ssrcs}`);
- this.connection.sendIQ(
- remove,
- () => {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SOURCE_REMOVE, this, ctx);
- },
- this.newJingleErrorHandler(remove, error => {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SOURCE_REMOVE_ERROR, this, error, ctx);
- }),
+ return this.peerconnection
+ .setVideoTransferActive(this._localSendReceiveVideoActive && this._remoteSendReceiveVideoActive);
- // send source-add IQ.
- sdpDiffer = new SDPDiffer(oldSDP, newSDP, this.isP2P);
- const add = $iq({ to: this.remoteJid,
- type: 'set' })
- .c('jingle', {
- xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
- action: 'source-add',
- initiator: this.initiatorJid,
- sid: this.sid
- }
- );
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ }
- sdpDiffer.toJingle(add);
- const addedSsrcInfo = getSignaledSourceInfo(sdpDiffer);
+ /**
+ * Adjust the preference for max video frame height that the local party is willing to receive. Signals
+ * the remote p2p peer.
+ *
+ * @param {Map} sourceReceiverConstraints - The receiver constraints per source.
+ */
+ setReceiverVideoConstraint(sourceReceiverConstraints) {
+ logger.info(`${this} setReceiverVideoConstraint - constraints: ${JSON.stringify(sourceReceiverConstraints)}`);
+ this._sourceReceiverConstraints = sourceReceiverConstraints;
- if (addedSsrcInfo.ssrcs.length) {
- // Log only the SSRCs instead of the full IQ.
- logger.info(`${this} Sending source-add for ${addedSsrcInfo.mediaType} ssrcs=${addedSsrcInfo.ssrcs}`);
- this.connection.sendIQ(
- add,
- () => {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SOURCE_ADD, this, ctx);
- },
- this.newJingleErrorHandler(add, error => {
- this.room.eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.SOURCE_ADD_ERROR, this, error, addedSsrcInfo.mediaType, ctx);
- }),
+ if (this.isP2P) {
+ // Tell the remote peer about our receive constraint. If Jingle session is not yet active the state will
+ // be synced after offer/answer.
+ if (this.state === JingleSessionState.ACTIVE) {
+ this.sendContentModify();
+ }
- * Method returns function(errorResponse) which is a callback to be passed
- * to Strophe connection.sendIQ method. An 'error' structure is created that
- * is passed as 1st argument to given failureCb. The format of this
- * structure is as follows:
- * {
- * code: {XMPP error response code}
- * reason: {the name of XMPP error reason element or 'timeout' if the
- * request has timed out within IQ_TIMEOUT milliseconds}
- * source: {request.tree() that provides original request}
- * session: {this JingleSessionPC.toString()}
- * }
- * @param request Strophe IQ instance which is the request to be dumped into
- * the error structure
- * @param failureCb function(error) called when error response was returned
- * or when a timeout has occurred.
- * @returns {function(this:JingleSessionPC)}
+ * Sets the resolution constraint on the local camera track.
+ * @param {number} maxFrameHeight - The user preferred max frame height.
+ * @param {string} sourceName - The source name of the track.
+ * @returns {Promise} promise that will be resolved when the operation is
+ * successful and rejected otherwise.
- newJingleErrorHandler(request, failureCb) {
- return errResponse => {
- const error = {};
+ setSenderVideoConstraint(maxFrameHeight, sourceName = null) {
+ if (this._assertNotEnded()) {
+ logger.info(`${this} setSenderVideoConstraint: ${maxFrameHeight}, sourceName: ${sourceName}`);
- // Get XMPP error code and condition(reason)
- const errorElSel = $(errResponse).find('error');
+ const jitsiLocalTrack = sourceName
+ ? this.rtc.getLocalVideoTracks().find(track => track.getSourceName() === sourceName)
+ : this.rtc.getLocalVideoTrack();
- if (errorElSel.length) {
- error.code = errorElSel.attr('code');
- const errorReasonSel = $(errResponse).find('error :first');
+ return this.peerconnection.setSenderVideoConstraints(maxFrameHeight, jitsiLocalTrack);
+ }
- if (errorReasonSel.length) {
- error.reason = errorReasonSel[0].tagName;
- }
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ }
- const errorMsgSel = errorElSel.find('>text');
+ /**
+ * Updates the codecs on the peerconnection and initiates a renegotiation for the
+ * new codec config to take effect.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} codecList - Preferred codecs for video.
+ * @param {CodecMimeType} screenshareCodec - The preferred screenshare codec.
+ */
+ setVideoCodecs(codecList, screenshareCodec) {
+ if (this._assertNotEnded()) {
+ logger.info(`${this} setVideoCodecs: codecList=${codecList}, screenshareCodec=${screenshareCodec}`);
+ this.peerconnection.setVideoCodecs(codecList, screenshareCodec);
- if (errorMsgSel.length) {
- error.msg = errorMsgSel.text();
- }
+ // Browser throws an error when H.264 is set on the encodings. Therefore, munge the SDP when H.264 needs to
+ // be selected.
+ // TODO: Remove this check when the above issue is fixed.
+ if (this.usesCodecSelectionAPI && codecList[0] !== CodecMimeType.H264) {
+ return;
- if (!errResponse) {
- error.reason = 'timeout';
+ // Skip renegotiation when the selected codec order matches with that of the remote SDP.
+ const currentCodecOrder = this.peerconnection.getConfiguredVideoCodecs();
+ if (codecList.every((val, index) => val === currentCodecOrder[index])) {
+ return;
- error.session = this.toString();
+ Statistics.sendAnalytics(
+ {
+ value: codecList[0],
+ videoType: VideoType.CAMERA
+ });
- if (failureCb) {
- failureCb(error);
- } else if (this.state === JingleSessionState.ENDED
- && error.reason === 'item-not-found') {
- // When remote peer decides to terminate the session, but it
- // still have few messages on the queue for processing,
- // it will first send us 'session-terminate' (we enter ENDED)
- // and then follow with 'item-not-found' for the queued requests
- // We don't want to have that logged on error level.
- logger.debug(`${this} Jingle error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
- } else {
- logger.error(`Jingle error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
- }
- };
- }
+ // Initiate a renegotiate for the codec setting to take effect.
+ const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
+ this._renegotiate()
+ .then(() => this.peerconnection.configureVideoSenderEncodings())
+ .then(
+ () => {
+ logger.debug(`${this} setVideoCodecs task is done`);
- /**
- * Returns the ice connection state for the peer connection.
- * @returns the ice connection state for the peer connection.
- */
- getIceConnectionState() {
- return this.peerconnection.getConnectionState();
+ return finishedCallback();
+ }, error => {
+ logger.error(`${this} setVideoCodecs task failed: ${error}`);
+ return finishedCallback(error);
+ });
+ };
+ logger.debug(`${this} Queued setVideoCodecs task`);
+ // Queue and execute
+ this.modificationQueue.push(workFunction);
+ }
- * Closes the peerconnection.
+ * @inheritDoc
- close() {
- this.state = JingleSessionState.ENDED;
- this.establishmentDuration = undefined;
- if (this.peerconnection) {
- this.peerconnection.onicecandidate = null;
- this.peerconnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = null;
- this.peerconnection.onnegotiationneeded = null;
- this.peerconnection.onsignalingstatechange = null;
+ terminate(success, failure, options) {
+ if (this.state === JingleSessionState.ENDED) {
+ return;
- logger.debug(`${this} Clearing modificationQueue`);
+ if (!options || Boolean(options.sendSessionTerminate)) {
+ const sessionTerminate
+ = $iq({
+ to: this.remoteJid,
+ type: 'set'
+ })
+ .c('jingle', {
+ xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1',
+ action: 'session-terminate',
+ initiator: this.initiatorJid,
+ sid: this.sid
+ })
+ .c('reason')
+ .c((options && options.reason) || 'success')
+ .up();
- // Remove any pending tasks from the queue
- this.modificationQueue.clear();
+ if (options && options.reasonDescription) {
+ sessionTerminate
+ .c('text')
+ .t(options.reasonDescription)
+ .up()
+ .up();
+ } else {
+ sessionTerminate.up();
+ }
- logger.debug(`${this} Queued PC close task`);
- this.modificationQueue.push(finishCallback => {
- // do not try to close if already closed.
- this.peerconnection && this.peerconnection.close();
- finishCallback();
- logger.debug(`${this} PC close task done!`);
- });
+ this._bridgeSessionId
+ && sessionTerminate.c(
+ 'bridge-session', {
+ xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus',
+ id: this._bridgeSessionId,
+ restart: options && options.requestRestart === true
+ }).up();
- logger.debug(`${this} Shutdown modificationQueue!`);
+ logger.info(`${this} Sending session-terminate`);
+ logger.debug(sessionTerminate.tree());
- // No more tasks can go in after the close task
- this.modificationQueue.shutdown();
+ this.connection.sendIQ(
+ sessionTerminate,
+ success,
+ this.newJingleErrorHandler(sessionTerminate, failure),
+ } else {
+ logger.info(`${this} Skipped sending session-terminate`);
+ }
+ // this should result in 'onTerminated' being called by strope.jingle.js
+ this.connection.jingle.terminate(this.sid);